Love Poems About Evil or Evil Love Poems
by Robert Lindley |
Categories: art, friendship, meaningful, nature, symbolism, tree, writing,

Retreat To Heed Our Honest Deeds


Two old oak trees weathered by winds and rain
with fallen leaves, branches and toughened bark
to shield a core of grandeur, and sustain
the wisdom borne to see the light from dark.
Two noble men aware of twilight time
both face evil world with courage and grace
Love and Nature gifts each, a life sublime
all standing with courage none can erase.
Each rooted within mother earth's great fold
weathering this world's darkest raging storms
images show lives lived regally and bold
tho' existing in weakened earthen forms.
With words of wisdom written in our seeds
we seek retreat to heed our honest deeds.

22nd June, 2018
T.J Grén & Robert Lindley

by Tom Woody |
Categories: appreciation, friendship,

Hold Your Head High

keep dwelling in the clouds, my mentor said
and shun those who would drag you through the mud
their heinous wish to keep you seeing red
is Satan's lure for drawing out first-blood

for in this world malevolence abounds
and evil lurks in every corner nook
to tit for tat in idle chat with clowns
is like a fish who can't resist the hook

but in the sky there's love and harmony
you'll find yourself immersed in dreams of peace
I'll help you in your quest to stay angst-free
together we'll find joy and sweet release

forever may this be my firm resolve
to rise above the fray and thus evolve

*inspired by a friend

by Kim Merryman |
Categories: inspirational, metaphor,

You Reap What You Sow

If you sow seeds of kindness,
Then kindness is what you'll reap.
If you sow seeds of forgiveness,
You'll reap untroubled sleep.

If you sow seeds of anger,
of hatred or discontent,
You'll reap a crop of violence,
Discord and evil intent.

If you sow seeds of brotherly love,
Then love you will receive,
But if wickedness is what you sow,
Then wicked you will be.

The lesson here is pretty clear:
You reap just what you sow.
Therefore, strive to sow only good seeds,
And spread them wherever you go.


by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, dark, evil, funny, humorous, internet,

Modern Poetry

Skip ad
poem will resume very soon
turn off ad block
ad blocker
get dressed
is not that kind of poem
please favorite me
I am flavor to be
like me
love me
photoshop me
pause for second ad
add ads, subtract ads
multiply wine ads
get more wine
is a long damn add
bought the Mercedes
make love
to words
is in
snap snap and chat
latex friendships
hollywood dreams
with amex
I never leave home
there she rests
in the trunk
blood mixed
with that new car smell
everything is modern these days
even my jail cell

by Bill Baker |
Categories: dark, emotions, evil, inspirational love, light, pain,

The Darkest Hour

The darkest hour comes with pain that's insane,
Excruciating, unrelenting pain.
The sobbing and gasping are so abrupt.
The heart is broken; the body gives up.

The darkest hour tries to take full control,
Searching through the suffering for the soul.
Disillusioning evil tells a lie.
“Death will set you free, so let yourself die.”

Numbness begins to smother the feeling.
The chaos of your mind sends you reeling.
In time you know there must be a reason
To continue at least for a season.

Looking deep within, you search for the light,
A seed of love to help you through the night.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: evil,


Monsters live in houses, like you and I.
They eat and sleep and go to work each day.
They laugh and they feel pain.  Perhaps they cry!
But they have different games they like to play

They need to have control. Therefore, most seek
a victim who is young or not so strong.
They think they are almighty, but their mind is weak.
Depraved, they pay no heed to right or wrong.

They may seem crude, but some of them are slick.
The ones with brains play too well at their game.
All monsters love what normal folks find sick.
They brutalize and rape, and feel no shame.

Beware! One could be living on your street
or be that charming guy you’ve chanced to meet!

by Gayle Rodd |
Categories: crush, cute love, love,

The Eyes Have It

Some are ever hollow
Some are full of lies
Some are evil; menacing
Some are old and wise

Some are full of mischief
Some are full of fear
Some are deep and soulful
Others full of tears

Some are ever roving
Some are ever cold
Some are ever staring
Some are even rolled!

