Love Poems About Eve or Eve Love Poems
by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: romantic,

Dream Come True

Before the day turned into night
You I saw, what an awesome sight!
A smile of eve, of love and light,
A lovesome theme, my dream did write.

Up high blazed pink arc of the sky,
A spark of joy in purple dye,
A gleeful vibe of sun’s goodbye,
When love in your eyes moon did vie.

You my love, are a dream come true,
For life with you, is life I woo;
On cusp of night, where stars lure you,
To clues of love, the sunset drew.

Pray I now, you will steer my way,
Before this night turns into day.

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: romantic, sensual,

Quest of Allure Romantic

Perfumed breaths of rosy breeze
In lyrical refrain of redolent winds
Enamoring your pulse of longing
Compose harmonies euphonic
Strumming verses of heartbeats;

When nightingale sings song of eve
As buoyant river rushes to sea,
Giggling stream, greening prairies,
Voicing passions of iridescent spring.

But it is the moon on opal skies
That seduces your dream of dreams,
Proffering aura of esoteric smile
In covert hints of amorous night,
Lauding quest of allure romantic;

Hypnotizing your zealous soul
Ecstatic in my infatuating words
From song of heart rousing passion,
Crooning tender tunes of love
Tiptoeing to become your world.

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: eve, romantic,

Themes Enamored

Meet me when Sky paints pink On mauve eve Embossing love With blue sapphires Lured by kiss of Romantic night And twilight amber In themes enamored Bedazzles your dream As horizon gleams Lapis lazuli

by Eve Roper |
Categories: love, spoken word,

Today Is a Gift

Hold on to those moments Of Spoken words of Meaningful Sincere Love Tomorrow might never Become the present © By Eve Roper 6/22/2015

by Valerie Staton |
Categories: feelings, how i feel, i love you, love,

I Love You

By Valerie D. Staton

I love you…
More than Elmer loves glue
More than Bruce loves Kung Fu
More than Sara loves pie
You’re the apple of my eye

More than Samson loves Delilah
More than smoke loves fire
More than Adam loves Eve
You're the only one I need

More than needle loves thread
More than Wilma loves Fred
More than peaches loves cream
More than I’d ever dare to dream

I love you...

by Silent One |
Categories: heaven, love,

When I'm gone

Meet in Eden's garden, where life first gave birth. A beautiful paradise, pure and serene. Amidst verdant petals, not seen on this Earth, flowing in rainbow hues on lush lawns of green. Like Adam and Eve, we'll roam in jasmine air, adrift in nature's splendour without a care. Sing lullabies with angels, as we hold hands. Watch fluorescent sunsets in eternal lands.

by Jan Allison |
Categories: beauty, flower, garden, nature,

Pretty Pansies

Seeds Planted Then nurtured See how they’ve grown Into pretty pansies for my garden How I love to see their smiling faces In lovely shades Of purple Pink and Red They Brighten My borders Bringing colour Especially on wet dreary dull days Triple Tetractys 2 Contest sponsored by Eve Roper Checked with how many syllables 07~15~16

by Evelyn Judy Buehler |
Categories: eve, nature, nice, night, romantic love, sun, sunset,

The Terrace

Huge red-orange sun slowly recede,
Upon the sky seem to bleed;
Whispers of night, calling home,
Such sunset days rarely spent alone.

Look ahead to starry skies;
Not time for early goodbyes.
Without love cannot the heart grow-
A new day comes beyond the rainbow!

Warm Paris breeeze gently blow-
Roses atop the bureau;
Music with a certain ease;
Smooth jazz, if you please.

In darkness of shadows, waits he!
The night is young-for me!
Stars appear, quiet avenue.
Farewell dawn skies of baby blue.

