Love Poems About Fantasy or Fantasy Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: fantasy, nature,

Goddess of the Night

Where Luna treads are silver threads, the wisps of clouds that slide
through sky of night, and shining white, they part so she might glide
serenely through dark twilight’s blue with slow and regal grace.
And to our world, with aspect pearled, she turns a beaming face.

She casts her glow on those below who love her mystery. . .
who reverence her as with allure, she dances on the sea.
The lovers sigh as by and by, the night fades into day.
And in their dreams she softly gleams before she slips away.

For Caren Krutsinger's  'A Contest About a Goddess or God - Not THE God' Poetry Contest

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

Place In My Heart

The scent of fresh baked cookies filling the air Sounds of Andrea Bocelli ringing in my ear There's a pep in my step and a feeling unfamiliar My heart pounding, craving one night, one taste one look, one touch Words dancing off your pages speaking to my soul entwined in romance etched in my heart tying me in knots My heart has been opened welcoming you in No longer vacant it longs for your warmth your kindness your presence your whole Mind blown. heart owned bringing fantasy into reality walking hand in hand to the beat of the band For tonight in the stars it has been written there is a place for you in my heart

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: love, self,

Where Self Love Is Born

a fantasy land
dreamt up by sleeping child
a peaceful magical place
where self-love is born
imperative to her soul

by Judy Bonin |
Categories: fantasy, imagination, loss

Dream Light

Hardened solid is the clay
That shapes the way I am today
I dream escape from endless grief
Restoring child-like belief

Experience has made me cold
Stolen who I was before
Left behind half of a whole
Changed the essence of my core

I wish to dance in brilliant light
Cleanse my soul with gentle rain
Slumber sound in dark of night
At dawn awaken without pain

Soar up high in skies above
Gaze down upon meadows green
To once again believe in love
To have faith in things unseen

Memories that formed the clay
Although impossible to do
Will them all to melt away
And live the bliss that I once knew

by Hiya Sharma |
Categories: fairy, fantasy, heaven, love, magic,

Stelliferous Arc

stelliferous arcs, of chiffon-sewn cosmic chains and rose-glazed silk yarns... a tapestry of crystal ~ love-tendrils on eden's heart...

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: beauty, dance, happiness, inspiration, music, uplifting, world,

Be the Poem

the world craves
more artists
creative souls
sensitive antennas
conceptual skills
performing arts
artisans of beauty
the world craves
more expression
more love
more magic

your life is your gift
back to the universe

be the poem
that moves the world

Published in my 24-page photo/anthology book ~IN THE GARDEN OF MY FANTASY~ 2023

Read on air by invitation  ~  July 14, 2021  'WORDS & MUSIC'

AP: 2nd place 2021, Honorable Mention 2021

Submitted on July 13, 2021 for A BRIAN STRAND JULY 14 POETRY CONTEST sponsored by BRIAN STRAND - RANKED 1ST

Originally posted on June 20, 2019

by Hiya Sharma |
Categories: deep, emotions, fantasy, first love, love, true love, wine,

Celeste Romance

I gaze at those fireflies in
your butter-sweet eyes that shine,
succulent with white lush pulp
of love's purity,

you hue my wildflower heart
with hyacinth, as we twirl
like spring-shaded tulips in
life's regal-black psalms; 

mon cherie, I wish for stars
to sequin your shimmering
wine soul and cradle comets
of faith in your fate, 

as, rubies glazed with honeyed
hibiscus and nectarine
daisies will be my pink muse,
forevermore true;

afterlife shall foretell our
lavender soliloquy
of celeste romance, whipped in
soft beige affection, 

and your coral spirit will
eternally emphasise
cherry letters as tokens
of swan-shaped twin flames.

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: beautiful, dream, fantasy, love, mirror, sea,

Drunken Moon

~ Injustice Moon Among Us ~

deeper than twilight
the moon to moon afterglow
a wave crush the mood
Stereotype motion
Two face under water 
Human injury 

(Senryu of Being Misjudged)

by Jslambert Mister Roboto |
Categories: allegory, fantasy, father, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, health, hope, husband, imagination, life, love, passion, people, places, romance, social, wife,

Viagra Falls

There once was a man from Niagara
whose wiener's so long it would stab ya'

but when it got little 
his pills became skittles   
until he O.D.'d on Viagra

© ~JSLambert  2011*****A classic "stiff" competitor, standing "firm" amongst other "members" in the "thick" of the competition:) hope everyone gets "a rise" out of it!

