Love Poems About Dizain or Dizain Love Poems
by Christina Bowring |
Categories: faith, love, time,

As Time Slips By

Crystal winged hourglass flows muted gold sand as time turns red dawn to pink dusk once more; life’s tapestry fades as years so expand but love in the heart gives youth to restore when embraced with so much left to explore. Crystal winged hourglass portrays such fleeting finite life as time slips by depleting; with love reborn, awoken from sleeping so shall heavenly days be accreting - when sand flows no more - just joy, no weeping.

by John Watt |
Categories: light, love,


Your incandescence drew me to your flame
Moth-like, I gravitated to your light
Then feigning nonchalance, I asked your name
The music of your voice set me to flight
And added several inches to my height
When you inquired of my name I saw stars
Stellar arrays beyond Venus or Mars
Puncturing through the thick shroud of the mask
I use to hide my stories and memoirs
My lady! All you had to do was ask!

written 18 Aug 2020

by Jan Allison |
Categories: heaven,

Simple Heaven

Heaven to me is purely this After a long and stressful day Deep bubble bath, oh such pure bliss Just need to melt my cares away In foaming oils I love to lay Scent of lavender will arise Ease my tension and tired sore eyes Wrap in a warm fluffy towel Simple pleasures will be my prize Drift to sleep, not be a night owl 01~31~15 Contest Dizain Me – Dr Ram Mehta How many syllables used - each line is 8 syllables ~awarded 3rd place~

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: love,

Moon Dance

Once upon a time so brightly
I had this compulsion to dance
Just holding you oh so tightly;
In thoughts of romantic perchance
Realistic dreams of nuance.
Your silver beam of love the lure
Bathed in splendour ever so pure
In breath upon the breeze clement;
Held here within your light the cure
I thank the lord for this moment.

 © Harry J Horsman 2012

by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: desire, devotion, love, romance, valentines day,

Zest May Our Love Say

Darling, you are my gift, my treasured gold.
        I braved pain once that our joy might reach crest, 
            So, now for said joy’s passion, answer bold
                  amour's question born from my heart’s own chest:
                      As love’s keen ache, will you crave me with zest?

                      No words trite on this sentiment may lay.
                  Just love words eloquent may our love say.
            Such happy promise dances to please us
       As Cupid’s quest quivers are aimed your way:
   Will my bliss know your shot of lust, kissed thus?

Constance La France
''Z'' Contest, New Or Old - Poetry Contest

January 15, 2017

by Laura Mckenzie |
Categories: desire, emotions, feelings, love, lust,

His Kiss

His lips inviting
The moment so exciting
He caught me and pressed his face to mine
A moment of savage intertwined
I will never forget he soft supple touch

I remembering wanting it so much
The flood of fever in a seconds kiss
The smiles the childish laugh the endless wish
And I won’t forget the pure bliss
All from the minds fabulous reminisce

by Johnny Sumler |
Categories: dedication, friendship, happiness, words, friend, love,

To Her, With Love

If life is death, do live Elizabeth,
And read my words although I'm far away
Your soul is light beside my dying breath,
With metaphors I'll die to live today
I love you more than sun-light loves the day

Elizabeth, thou art a Queen of mine,
And Angels touch you with poetic rhyme,
With words you whirl a wind I never knew
You write with beauty and you are divine
So wear this ring and kiss my rhyme to you

(written for my dearest friend elizbeth wesley. 
everyone has a fan and friend on the soup, and 
elizabeth is my heart! thankyou my love for all
of your dedicated compliments)!

by Eve Roper |
Categories: death, love, sorrow,

I Yearn Your Nearness

You're the fierce flame that burns in my heart, to keep me going, know that I (was) am the harmony that loved you from the start. I weep and mourn for the warm human lamb; tremble from the deep fearful hollow dam. None listen to my mournful lullaby. You laid a breath kiss, died a lover's sigh under heaven's steps in the endless night. Shill I taunt the gossamer wings and die? For I yearn your nearness, your touch, the sky. 12/31/2019

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: thanks,

Sing With Exuberance

Sing with exuberance. There’s so much of
great wonder in the world. Sing happily
with gratitude to God for skies above;
for mountains, plains and valleys that you see;
for all creations meant for you and me;
for sounds of nature; for your love’s sweet voice;
for scents you smell; for foods to taste; rejoice!
God’s love is unconditional, so raise
your voice! Be glad you even have the choice.
For my free will I give to God my praise.

