Love Poems About Dog or Dog Love Poems
by Daniel Turner |
Categories: best friend, dog, love,

My Dog

Every time you look at me
Brown eyes say, "I love you"
When you're lying next to me
Your snuggle says it too

That soft brown skin's inviting smell
I pull you to me tighter
I hope you know, somehow can tell
You make my days much brighter

So playfully, you steal a kiss
Like a child, I wipe my face
What have I done to feel such bliss
This gift of "amazing grace"

Each day you show me in some way
The meaning of true love
For you my friend, each night I pray
And thank The Lord above.


            for my dog friend, Buddy:)
       by Daniel Turner

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: care, family, god, love, me,

Is the Lord Just a Scarecrow

Is the Lord just a scarecrow
     watching over my fields

   Is He no more than a guard dog
     springing from his heels

   Nay the Lord is my shepherd
     I am His treasure
   With love He watches over me
     Tenderly guards my family

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: best friend, fun, love, pets,

The Dog of My Life

Shakespearean Sonnet

I remember the day I picked you,
With your sweet little puppy dog eyes.
For my heart was searching for love too,
When I looked down and heard your soft cries.

Your brothers and sisters were running,
They were after a fallen clothes peg,
But there was a puppy so stunning 
Trying hard to get up on my leg.

Four years it has been since that moment
And I thank God daily for his gift
Each day you give me such enjoyment 
Your love has given my heart a lift.

Today I know as clear as can be,
I didn’t pick you; rather you picked me.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Sponsor Shadow Hamilton 
Contest: Pets

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: dog, lost love,

My Saddest Day -A Dog Gone Tableau

My Saddest Day(A Dog Gone Tableau) 

I Had to leave him
(though he yapped and whined)
at the adoption drop off,
(I still loved him so)
with folks that I'd entrusted
(he was my dear friend)
with his safe keeping.
(He'd turned old and blind)

His mournful howl followed me
(when we let him go.)
as i exited the door
(How can my heart mend?)

My two poems for the Intermingle Contest of Craig Cornish: 
My Saddest Day, written a while earlier than actually posted on 9/21/2014
& A Dog Gone Tableau, posted 10/17/2014 a few days after I wrote it.
By Andrea Dietrich

(The idea for what to use was inspired by my wonderful friend, Harry Horsman)

by Paul Callus |
Categories: love, rain, water,


I am not a rain dog
With my tail between my legs
Dying to run home in haste
Away from showers that gradually increase 
And then come pounding heavily down 
Like sheets of splintered pearly glass 

I am not a loner
Who leads a wasted life
On doorsteps sharing aching pain
With others who live rough
Deprived of warmth and comfort

I am a lover
I inhale the smell
Enjoy the caressing feel
Of seductive teasing raindrops 

They fall around
With sweetest sound
Passionate the call

It echoes
I hear


16th October, 2014
Contest: "I do not know"
Sponsor: Andrea Dietrich
Placed: 4th

by Gabrielle Jordan |
Categories: betrayal, color, lost love, love hurts, perspective, yellow,

Sandpaper and Phantom Rainbows

When I saw him last, 
He wore grey bananas on his feet 
He had a pirate’s hat between his teeth 
Long last the man from Oliver Kitten arrived on the shores of my head 
How was he to bring such a large basket of straws and ask me to bloom a white rose 
You have been back he said with a twirl of a red gem 
Yellow kittens for my pleasure, 
Only one black dog
Keep roaring up the hill, don’t stop 
Take the bottom off the wheel
You won’t need it soon 
You are on your way down 
The pink parade will catch your fall 
Dolphins everywhere 
Even under my old brown coat

by Don Johnson |
Categories: love



hope life is like a buttercup
cos this old fool does care
if i was there I’d kiss you but
you might object "how dare"

perhaps  I shouldn’t call the tune
and bring you to my sight
attraction brings the moth too soon
if I don’t employ it right

patience like a cattle dog
who lays there in the shade
connected not, just like the frog
before a prince was made

Francine made me do it:

Don  Johnson  15-4-11

by Gary Radice |
Categories: birth, child, death, emotions, feelings, heartbreak, hurt, in memoriam, sad,


there's a little dog that's laughing
at a cow jumping the moon
and a cat playing a fiddle
on the wall of a bright room
where a mobile's hanging silent
waiting patiently to turn
like the pages on the bookshelf
that proclaim it's fun to learn
and there's a bible on a small crib 
with its cross depicting love
for a child born sadly sleeping
into arms of those above.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: write,

Running Out of Ideas Is Impossible

Running out of ideas?
That is impossible if you have a:
TV set
toilet paper
drum set
spiders web
grand child
space aliens

by Lindsay Laurie |
Categories: animal, death, heartbreak,

When Farewell Must Be Said

*For anyone who had a companion dog that grew old and tired*

I am gazing out across an empty land,
there is not a thing that interests me.
There is no happiness, in any tear I weep,
for it’s so hard to set your best friend free.

