by Daniel Turner |
analogy, life,
When we were young we loved our fairy tales
A frog could be a prince with just one kiss
Each cloud, a boat where dreamers could set sail
Imagination was the great abyss
Too soon we grew and lost our innocence
Found out that swords are never pulled from stones
That dreams come true but only with expense
And happy ever after's come and gone
Yet some of us still wish upon a star
Believe that rainbows come with pots of gold
Reality is life for most comes hard
And love like water runs both hot and cold
Like you I wish that fairy tales came true
But grown ups know they very seldom do
by Daniel Turner
by Hiya Sharma |
fairy, fantasy, heaven, love, magic,
stelliferous arcs,
of chiffon-sewn cosmic chains
and rose-glazed silk yarns...
a tapestry of crystal ~
love-tendrils on eden's heart...
by Liam Mcdaid |
angel, beauty, flying, love, metaphor, mirror,
The moonbeams bore you in a cradle of light smiling
warmly a cold blue winter moon rocking over and back thoughts
Midnight mystery howling to a silver reflection deeply echoes whispering winds
over Snow Mountain faraway dreaming stars twinkle in your treasure jewels
Lost trying to catch your trail freedom inside love the spark igniting
magic believing in a fairy tale ending dust in a thousand dreams enchanting
by Daniel Turner |
fantasy, fun, imagination, metaphor,
Inside an inkwell, lives a fairy tale
A classic, filled with love and misery
Where," Once upon a time" has long set sail
And "happy ever after's" yet to be
It's plot, a knight, once schooled in chivalry
His quest for love, the dragons he has slain
From Crusades 'round the world to frippery
The jousts with Father Time who drew disdain
Yet deep inside is where brave knight remains
A lifetime of adventures, good and bad
The love he searches for, still unobtained
Still finding peace, his "grail" this Gallahad
Perhaps, I'll buy a quill one of these days
Release Sir Knight and legends of his ways
by Daniel Turner
Spenserian sonnet abab bcbc cdcd ee
by Paloma P |
crazy, humorous, hyperbole,
There's a place whence children dwell amid
fairy stories, popcorn rainbows & candied unicorns,
which is fine & dandy except when
you're supposed to be a grown-*** adult,
some people live 'round La-La landscapes
without a hint of reality's woefulness,
unable to read skywriting on the cosmos
If you believe in miracles or
that nothing ever changes
and love lasts forever and a day
or just say,
you got a damn ticket because
your unicorn was inconveniently double-parked,
rest assured thine meter is delusional
by James Marshall Goff |
lost love, love,
cashed out
way before
the meter expired
sending our dreams somersaulting
helter skelter to the whims of what never was planned
leaving fairy tales breathless, our favorite song, weeping still, in the landfill of love
by Winged Warrior |
beauty, emotions, fairy, imagery, morning,
Concaving thought’s that try to escape
They have no substance in the life awake
Like an amoeba a thoughtless form
Trying to manifest in the early morn...
Morning has broken near the wishing well
As the fairies cast their magic spell
Love and sunshine be their quest
And thus invite you as their guest...
by Tim Smith |
Cinderella dreams across yellow brick roads
Creating Prince Charming out of simple silly toads
We play hopscotch, jump rope and other little games
Trying to produce magic and a feeling quite the same
Dancing through life with rose colored eyes
Wishing and hoping love doesn't float on by
Finding the one that just makes us smile
Holding on tight, hearts entwined for awhile
Happiness comes to those who are blessed
Sharing our all when two lips are pressed
Suns set, moons rise but one thing still remains
When fairy tales meet blood pumps in our veins
Whether young or old we seek out love to surround
There's no greater feeling when a heart in love pounds
by Tom Cunningham |
love, romance, wedding,
prince and the actress
at Windsor both said I do
modern fairy tale
by Tim Smith |
"Brightest diamonds shine in darkest rooms,
willing hearts bleed out love for me and you"
Whisper close towards a frightened ear
soothe a shaken soul scared tonight
hold onto hopes of flight filled wings
where a painted rose will rise and sing
Carry my crutch just a little bit more
for when the south winds blow again
across flowing strands of love and care
my heart and spirit will be right there
Living moments in locked up dreams
no longer a little blue penguin burrowing
freeing fairy tale fantasy finally come true
glowing in the dark because the shine of you
by Rylee Woods |
emotions, love,
what is love?