Nov. 20, 2021
For Unseeking Seeker's Agendaless Exuberance Poetry Contest
Total 100 syllables (10 per each 10 lines): Checked by
 Rhyme pattern ababbccdcd

by Joseph May |
Categories: imagination,

A Form of Beauty - Quatern

I imagined her as a poem
 Perhaps as graceful as an elm
I'd love if she were a sonnet
All aglow in a pink bonnet

  Like a red rose upon the stem
 I imagined her as a poem
  Just swaying in the falling rain
with the rhythm of  a  dizain

Perhaps she was a villanelle
With the charm of a terzanelle
I imagined her as a poem
 She could be either one of them

Her words upon the page would chime
Flowing with beauty, like a rhyme
With  lustre of a precious gem....
I imagined her as a poem

by Johnny Sumler |
Categories: naturesmile,

I Am Autumn

"this poem is not about what is written, but what is not written..."

My smile brings shores of shadows in the sky
A smile unsure of happiness and bliss
I touch the trees and watch their branches cry
A tear itself leaves from my face amiss
As tears and leaves descend into abyss

I come descending from the grey above
To bring a quarter of my seasons love
A love compared to death, natures demise
And with my lips I kiss the things you love
Secretly keeping Summer's butterflies!

Johnny Sumler
The Unwritten

by Dr. Upma A. Sharma |
Categories: betrayal,



As denied passion in memories stings
while yearnings churn up a still crazy heart,
Stains of hatred on purest mind it brings,
for life, subtle soul remains deeply scarred,
Vivid thoughts twinkle and then drift apart.

No stopping to tears that flow in despair,
Condemned be time, engulfing all the flair,
Trust and love obsessed into agony,
absolute darkness would defy the fair
unless unveil these clouds of ebony !

Written Sept 6th, 2016
For Dizain Poem- II contest 
By Laura loo 

Entered for "Contest 208 any form less than 16 lines" by Brian Strand

by John Watt |
Categories: song, travel,

The Long Train Ride

We boarded for the long ride on that train -
It brought back memories of being young.
Conductor: "Passengers will please refrain!"
Now 'City of New Orleans' on each tongue,
We sang through all those train songs we'd once sung:
The 'Loco-Motion', 'Marrakesh Express',
Then 'Peace Train', 'Love Train', 'Crazy Train' (a mess!)
We sang, 'Last Train to Clarksville' just for fun
And 'Chattanooga Choo Choo' (more or less!)
"We're gone 500 miles when day is done".

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: heartbroken, lost love,


Oh, how I blush, in appeal of your zeal
Enthralled in treasured memories of glee
As words not said, intimately unseal
Verses of love arousing latent plea
In caged lofty dreams, longing to be free
Flirting secretly, letting passions rise
Pulsing my vibes, sensing sensuous highs;
Alas, my youth then, had nary a clue
How to woo your smile, courting doting eyes--
Bashful to tell you, how much I loved you.

August 13, 2020
Placed 1st: Pick-A-Title, Vol 21 - Dizain - Poetry contest
Title chosen: Untold
Sponsor: Edward Ibeh
Ten syllables per line (

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: environment, marriage,

Remember When

Remember when we walked across the field Leaves of autumn crunching beneath our feet The color of the trees was what appealed Maybe to be alone, our love complete Those red and yellow leaves seen were replete Holding hands in anticipation then Once behind the growth hidden in the glen Your kiss 'pon my lips set dogwoods ablaze Long as memory holds visit again When autumn's angular sun shines its rays
Contest: Dizain Poetry Sponsor: Sotto Poet Date: October 28, 2022 Checked with Checked with Grammar checker on this site Theme: Nature combined with human nature glen-noun- valley replete-verb-completely fill

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: appreciation, birthday, love, memory, mother,