Simply there’s no choice in the time of life,
for nothing born can claim eternity,
so comes a time the head must rule the heart,
but it’s so hard to set your best friend free.

Comfort is to reminisce about the past, 
and not dwell on what is a personal cost. 
I should be celebrating for the love we had;
not mourning about what I have lost.

by Rob Carmack |
Categories: animal, best friend, dog, humorous, love, pets, thanks,

Sonnet Chiweenie Boo

Your dad, a Dachshund once stuck in Chihuahua.
The best of both in you, with that expectant
Confusing carpets for the lawn enigma.
I know….the raining….getting wet….you can’t.

As coldness chills the room, a sheet for you.
The perfect tucking of in, but you moved!
I ponder, just how crazy is my Boo?
The sheet’s thread count too low to be approved?

Your dance in circles, spinning on the floor.
Rewards and treasures known upon the racks.
Induced by meals and that one pantry door.   
In such a fury, choking on the snacks.

I know what God’s book says, I’ve searched it whole.
But still, I hope you have a little soul.


by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: christmas, happy,

After Christmas - In the Moment

The time is after midnight, and I’m in the moment, thinking how another Christmas has come and gone. My spouse and I are tucked in bed, warm and cozy. Outside, white beauty coldly blankets our front lawn. Snickers, our new dog, sleeps peacefully between us. The cat creeps up beside me now. How I love her! How trusting are these creatures God gives us - how pure! Our cat lies down by Snickers. I hear her soothing purr. The visit with our daughter and her family was nice. With gifts, glad hearts and tummies full, we traveled home. More memories to cherish; the old year passes. In the moment - grateful - I finish with this poem.

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: brother, fun, happy, mother daughter, sister,

I Am

I am mother (father) sister daughter
Favourite aunt, SELDOM rant
Pan Flute player, dragon slayer 
Own nothing pink, at least I think
Teach Sunday school, kids find that cool
I am not to lean, I’m sure you’ve seen
Curly hair, I seldom swear
But if I do, God help you
Sing in a choir, now I’m on fire
Love my dog, I want a blog
I am very kind, at least in my mind
Love good movies, never been much of a sleaze
I just gave you a look inside my book
So for now I take a bow.

I am female
Sorry I just found a fluffy beautiful pink bath robe.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Frank Herrera’s Contest:
I am

by Jan Allison |
Categories: dog, humorous,

And They Call It Puppy Love - For Contest

How could I not forgive you? Just one look at your puppy dog eyes Thaws the heart of this ice maiden Contest - Micropoetry ain't that tweet – Sponsor Casarah Nance (105 characters with spaces) 07~31~15

by Lu Loo |
Categories: childhood, family, happiness, love,

Haiku On My Family

Second Chance May 2016
Sponsor: Eve Roper

five generations
   connected to my grandpa
      kindred forefather

parents united
    unto them came four children
      love to go around

mother faced cancer
   a dear lady, my angel
      adulthood so strong

adoring siblings
   warmhearted and devoted
     affections of blood

money not vital
   wealthy in rich loyalty
      assets of true faith

our childhood dog Bo
   my sweet Golden Retriever
      my canine best bud

united as one
   roots form a family tree
     belovedly linked

Date Written: April 30, 2016

Date Finalized:May 19, 2016

by Jeffrey Leiser |
Categories: animal, autumn, dog, nature,

A Leash-Led Life

Down through the thicket,
Over and across the forest bend,
A tail sways, as the wind lifts leaves
of red and yellow.

Aside a pond kissed with moss,
we take a long walk on a clear day,
crawdads and minnows astir.

With hind quarters stiffly creaking forward,
he pants and sniffs at vibrant life
before stopping to rest and regain.

At the edge of the lake, 
he laps the fresh water,
his fur glistening, hot to the touch. 