When from misty dreams awakes,
When tomorrow sunrise overtakes,
Come listen music play,
On gold terrace of the sunny day!

by Tim Smith |
Categories: kiss, love,

I Blow My Kiss

With the wind this eve, I blow my kiss in perchance it makes your door It will sit and wait with the olive tree, the crimson rose, and all that you adore and in your morn when you appear it'll land softly 'pon your cheek there it'll rest til the day is done surrounded by mystique In the midst of night it'll start to speak as you begin to doze and dream of a life so sweet and a love so strong under stars that shine and gleam

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: death, evil, grief, heartbroken, lost love, wedding, winter,

Winter Widow Wordplay

whimsical windswept whiteness 
wedding weekend wanderlust
willowy wonderland waltz
wrongfully weathered woe
wintry wishful whispers
wrestling woodland wintertide

welcome waxen wallflower
weeping wheezy widow
whimpering wholeheartedly
wrangling worthless worries
wanton wretched wrongdoing
wedged within wickedness

Submitted on December 7, 2020 for contest ALLITERATION sponsored by EVE ROPER

AP: Honorable Mention 2020

Originally posted on October 23, 2018

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: feelings, heartbreak, love hurts, relationship, sad,

Let's Pretend

Why not say you’re mistaken, it was the wind that you heard? And when I dropped to my knee, I hadn't uttered a word. Why don't you just shrug it off, and admonish me out loud? Let’s pretend, 'twas but a game to amuse the passing crowd. If we say it didn’t happened, can we not forget this eve? And should you feel offended, just ask me to, and I'll leave. But, what if I did propose, and those words came from my heart? And now, I'm crying inside cause you tore my hopes apart. (Quatrain) 2/3/2015

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love,

Of Love

How foolish humans are when puppy love
consumes us! It can happen any time -
most often in our childhood. Plenty of
such crushes happen long before our prime!

How silly as adults can some be too.
Folks marry for wrong reasons, then get burned.
They do it all again and stay so blue.
Life’s lesson for such people is not learned.

How fortunate are those who find “the one!”
They navigate life’s ups and downs and feel
love deepening before their course is run,
then pass away while knowing love was real!

April 12, 2017 for Eve Roper's  Puppy love vs True love Poetry Contest

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: feelings, imagery, love,


As amber eve paints ochre skies
Her lips I kissed, turn ruby rose
And dreams of heart my passion vies
As amber eve paints ochre skies
When romance gleams in lovers’ eyes
It’s me she picks the moon well knows
As amber eve paints ochre skies
Her lips I kissed, turn ruby rose

October 29, 2020
Placed 1st: Pick-A-Title, Vol 24- Triolet - Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Edward Ibeh
Title chosen: Phantasmagoria
Eight syllables per line (

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: inspiration, life, light, love, nature, spiritual, sun,




         the many

           to lift in light

         and reach for the peach for the greater good

     golden the vast sea of black-eyed Susans

  merging in shine


    a lone


Susan Ashley 
September 24, 2020

~ Third Place ~
Contest: Double Tetractys 3
Sponsor: Eve Roper
Picture # 2

*syllables checked on 
1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 4, 3, 2, 1*

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: lost love,

The Black Tear Version Two

Mascara black tear fell as she looked on the silent man stretched lifeless in a cask full suit he loved for years. Pale lips smiling. She will never feel those soft lips again.
4 November 2020 Double Tetractys 5 Sponsor: Eve Roper

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: love, memory, poetry,

Soul Controlled

You were leaning over the rustic, wooden bridge.

Elements of a cold autumn eve approaching.
I just was entranced by the sea of you.
Black full hair, corduroy pants, tweed jacket.

Book of our favored poet, rested on the bridge lustily.
~ ee Cummings, his poetry blessed our union, for eternity.
That magnificent, modern poetry, not meant to be in any form.
Still lights my soul and will for all eternity!

