by Leo Larry Amadore |
angst, childhood, death, depression, family, father, hope, introspection, life, loss, nostalgia,
Things that seemed poetic were
always sad, though I yearned for
glitter and my dad's guffaw, which
never came. Familiar things were
always drear -- repeated motions
in the same old game. There were
only distant glimpses of budding
Spring, fleeting views of daffodils.
The strongest poems dealt me
death and dying. Still, I always
hoped, never went under to gray
despair, forever dreaming of a
garden of love we could share --
but those forbidden delights
faded quickly away. The only reality
I understand is the ever-looming
and final one. Nothing's changed.
The strongest poems deal
death and dying.
by Andrea Dietrich |
What Matters Most
What matters most is obvious to me.
It’s hearth and home, kin and family.
Life is an hourglass and the sands
of your time keep drifting down -
drifting, drifting, drifting
downward as you race
to get in all
the things you
want to
take time
to breathe in
the things you love:
fresh baked bread, roses,
the petrichor of spring!
Simple are life’s joys. Give all
you love to all those you love, for
that will be your legacy when your
sands run out and the hourglass turns over.
April 1, 2020
for Chantelle Anne Cooke's "What Matters the Most to You" Poetry contest
by Swetha Vangaveti |
She: I have no one to shower love upon me.
He: "I" love you
She: You are a busy man. You don't have time for anything. You neither wish me on my birthday nor text me ever. You never speak sugary sweet words to me.
He: I "LOVE" you
She: I have neither family nor friends, I possess neither wealth nor any riches, I have no education nor do I have any knowledge of the world.
He: I love "YOU"
Her eyes melted and his heart filled with joy.
by Vijay Pandit |
bird, family, love,
A tiny yellow bird, tiny beak,
Sits on a tiny branch
Of a big green tree,
Taps its feet, chirps, hops,
joyful, playful, circles around,
Lands on the deck post,
Agitated, loud and louder,
Aiming to snap the piece of bread
I tossed on the deck.
A big yellow bird
On the big green tree roars:
beware of humans;
Zooming in,
Grabbing the piece of bread.
I get angry at the big bird
Until I see them together
On the big green tree
Sharing their love
Beak to beak.
August 2017
HM: Strand choice B by Brian Strand
by Victor Buhagiar |
Upon the slow-flowing river,
Suddenly swans
Scud quickly away.
From round the bend I gracefully glide,
I am the queen of them all.
And quickly my king arrives.
The dance of love begins.
We bob our heads, wings quivering,
Necks entwined.
Unruffled snow-white plumage.
In time my eggs are hatched,
Cygnets are so cute.
How quickly they grow.
Now we are a royal family
Suddenly swans.
by Sabrina Niday Hansel |
absence, angst, cry, dad, death, depression, emotions, family, father, father daughter, fear, feelings, future, goodbye, grief, heart, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, identity, leaving, life, loneliness, lonely, loss, lost, love, memory, miss you, missing you, pain, parents, poets, prayer, sad, sorrow, strength, stress, urdu,
I’m tired
I’m Physically and Emotionally tired
I don’t want to be the strong one anymore
I can’t this time
I don’t know what to do Daddy
I need your help down here
I can’t get back in control of my emotions
I’m having a hard time dealing with your absence
I’m having a hard time standing by myself
I need your help Daddy
I’m broken and lost without you Daddy
I need your will to want to carry on
I need your strength to over come this
I need your strength to stay standing
Your courage to fight back again
I need your help
Please Daddy I’m at a loss
How am I suppose to do this
I need your guidance
I need you to guide me back
To whom I was before
I need your help Daddy
I need your help
by James Marshall Goff |
My Inventory:
high-performance yo-yo
poetry books
fishing poles
ice-fishing hut
pocket knife
sharpening stones
life's artifacts
Grandpa's Fishing Hat
hope and joy
Guardian Angel
wooden snow-sleds
more poetry books
camping gear
Babar, the Stuffed-Elephant
McCoy Cookie Jars
nature field-guides
ties I don't wear
family heirloom recipes
suits I try not to wear
treasured photographs
170 poems
antique lamps
my Children's love
......and You
my Savior
....... Jesus Christ
by Robert Lindley |
encouraging, family, humanity, life, love, truth, wisdom,
Bit Of Truth And Wisdom, Found In Old Age
At that age wisdom says life is a joke
consider blindness of other poor folk.