To My Mother On Her Birthday

For My Mother

You are the Thanksgiving bounty to bless
The angel on our Christmas tree
You are summer flowers and winter nests
Birthdays and anniversaries
Handwritten thank you cards and recipes
In despair's cold, your warmth is shown
As the lighted pathway bringing us home
Out of a darkly weary day
You're more love than can fit in a poem
But I'm gonna try, anyway


by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: love,


Given the chance to settle karmic scores, we cheerfully mother our soul brother, opening for all fully, our heart’s doors, that repressed feelings no longer smother pulse of love transmitted by our Father. This life’s so short, why then carry baggage? Let’s quell fires that in estranged hearts so rage, for in truth we all are God’s bliss essence and fleeting earth life is merely a stage, to reveal soul’s vibrant luminescence. 06-September-2022

by Sand Blown |
Categories: allegory, appreciation,

Equal Inequals

friends can be equals
do unto others as you...
or be inequals

teachers and students
or the parent and child
of the same sharing

friendship peace and trust
delight and like mindedness
enjoyment of love

self recognition
and sharing greater pursuit
toward virtues' heights

by Paige Hind |
Categories: absence, innocence, light, love, nature, spring, winter,

Hemisphere In Between

Winter's subtle brush and Spring's balmy stroke
On ragged frost to glossy flowers
Will on with the heaven's wheel go—
A passing through your new older hours,
The sun's condolences, for dark power.
As you've preened birdsong into my fear, 
Your beauty's long and lasting ear—
My heart's breakthrough, tissues finally shed
Its life pulsing; pushing things; other years—
Vibrations only after freezing's midst.

by Paige Hind |
Categories: deep, emotions, humanity, introspection, missing, simple, strength,

Cloudy Reasons

Dark though inside stars can keep you warm
But like arias— never stepping chase
This solo softens when distance far
For blacking out slowly— memory's sake.
I see you so beautiful in gray.
And I'm gray too— in your bright waxing dust;
Where I riddle away with our cause.
In this dizain, I pull on you near—
Though we sidestep a shadow love,
Falling stars flicker in eyes— my tears.

by Jeanne Mcgee |
Categories: love, moon, sun,

The Sun Loves the Moon

Once upon a time on a dreary day in May
The Sun was slowly drying a wet evening sky
And as the last clouds fizzled and ebbed all away

His twilight colors were able to blaze, then intensify
The Sun saw the beauty Moon rising like his golden sigh
For a few precious moments he felt enraptured in sweet bliss
Then vowed to woo this maiden, so sent her a fiery kiss

But Moon was quite content on her side of the aqua-blue sphere
While to this day, Sun circles the globe always hopeful not to ever miss
His true love’s full arrival, like in his dreams, she will appear

written  May 24,2020
The Sun And The Moon ' Poetry Contest
Chantelle Anne Cooke sponsor

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: analogy, dream, feelings, love, pain,

Your Enamored Touch

Cascade of turbulent stream pounds rock floor,
foaming water flows fast to meet calm sea.
Summer sun crumbles wasteland to dry core,
night’s moonshine sprinkles stardust on debris.
Enmeshed opposites mingle seamless free.
Surge of time wrecks drifting life in windstorm,
a sheltered bird in your nest I transform.
When I suffer in cold nights of disdain,
I dream my dreams under your fond wings warm,
where your enamored touch soothes all my pain.

May 12, 2020
Syllable count : 10 each line
Checked on
Rhyme scheme : ababbccdcd
Checked on
Contest : Dizain
Sponsor : Dear Heart

by Constance La France |
Categories: faith,


"A little child, a shining star, a stable crude, the door ajar. Yet, in that place so crude, forlorn, the hope of all the world was born." Quote - Anonymous Oh, my soul is joyous and enraptured, for my mindful power to bilocate: and all my love for Jesus is captured, here and in heaven we communicate; an ability that we navigate. Our bond unbreakable, unified, we talk- Jesus has become my life guide: the experience is so mystical, and with my enlightenment I have pride; and I find it quite irresistible.

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: love, sin,

Sin Is But Ignorance

We act in ignorance and call it sin,
being sadly, the genesis of guilt,
so if we wish to be free, let’s begin
by discarding beliefs that make us wilt,
remodelling mind on such beliefs built.
Love all embracing, is quick to forgive,
so let vibrancy be the way we live,
releasing ourselves from fears forms we spawn,
knowing God’s boundless love always does give,
living mindfully, each breath a new dawn.

by Russell Sivey |
Categories: boat, love, poetry, water,

Moment of Grace

We are out on a small pond in a boat A blue row boat floating on the surface I recite lovely poems that I wrote The moment is electric sent with grace I softly touch her smooth skin on her face We face each other with a tender look Seeing how our love is read like a book We’re sent slowly into the pond beyond Our gaze and our souls aligned on a hook A kiss on the mouth is how we respond Russell Sivey