Back home, he gets a warm bath,
the fragrance of his fur calling to mind memories
of previous days. 

And as he sleeps, that labrador of love
on four legs, I am thankful for the 
leash-led life.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: political,

What I'D Love Now To See

My small way of showing anger for this year's circus of an election process: I recall when George Bush had to duck a thrown shoe, or he may have got struck. What I'd love now to see is some dog take a pee on that dump of a Trump. What a schmuck! for the the Political Ordeal Poetry Contest of CT

by Fritz Purdum |
Categories: dog, heaven, love, pets,

Good Dogs Go To Heaven

She had four long legs and a curved tail
with a smile that made you happy
She had big ears and eyes full of care
and ways that were fun and sappy
She had a big heart and a loud bark
She could look dumb but be so smart
She was loyal and true
She could chase away the blues
and she always knew
that I loved her too
I miss her so
Hard to let her go
Good dogs go to Heaven
she will be waiting for me at the Pearly Gates
Peter will let us in
She jumps with joy as I hug my friend
asking with those big soft eyes
trying to keep mine dry
why are you so late
it's hard for a dog to wait

by Baalak Baburo |
Categories: angel, animal, appreciation, best friend, love, pets,

Warmest Welcome

Through the door, running
Hair flowing magically
Welcomes me, my dog.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: adventure, fantasy, ocean,

Where I Want To Go

I'd love to buy a boat and sail the seas
Just loaf and let the string of life unwind
Drop anchor anytime or place I please
To visit every island I can find

I'd sail from cape to cape, from gulf to strait
Each bay and channel up and down each coast
My dog would be companion and first mate
Most likely, he'd be sleeping at his post

But every night we'd find a still lagoon
Perhaps we row ashore and build a fire
On first appearance, I'd harpoon the moon
And hold him hostage until we retired

A life at sea, beneath large wind filled sails
With peaceful friends, the dolphins, gulls and whales

   February 21 2017
   by Daniel Turner

by John Hardison |
Categories: allegory, silly,







            A MAILER IS SENT OUT.
              A FISHERMAN IS FISHY.

                A MASON IS BRICKED.

                  A CAR IS TIRED.

                    A DOG IS BONED.

                      A CAT IS MOUSEY.

                        A BOY  IS PLAY.

                          A GIRL IS FANCY STUFF.

                            A MAN IS STRONG.

                              A  WOMAN IS LOVE.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: food,

I Love Your Corn On the Cob

Grandma, I love your corn on the cob.
I can eat more of it than Uncle Bob.

I’m ready for more and hardly can wait
for all of that goodness there on the plate!

For all of that corn on the cob, golly gee -
a whole stick of butter you better bring me!

Just look at the dog; he wants some too.
He can just lick the plate when I am through!

October 4, 2019
Based on Picture #3
For Eve Roper's Realism Art Poetry Contest

Note: I actually do have an uncle Bob, but I out-ate him for everything!!

by Dennis Davis |
Categories: animal, caregiving, dog, identity, love, pets, prayer,

My Dog and Me

Lord help me to be
                                    the person my dog
                                    thinks I am

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: animal,

The Giant Animal

He stood before me, giant, brown and hairy,
this animal the biggest of them all!
I didn’t find him all that very scary
though next to me, he stood three times as tall! 

My father stood beside me with a look
of deep concern while holding high his gun.
One steady discharge. That was all it took!
My Dad had hit the target. We had won!

That final shot meant Dad had been the best.
The carnie sighed. I jumped around with glee,
then hugged that huge stuffed doggy to my chest,
but Daddy had to carry it for me!

Mom’s “no pet rule” I’d sure had too much of.
At last I had my own big dog to love!

by Julie Grenness |
Categories: husband, romance, romantic, society, wedding, wife,

Wedding Bell Blues

The tradition of marriage,
Bourgeois blackmail and baggage,
Is it all a bargain for men,
Is this what white weddings meant?
All the love that is lost,
And what is the ultimate cost?
A divorce court pizza,
Magistrate smirks like Mona Lisa,
Four corners, one for each,
Dog gets the crust, if it can reach,
Cats get the anchovies, 
Were white weddings all for phonies?
When is the revolution?
Blancmange brides for pollution,
Bridesmaids-Little Bo Peeps on crack,
Does society cut us some slack?

We joined the bourgeoisie,
All ends in tears and hypocrisy.