Stop to ponder why on earth we exist
you may just find giving on that big list.
To live well, love hard and thus procreate
easy to see easier to relate.
Living life together with your soulmate
should be a part of everybody's Fate!
Finding life is not about what you got
should be holding solid, number one spot
Tis more about life lived well and deeper
with one you found, knew to be a keeper
If long life, happiness is your great aim
if reaching not for it, you are to blame!
Robert J. Lindley, 1-16-2017
by Nykki Houtkooper |
depression, family, forgiveness, introspection
Standing on the broken cement of the back porch
silently staring into the skies
and talking to myself
Fingers struggling to keep appearances
windshield wipers across my cheek
watercolors gone white
Flippant, fanatical, furious
patient, protective, passionate
trying to love the beast
Sending dreams to the clean ears of the open air
returned quickly, clutched in your mouth, crushed
presented for reward
Dead birds delivered to my doorstep
my nature wants to heal them, bury them
yours waits and wags its tail
by CayCay Jennings |
best friend, family, feelings, heartbroken, loss, love, strength,
I wish that I could bear all pains for you,
but then some doors in your heart
would never be opened.
... CayCay
March 22, 2019
by Gershon Wolf |
care, family, god, love, me,
Is the Lord just a scarecrow
watching over my fields
Is He no more than a guard dog
springing from his heels
Nay the Lord is my shepherd
I am His treasure
With love He watches over me
Tenderly guards my family
by Emily Kroeger |
caregiving, confusion, faith, family, forgiveness, friendship, happiness, hope, life, love, mother, peace, sad, sister, sorry, teen, time
You made the mistake and now,
your afraid to face this day.
Your thoughts are racing through
and through.
You wonder if your family looks at
you as a disgrace, but you'er mother
takes you and reasures, your very
much loved in grace.
Even though your much to young
for this breathing little thing this
has become.
You couldn't just throw it out
like it was a peice of trash.
So you grow up and take the
path that led you to your best
mistake for years to come.
by Mary Nagy |
angst, daughter, family, funny, happiness, life, love, car,
Princess just wants a new car.
I have told her that hers will go far.
'Oh, it's really not cool
driving this crap to school.'
'Do I need that emotional scar? '
'The kids will all laugh at the rust.
When we race, I'll be left in the dust!
I will save up some cash
then we'll make a mad dash
to the car dealer surely you trust'.
'He will make us a wonderful deal
and I'm sure you will know how I feel.
I will love you so much,
My siblings... I won't touch.
Just get me behind a new wheel'!
Now she'll be cruisin in style.
She'll be happy for only awhile.
There will always be better
and we'll try hard to get her
a car that will make princess smile.
by Nina Hernandez |
angst, daughter, death, depression, devotion, family, fantasy, imagination, love, mother, sad, dark, dark, rose,
Once bloomed a rose so young and fair
With dark brown eyes and long black hair
Beside her be a tall dark tree
Whose branches stretch to smother thee
Too close beside the shadowy bark
That soon begins to leave its mark
She cries for help, but none shall hear
Her thorns too sharp, who’d dare go near?
To save this rose, who’d risk their life?
With naught to gain but pain and strife
Alone, afraid, she lays to rest
Her heart beats low inside her chest
And with the hour growing near
She sheds her final grieving tear
And so the rose soon falls asunder
Her final day, eternal slumber
She lies beside the old dark tree
The only one who mourns for thee
by Christie Mills |
family, father, love, work, father, father,
My father is a hero.
He stands so tall and proud.
His hands are firm, But gentle.
He stands out in a crowd.
People stop to Thank him.
For Freedom he does fight.
My father is a Soldier.
But he's my Dad at night!
by Carol Sunshine Brown |
I stir very gently my special soup
Stirring in more love just for you
Sweet and spicy aroma so uplifting
Sprinkling in some sunshine now
My soup has blossomed with faces
Friends who mean so much to me
Always there to help when needed
You are and always will be to me
"Flowers In My Soup"
Dedicated to all my old and new Poetrysoup Family
You are "The Flowers In My Soup"
by Andrea Dietrich |
love life, so
I celebrate
every little joy
whether spent with my friends,
family, or just myself!
