Love Poems About Environment or Environment Love Poems
by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: beauty, immigration, magic, metaphor, pride, summer, sun,

Sun Dance

~Sun Dancing~         

Bright yellow sparks glisten around the landscape
Sheer environment expose  
Warmth slinks down every step        
So--  Invigorating 
Spur-like rays muster in long light
The wolves wait to howl
Soon--Bunch of flowers 
Huddle in with sunlit love
Luminous rave  

By; pd

by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: dream, earth, environment, flower, imagery, nature, sky,

Build Me a Dream

Build me a dream of roses gold; velveteen beauties to behold. Give them songs, so they may sing; their gentle voices, how they’ll ring. Build me a dream of sapphire blue; with periwinkle skies, azure waters too. Build me a dream of castles fine; composed of stones, like diamond mines. Build me a dream of emerald light, one with doves, in joyous flight. Build me wings of solid gold; encourage me them, to unfold. When you build, build with love; so I can soar with loving doves.

by Linda Alice Fowler |
Categories: environment, god, moon, night,

In a Vampish Way

In a vampish way, the moon erupts from the sea 
pirouetting across white cap and trough valley
through an impassioned performance of love set free
	in a vampish way.

A persistent tease, she sets her mind to dally
with Eros’ desirous heart as her victory, 
only to break it with her vigorous sally.

Darkened midnight skies find her in malicious glee 
as she counts coup for a final mental tally
and she continues en l’air on her odyssey
	in a vampish way.

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: christian, creation, emotions, environment, humanity, truth, wisdom,

Thought Forms

We live 
what the Spirit-mind
shapes and forms

that which
comes before
the chicken
and the egg

Soulful-creations -- 

think long enough
(knead, mold)
deep enough
adds ripple to 
a universe of 
transverse-realities -- 

Will is the Traveling-force

and Love

God's Blessed Purifier --

by Eve Roper |
Categories: environment, love, rain, weather, winter,

I Love My State of Oregon

Oregon’s, wildlife, mountains, lakes, and bogs
Fields of green, awaken refreshed at dawn
Where salmon runs the rivers blue to spawn
Drawn wandering above the sea of fog   

Black-tailed and mule deer birth their newborn fawns
Where shaggy mane elks labor their spring calves 
Rustle sounds while they graze off open paths  
Wander under the full moon of predawn

Sea of umbrellas on rainy season
Fireplace frames warm sputtering ember flames
Snow cold, in fella’s embrace with no shame
Turning me into shades of pink  crimson  

Savoring the earth's nurturing labor 
Giving my heart to the verdant nature


My home for 36 years

by A.O. Taner |
Categories: beach, beautiful, blessing, boyfriend, break up, culture, cute love, dedication, deep, desire, destiny, devotion, earth, environment, freedom, happiness, happy, heart, humanity, innocence, kiss, lost love, love, love hurts, miss you, missing, missing you, motivation, ocean, passion, peace, planet, poetry, relationship, romance, romantic, senses, sensual, silence, soulmate, spiritual, symbolism, uplifting,


is it the wave kissing the sand 
or is it the ocean
- deep from her heart
sometimes gently,
often hard,
but always with passion?

is it the sand kissing back
or is it the land
- happily losing ground 
with every kiss
to his eternal mistress,
the occupant of his soul?

is it this poem touching your heart
or is it our souls
- hugging each other
on a sandy beach,
wide and infinite,
day in and day out?

by Andrew Mcintyre |
Categories: appreciation, beauty, bird, environment, imagery,


This is a poem about one of our endangered birds of prey, the Marsh Harrier. 

Dancing in the air 
moving to an unheard tune 
instinctive steps 
laid out 
under the summer moon. 
never to be seen on stage 
nor laid upon the page 
Ballerina of the sky 
above the ground 
nothing escapes 
your searching eye. 

Dancer of the air 
princess of heather and moor 
pirroueting to finish your dance 
no audience to approve 
or imagine 
a fatefull, longing romance. 

All alone 
you dance above 
only the clouds 
to give 
you love.

by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: me,

Meet Bg

Barbara Jean Funny, friendly, bashful and sometimes bone-headed Little sister of Dr. Daniel Merrill Lover of the written word, my grandchildren and the natural world I feel wonder at new life, love for my friends, and confusion with math Afraid for the environment, abused women and children, and afraid of snakes I would like to see Machu Picchu, my mothers's face once more and The Giants win the World Series Resident of Vacaville, Ca Gorelick

by Sharon Gulley |
Categories: beauty, blessing, creation, earth, environment, inspirational, mountains,

A Vision of Healing

As I stood on the mountain
and gazed at the valley below.
I envisioned a healing nothing
like I had ever known.

My soul soared with the hawk as
it flew so effortlessly by.
Leaving me light and unguarded
so this vision could touch my life.

