Love Poems About Faith or Faith Love Poems
by Christina Bowring |
Categories: faith, love, time,

As Time Slips By

Crystal winged hourglass flows muted gold sand as time turns red dawn to pink dusk once more; life’s tapestry fades as years so expand but love in the heart gives youth to restore when embraced with so much left to explore. Crystal winged hourglass portrays such fleeting finite life as time slips by depleting; with love reborn, awoken from sleeping so shall heavenly days be accreting - when sand flows no more - just joy, no weeping.

by Phillip Garcia |
Categories: daughter,

Who Can Argue Miracles Exist

Who Can Argue Miracles Exist?

No man, be he grandiloquent or coarse;
             be he a learned novel or tattered page;
             be he devout in faith or drenched in doubt;
             be he a man replete with shame of sin:
No man (unless an empty man who flaps like cynic’s skin)
             who has watched the early sun come out
	     or heard the song of sparrows spared the cage:
No man in love with his daughters:  No man in love with his universe.


Submitted for:  Let's Have an Argument
Sponsored by Kevin Shaw

by Kim Merryman |
Categories: devotion, faith, religion,

You Took My Place

Amazing love,
Amazing grace,
You gave Your life,
You took my place.
I should have died,
On Calvary's tree,
But You stepped in,
And died for me.

What can I say?
What can I do?
To show my love, 
My gratitude?
To You my Lord,
My Savior King,
For becoming my
Sin offering?

Here is my heart,
Here is my soul,
Come Lord Jesus,
Take control.
The old is gone,
You've made me new.
You died for me,
I'll live for you.


by Vince Suzadail Jr. |
Categories: children, world, time,

Your Child's Eyes

The innocence lost so long ago
The undying faith we used to know
The gentle rain of a summer's skies
You can find it all in your child's eyes.

The world was right one time it seems
And we could reach beyond our dreams
To meet a challenge of any size
That fire still burns in your child's eyes.

In a world of anger and miscontent
And the frustrations of a life misspent
And you wait in fear as the storms arise
You can still find peace in your child's eyes.

Take the time for all those things
Hear his words: feel the joy he brings
There is no hate; there are no lies
There is only love in your child's eyes.

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: faith,

Jesus Christ

Life ground to a halt
living down a dead end street
where there's no sunlight
and shadows of doubt linger...
Till your love blew them away.

 © Harry J Horsman 2021

by Christina Bowring |
Categories: faith, love,


Shall I reside in shadows of past years
like a silhouette where light appears dimmed
as life’s entangled path cuts deep like spears
of perforating thorns overly brimmed?
Shall I guard the fragility of heart
and retreat stumbling with blindfolded sight
unless black shrouds unveils colourful art 
of silky roses grown in shades of light?
Shall I remain dwelling and not then seek
life that awaits a brave travellers feet —
yet, would not a fervent heart grow so meek
with a dying rhythm of its own beat?
Amidst faith, scars from life’s thorns slowly heals
upon a path where inner self reveals. 

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, angst, anxiety, death, emotions, feelings, grief,

Fueled By Love

Grief hides itself
behind a veil
of anger, fear, and disbelief,
and yet, it invades your every thought.
Inside, you want to lash out
at death;
to send the hurt back!
Grief clings to death,
and in so doing
devastates the living.
Your world shrinks
to memories,
reflected in pools of tears.
And life loses its spark,
a part of you is missing
leaving a hole in your heart.
Time is but a concept
of the mind,
as flimsy as a thought;
it has no power over grief.
And yet, there is something
stronger than time
that can numb the pain, 
and that is faith... fueled by love.

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: faith, happiness, inspirational, love, meaningful, perspective, wisdom,

Spiritual Law

Spiritual law of attraction: one can only receive by giving. One has to become love, if to know love for reception. What we hold in our consciousness is who we are and what we attract. Walls are all we think we know...better to live from a clean slate. Letting go opens our hands (hearts) for spiritual grasping. We are born dying obviously. It is not for death but our only way to life. It is illusion, the doorway not empty, not a space to pass through, but, in fact, a dimension of less encumbered being~ one dies to live dies to live...there is never lives to die. No darkness in creation...if anything, there is only self keeping out the light.

