by Anthony Biaanco |
Here lies a grave,
a conglomerate headstone
without a name.
weeds and cobwebs
wrapped tight around the heartless edge.
Caretaker rides his rusty deer
pretending he's a nascar stud
waking the dead and stirring mud.
He take's his lunch beneath a tree,
eating twinkies with green fingertips...
For his love he'll steal a wreath,
and place it gently on her grave.
That bears a scar called, 'long forgotten"
A grave he's coined"no name".
by David Shawn Dodson |
appreciation, fathers day,
We have a laugh, and drink a beer,
Play some golf, and hunt for deer.
Your patience and wisdom, is without test,
Your confidence and clarity, is at its best.
Mentor and Dad, is what you are,
Saved and glad, your faith will go far.
I’m thankful and blessed, with a father like you,
Proud at its best, for the little things that you do.
Love and care, are words that I say,
Friendship to share, on Happy Father’s Day!
To: “Pop”
by Eve Roper |
environment, love, rain, weather, winter,
Oregon’s, wildlife, mountains, lakes, and bogs
Fields of green, awaken refreshed at dawn
Where salmon runs the rivers blue to spawn
Drawn wandering above the sea of fog
Black-tailed and mule deer birth their newborn fawns
Where shaggy mane elks labor their spring calves
Rustle sounds while they graze off open paths
Wander under the full moon of predawn
Sea of umbrellas on rainy season
Fireplace frames warm sputtering ember flames
Snow cold, in fella’s embrace with no shame
Turning me into shades of pink crimson
Savoring the earth's nurturing labor
Giving my heart to the verdant nature
My home for 36 years
by Mustapha Mohammed |
beauty, creation, nature,
Who flames the lilies of the field?
And the silver gladsome stars
Or puts a blanket,towering shield
From heaven's meteor darts.
Who grace the air in alluring sweetness?
And rivers above the expanse
Who clothes them all in retreatness?
To shout,to praise,to dance!
Who gives the rose the purest love
And the dews its silver -white
Or the blushing trees with arms above
That shakes within the light.
From regions far,to oceans near
Our God he smiles his beauty
From perfumed larks,to the leaping deer
Creation wields his duty!
by Panagiota Romios |
beautiful, christmas, family, imagery, joy, tree,
Stopping by early, soon it will be Christmas Day,
Shiny gifts, inviting bows, ‘neath the tree do lay,
Hot, mulled apple cider in red glass, deer mugs.
Magnificent family with endless,warm, love hugs!
Roast beef, just glowing with luscious juice.
Sad absence of cousins, Maggie and Bruce!
The peace and love that fills the pine scented room.
Wish all days, were like this, the absence of gloom!
Merry Christmas poets and love to one and all!
This is your early eight week, wake up call!
Love and hugs to all, in those busy, fun weeks ahead.
by Joe Dimino |
cute love, dedication, destiny, devotion, humorous, love, wisdom,
There is no right way...
there are only wrong
ways – there is no
Luke-warm love, for
love is not a portion
nor temperature...not
a two-step – but a toward
You Step. And we know love
when we see it...let it
happen~yes, free it!
Too often we flee it;
failures leave a lasting
mark – making us Leary
of future spark – once a
flame ignited, and then
smothered out, can leave
a nasty ash; better to make
the dash~yes, run. Before
the heart is barbecued~
But no one has ever won
if not a wager on the board
of life – just ask my very
wise wife – who made a purse
out of a sow's ear...her headlight
on my deer.
by Elena Mihalachi |
faith, love,
Love me
when you hear the lips parting the silence
And the soul of the night is unraveling
In the vapor of light
I'm just a child
who torments the dawn stretching
My thoughts on the bleeding strings!
Love me,
Upon being hidden from the eternal with astonished steps
Walking the shells under the eyelids.
Trees that break their eyelashes.
Giving into the shade. . .
I'm nothing else than a grass stubble,
White passions return to the panhandles of birds!