I seen with the spirits eyes, a day
of discovery that would touch time.
Love and laughter filled the air as
our world returned to peaceful care.

Rivers flowed so sparkling clean and
the earth our mother was again pristine.
The air was light and filled with life
every star could be seen and shown so

No more sorrow, no more pain, only
the truth, the love, the life, was what

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: beauty, environment, how i feel, imagery, imagination, nature, spiritual,

Young At Heart

I entered a village in Algonquin park
as dusk approached the tattered edges of dark.
And fell in love with the bucolic setting
all except for the mosquito’s blood letting.

The pine smell was redolent riding each breeze
carrying halcyon memories of trees.
And for a fugacious moment I felt lost
amidst the penumbra where I weighed the cost.

I could find a safe inglenook or camp out
a vestigial whiff of pie gave me doubt.
And taking that as a harbinger of treats
to come I headed to a lodge with grass streets.

My ephemeral connection with the Earth
somehow gave my sempiternal soul rebirth. 
For I felt rejuvenated young at heart
and with each footstep felt my tensions depart.

by Patricia Cresswell |
Categories: environment, prejudice,



I know we are supposed to love them
all creatures great and small

I know God had a reason
when he created those that crawl

even those that creep and flit
are part of a master plan

filling every earthly niche
in air, in water, on land

but Lord in your mighty scheme
please tell me in what mood

as you perused your work
and saw that it was good

inspected every nook and cranny
touched every leaf and twig

prompted you without a glance
to invent the pesky earwig.

by Mac Mcgovern |
Categories: family, life, love, mother


From the seed divided,
to exist in a sea,
nurturing, warming,
what is delicate life.

Until thrust into the light
screaming in shock,
forced to inhale first
breath of life,
a new comforting sea,
setting free.

First vision
a beautiful sight,
blurred and unfocused,
stares into the memorized face
of dreams,
as gentle hands 
impress, warm, caress,
soft textured folds.

warm the face,
ears, attune
to soothing vibrations,
breathing deep, 
inhaling wonderful fragrances,
environment different,
yet the same,
from first division,
imprinted heartbeat,
the bond of life.

by Curtis Moorman |
Categories: america, beautiful, christian, environment, jesus, joy, spiritual,

Bio Modified - Southern Gentleman


Being courteous, sentimental, compassionate, helpful to others 
I love Jesus, Southern Gospel Music, and Family
It is my plan to buy a new car, travel, and be on my own
Blessed to feel content, at peace, and filled with joy
My fear is not being ambulatory, losing  my eyesight and being bedridden
Meet President Trump, restore late model cars, and sing bass in a gospel quartet
I am a resident of the great State of Georgia, one of the original 13 colonies

18 April 2020
For the contest sponsored by Dear Heart

by Linda Alice Fowler |
Categories: december, dream, environment, memory, night, snow, winter,

December Nights

Daylight fades away early
Even though our day is not done.
Clumps of snow shimmer in pearly,
Enchanting drifts, reflecting the disappearing sun.
My love stokes ardent embers to glowing
Beneath hungry stockings hopefully hung.
Enthusiasm with warmth flowing,
Remembering times when we were young.

Now golden days are growing shorter,
Illuminated by our fireside memories.
Glimmering from the hearth’s bricks and mortar, 
Halcyon dreams highlight sweet histories, 
Tumbling through gibbous and crescent quarter,
Soothing as we smile at life’s mysteries.

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: environment, marriage,

Remember When

Remember when we walked across the field Leaves of autumn crunching beneath our feet The color of the trees was what appealed Maybe to be alone, our love complete Those red and yellow leaves seen were replete Holding hands in anticipation then Once behind the growth hidden in the glen Your kiss 'pon my lips set dogwoods ablaze Long as memory holds visit again When autumn's angular sun shines its rays
Contest: Dizain Poetry Sponsor: Sotto Poet Date: October 28, 2022 Checked with Checked with Grammar checker on this site Theme: Nature combined with human nature glen-noun- valley replete-verb-completely fill

by Wayne Smith |
Categories: beautiful, environment, humanity, miracle, paradise, peace, universe,

The Mechanics of Manifestation

High Vibrations are imperative combined and intertwined with unconditional love for everything and every human on earth.

In manifesting wants, needs, and desires one must be extremely specific and on point in every manner and aspect of height and girth.

Unconditional love is the prime element along with a positive mindset in  harmony of heart in any situation.