Some are ever flirting
Some are green or blue
Mine are eyes 
That can’t disguise
The love they hold for you

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: death, evil, grief, heartbroken, lost love, wedding, winter,

Winter Widow Wordplay

whimsical windswept whiteness 
wedding weekend wanderlust
willowy wonderland waltz
wrongfully weathered woe
wintry wishful whispers
wrestling woodland wintertide

welcome waxen wallflower
weeping wheezy widow
whimpering wholeheartedly
wrangling worthless worries
wanton wretched wrongdoing
wedged within wickedness

Submitted on December 7, 2020 for contest ALLITERATION sponsored by EVE ROPER

AP: Honorable Mention 2020

Originally posted on October 23, 2018

by Miraj Raha |
Categories: beautiful, friend,

For Andrea

In breath-taking elegance, the "Cinder Girl" walks
she was the moon once, but now a frightful dusk.

A grave message through "Fire and Ice"
mortals must learn to sacrifice.

pulsating everywhere, before the dawn of man
that is "How Poetry began."

darkness was adorned by moon-rays bright
"Come out and play, you creatures of Night."

The sun refused to shine, as evil shadows around them crept
That was the day, "When the Heaven and Earth wept."

...and thus she spins her endless tales
that spreads forth in the winds and dales.
A deluge of emotions mix and blend
creating miracles,I don't know to what end.
may almighty watch her from above
as she spreads her muse and love.

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: courage, humanity, love,

Enemies We Were Never Born

No, my loving friend,

Enemies we were never born but we were made

By all those evil men who had the most to gain

Thus I implore you ready to be each other to embrace

Forgetting to which religion we belong and to what race!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
     12 January 2022

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: anger, hate,

Evil Has a Childhood

toss anger, he said
into the bin of waste
waste not mankind’s love
with abuse and bite
the bullet skies
high the eagle flies
why not the steeple
less with feathers flocked
why not the pews on
threadbare knees
that knock and palms
close touch of closed
and ethereal eyes, in shock
of amazing blue, far above
the whizzing bell of shots
some fell, some rise
both have a knell and sigh
anger flung like monkey dung
lay upon the sheetrock roof
its lies are born and cradled
evil has a childhood, is able
to wean and crawl, to fall
toss anger, he spoke
to the deaf and blind
they never woke nor wised
up. six feet downer done
swept into the bin of waste
a godforsaken life

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: adventure, caregiving, celebration, confusion, desire, feelings, funny, humor, identity, life, october,

Sweet and Salty -Libra Tale


Sweet and Sour hectic sign
Love me, trust me, the stars align
   Balance of truth and dare
   Good and Evil, full of care 
Blind when it comes to blood line

:) PD

by Craig Cornish |
Categories: world war ii,

D Day

A place where peace should reign, yet terror grows.
A paradise where blood and children lie.
A beach where young boys played and now men die,
with liquid crimson waves that evil sows.
The cliffs now bow and weep and look below,
where from their shoulders cast a deadly tide.
A peaceful nighttime vista now belied
by daylight's bloody battle of the foes.
As dreams replace the din that's all around
and life drips slowly there into the sand,
it's faith and God and love that now surrounds
these ever grateful souls that have been found.
Brave comrades in this fate so proudly stand
to be delivered now where they are bound.

by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
Categories: angst, love, peace

Non-Toxic Love

Non-Toxic Love

Pecking order glances
Destroys friendship chances
Dissolves love, annuls romances.

Surviving smart as a fox…
Smooths that road of hard knocks…
So step out of the box.

Live above mental kicks.
Care, without verbal pricks,
Strengthen homes made of sticks.

Avoid hot gossiping lips
Prevent ill judger's grips.
Watch the evil one do flips.

Find peace with the white dove.
Be sheltered by God above.
Receive His gift… non-toxic love.

© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
January 22, 2010

Poetic form: Rhyme

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

Grow Old With Me

Breathless beauty shine bright tonight my loving arms will hold you tight no wind, no storm, no evil tide will whisk you away from my side I'll fly you to a land where eagles soar where mountains climb from the shore guide you to a meadow where nature plays where geysers spout most every day show you a place where the buffalo roam where a simple man can make a home we'll sail the sea under star filled skies gazing deeply into those caramelized eyes we'll have no worries, we'll be carefree so take my hand and grow old with me

by Just That Archaic Poet |
Categories: evil, satire, woman,

She Sold Her Soul In a Bathroom Mirror

Wicked Witches vicious Wishes
Worst of Curses Hexed
Paranormal Victim Witness
Poltergeist are Vexed
Rows of Sixes Superstitious
Sacred Scrolls and text
I see dishes fly malicious
And She is surely next.
Sold Her Soul and burnt the Bridges-
The Devils love Her Best!