by Skat A |
Categories: fantasy, funny,

Sexy Who'

"Sexy Who" *Summer* sand, oozing through toes water down my swimsuit piece how I love the sun *Summer* new sun-rays run my soul wind swims around my pale skin sunburn, ouch! *Dizzy* strong & Long Lasting The Viagra moment fades power by the sun *Jerk Around* secret moment Vixen photos of my youth rock hard & bigger ~SKAT~

by A.O. Taner |
Categories: august, beach, beautiful, cool, crush, deep, destiny, devotion, fantasy, feelings, first love, fishing, freedom, funny love, future, girlfriend, hope, i love you, i miss you, journey, joy, judgement, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, miracle, ocean, people, places, romance, sea, sensual, simple, spiritual, water, women, world,


Don't rush to wash off the sea salt 
drying on your skin;
the hopes it carries from other oceans,
those remain yet to be seen.

by Nina Hernandez |
Categories: angst, daughter, death, depression, devotion, family, fantasy, imagination, love, mother, sad, dark, dark, rose,

The Rose

Once bloomed a rose so young and fair
With dark brown eyes and long black hair

Beside her be a tall dark tree
Whose branches stretch to smother thee

Too close beside the shadowy bark
That soon begins to leave its mark

She cries for help, but none shall hear
Her thorns too sharp, who’d dare go near?

To save this rose, who’d risk their life?
With naught to gain but pain and strife

Alone, afraid, she lays to rest
Her heart beats low inside her chest

And with the hour growing near
She sheds her final grieving tear

And so the rose soon falls asunder
Her final day, eternal slumber

She lies beside the old dark tree
The only one who mourns for thee

by Samir Georges |
Categories: devotion, fantasy, friendship, happiness, imagination, inspirational, introspection, life, love, nature, passion, people, philosophy, romancebeauty, beauty, fear,

Beauty In My Palm

You are the wild flower in my palm
With no stem to keep you anchored to this covetous earth
You are the fragile thing I dare not cup,
As your petals whittle away under the wind
And flit unfettered in the air;
Exaggerated fear leaves my fingers numb
Hungry need leaves my fingers twitching
And my hand is paralyzed by turmoil
As every breath of wind takes another petal from me
And brings to my lungs, my chest and my heart
An overwhelming scent of need-

You are the wild beauty in my palm
And I dare not hold you to my chest
For I fear to crush you
To know first hand
That caged beauty, is beauty no more.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: fantasy, fun, imagination, metaphor,

An Unwritten Fairytale

Inside an inkwell, lives a fairy tale
A classic, filled with love and misery
Where," Once upon a time" has long set sail
And "happy ever after's" yet to be

It's plot, a knight, once schooled in chivalry
His quest for love, the dragons he has slain
From Crusades 'round the world to frippery
The jousts with Father Time who drew disdain

Yet deep inside is where brave knight remains
A lifetime of adventures, good and bad
The love he searches for, still unobtained
Still finding peace, his "grail" this Gallahad

Perhaps, I'll buy a quill one of these days
Release Sir Knight and legends of his ways

     by Daniel Turner
Spenserian sonnet abab bcbc cdcd ee

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: fantasy, fun, funny, holiday, humorous, love,

I Want Peace

I want a piece of chocolate cake
Oh and a delicious piece of cherry pie
I want a piece of that place called Fort Knox
With all those pieces I could afford a lot

I want a piece of that lady over there
In her haute couture she saunters with such flair
I want a piece of the clouds in the sky
I just want it, don't ask me why!

I want some tiny peace of mind
To have some pieces left to be kind
Then I can give you a piece of  Art
A piece I promise comes straight from the heart

by Hyle Chu |
Categories: depression, devotion, fantasy, holiday, life, lost love, love, passion, sad,

Time Out

Make no haste,
your work is restless.

Aeon give me pause--
no more ticking
gears grinding
ever towards the
lonely end.

Live the now.
Even Death took
a holiday,
veering briefly from an
eternity of reaping

Take your time
on earth and
overindulge in
Rest assured,
oblivion can

by Rhoda Tripp |
Categories: childhood, crush, cute love, first love, heartbreak, love, nostalgia,

Love Letter

In the back of my closet,
high upon the shelf,
there sits an old love letter
that I keep to myself.

Its pages are crumpled,
the edges a tad bit torn.
I can recite his words by memory,
although the writings worn.

He tells of his undying love,
and how we were meant to be.
Our vows whispered at the church,
they were our fantasy.