by Ink Empress |
Categories: gospel, weather,

Hyacinth Hymn of Healing

In a hyacinth bed of seven stars, winter fairies waltz in pearl elegance~ a token of faith engrossed amidst scars, while skies drizzle rain in fruity essence. Angel of sleep seeks through frost's icy thorn, fallen feathers soar towards jasmine moon, when lotus light within soul is reborn, listen to the tree of life sigh and croon. Somewhere between daisy dusks and rose dawns, seeds of sun unfurl promises in gold, sowing herbs of hope across sequined lawns. In the realm of healing, love I behold.

by Ink Empress |
Categories: emotions, love, muse, ocean,

Sapphire Souvenirs

I watch
the waves crash
and unfold gems
in neon blue dust
across ivory shores
silky reflections scatter
upon moon glazed tides in cadence
and flaming twin stars whirl in circles
sprinkling magic upon Poseidon’s realm
There's a turquoise song for the healing hearts
ruffling as lyrical melodies 
along idyllic crests of hope
where memories float in a
bottle of souvenirs
ferrying sapphire 
swells of daydreams
that ebb in 
tune to 

by Richard Palmer |
Categories: faith, religion, uplifting, prayer, love, prayer,


One more morning,after one more night,
One more thanks for keeping things right,
One prayer to bed,one as you rise,
Good morning God,thanks for another sun rise,
Prayer is the fuel that keep us going,
Through troubled times,pray for strength keep rowing,
And without fear step out,face the unknowing,
Although all around negativity blowing,
Every day,even one positive seed,try sowing,
Within my veins,God love is flowing,
God is my friend,the devil,not interested to know him,
Here comes the garbage truck,over there throw him,
Don't just say you love God,pray show Him,
Remember prayer keeps us,spiritual growing...

by John Rhinem |
Categories: faith, love, passion,

Fairytales and Love


Clouds burst their rainbows amid the night....

Cascading showers in loves colourful lights

Glitter became the stars which filled the sky

Inside my heart and afore my eyes ~

Into my soul did they come to rest

Atop palettes of dreams; their dreams bequest....

What you knew and what I thought

Who I am and whom your not

As time it tears this page so fair

Confetti streams, tis where I'll find you there....


...."Fairytales and Love" *

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: beautiful,

Sunsets In the Blues

.He walked in silence to the corner of my heart He lit a candle~ fire in a room once damp and dark His words were gently spoken His love was loud and clear His arms were unexpected A fearless Chevalier My strength was getting weaker My pulse~rate running low He sheltered my emotions and fortified his soul He helped me win the battle against solitude's blade His kiss bestowed upon me His palm upon my faith A faith of a new promise on paths of pastel hues Of jasmine scents and marigolds Of Sunsets in the blues.

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: care, devotion, happiness, love, soulmate, trust,

What Is Love

What is Love

Trust - unconditionally in that someone special.
Faith - and devotion through divine destiny.
Contentment - in knowing love is equally reciprocated.
Soul connection - that tethers a couple together forever.


A four line poem on what is love Poetry Contest~Second place~
Sponsored by: Faraz Ajmal

by P.M. Richter |
Categories: image, self, spiritual,

Spiritual Birth

grace will find you when thoughts fade away crushed with unbearable grief "losing your mind" suffering during a dark night of the soul the ego crumbles; revealing the light your soul consciousness "finding yourself" directly experiencing the divine sense of oneness where everything is connected at a deeper level there is but one consciousness appearing as many "awakened" breathless views are available with inner focus crossing a chasm with one final leap of faith you become blissful; radiating like the sun "experiencing enlightenment" revived with a new perspective humans are never perfect but our pure being is "love"

by Claudia Polydoro |
Categories: word play,

Your Better End

YOUR BETTER END To be To stare To contemplate To risk To dare Once and again To trust To leap A Jump of faith To fall To land No one can say To forgive To forget Or try again To breathe To love Feel whole and place The fears The doubts To rest and then To grow To become Your better end *** January 20, 2017

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beautiful, blessing, creation, destiny, faith, god, love,

Pearl of a Great Price

Dancing with the sunbeams deep sea reflections 
so beautiful adoring on cloud nine sitting pretty 
upon golden sands shifting salt of the ocean turns 

Each wave a blessing in disguise 
standing regal one moment in time 
looking back captivating starlight was born 