How do we describe some thing we
can't touch or even see.
Love is an emotion
Kids don't understand the true
meaning of it
But for us its an experience that
you never want to lose that feels
amazing like a book that you turn
into reality...Like your fairy tale ending
by Joyce Johnson |
I watch as they repeat their vows,
Darling granddaughter and her love.
Each looks into the other's eyes
As though directed from above.
Loving them both, I say a prayer.
I pray the fairy tale will last.
Zealously, jealously I beg,
Each day their love remains steadfast
Dear Lord, for them I dare to ask.
Love that grows stronger every day,
Oh, how I wish that for these two.
Vows remembered and vows renewed,
Each partner staying strong and true.
(My last unmarried granddaughter and her love were married yesterday.)
by Peter Walsh |
child, father daughter, children, my child,
What would we do without Cuddles
They help us to get out of muddles
When we're feelin' down, they replace a frown
And they fill us so full of Love Bubbles
Beethoven, Sparkles and Lulu
Far greater than anything Tragic
Eeyore, T-T-Tigger and Pooh
In Dreams that are filled full of Magic
Angels are made for believin'
Even if we've never seen them
They mind us at night, when we shut our eyes tight
And they help the Dream Fairies to Weave them
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
beauty, celebration, christmas,
Its Christmas time again
Making hot chocolate - reading Christmas stories
The windows is lit up with fairy lights
The spirit of Christmas is in the air
We light the candles in dark corners
Waiting to hear the Christmas bells
To believe in magic and love is all I want
And thank you Christmas angels
21.12.2015 - A-L Andresen :)
(Unrymed Couplet )
by Mkanya Anele |
Life is a journey
traveled by many
the loads we carry
some leave us weary
The dreams in my heart
I will not bury
Failure can depart
we will not marry
love is not fairy
It is the drug I sniff
craved for by many
It lets me climb the cliffs
If you forgot
I am for God
To fail, I shall not
I Applause the Lord
by Betty Bateson |
emotions, fairy, lost love, miss you,
Is there a special place to find you
A place where fairies fly
Where all our memories are kept
Where we need not question why
Can we walk together arm in arm
Strolling our memory lane
Recalling times more pleasant
As I softly speak your name
What a magical wonderful sight
Sharing thoughts here once again
Maybe fairies hold our secrets
And take away our pain
If I could find you in this place
I would hold on to you so tight
Never allowing you to slip away
While fairies take their flight
by Andrea Dietrich |
fairy, mother,
I bet you didn’t know about the fairies
assigned to all the infants that are born.
At night beside her precious charge each tarries
while softly crooning lullabies till morn.
An extra special fairy will be sent
to first-time mothers of a girl or boy,
for when the harried fretting mom is spent,
she only has to look upon her joy.
As magic dust releases from above,
the mother sighs and holds her baby near.
Then particles illuminate the love
of one who coos while cradling her dear.
As fairies go, there simply is no other
as blessed as she who serves the child and mother.
by Andrea Dietrich |
caregiving, love, mother, fairy, mother,
Have you heard about a certain fairy,
the one assigned to infants newly born?
Unseen, beside her precious charge she’ll tarry
softly crooning lullabies till morn.
She is the special fairy that is sent
to first-time mothers of a girl or boy,
for when that harried fretting mom is spent,
and as the mother looks down at her joy,
the fairy sprinkles dust down from above.
The mother sighs and holds her baby near.
Those particles illuminate the love
expressed by mother cooing to her dear.
