by Mark Frank |
Too many want want want
So they will take take take!
For your own well-being
Get away from them
Fall for someone that want to see you rise
Fall for someone who want more for you
Not more from you
Let the cure of simplicity be
A reminder that love can exist in the right amount!
Loving in the wrong direction can be an obstacle
Caught up in passion can become didactical
A lesson for some
Because loving in the wrong direction can become a burden!
Fall for someone that want to see you rise
Fall for someone who want more for you
Not more from you
Let the cure of simplicity be
A reminder that love can exist in the right amount!
Mark Frank
Copyright 2022
by Richard Palmer |
happiness, love, passion, romance,
Passion,staring into lust,
Noses,sharing oxygen.
Our lips connect,
Lips start to stray,
Nibbling ears,kissing necks,
Closely drawn together,
Nipples piercing hairy chest,
Nails sink into back,
Head-board knocking the wall,
Knock knock,knock knock,
Deep moans,skin locked,
We counter attack,
Knock knock,knock knock,
Screams of pleasure,
Waking the whole block,
Knock knock,knock knock,
Nuclear explosion,
Volcano eruption,
AHHHH so hot,so hot,
The sweetest sensation,
I ever got......
by Neal Carl |
devotion, faith, hope, inspirational, life, love, religionprayer,
Good morning Lord Jesus,
With you I'll start my day.
Reading your word for direction,
So I can walk in your way.
To start each morning,
In prayer and meditation.
Talking and listening,
A two-way conversation.
To lay at your feet,
All that I am.
So I can be your servant,
To every child, woman, and man.
As the day goes on,
Together we will face.
Those trials and temptations,
That could bring me disgrace.
At the end of the day,
I'll take time to reflect.
Confessing my sins and failures,
Your forgiveness I'll not reject!
Neal A. Carl
by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
christmas, joy, love, thanks,
To find the greatest joy,
give selflessly.
Share your gifts, your time, your love -
be the smile others long to see!
To find your heart’s content,
show gratitude.
Open your eyes and give thanks for life -
walk with a hopeful attitude!
To find desired love,
Love others with God’s eyes.
Search beyond the surface seen –
you may be quite surprised!
To find your Christmas spirit,
return to innocence.
Slow down, have fun, believe again –
remember the Lord’s presence!
for Regina Riddle's Didactic poem contest, 12/7/14
by Andrea M Christian |
death, devotion, faith, husband, life, loss, lost love, love, nature, passion, peace, romance, uplifting, wife,
He is above us in the clouds
run through the fields and speak of thee
He will grow roses
I will be the stem of the roses
for I shall never leave your soil
You will be the tree I grow beneath
and he will be our rain.
by Ernesto P. Santiago |
devotion, faith, father, life, love, peace
What makes you
Think? That your life is
Lost in misery,
That you choose to live
In trickery!
Is it because of not having
Wealth? That your fervour is on the wane!
The place we live is full
Of mysteries
And the paradigm to ones' happiness
Depends not on the possession we possess,
But rather on how we live our life!
Your problems today will be the same
Just like yesterday
For tomorrow is another day for us to dwell in
This rotten world because we're only passers-by!
So why not spend your time
With the one that loves you most, the Father,
The Almighty Creator who made us all
For He knows what we want
And truly a great provider
If only we ask
In His Holy Name!
by Dr. Upma A. Sharma |
Didactic poem
Searching God
Be kind to His souls,
Temple bells will ring,
Hymns breeze will sing!
Unsaid love
Unless you share,
Longings will not end,
and passion will pretend !
When surfaces,
Bitterness will be high,
and relationships will die !
Never enough for need,
Will let you down,
Humanity will drown !
Sharpens the mind,
Glows with each sunrise,
and we are witty and wise !
Written December 5th, 2014
For contest 'Didactic poem' by Regina Riddle
Awarded 3rd place
by Nwando Obianyor |
To laugh is to risk appearing a fool
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental
To reach for another is to risk involvement
To expose your feelings is to risk exposing your true self
To place your ideas your dreams before a crowd
Is to risk their loss
To love is to risk being loved in return
To believe is to risk despair
To try is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken,because the greatest hazard
Of life is to risk nothing.
The people who risk nothing,do nothing,have nothing,are nothing.
They may avoid sorrow and suffering
But they cannot learn,feel,change,grow,love and live.
by Matthew Anish |
The differences betwen us
are less than is commonly imagined
We all need food, family, and love
Meeting people from differnet cultures
has emphasized this to me
The true capitol of the world
is in the depths of the heart
Dancers on an earthly stage
We gyrate to weather, politics, and culture
In the end we share more than we don't share
By letting our eyes and souls meet
we can find common ground
War is something that can be overcome
We should build bridges, not bombs
Teach love, not war
Let the old and the young join hands
Feel the earth beneath our feet
Realize that in the end
We are all stewards of this blue orb
by Hakeem Sotayo Aro |
devotion, father, love, peace,
Fathers-in-spirit do not teach your congregations
Suicide, massacre, fallacy, bombs, and guns
But facts, piety, love, and peaceful co-existence.
Fathers-in-flesh do not teach your young ones
Neglect, war, begging, rum, and abortions
But care, peace, jobs, juice, and obedience.
Fathers-in-power do not inflate elections
Accumulate billions, dictate the pace, and obliterate our positions
But listen, agree, and act to what is being said by the Audience
Father-in-heaven allow our pleas to act in turns
For you are a witness to these burns
As we shall use these as lessons and evidence.
by Padmore Agbemabiese |
loss, lost love, love,
after you were gone
your presence manacled my soul and lingered
long on the streets of my conscience
caught on desolate fields of loneliness
silence and tears remembered
the beauty you created
your absence was felt on the breast
of my memory and the air I breathed
jammed at its doorways
and death looked me in the face
and my eyes wept for your return
in the hearth of desires
your enchantment remained a lingering shadow
in every whisper on steep slopes of hope and I cried
every lip prays for the resurrection of our souls
and at the village square
steps wait to see us walk our chiefly walk again
by Leon Stacey |
faith, father, husband, love, on work and working,
Before his appointed place
And before his work and living,
There was a man
God did create.