Mirrors mist over arched jewels colour radiance 
fixing thoughts on an image beholding your word 
no diamond ever cut comes close to you

by Lu Loo |
Categories: emotions, lost love, passion,

Time To Let You Go

Beneath the sunlit sky I see your face, and in that moment you reveal your touch- I feel the way you’ve mastered your embrace, and through the night your passion is as such. Above the twilit moon I need your kiss, I beg of you to keep my secret safe- For when away your fondness I do miss, and as we said we need our tender faith. The way the spark is lit beneath the sheets, reveals the gentle ways you swiftly trace my body like a sketch down to my feet, for in your arms is where I leave my lace. Before the Lord made man you loved me so- But now it’s time for me to let you go. October 21, 2016

by Robert Nehls |
Categories: courage, faith, love,

Mama Please Don'T Cry


She smiled through the waves of pain
And held her mother's hand.
"Oh, Mama please don't cry," she said.
"And try to understand.
God wants me up in heaven now.
I hear him calling me.
There's lots of angels singing out.
It sounds so heavenly.

"Oh Mama please don't cry," she said.
"It's time for me to go.
You've given me your love and joy.
And Mom I love you so."
She wipes away her mama's tears
And looks into her eyes.
Then drifts into the Lord's sweet hands
As they say their goodbyes.

Now Mama hears her little girl;
"Oh, Mama please don't cry."
So brave and strong her little one:
The day they said goodbye.

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: death, husband, lost love,

John's Aramis

Intoxicating was his scent Many hard-earned dollars were spent To evoke his bliss Give him Aramis Young and poor, we were newleyweds Memories linger in my head This scent was so strong But to him it belonged And through time I travel today When e’er Aramis wafts my way Sad tears gently rise John’s scent fills my eyes Another dimension I seek Longing to hear my husband speak We'll meet again one day Faith brings hope my way

by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: change, corruption, freedom, inspirational love, love, peace, prejudice,

This All Could Be

Transitions towards a worldwide truce
Highlight our hearts, hopes, hymns and 
Inspire us to embrace peace as a truth
Spread globally strong from love’s roots.

All prayers seek universal peace,
Love-filled hearts breathing ease and
Living life as freedom guarantees.

Corrupt power holders need be
Outnumbered by justice seekers,
United in faith to crumble cruel
Leaders and their false rule, to then
Determine all lives harmony soothed.
Blessings of equality could be as they should be, 
Enjoyed by all brothers and sisters of humanity.

... CayCay
September 2, 2019

by Craig Cornish |
Categories: truth,


Some fun with Shakespearean Sonnet

The sword locked tight and firm within the stone
awaits a heart with strong undaunted faith,
oft tempered hard by fire the dragon's blown;
not cowered down before a ghastly wraith.
Too often those without intrepid souls,
though with the strength of lions at their hest,
believe it only takes one mighty pull
to loose the brand now locked within this breast.
But power isn't born from strength without,
it is the light of truth within the pure
that need not raise a fist nor feign a shout
to earn a faith and love that shall endure.
With gentle silent solemn hand he grasps
and slowly frees Excalibur at last.

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: faith, silence,

Silent Faith

Silent Sun

Shines for all to see

Silent moon

Lights the night with stars that never speak

Silent people

Go walking thru their silent world...unheard

Silent voices

Speak of life’s unspoken dreams

Silent hearts

Cry a river of tears onto the sea

Silent Love

Waits patiently for love to be free...naturally

Silent hope

Burns of Fire deep down inside

Silent faith

Know somehow we will survive

Silence be...

In silence of sound I breathe... Silently

by Judy Bonin |
Categories: fantasy, imagination, loss

Dream Light

Hardened solid is the clay
That shapes the way I am today
I dream escape from endless grief
Restoring child-like belief

Experience has made me cold
Stolen who I was before
Left behind half of a whole
Changed the essence of my core

I wish to dance in brilliant light
Cleanse my soul with gentle rain
Slumber sound in dark of night
At dawn awaken without pain

Soar up high in skies above
Gaze down upon meadows green
To once again believe in love
To have faith in things unseen

Memories that formed the clay
Although impossible to do
Will them all to melt away
And live the bliss that I once knew

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: faith

When All I'Ve Loved

When all whom I have loved are gone,
Dear Lord, when I'm the only one
Who cares if I should live or die,
When there is no one left to cry,
Then Lord, take me.

But if there is a single soul
For whom I play important roll,
Who might just stumble, lose his way
Without my guidance through the day,
Then I would be

Content to stay another while,
To give him courage, bring a smile,
Teach him to look to You above
For truest guidance, purest love
His way to see.

Then I would say, "My work is done.
On Earth there is no other one
Who needs the love I have to give.
No reason now for me to live.
Dear Lord, take me."

By:  Joyce Johnson