by Christie Mills |
family, father, love, work, father, father,
My father is a hero.
He stands so tall and proud.
His hands are firm, But gentle.
He stands out in a crowd.
People stop to Thank him.
For Freedom he does fight.
My father is a Soldier.
But he's my Dad at night!
by Justin Bordner |
gothic, i miss you, love,
I remember when our love was simple
a preamble to the heart tremble and the gods' gamble
when we didn't owe each other anything and our artistry meant everything,
we were free of hope and suffering, living on the feeling of belonging to love rising,
We made a lexicon of lightening and splendor of thunder
rendezvoued in the sharp rain of rage and grew gold roses in rebel's plunder,
taught truth not to bet on beauty but to bite into the meat of rugged reality, to taste our mettle,
you became the priestess of my noetic eyes, and I, the priest of your poetic pain, we were miracle -
by Afolabi Muideen |
absence, abuse, addiction, adventure, age, allegory, anger, anxiety, betrayal,
Cessation the love
Household has been scattered
When love lost
Humming in the community
Malicious gossip in the society
Disorder in the society
Degrading the society
Society has been scattered
When love lost
Humming in the state
Malevolent rumour in the state
As the day chameleon to night
Insomnia in state
Peace elude state
State has been scattered
When love lost
Mystery to nation
When love lost
Oh! It is a dream
Why do we stop loving
While love exist
Love is above all existent
by Chelsey D Moore |
memory, mystery, sad,
I love you today,
An yesterday.
I loved you the days,
Before those ones... .. .
Yet kept a secret
No one knows
Silents DON'T last
forever.. .
A child's laughter
Ain't easy to hide you
by Balbir Singh |
baby, beautiful, beauty, break up, care, cry, emotions,
Baby, every-time you try to avoid me
A cute bird sings to make me calm
A naughty cat tires to help me laugh
A stupid dog barks to divert my mind!!!
Baby, the creatures of all type feel my heart
Love me the way I love you
So creatures continue to have faith in true love!!!
by Sakshi Das |
beauty, blessing, confidence, creation, faith, god, heart,
O Heavenly Lord I Love You,
Little angel sing words fairly true
God you created twinkling stars
Lord, you enlighted our tiny hearts,
I wonder! How you made our mother earth
A cycle of death and birth,
How you made the lovely blue sky
How you created the mountain so high
Where is the end of your creation
Lord you are the father of all Nations
O Heavenly Lord I Love You,
God never be far ever near,
You are in our heart and soul O dear
O Heavenly Lord I Love You,
Little angel sing words fairly true
I shall remain always close to you
O Heavenly Lord I Love You,
Little angel sing words fairly true
by Jay Loveless |
absence, age, emotions, lost love,
I can never be your fallen angel,
There can be no us in truth,
I don't wish to rip your heart out,
I must love another in my youth.
Your writing speaks an epic to my soul,
For that's what writing does,
It twists and twirls and winds around,
And makes us fall in love.
In these ways, and with my words,
I'll send passion to you,
You'll feel my love across the sky,
But I can never be just for you.
by Brian Strand |
art, tribute,
beauty acclaimed
of love locked out
palettes in
meretricious effect
the sensual
with intense
ethereal brilliance
singleness of heart
in the truth
beauty &symmetry
a gilded tapestry
image of woman
a creative
arts sake
in epic
by Lamar Johnson |
confusion, faith, happiness, love, parody, passion, peace,
"Emotions are hard to deal with"
That is a statement that everyone who has met Cupid can agree with...
Some would say it a FACT...
Others say it an OPINION...
After dealing with emotions for so long...
I realize that Love has a twin...
Name: Unknown to mankind....
She changes her appearance....
Many of us meet her and never recognize her until the end...
Just like my little twin...
Love's twin looks, feels, and even talks like Love...
One problem...
That's not Love...
Now I can recognize Love...(JRT)
It's ironic but her twin is (JRT)
Long story short...
When you find YOUR Love...
Keep her...
by Taiwo Lasisi |
I choose you,
Like the moon;
Of a new blue
Not for the beauty
But in your eyes;
Purity thrust
If you are not,
Life would be lies
I choose you
Like the bird choose the sky
In your heart
I'll build a beauty land
With swad
Of fairies of light
Just me you
And the world
Like a trinity
Nothing could separate us
Only divinity
But as our love
Is refined
By the divine
Eternity couldn't dare
Break a bond
We couldn't even care
Just like a song
We are
Spirits in love
by Lamar Johnson |
faith, friendship, hope, life, love, peace, me, me,
I can only hear what you tell me...
That is all I can believe...
I'm sorry I have portrayed these thoughts in your head...
I didn't mean to...
But understand me...
I went out on tree limb...
And fell....
I was falling...
And I hit the ground on the Westside.,,
The way I felt...
The rocks cut me deep...
I swore to myself I would never try to climb another tree...
But you made me feel different...
And when the wind blew I fell...
As I fell I heard your voice...
Not Red's voice....
Come to think about it I still hear it...
But we good.
I said I was hear for you and I meant it...
Don't give up on me yet....
Cause I Hear You....
by Olin Poems By |
A dagger to the heart.
Warmred oozes down his chest.
He slumps.
No pain, pleasure instead,
His heart now a hollow shell,
He is man.
Capable of Love or Hate,
He chooses neither.
The embodiment of devil may care.