Love me,
We're close to the heaven:
Me, you, the yellowish leaf,
The deer, the desert licked up the warm windows.
by Tahera Mannan |
Far away when the smiling day tiredly smiles
The evening bride spreads her dress for miles
My thoughts their twilight keep
When tiny lamps awake half asleep
Your image when suddenly appears and stops
Like a deer grazing on dewy wet crop
Then this heart flutters alone
As the river runs on stones
Lusts for love’s glory
Shouts loud the sad story
Morning and night falls the tears
They are watered with horrid fears
But He moves in amazing ways
When end is near and no ray
He’ll shower his blessings on the head
Love will gather and diminish dread
by Risper Masinde |
anger, evil, feelings, heartbreak, lost love,
She is a shadow of Delilah
Dancing on her own immoral desire
Sabotaged by her jealous urge
That puts her under siege to sin
Her heart a metallic object
Bound by the spirit of the attacked deer
Struggling to save herself
Battling with her hatred
Which devours all her strength and defense
She is an epitome of patience
Curved and patched inside her
Waiting for the resurrection of affection
And the coronation of a lasting union
Her eyes kill
Her lips seal
Her words heal
by Thomas Martin |
betrayal, christian, class, horror, native american,
shocked, as hair cut short
buckskins burned
in the darkness for rescue
all our gods forsaking us
pics of Him in pain
Teacher demanded belief
after all
died for our sins
what is sin?
A bright girl asks
later teach replies
now forgetting gods
of earth and fire
and dressed up in
lies of white man
kind lady
with love in heart
circles my neck
with crucifix
all our gods
are one
still praying
to great spirit
the one with
wild deer playing
in her heart
by Edward Ebbs |
animal, home, life, love, wife,
With big blue eyes
the way you look
and look at me
makes me smile
when you talk
your voice comforts
the things you share
involves trust
friendship and love
they set me free
watching you care
for others
like family
your friendships
feeding the birds
caring for a deer
dogs and cats
a raccoon family
once even a skunk
the place we live
a sanctuary
for all creatures
all that breathe
for this I smile
you love me
I know this
I love you
for who you are
Edward J. Ebbs - October 24, 2015
by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
love, nature, beauty, beauty,
The Soothing Voice of the babbling brook
The Albino deer hiding in a forest knook
The Humming bird zipping from flower to flower
The colorful change of nature from hour to hour
The Beauty of Sunrise, melting mountain dew
The Beauty of Sunset, with Rainbows of hue
by Sharon Gulley |
christmas, december, holiday, seasons,
December is a wonderful month to remember
the streets are all covered in snow.
Children in their hats and gloves with visions
of where they want to go.
Simple decorations all lit up with love,
Santa and his rain deer on every roof
top above.
The smell of cinnamon dances in the air with
hopes that Christmas touches everyone, every
The decorated Christmas tree in town square
is shared by everyone who enjoys the Holiday's
cheerful care.
Come all Yea faithful will echo through the night
sending out hopes and dreams to all who loves
the meaning of Christmas and it's true plight.
by Paloma P |
break up, emotions, goodbye, heartbroken, jealousy, lost love, parody,
Her fake perfume smelled of cheap musk,
tobacco and passion flowers,
the stench of betrayal lingered long
after she had shiftily backpedaled
Musk is a class of aromatic substances commonly used as base notes in perfumery. They include glandular secretions from animals such as the musk deer, numerous plants emitting similar fragrances, and artificial substances with similar odors. Ewwww.....who knew? No wonder.
Wikipedia of course.
by D. C. Jordan |
beauty, love, lust,
Freya, Maria, Gaia, Sofia
Isis, Astarte
Kali and Parvati
Always it seems
They haunt my dreams
Staring like tigers in my night
With demanding love
And no expectation
But to see Her
They walk in light
Hip-switching across the Earth
A woman, a deer, a flying leaf
Her flaming sword
Could spin my head off
But She kisses my soul and I'm safe
Every day I see Her
Magic paralyzing eyes
Outlined in black
Golden eyelids smiling
Startingly clearly brown or blue
I know lust and peace at once
The world turns over
And the world burns
And the Goddess lives forever
by James Edward Lee Sr. |
adventure, animal, anxiety, longing,
unfriendly hearts love
shall a female, weak deer skips
whilst watching the lake
bright place for watching
a small, menacing deer runs
beyond the lorry
Highest bitter mount
when mountain lion eating
after kills eats deer
by James Rasmusson |
philosophy, places
M ishigama my love,
I nto your water wonderland of brook trout and deer I
C an hear the cherubic song of chirping robin and rustling pine.
H eavenly harbors and pristine beaches shape a welcoming hand
I nfused with indigo lakes and teeming streams while three
G reat lakes enshroud to form a kirlian aura of rippling verve.
