Love Poems About Eulogy or Eulogy Love Poems
by Michael Tor |
Categories: lost love, love,

The Tears of Regret

Reach out to the ones you love today.
Important things to say and convey.
 Do not waste few opportunities.
To blame yourself at the eulogy.
 You might not see them ever again.
Surely inside your pain will remain.
 Do it before the Tears of Regret.
Right now my friend, before the Sun sets.

Michael Tor

by Edward Ebbs |
Categories: absence, age, angel, beautiful, beauty, bereavement, best friend, caregiving, christian, courage, death of a friend, dedication, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, eulogy, farewell, fate, good night, goodbye, grave, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, humanity, husband, i miss you, leaving, life, loss, lost, lost love, love, marriage, meaningful, memorial, memory, obituary, perspective, remembrance day, sorrow, wife,

Lost My Song

When in this life I felt down
You were the one that was around

Maybe it was the way you held my hand
I knew in my heart you would understand

I miss the way we used to sit and talk
The times we didn't look at the clock

The way you walked in those tight jeans
Made me want to pull my skin and scream

I remember trembling at your touch
I love and loved you so very much

I am lost inside now you're gone
Baby you are still my life's song

When I look to the night sky, I tear
I miss you and wish you were here

Edward J Ebbs - 05/18/14

Written for a Contest, My Beloved Sweetheart

by Tom Valles |
Categories: appreciation, bereavement, blessing, death, eulogy, loss, wife,

Tell Her

Life is but a fleeting mist.
What is now, will soon be missed.
Seize the moment, say in words:
God’s greatest to you, was her.

Days of ordinary passing,
Too soon leave for nothing’s lasting.
Take the time to cherish her,
All widowers surely concur.

For when death’s door is finally closed,
No words or sonnets you’ve composed
Can reach the ears that once desired,
Your Love and words to lift; inspire.

Nothing in this world can bring
What you alone have offering.
Make the call, write the letter
Let her know you won’t forget her.

Death’s toll rings and she is gone
A vacuum fills and a fullness drawn.
While you can, express your heart
Before too soon, she will depart.

by Ngoc Nguyen |
Categories: beauty, eulogy, flower, friendship, love, romantic, rose,

Adoring Lines To a Flower of Brazil

I love a lovely maid—a Flower
     of the sun-baked land of Brazil;
ageless, she by clock's every hour
     makes the time be perfectly still.

Though fair and gorgeously pretty, 
     she longs to be known and adored
for her heart and inward beauty, 
     where love is felt and richly stored. 

She's queenly and wears a lush crown,
     a regent who sits on her throne;
a Rose, she's praised and of renown,
     and prized for her rare grace alone.

Too selfless and giving and kind 
     to disappoint, she lives to care
and gives alms to the lame and blind,
     and for me always says a prayer.

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: eulogy,

Let Our Memories Be the Bridge

(Written for my dear friend Mike Guest NZ)
(an Eulogy from afar)

For those of you that gather this day
With individual memories to savour
Use them all to build a busy highway
A bridge to cross with words of favour.
While across the miles with love that remains strong
Knowing your book of life now can be signed
We’ll remember the words of the song
You’ll always be on my mind.

 © Harry J Horsman 2018

by Cheryl Hoffman |
Categories: growing up,

Phases of Life

As small children we are wide eyed and innocent,
toddle after Mommy like baby elephants,
go to school to learn with our writing implement,
our parents hoping that we don't act indolent,

As teens upon graduation were confident,
some acting wild while others are reticent,
finding our jobs and falling in love relevant,
some marry while others act more dissident,

When we get old hopefully were still intimate,
thinking back on our lives with heartfelt sentiment,
being nice with people till death is imminent,
eulogy at funeral will be evidence.


by Dimpra Kaleem |
Categories: angel, beautiful, death, dream, eulogy, farewell, poetry,

A Soldiers Wish

Give me reason to live, give me reason to love. Fill my soul full of hope light the stars up above. Let my eyes see the beauty that women desire, let my heart beat with wings to soar high and higher. If none of these things are yours to give then paint me a picture where we both can live. A place full of harmony peaceful and still. Where deaths touch is lost with no fresh graves to fill. This above all will give me reason to love, this will light the stars up above.

by L. J. Carber |
Categories: allusion, angst, appreciation, death, eulogy, evil, spiritual,

When Evil Dances

When Evil dances,
good hearts are stopped,
grief swells into an ocean,
asked, why him? why her?
why did they have to die?

No answers are given, for none
can be given, not in this world.
But as the soul is real, immortal,
then the murdered shall rise again,
alive in some other place, alive
in  a world of endless dreaming
where love is never broken,
where love is never lost....