I follow the Golden Rule, for
kindness guides me; also I’ve learned that
smiling is the universal language!
by Tim Smith |
dream, love,
Floating across rivers, valleys, and streams
I'm thinking of living inside of your dreams
Run barefoot through nature, you chasing me
End up tripping and falling in love by the sea
We're two eagles that fly, soaring high in the sky
Let the wind take our bodies, as life passes on by
You're a delicate flower, I'm a young honey bee
Sucking your nectar and starting a new family tree
Sliding down rainbows after a warm springtime mist
Laughter and giggles when on your cheek I plant my kiss
Your dream will not end having me inside you
Our days will get brighter and our night times will too
by Pashang Salehi |
celebration, joy, new year, spring,
Persian Haiku 2
What a gorgeous view!
You and the flower garden,
I'm the butterfly.
Your eyes, the ocean;
The ocean colors your eyes.
Your hair is the wave.
Moon on the ocean,
Your face is the reflection.
Always be alone.
I live with my heart,
All flowers are beautiful,
I love daffodils.
What a discussion,
I had with all my flowers.
Their breath smells nice.
3/20/2018 Haloo
Note: Iranians/Persians Celebrate today, the first day of spring as their new year. We call this day Norooz or Nowruz, it translates as New Day. From my family to yours, Norooz Mobarak ....Happy New Year.
by Moonbee Canady |
daughter, family, funny, happiness, life, love, mother, nature, nostalgia, peace, people, seasons
Its Raining…
God’s Cleansing Tool
Cloud-Concerto… How Cool !
Plop-Plop Plopping into Pothole Pools
On the Grass, Pavements and On My Own-Sweet- Fools…
who, don’t have Sense enough, to get out of the Rain…
… I think I’ll go Join Them… Again
by Elena Pisani |
family, love, together,
Forever together
Always in love
Magically bonded
In harmony
Loving eachother for all eternity
Young and old,
by Charmaine Chircop |
Dear friends/family,
I want to thank each and everyone of you for all the support you'd given me through these past eight years on poetrysoup.Every beginning has an end ,and I guess my journey on this site ends here. I want to thankyou for helping me grow both as a poet and as a person.I will remember each and every one of you,and pray for your happiness.I thank the first friends who welcomed me on ps eight years ago.If it wasn't for you,I would have never been here all these years.You know who you are..And I thank all those friends I met along the way.I love you all.
On the sand your lonely footprints
But somewhere in a distant land
I walk beside you.
by Lena Townsend |
family, love, upliftingtime,
It is a family tradition
Passed from year to year
That we spend together
And celebrate with cheer
As the first snowflakes fall
We hear mama’s voice call
"It’s time for hot cocoa;
Come one and come all"
She asks nothing in return
Just quality time to share
Making each cup special
To show how much she cares
Now anxiously we wait
When leaves begin to fall
That cup of love to come
With winters first snowfall
Copyright © 2009 Lena “Lolita” Townsend
by Keith Bickerstaffe |
He hurries home late from the office
and hesitates out on the lawn,
the mists are swirling like her dress,
the moon is frowning down.
The music in her soft blue eyes,
that hungry look upon her face
makes him tremble like a teenager
fumbling his first date.
Hoping she's gotten home safely,
beguiled by her lingering perfume,
his wife and kids are sound asleep,
he tiptoes through the family room.
Bedeviled by such fervent yearnings
full-compounded day to day,
a strangled heart, a tortured soul,
old love, new love - there is no easy way.
by Amanda Smith |
What can be said
about this man
One that is not easy to be read.
His words come to life
Pen to paper
With poetry to his wife
A loving father indeed
Nothing else like it
Teaching and giving all they need.
Mysterious is he
What's in his head
Is he thinking about me
He's not perfect
Mistakes have been made
Things I know he'll correct
He's my best friend
the one I married
A love that will never end
He has been mine
For quite some time
I find he is still so divine.