A live for but a flicker of time, my Michigan home away from Home
N urtures and readies me for the final cruise to the Wonderland of Love.
Note: The word ‘Michigan’ is a Frenchification of the Ojibwe word ‘Mishigama’ which
means ‘large water’.
by Katherine Stella |
adventure, art, childhood, education, children, funny, history, imagination, inspirational, places, seasons, uplifting, visionary,
In forest you'll hear squak squak squak
May capture bears play
Or foxes ****-eyed walk walk walk
Down by waters bay
High in trees you'll hear owls owls owls
Just more feathered friends
But I love water fowls fowls fowls
So let's not this end
Miss Hood cried big bad wolf wolf wolf
I just stared and laughed
Seeing deer prints from hoofs hoofs hoofs
Think she's needs skunks bath
As many stanzas as you like.The last 3 words of each 8 syllable line are the same, to create the echo. These can be 1 or 2 syllable words, so long as the line is 8 syllables long. Syllable Count...... etc.
Rhyming Sequence.......a.b.a.b. c.d.c.d. e.f.e.f. etc.
by Annabelle Jane |
animals, imagination, love,
My doe eyes are taken by yours,
I fawn over your gaze, transfixed,
A deer in the headlights.
You, my white stag, king
Crowned with bone and velvet.
You, my red hart. I am your hind.
by Charles Henderson |
natureurdu, blue, love,
there lies in lovely mountain glen
protected from the harsh north wind
meadows of such gentleness speak
volumes of love from those therein
provide life with abundant scope
promising peaceful love and hope
cradled beneath snow covered peak
food for bird, man and antelope
the Fraser fir, long is its shade
among the trees deer parade
hidden beyond a pristine shore
lies this protected alpine glade
the call of whippoorwill and dove
perfect blue of blue sky above
a home among all this and more
I’m sure, also filled with His love
© Apr 17 2011 For John's contest
by Regina Mcintosh |
The mist lies across the river bank
Sheltering the wild deer as they drink
Creating vague shadows in the distance
Of emerald pines and moss covered beds
Where the rabbits and squirrels make their home
And crisp, falling leaves carpet the floor
Of a forest where the mist creates a haven of hope
Whispering through the trees with assurance of love
©2014 by Regina Riddle
Nette onclaud’s Through the Mist Poetry Contest
August 24, 2014
by Anita Sharma |
beauty, blessing, care, deep, devotion, first love, romance,
he said Come,
stay with me.
be my girlfriend,
we shall dance and sing,,,
will give you flower ring
will fly high with soar wings
will sit upon rocks,
Seeing birds in flocks,
walk by shallow rivers,
ooh watch valleys hills and fields,
woods, groves and mountain yields,
nightingale singing melodies,
peacock dancing wings open,
squirrels giggling kissing,
deer hunting lover down.
will make flower bed,
million fragrant roses,
a gown made of Fuchsia,
pink blue slippers for cold,
a necklace of diamond gold,
he said Come
stay with me,
be my girlfriend.
by Veronica Joseph |
lost love
he sobs
hidden in the back lot beyond the woodpile
many days he has listlessly searched for her
wedding wing
thrown as she declared her
or rather
that she never loved him
dark soil and trampled gardens marked by deer
he is alone here
but nothing shines to guide him
nothing shines in the dirt
if only he could find it he'd have something
to show her
now her eyes are cast down
she drives away
nothing shining.
by Asif Andalib |
allegory, fantasy, life, love, passion, romance,
I want a deer of gold I want her anyway!
No matter you are who or whatever you say!
I want her who steals my mind but then runs away!
She becomes startled, runs away, no one can capture her!
If I have chance to touch her she goes away further!
Whether I will get her or not I will chase her!
You buy the things that are available in the market!
Whereas I hanker after the thing that no one can get!
I have lost everything I had for my yearnings for her!
My capital is running short but it doesn’t matter!
I have no sorrow in my heart and I smile forever!
by Ioan Rusu |
life, love, nature,
With an ice aye
I'm looking over woods
when winter comes.
Leaves, as bloody tears
are crying an paths.
Lonely, trees are shivering
under a cold sky.
Somewhere, in the mountains
I see a deer pairs
with ice hearts,
but I know that their warmly love
will cross over this cold winter.