*ABAB Witchcraft Contest Entry*


by Guru Jad |
Categories: age, birth, journey, love, lust,

A Long Journey Made Short

Little Innocence was forged into the world 
A shrill Sound flickered around the expecting eyes
Laughter carved out of marble 
A statue thought to beat immortality 
Yet Fear had a surprise
It crept into the cradle with ease
Laughter was choked
Tears burst instead
And Sadness had a form
Evil found in youth a red soil
Jealousy marched with Envy
Lust befriended Desire
Until cupid threw a bunch of arrows
Adventure appeared
Excitement beyond description
A Thrill with no past
Sentiments were aroused
Pride threw some words
Ego played its part
And when Love meddled to defend its territory
The Heart bled in utter silence! 

© Guru Jad 2013

by Poesy Relish |
Categories: child, childhood, evil, loneliness, poverty, society,

Young Lambs In Poverty

In this dark and dreary world, the urchins forced to toil

Their  body bared and tarnished, gain little sleep and boil

Tiny hands and feets famished, no love they had meet

Like young lambs for slaughter, were they forced to cheat

Sold away by father, with no heart but only greed 
How my mind cries, watching this heinous deed

And sighs, its a discriminating fate unfair. 

© Nadiya (22 Jan '15)

*Won 4th place on 4 Feb 2015 in the contest 'Interlocking Rhyme' by Isiah Zerbst

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: evil, god, love,


No, my Lord,

Mercy, for their wretched souls, I could

Never ask

Let them burn into eternity for their atrocious crimes,

Committed against humanity 


Against the law of Thy infinite love !*

© Demetrios Trifiatis
  07 FEBRUARY 2015

*After burning a Jordanian pilot alive, decapitating two Japanese 
journalists and killing a woman for not wearing shoes, yesterday the 
fanatics decapitated a father and a son in Iraq. When all this end?

by Tom Bell |
Categories: angst, confusion, life, love, sorry,

Delicate Flower

Delicate flower
So lovely, and so sweet
Ravaged by wind
And rain and summer heat

Joyful to view
With the sweetest scent
Why nature could bring
harm to you
Makes me wonder where God went

I cry inside
I'll never understand
How such delicate beauty
Could come to such evil harm
All I see is beauty
And innocent loving charm.

by Teagan Taylor |
Categories: abuse, addiction, evil, leaving, love, pain, sometimes,

Under What Influence

Sometimes I think I would love you more if I was still drinking. And then I decipher the code: I would love you more if I still loved myself less.

by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: betrayal, career, dark, evil, satire, true love,

Life With T-Rump Xxi

Donald's faithful to his red star
Putin loves the Don from afar
Bizarre it may seem
It's been Vladimir's dream
To have an American Tsar

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: creation, dark, desire, evil, loss, sensual, sexy,

She, That Eats Hearts and Worlds

She Eats Hearts and Worlds

In this world life stands still
heartache chokes in for the kill
Sidewalk leaps up to quickly slay
Fools racing all about every day

That pain sets just so damn well
she that strode from the gates of hell
Tarnishing all that gave in love
her sex fits tightly, like a glove

Those nights did so hotly soothe
she the sexy vixen so damn smooth
Always naked and steaming ready to go
no man could resist the sexual show

In her world you gladly die to play
such delights , pure passion every way
Then roofs came loudly crashing down
death came with smiles and no damn frown!

Robert J. Lindley.

by Scott Macdonald |
Categories: bible, conflict, creation, fantasy, god, jealousy, religious,

Jealous God

Wodon gave them song and verse
Promethius gave them fire
Dionysius gave them wine and games
Orpheus played the lyre
Atlas held the world aloft
Fenrir consumed it whole
Ceres gave them seeds and crops
Ran the waves that roll
Pandoras box kept evil locked
Rati set love free
Boreas brought the winters frost
Eostre, springs fertility
But for my name they are nothing,
Upon these you may not call,
For I am christ the jealous god,
And I destroyed them all
So do not sing mousai's songs
Rebrand all festivities
For each of you are heathen
And theres is only me

Scott (loki) MacDonald 2017

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: faith, god, light, sorrow, strength,

Wear His Armor

~Wear His Armor~ (Lanterne) Feel much pain but with his love I'll always walk With his help crush evil His light shines all day My true hope is the Lord faith will stand thru all Lord feeds soul keeps me whole facing life thru hell Safe with the Lord I'll be He knows all 'bout me I trust the best for me is yet to come His armor I'll wear Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2014 January.20.2015