"Kisses are a better fate than wisdom." ee Cummings

"Life is not a paragraph, and  death, I think, is no parenthesis."
 ee Cummings

These words upon my heart, then and now......
And for the brilliance of eternity.......


by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: love, mum,

- Gift For Mom -

When time stops,
      and the world is resting a little bit
      Where the veil of beauty
      and love is revealed by moonlight

            - I don't want to give you red roses
            - or blue violets
            - even the finest diamond is not enough

       ... a mother understands what a child does not say

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Free verse or Rhyme Poetry Contest
* Original title: Gift
Sponsored by: Eve Roper
photo: 1
2nd place in the contest

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: baseball, boy,

The Outfield Boy

The outfield boy stands waiting all alone, playing the game that many children love. From the pitcher’s mound, a ball has been thrown. The outfield boy stands waiting all alone. The ball has been hit. See how it has flown straight into the glowing boy’s baseball glove! The outfield boy stands waiting all alone, playing the game that many children love. Written Dec. 2015 for the Oil Paintings 4 & 5 Poetry Contest of Eve Roper

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: nature, new year,

Ekphrasis 12 Line Max

New Year’s Eve

I need to feel the trade winds blow
To know they have my heart in tow,

Here in the twilight of this hour
I feel the grandeur of God’s power.

The Sun, a ball of golden fire
Rises with my heart’s desire

That this New Year will offer love
As Sol begins to rise above.

How wonderful, the winter sky—
With mist filled clouds that float on by.

Sweet birds of beauty on the wing,
Portends the gifts New Year will bring.

© Connie Marcum Wong

My Muse is the New Year
Contest: Ekphrasis 12 Line Max
Sponsored by Rick Parise

by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous,

Rodger and His Lodger

There once was a young man called Rodger Who’s very transfixed with his todger From morning till night He gets his delight Now he shares his bed with his lodger The lodger her name was Sandy Was always ready and randy They’d make love all night But then they took fright When Rodgers legs went all bandy Submitted to New or Old 5 Contest Sponsored by Eve Roper 29 ~12~14

by Lu Loo |
Categories: childhood, family, happiness, love,

Haiku On My Family

Second Chance May 2016
Sponsor: Eve Roper

five generations
   connected to my grandpa
      kindred forefather

parents united
    unto them came four children
      love to go around

mother faced cancer
   a dear lady, my angel
      adulthood so strong

adoring siblings
   warmhearted and devoted
     affections of blood

money not vital
   wealthy in rich loyalty
      assets of true faith

our childhood dog Bo
   my sweet Golden Retriever
      my canine best bud

united as one
   roots form a family tree
     belovedly linked

Date Written: April 30, 2016

Date Finalized:May 19, 2016

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: change, dark, fruit,

Paradise Lost

Before the days when man first sinned
Angels traveled upon the wind
Everything magic shone in the night
Fairies fluttered, wings shining bright

Eve was perfect with long flowing hair
Sensuous body, delightfuly bare
Adam's body strong, he was a sight
They played by day and made love at night

Everything perfect, living in the trees
Yet trouble called upon a gentle breeze
The serpent said taste, this fruit so grand
Eve so entranced, she ate from his hand

She saved fruit for Adam, he took a bite
The garden went dark, no more magic light

A sonnet in The Wind Contest.
Written September 9th, 2013
Sponsored by: Poetess Darkly

by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: discrimination, history, humanity, immigration, political, racism, social,

Make America White Again

"Make America White Again"
Will never make any sense
Despite the tweets of "GENIUS" Trump
Or Republicans like Pence

Brown-skinned people filled this land
From one end to the other 
And though they had their differences
"Eve" is everyone's mother

Though some are prone to cast a stone
Or ridicule their brother
What makes a nation great again
Is love for one another.

by Eve Roper |
Categories: feelings, innocence, love,

Babes Love

Magnificent life
                                 Wondrous feeling of babes love
                                      Nestle between breasts

                                       By eve roper   11/9/2014

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: food,

I Love Your Corn On the Cob

Grandma, I love your corn on the cob.
I can eat more of it than Uncle Bob.

I’m ready for more and hardly can wait
for all of that goodness there on the plate!

For all of that corn on the cob, golly gee -
a whole stick of butter you better bring me!

Just look at the dog; he wants some too.
He can just lick the plate when I am through!

October 4, 2019
Based on Picture #3
For Eve Roper's Realism Art Poetry Contest

Note: I actually do have an uncle Bob, but I out-ate him for everything!!