A continuous positive mental attitude will propel one and draw one into the magnetized opportunities using a higher state of intuition.

by Janet Bingham |
Categories: beauty, blessing, desire, encouraging, environment, innocence, inspirational love,

Watching Clouds

I watch the clouds as they pass by.
They spread a mist across the sky;
and sometimes for an hour or two
they float within a sea of blue
like castles shaped a way up high,
their forms dissolve and seem to die.
Upon my back for an hour or two
I watch them grow to something new.
Veiled in lace they stretch their hands
and seem to wed in other lands.
They look down from eternity
on all that we may hope to be.
Clouds have a strange world in the sky
that outlasts even you and I.
The restless world that they embrace
moves on like us in constant pace.
They toss and turn within a storm.
Each day we live they are reborn.

Janet Marie Bingham

by Linda Alice Fowler |
Categories: environment, love, moon, music, nature, romantic, romantic love,

Loving You

A lone cantata pierced through the hollow night as hungry clouds nibbled at the frozen Moon, Her smile obscured but for a slight, scanty sight as a solo aria pierced the lagoon. Amid the languid yet luminous half-light came the chilling chorus of the Arctic loon. Love lives here, and lingers warm in half moonlight, budding with romantic, symphonious swoon. I watch as you watch the performance enwreathe, loving you fervently with each breath I breathe.

by Laura Breidenthal |
Categories: beauty, emotions, environment, february, humanity, imagination, lost love,

Weak Spots Ix

The muse of a dreamy gaze,
The memory of a mutual moment,
Heightened affection and excitement, 
An intake of breath for more

The expansion of the stars
In a stretch of sky above the world,
Glimmering gently—
Affecting profoundly

A tree that casts the wanting shade
That forms its body in the day
For love to birth under its branches—
Confessions uttered and deeds done

A freshness wafting into the nostrils
Stretching beyond the tallest branch
Clouds parting with the wind's guidance
Revealing the mighty faces of the heavens 


by Joe Dimino |
Categories: christian, creation, environment, feelings, love, rose, wisdom,

The Rose

The rose that didn't 
know herself a thing
of perennial beauty – 

of vibrant color,
entrancing scent – 

the long-time
study of bouquets,

of sentimental verses,

of flawless princesses
and jealous witch's 
curses – a rose who 
never grew to cherish  
the blossoming of gifted 
being – 

never looked more deeply
beyond the shallow face 
of a painful moment's dark
crystal, into the sacred heart
of a bejeweled core – 

all life are forms of
buds and blossoms – 
man's duty
learning the husbandry
of seeing
and respecting

each petal spent
a fertile encore

death a heartfelt finale

for tears and then applause

by Vernon Witmer |
Categories: 7th grade, animal, christmas, december, environment, perspective, seasons,

The First of Anything

It dropped white suddenly,
As predicted.
The empty air embraced it; 
Faced it 
With the recognition
of love.
In the quiet 
It would seem forever.
The birds knew.
We counted thirteen 
In the closest tree.
They seemed to dance 
With the restless joy 
Of children.
They knew 
That what we think of 
As the beginning,
Always comes in the middle.

by Linda Alice Fowler |
Categories: creation, environment, flower, garden, god, nature,

Wildflower Gardens

Glossy, heart-shaped leaves of galax
ringed ‘round the lingering lilacs
that played across the garden gate,
bent now – bowed from foliage’ weight.

Wild roses replace Venus et fleur
having a sweet natural alure.
Chicory and Madonna lily
grow here and there, and willy-nilly.

Bachelor buttons and blue bonnets
clothe the field with unsung sonnets.
Coreopsis and black-eyed Susans
frolic with their rambunctious cousins.

Of all the flowers God has wrought
I love the ones that were last thought.
Haphazard flair of wild flowers
bestow joy with dewy showers.

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: environment, feelings, freedom, humanity, leadership, love, wisdom,

What We Have

Take the love out of poetry
and, no matter the scheme,
it will not work for me -- 
take the love out of 
relationships, and no matter
the looks, for me, the attraction
cannot be -- take the God out
of spirituality...and you have
taken Heaven from the Heaven
or Hell dichotomy -- and what
is left?! What we have...a world
of strife and antipathy.

by Candice Yates |
Categories: beauty, car, creation, environment, how i feel, weather, wind,

I Want To Sway and Bend

I dream of the wind 
blowing through my hair,
that's how I win
the rush of air is heaven sent 
cold or warm;
Gods breath is my friend
a power with great might;
that can threaten any town 
and tear down any gate,
let a twister form within my soul
the weather is splendiferous 
oh, how I love it so,
car windows rolled down;
zipping down the freeway 
my hand stuck out;
being forced back by this whim 
I inhale the particles 
swishing around in the wind,
but I never choke 
to the trees 
I want to sway and bend.

by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: beautiful, beauty, earth, environment, flower, nature,

Wild Flowers

Bright colored petals, All shapes and sizes, Their perfume is sweet. These beings live wild Doing as they please. They live and die And in-between, They beautify All of nature. Breathe their scent; They love the Attention. They’ll pass soon Enjoy… Silence.