As fairies go, there simply is no other
as blessed as she who serves the child and mother.
by Line Gauthier |
adventure, child, fantasy, hero, imagination, princess, sweet love,
Once upon a time a long long time ago
Prince Aaron was riding his unicorn
When he met his precious princess
In the enchanted forests of the Ottawa Valley
And saved her from flying fiery dragons
He was so strong valiant and brave
Thus started a romance that would last a lifetime
One day they would throw the wedding of the century
But for now the prince needed to go to sleep
And give in to the dream land of elves and faeries
As mommy continued to read his bedtime story
AP: Honorable Mentoin 2022, Honorable Mention 2020
Submitted on June 8, 2018 for contest FAIRY TALE POETRY sponsored by ALEXIS Y. - RANKED 2ND
by Delilah Ventura |
love, passion, romance, wedding
The birds and the bees are not dreams
For I baptize myself into love
As my spirit enters the ocean
My breath blows in the wind
Romanticism in the spring
Bring yourself to me
Excitement in our hearts
Our fairy tale is a charm
Hanky-panky in the pond
Passion in the birds
Honey in the bees
Cuddling is our touch
Watery lips, so smooth
Relationship is our bond
Kissing is our key
Lovemaking in our soul
Energy fill the earth
Combine , the birds and the bees
As I accept this ring
Yes indeed
by Andrea Dietrich |
romance, sad,
Once upon a time
my mother read me
tales of princesses
who joined with their prince -
fairy tale romance.
Wishing on stars,
I hoped my prince
was out there too.
He hung the moon.
What magic
when life held
such promise!
I was
spurred by . . .
It filled
my mind.
A young girl,
I asked for
just the moon!
I longed for it.
I searched for it.
How elusive
it seemed to be.
Once found, it often
quickly, for it was -
after all - simply
the moon dust of dreams.
For Catie Lindsey's Diminished and Advancing
Hexaverse Contest Poetry Contest
by Tim Smith |
In the midst of my dreams
where happily ever afters
and fairy tales come true
the scarlet rose moon dips
as she dances along side me
under a million flickering strobes
illuminating our milky way serenade
I call out her name
and the brightest star shines
I watch her gleam
I watch her glow
basking in all that's good
and I know
that beauty
The same beauty I see in her face
as I hear those fragrant whispers
showering down on me
by Delores Allen |
bible, birth, creation, destiny, endurance, future, growth, humanity, inspirational, strength, time, universe,
Life is not a fairy tale.
This is real, life.
It's real, joy. It's real,
pain. This is real, death.
There are no guarantees.
A growing seed that grows
from birth till death.
This seed can multiply,
it can love. This seed can
feel pain, it can laugh.
This seed can teach,
it can become ill.
This seed is the seed
of generations of seeds.
It's been created, reborn,
multiplied, and died
throughout centuries.
We have used this seed,
as a lifeline of what
was and is to come.
Be it sand, water, or evolution,
the seed that began it all,
has never stopped.
God's first seed began with
Adam and Eve.
by Richard Lamoureux |
farewell, happy, happy, life,
A sweet princess lays upon a bed
All those who see her think she is dead
The Prince wants to save her with his kiss
He hopes that true love will bring them bliss
Some Fairy Tales are filled with regret
This Prince has a reason to be upset
She has a heart he will never hold
A part of the Story never told
She loves another, but it's not him
The light of her life starts to grow dim
He kisses and cry's there is no hope
Feeling lost his life ends with a rope
This tale does not have a happy end
Such a sad place this World of pretend
The Princess paid the ultimate cost
No more happy days all have been lost
by Jane Bowen |
inspirational, introspection, love, passion, philosophy, uplifting, longing,
Passion has this unyielding power
Filling our desired need
Entirely so free of greed
Like the sun beaming on a flower
A wanting yearning aching urge
Bottled up hidden as we grow
A fairy tale we crave to know
A longing for our love to surge
Magnetic chemistry silently implores
Creating a desire burning deep
Sizzling kisses no longer meek
Lovers curiously eager to explore
Passion an undeniable emotion
Always lending us what we crave
Being adored by a heart so brave
God blessed us all with this devotion~