Before he had a voice,
And before the woman was given
There was a man
That God did make.
by David Smith |
analogy, appreciation, bible, blessing, celebration, character, community,
Life may not be fair,
But we can still choose to treat each other fairly,
Love each other dearly,
And perform acts that are kindly.
If we do these things blindly,
Things will automatically,
Improve exponentially.
by Brian Strand |
image, poetry,
NOTE:AMERICAN CINQUAIN (an imagist stressed version)WAS DEVISED BY ADELAIDE CRAPSEY (William Soutar Epigrams are a similar wordplay form)
Tribute to William Soutar
Grew to manhood on the river Tay,
Writing poems ,most every day;
His diary of a dying man,left
Telling observations, for all to see.
A cinquain in Soutar style
welled within-
words became a promise
so sublime,to love now and for
all time.
by Anil Deo |
analogy, life, perspective, philosophy, truth, universe, wisdom,
The universe is in your eyes
(It exists in processing; God's the background)
After this life, the energy Pole - and the eyes -
Allow Consciousness Pole to arise
They are always together, Dear Heart!
Like background ( or SPACE itself) in art
As crucial as Foreground (the details, the stage)
WE love the Energy Pole for love is in the eyes
But then we call Space, THE Background, "DEATH."
No Dear Heart, Space is the Ground of Being
"Thou shalt make no idols before Me."
by Kim Rodrigues |
Witches pitched against witches…
Itch of teacher to tell
them the truth.
There are no brooms
in the closet,
only dupes
and solid students,
with their thoughts flying
opening their eyes for the first time,
as if reborn into a life of love and light.
by Brian Strand |
poetry, word play,
on the verge of love,
mutual discovery unveiled
in their secret world;
lips to lips ,sealed,
hearts in passion pound
ardour's whispers sound;
need unchains desire,
pleasure's fever fans a fire,
each flame thrusting higher;
in duet's crescendo choir
realisation exceeds hope,
promise, with trust elope;
enchantment metamorphose
as love,sublime,grows
a quatorzain is a stanza or poem of fourteen lines
by David Smith |
analogy, anti bullying, appreciation, baptism, character, courage, love,
Without fear or favour,
Will you be remembered for this kind of behaviour?
Or will your epitaph be of a different flavour.
Will you be remembered as having no backbone?
Staying on your cell phone,
While others are cut to the bone.
Will you have showed how tough your love can be?
Or will you have preferred to wait and see,
What our re-action would be.
Has, fear of being out of favour?
Ruled your behaviour,
In place of Love your neighbour.
Is fear or favour been motivating your behaviour?
When others ask you a favour,
Knowing the consequences could be dour.
Without fear or favour,
Is it possible for extremism to sour?
The news every hour.
by Brian Strand |
christian, health,
shadowed by
by strength
embraced 'neath
a banner of
by David Smith |
addiction, analogy, anger, baptism, care, hope, love,
God has tasked poets,
With keeping Hope alive,
Love in all their labours,
Anger under control,
Sadness from overflowing,
Romance from slipping off the page,
And most poets can take heart from their effort,
To instill in others what they write in indelible ink,
For all who cross their page,
And read between the lines.
by Anil Deo |
bible, nature, power, prayer, religion, song,
Source, o Mountains of mountains, Ocean of oceans, Galaxy of all galaxies, I bow in love
Jesus, you are the only reason we have any solace, any joy, any hope. You are Lord of Lords and my God, but Thou art more. My very heartbeat & very breath, are Thine, loaned to me. That is why Grace - chesed - is so much of your essence, Amazing Grace a hymn so loved. In the Holy Trinity, in Jesus's name, AMEN
by Unseeking Seeker |
silence, spiritual,
to erase ego bit by bit
let us shed off the thinking habit
that pristine soul presence has a free run
aglow with the light of the central sun
dancing with love cheek to cheek
for we are he who we seek
by Deborah Finneran |
faith, health, hope, life, love, people, uplifting, visionary,
The Seven Wonders of the World
The real seven wonders were not built by hand, nor bought by any man
The Seven Wonders of the World, indeed, much more splendid & grand
The real seven wonders are part of every woman and every man
Given to us from God, part of His great abiding plan
To see
To touch
To hear
To taste
To feel
To laugh
To love
Oh that we may notice these wonders and recognize God’s love
He has given these wonders to teach us, as He reaches from above
The Seven Wonders of the World, exist in us each day
Let us live our lives in fullness & wonder, in every given way
by Barbara Gorelick |
food, life,
Good things often come in small packages so
have yourself a few bites of cakey bliss. A
cupcake with a swirl of sweet on top, oh my,
now that will take you to confectionary heights
Almost any flavor you might desire can be achieved.
And if you happen to be so lucky you might get a whiff
of delights to come…..if your patient! Be patient!
You know, sometimes it’s the little things in life
that count.
A simple cupcake can give the day a lift,
especially if it has been baked with love. So,
forget the diet and take a moment to enjoy
this day’s simple little gift...mmm,mmm, good!
by John Freeman |
There be
the goats afloat
of devil’s purloin ditch
of mix of fact, the faker spoils
“the child!”
There be
the child revived
adults of quickened souls
a Ga pe, Masters souls of love,
“the saints!”
Note: 'American, Double Cinquain(Didactic)