Like all things, neither tried nor true,
we had to be apart.
A victim of the ages,
he broke my sixth grade heart.

by Lin Lane |
Categories: fantasy,

Rising Sun and Waning Moon

'Twas the time of Summer solstice, they wed
Verdant leaves clung to trees; the month was June
Whispered troths of love, sacred vows were said
'fore fauna, rising sun and waning moon

Prince Largent was soon to be crowned as king
but Mekram, the wise, held grief in his eyes
He smiled with joy when Asha wore the ring
Though death neared, he feigned a joyous disguise

Bodies joined, celestial and human
Festive auguries 'pon the forest floor
Skies aflame, trees canopied with lumen
Their world glows today, and forevermore

'Twas said to be just an immortal tale
but in June, astral light gleams in the vale

by G. Jay |
Categories: beauty, dance, fantasy, love,

The Crescent Moon

Moonrise and showers                         
Enshrine flowers                                  
A stroll along the shoreline  

Starlight and halos   
Eternal cosmos
The awakening angel 

Lullabies and shadows
Mystifies meadows      
The calypso personifies                    

Coral and fireflies                   
Rainbow skies 
The radiant circle aglow  

Butterflies and ladybugs     
Intertwine jitterbugs                                 
The dance along the skyline

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: beautiful, fantasy, moon, night, simple, sky, uplifting,

Jewel In the Sky

o how
                                    i love the
                            gentle shape 
                        of a crescent
                    moon overhead
                 hanging in the sky
                amongst the stars
                 how I adore the 
                    idyllic shape of 
                        a crescent moon 
                            way up high
                                    in amongst 
					       the stars

Submitted on February 24, 2022 for A BRIAN STRAND VISUAL CONTEST sponsored by BRIAN STRAND  -  RANKED 1ST

AP: 3rd place 2020

Originally posted on May 9, 2019

by Dale Gregory Cozart |
Categories: fantasy, love, sensual,

Blood Moon

Raven orchids drape the night,
fraying in the high petals
of swooning fronds.
I sit beneath a daffodil porch light,
a blood moon blushing tangerine
in a field of white alyssum
as I smell the nascent lilt
of a voodoo rose.
The giggling breeze
that flirted with my lashes
suddenly becomes a gust,
stinging my eyes.
Voodoo thorns rip my shirt
in a netherworld of absent flesh
as silhouettes of unbridled marigolds
woo their willing beds.
In my daffodil haze
I lift black narcissus
in an absent glass 
to toast forbidden love,
the feral moon and I
beneath the breathless echo
of wild star light.

Posted 11/25/22

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

Whisper In My Ear - For Sami

"Brightest diamonds shine in darkest rooms,
willing hearts bleed out love for me and you"

Whisper close towards a frightened ear  
soothe a shaken soul   scared tonight
hold onto hopes of flight filled wings
where a painted rose will rise and sing

Carry my crutch just a little bit more
for when the south winds blow again
across flowing strands of love and care
my heart and spirit will be right there

Living moments in locked up dreams
no longer a little blue penguin burrowing
freeing fairy tale fantasy finally come true
glowing in the dark because the shine of you

by Tim Smith |
Categories: freedom, love,

Indelible Blue

An indelible blue looking out to you
seducing the pain to wash away
with stolen keyboard strokes
a few extra x's and o's where
decimals move with inapprehension
carrying fantasy dreams offshore
where sandcastles are built with
riches never to be crowned
holding secret keys to happiness
breathless my tomorrows begin
under guise of the salty moon
worries behind,necks entwined
newly discovered swans swoon

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 9th grade, emotions, feelings, imagery, love,


Sitting on the beach in the dark of night anticipation counts every heartbeat. And when waves wash ashore in the moonlight, I laugh as the tide tickles my bare feet. I had you promise that you'd meet me here under starlit skies, for our rendezvous. Love's more real than lust and braver than fear, it intoxicates and overwhelms you. When you fall in love, you do silly things, it's the elixir of eternal youth. Fueling fledgling dreams, love lends hope wings, tethered to your soul and anchored to truth. When fantasy and reality meld, life's so splendorous; it's unparalleled. (Sonnet) 01/26/2020

by Hiya Sharma |
Categories: art, beautiful, butterfly, deep, fantasy, metaphor, poetry,


Believer of starlight, 
Blooming love in twilight
Bestows soft latte skies, 
Blissful faith of peach dyes
Bronze balm in sun's flutter, 
Bright glow of honey in
Butterfly's mauve kismet.