(Written to commemorate all those killed 
senselessly in their places of learning or worship, or work or shopping,or anywhere it seems.)

by Emily Rose Horwell |
Categories: lost love, loveheart, heart,

Envious Eulogy

Twas a laugh a minute, a cry a day,
Then you found her, and she took you away,
The days are now weeks, Seconds now gone,
The music stopped playing on our love song.

She now has your smile, your touch and your laugh,
How much I miss you, you don’t know the half.
Never have I felt such pain in my heart,
Than when your with her, and not in my arms.

I see you with her, tears well in my eyes,
I watch from afar, my heart breaks inside,
But I had you once, and I let you go,
Now you've replaced me, and I am alone.

I learnt my lesson, I learnt it hard,
Now and forever my heart will be scarred.

by Samuel Byrd |
Categories: beauty, bereavement, death, death of a friend, eulogy, sister, sympathy,

Angel Returned To Heaven

An angel returned to heaven today
deployed to erase gluttonous hate
from envy's grasp love is pulled away

To bring order to disarray
supplying hope while replacing sloth 
An angel returned to heaven today

Armed with beauty, charm and compassion
pride is now faced with a trained assassin
whether with song, a smile, a shoulder or ear
greed, anger and lust is sent running in fear

An angel returned to heaven today
after years of service in the field
from the mission never did she stray

In our hearts she will forever stay
so, let us remember, let us rejoice
cause our angel returned to heaven on this day

by A.O. Taner |
Categories: beautiful, death, death of a friend, destiny, eulogy, faith, heartbreak, hurt, lost, love, miss you, philosophy, soulmate, true love, truth, women,

The End

there came a time,
more than a moment
pained and slow, 
begging to surrender.

regrets flew, hopes landed
tears swam, games ended.

by Mat Ignacio |
Categories: eulogy, solitude,

En Passant

between the space of “aim” and “fire” 
is the place I least desire

life, in here, is infinitely small 
in this space, we are nothing at all

and if I am fire and you are aim
then the space between is our disdain

rook and pawn their blood devour 
the space between, a burning tower

hate and love, infinity
the space between, a stagnant sea

a policeman knocks with lowered gaze 
the silent space, infernal blaze

life and death, eternal story
beset by haunting purgatory

breath inspire, breath released
a breath withheld, is a breath deceased

space infliction
rogue design
let’s rearrange 
this paradigm
compression rate
death and life

by Nathan Virica |
Categories: addiction, bereavement, blue, death, death of a friend, depression, eulogy,


Farewell, o' weary traveller.
The stormy clouds now ever lift'd.
From that mortal night unto which you drift'd.
Daemons, once so fierce, shall make no further sounds.
For now, at last your sanctuary has been found.
The world around shall always pass 'n' go.
But in your name, as rose of love shall ever grow.
'N' tho' you've now succumb unto your inner beast,
Pray now sleep tight. Forevermore a spirit now at peace.

by Joe Flach |
Categories: angel, eulogy, poets,

The Caged Bird Is Set Free

Our caged bird will sing no more
Though her songs will live on forever
Angel wings she now adorns
With our tears upon each feather

The freedom she sought
The love that she taught
The words that she strung together
Are treasures to keep
While in sorrow we weep
For a world that will never forget her

From the bodily cage
Her soul now flies free
And ascends to the heavens on high
The songs that she sung
She sang for everyone
With a dream that will never die

I will miss our sweet bird
But will remember her words
That she sang from inside the cage
As we hear them repeat
In verses sown sweet
When she was the star of the stage

by Charles Baker |
Categories: art, growing up, happiness, health, life, people,

I'M Waking

Waves from the past at last hit me,
the people envisioned seem suddenly with me. 
As where they'll be when im gone from this world, 
til then I amend to sing songs to unfurl, 
these posts are my eulogy to any who read, 
when im not here to speak still you'll see truth in the feed,
i hope after laughter and smiling for reasons, 
not towards the true love or nature through season, 
I'm closing the curtains for the better of condition, 
this show I did play in but never auditioned, 
to all who did act bravo and well done, interpretive yes, but still not my fun..

by Lee Brownlee |
Categories: death, eulogy, future, goodbye,

No Flowers, Please

Send me no flowers, 
Cry me no tears,
Just send me your love,
To last the years.

Love everlasting,
Remembering and embracing,
Love speaks all languages
Love has no limitations.

Send me no flowers,
They will only die,
Send me your everlasting love,
Love forever be mine.

Time has no boundaries
Life is too short,
Our stay on this earth,
Depends on our ability to hold on.

by Nancy Jones |
Categories: death, eulogy, family,

My Uncle Died Today

My uncle died today
I don't know what to say
He was my fave.

Full of vim and vigor
Didn't need gun and a trigger
To have his say.

Slightly misogynist
But ain't the best of us
Flawed in some way?