This is how the devil died and I was born.
by Ebbin Florence |
age, happiness, heart, strength,
Turn the pages of life. Turn the pages of the past to discover the new
Characters and chapters of life. Find you in the middle of your life's script . If you keep the same page opened and
If you read the same negative script of your life you continue being the same
Person with the same problems. Start to open to new chapter chapters of life . Open to new life experiences of new people and new places. If the characters in your life are dragging you down and getting you down in the dumps divorce them. Open to a new heart and new love of life and see the new story untold unfold.
by Ts Poetry |
In cerebral moments of euphoria
we allow the mind to wander
where the body wishes to fly
where waves wash along seashores
anecdotal to our new found virgin sky
in fissures we do fuse
igniting within a spark
an inner euphoric battle
killing off of time and space
we are one with the night
beheld in the blackness of trust
crushed by stone
and stirred
until we are strong
cast to the grail
of one another
like the wind
filling holes
we rise above
the rubble
tossed across the sand
by Desire Obaroyeregbe Agbeyiwa Agidotan Ikoyo |
birthday, blessing, celebration, growth, happy birthday, inspirational love, sweet love,
It's a new month
November 1st
My sister's birthday
Ofejiro Joy Obaroyeregbe
To be specific
A new era, another level.
She's so amiable
Amicable communicator
She does for me what no one does
Very determined and courageous
She's absolutely gorgeous.
I'm wishing you longevity
I pray God bless you
Beyond the imagination of humans
From my heart to you
A masterpiece I writ
In regards of your special day
Happy womb escape day kiddo.
by Meru Groen |
lives of passion
upon the earth
where stars shine
and hearts break
an epic sojourn
to find Him
behind the mask
lord of nothing
emperor of emptiness
with endless eyes
and limitless heart
restoring our faith
and the Earth
when comes His
kingdom of love
by Johnathan Howard |
adventure, betrayal, confidence, dark, heart, humanity, lust,
I was drowning
stuck inside my head
banging clawing inside
the walls. The
Crying screaming
yelling awaiting
one day I will be free
from this prison.
One day will be free
some will come along
and maybe love once
As await in my head
longing to be free
drowning and stuck.
foxsolo 11\2\2018
by Richard Nnoli |
africa, confidence, courage, freedom, friendship love, tribute, trust,
The best things in life are free
Love is free
Peace is free
Kindness is free
Happiness is free
Joy is free
Care is free
Togetherness is free
Expression is free
Opinion is free
Choice is free
The best things in life is free
The universe is free
Our planet is a free zone
Life is free
The air is free
To live freely is to live fullfiled
To fight is free
Our world is free
Our reality should be free
Our education should be free
Our mentorship should be free
Our knowledge should be free
Above all our freedom
Should be free cos
The best things in life are free
by Richard Nnoli |
africa, confidence, courage, motivation,
let hate be your enemy
with out love
the heart is heavy
it bleeds and create
it torture it victim
to no avail
it never bring happiness
but darkness
it slowly kills it victim
to isolation
with out love
the heart is empty
it bleeds no go value
to it victim
who bears no light
to life
but destruction without
no godly soul
it is too bad to hate
cos it fruits are ugly
so instead to live in darkness
let hate be your enemy
by Nancy Jones |
death, life, love,
that's all
by Michael Hornschuch |
lifelife, me, life, me,
My life is a journey not yet complete as
I live with wide eyes’ open towards adventures that
Come to me daily through this wondrous epic called life while
Having the opportunity to live two polar opposite life styles in one life time I
Am able to recognize the miracle of God’s hand as he guides me with Gentle nudges
Even as I’m convinced he has left me hanging I soon realize his ever subtle presence
Love is the answer to my questions of what God is through suffering the past...
I now know PEACE.
by Richard Nnoli |
africa, courage, deep, growth, relationship,
The rich also cry
Be happy for all you got
For great expectation
Are never guaranteed
The rich also cry
Worry not for another mans meat
For his trouble you don't know
So as the cries he shade in secret
The rich also cry
What is good
Is bad for the bad
In this world be grateful
For you live not by your
Self power
But nature
For love so many rich
Don't know till now
The rich also cry
He runs the town
His rich and sleepless
So many want to have a rich
For money now is the new
Yet peace he knows not
While you admire the rich
The rich also cry
by Journey Mcknight |
art, caregiving, forgiveness, friendship, love,
by Elaine George |
The tale Tchaikovsky wove that day
Lives on and on upon a stage
Spun by pirouettes ...and plie's
An epic story of love conveyed
Through the beauty of ballet
Prince Siegfried and his Queen Odette
Who gave their lives without regret
To live forever bound together
As beautiful birds of a feather
As two swans upon a lake
Author: Elaine C. George
Authors note: Plie' is a french word
pronounced Plee ay
by Rahaba Mahomaile |
africa, beauty, best friend, black love, blessing, blue, sunset,
Ke lekopokopo kea koposela
Se khalisi ka nna
Ke oa hao feela
Ke metsi a pula kea lelemela
Senoa-mapholi ke nna
U le naha-thote
Ke mabele kea qalana
Nthonake rebe ngoe
Mehopolo eaka ka oena
E metle seka sejana
Se sa jeleng
Kea boulela
Ke lepoloka ke robeha likotoana
Tsa mohla onsentse maikutlo
Pelo eaka bjara!
Ke U hopotse Sejana
Baeti kapo che!
Ha u jelle
Nka khitla motho
Senyamo? Boputsoa
Se nna,morali oa kueneng
Ke bonya seka Selatsatsi
ke nna
Ke qheshela
ho kena
ho tsoa