I'll miss Abbott.
Has been my habit
To love him every single day.

by Jeinara Odonio |
Categories: absence, art, blue, dark, desire, devotion, earth, emotions, eulogy, eve, feelings, hope, how i feel, howl, i love you, image, irony, joy, loneliness, lonely, longing, memory, missing, moon, night, pain, passion, poems, relationship, romantic, stars,

Yellow Moon

She watched as the earth fell asleep

Waited for the yellow moon

soft kisses of unfaithful wind..

Images..Images on her head

Nostalgic memory of a forgotten love

Flashes of things she tried to forget..

Her eyes caught the reflection of the moon

locked inside the rain on her cheek..

She was standing alone..

Her grieving heart sought

solace from the moon

She petitioned the stars

Where is he this very night?

Cruel..oh so cruel..

Beneath the silence of the sky

she bowed her head and cried..

by Suyash Saxena |
Categories: absence, adventure, best friend, bible, boyfriend, brother, child, childhood, community, conflict, dedication, depression, dream, eulogy, faith, farewell, fear, feelings, first love, grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather, grief, heartbroken, image, inspiration, inspirational, leaving, life, light, loneliness, lost, missing, missing you, mother, sad, sad love,

Final Adieu

Final Adieu

Let another sun set,
Let another flower wilt,
Let another autumn cast its gloom,
Let another tear role,
As ye part, and bid
The final adieu.

Suyash Saxena
St. Stephen’s college

by Kurdt Cohen |
Categories: conflict, courage, emotions, eulogy, grief, identity, image,


A book about a broken man
Is what I sit and read
A tale of the ups and downs-
A game of love and greed

I turn the pages readily
And languish in the hope
But at the end of every chapter
His dreams go up in smoke

This book is sad and beautiful
The paper worth the tree
But who would think that with its ink
The book is reading me

by Ndaba Sibanda |
Categories: caregiving, eulogy, family, mothers day,

Special Love

They are special 
With a love essential
They and only they are endowed 
With the amazing biology of giving birth 
And the natural ability to breast-feed to satisfaction 

They are special
With a love essential
They and only they are the world`s 
Mothers and grandmothers and sisters 
Who can care and love better than a mother?

They are special
With a love essential
They and only they have love that knows
No time, hardship, distance, disability or old age
Because a mother`s love is the epitome of perseverance

by Iger Rolyat |
Categories: bereavement, black african american, eulogy, friendship, grief, loss, sorrow,


It is a fallacy to imagine
I could know your pain
The depth of loss for one we love
And who's loved us
Could never be transposed.

But I do understand...

Your loss is very great
And very distressing
I offer all the sympathy..
I can summon.

I'm hear to give... 

Comfort and companionship
Through these terrible, difficult days...
My thoughts and prayers are with you
As are my time and attendance
You are never alone.

Copyright 2016   Iger Rolyat   All Rights Reserved

by Julie Lindsey |
Categories: eulogy, funeral, grief, i love you, meaningful, memorial, mother, mother daughter, mum, relationship, sometimes, tribute,


Sometimes you made me laugh,
Sometimes you made me cry.
Sometimes I made you laugh,
Sometimes I made you cry.

Sometimes you made me angry,
Sometimes you made me happy.
Sometimes I made you angry,
Sometimes I made you happy.

Sometimes you made me proud,
Sometimes you made me despair.
Sometimes I made you proud,
Sometimes I made you despair.

Sometimes you made me giggle,
Sometimes you made me embarrassed.
Sometimes I made you giggle,
Sometimes I made you embarrassed.

Sometimes, sometimes, sometimes.
Good times and bad times,
But always, always, always you've loved me
And always , always, always I've loved you.

You've always been my Mum and will be ….always.

by Katie Christian |
Categories: absence, death, emotions, eulogy, grandfather, grief, miss you,

An Epitaph For My Grandfather

Dear grandfather, you meant the world to me.
I loved you even as a baby. 
You played with me and gave me love,
Not something that every grandfather does. 
You didn't leave us that long ago.
It was only in 2013.
I remember that day like it was only yesterday. 
Sunny and warm, it was only eight in the morning.
You had asked for a napkin and we supplied,
But when we had gotten there you had already died.
I loved you paw paw, I really did, and I hope
Wherever you are you still love me.
I miss you, and wherever you are I know you miss
Me, too.
                           I love you, paw paw.
                                Rest in Peace

by Shadab Shaikh |
Categories: absence, addiction, anger, change, conflict, confusion, courage, death, depression, desire, eulogy, fear, feelings, fire, first love, children, for her, for him, kids, forgiveness, friendship, grief, heartbroken, how i feel, i love you, loneliness, lonely, longing, loss, lost, lost love, love, miss you, missing, missing you, moving on, pain, relationship, sad, sad love, sick, storm, strength, stress, suicide,


How can I tell you?
I can't stay with you.

Neither I can give up on you.
Fear of losing you is losing me.
It feels like slow death every night.

But we are just stuck in our spaces!
Unable to connect from two feet distance.