by I Am Anaya |
The center of energy resides in my heart
Wherein the seed of divinity shant ever depart
Their joy's root anchors firmly, yet lightly
In my I AM presence it shines ever brightly
The Trinity is embodied in three glorious plumes
Blue, yellow, and pink; It's grand sacred rooms
Of Power and Wisdom and Eternal Love
Father, Son, Holy Spirit; on earth and above
The Threefold Flame I humbly seek
To arrive at last to the spiritual peak
With elation I fulfill my reason to be
The Liberty Flame! My soul's eyes can now see
At long last I've completed my life's fated course
As my soul splendidly weds the One Supreme Source
by Vijay Pandit |
dance, desire,
Charmed by her exotic glance
She enchants a sexy dance
In costumed display of art
Strumming rhythms of joyful heart
Choreographing slow grooves
In graceful, musical moves
As gestures paint passion themes
And song of love stokes their dreams
When desires-enamored spree
Hypnotized in tunes of glee
But look closely, watch her sigh
Hear the bawl of tearless cry
When crowds deceitful extol
Exhibit of anguished soul
As smiles aesthetic hide pain
And feigned visage cries disdain
Cheer for her to turn the page
For she longs to leave this cage
Leave realms inebriated
Of drunk notions, ill-fated
by Emile Pinet |
10th grade, 9th grade, age, anxiety, feelings, image, old,
Loneliness is like a graveyard haunted by ghosts,
empty memories, and unfulfilled dreams:
where hearts endure
an endless pain.
My tomorrows are fewer than my yesterdays;
it's like I'm fated to spend life alone.
In my youth, I pretended I was loved;
and can't convey how it felt to be unwanted.
I want to love and to be loved,
is that not everybody's dream?
Paper-thin smiles,
shadow sad tears.
by Kim Morrison |
desire, love, youth,
Wrapped in the passion of the moment
engulfed in a cascade of a emotion
carried by a gushing torrent of desire
dancing on the rapids of uncertainty
two unknowing hearts intertwined
in the rapture of blinding passion
rush toward forbidden waters.
In the midst of love's blissful chaos
will two unknowing hearts whirl
perilously over confusion's cliff
and plunge helplessly toward
the jagged rocks of ill-fated love,
or will two unknowing hearts
be found desperately clinging
to the last branch of innocents?
by Robert Lindley |
appreciation, art, beautiful, romantic, sensual, sexy, sweet love,
Breathing, Soft Heaving Bosom Swells
Swaying rhythmic her hips
Tantalizing her lips
Blue casting sapphire eyes
Dancing under night skies
Such heavenly sweet trips
Docking side by side ships.
Breathing, soft heaving bosom swells
O' pleasures, past glorious bells
And Fated bounty was given
For then Love was in the liven
First kiss, gold coins in wishing wells
Sexual thoughts one never tells.
Swaying rhythmic her hips
Tantalizing her lips
Blue casting sapphire eyes
Dancing under night skies
Such heavenly sweet trips
Side by side docking ships.
Robert J. Lindley, 8-16-2018
Rhyme, ( Youth, romance and past treasures once found)
by Daver Austin |
LIFE AND LOVE - double
the stockyards
a hoard of brown steers streaming
such trusting innocence
this outrage in the dust
i want to cry
then this
love moment
a fated brown beast
catches my eye
Dave Austin
by David Fisher |
lost love, love, me,
I was set in my ways
Downed café au-laits
In a den of privacy.
Though pain from a jilt
Still throbbed to the hilt
A regrettable history.
With no delusions
Of future effusions
I cherished my liberty.
And tried to avoid
With every fibroid
That lost road to misery.
Yet a sneaky charmer
Found cracks in my armor
Ensnaring me unwary.
It was only a glance
A pure happen-stance
No intentionality.
But a sound like a crack
That I can’t take back
A fated futility.
Made me squeal out loud
When if from a cloud
A bolt of liking struck me.
With no more deterrent
This ardent current
Put glee in my fantasy.
At the speed of light
Our romance took flight
In ionic felicity.
by Tom Quigley |
baby, caregiving, child, children, mother,
Mother still round, in love with child anew
Easy to overlook the subtle hints
Of the fracture within, trained eye sees clue
Eighty-two shines your number, bluish tint.
Tearful farewell, fated day has arrived.
Pained mother’s face as we pass through the door
Invisible cord stretch, tense and alive
Umbilical phantom limb evermore.
With tubes, scalpel, we enter sacred space.
The threshold crossed, commitment becomes real
To hold numbers, sounds, instead of your face.
The care within transmutes into sharp steel
Foreshortened, stolen, your time may well be
Yet you touch the hearts of all who touch thee.
by Chuck Novotny |
inspirational, introspection, lost love, life, me, life, me,
Having hiked a thousand miles
through forest, field and alpine valley,
and lived a life of forced smiles
while wasting time in fruitless dally,
this highway hoped to bring me home
yet no one's there to bid me, "Come."
This life seems so ill-fated now
and serves to keep my nerves at strain.
The chase that led me away, somehow
creates painful disorder in my brain.
The wicked dreams became my master
then let me be to clean disaster.
How death-like it is to lose at love,
but I refuse to take his hand.
Emotions rise on wings like dove
and I walk boldly in this new land.
I've a rendezvous with death sometime
but not 'til done with life sublime.
by Robert Gorelick |
giving, home,
Praise be to the tranquil home
Where care and amity abide
Like a well-worn book or favorite poem
In whose members we confide
And whose values are our guide
Ill-fated is the raging home
Where resentment and cruelty reign
Like an outcast always bound to roam
Doomed to empty constant pain
Where no glimmer of will remain
Blessed is our home within
Where resides a treasure glowing
Without temptation need or sin
Just eternal pure love glowing
And goodwill overflowing
Written 2/22/22
by Donna Ahsinger |
boyfriend, destiny, emotions, love, relationship, romance, true love,
I didn't fall in love with you.
I walked into love with you,
with my eyes wide open,
choosing to take every step along the way.
I do believe in fate
and destiny,
but I also believe we are only fated
to do the things that we'd choose anyway.
And I'd choose you,
in a hundred lifetimes,
in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality,
I'd find you
and I'd choose you.
by Janice Herzog |
lovelove, , fate,
In my dreams I think of you
And pray you're not too good to be true
Such loving, tender words you wrote for me
Is this love meant to be?
I want to try and stay asleep
Because while there, you're mine to keep
I need to know for sure
If you are my heavenly cure
Desiring love, I'll try once more
From your heart I feel love pour
While I always want to dare,
Know in my soul I'll forever care
I'm somewhat afraid to hope it's true
For I've been hurt by more than a few
Maybe you're my fated one
Sent to be my destined hon
by Unseeking Seeker |
fantasy, love,
Earth woos Venus but she is resistant,
reflecting light of sol in the night sky,
mirrored by her lover who’s persistent,
that tango dancing, tremulous hearts sigh.
The girl next door is the beauteous moon,
who planet earth does date from time to time
for when in full bloom, she makes his heart swoon
but Venus alone awakens love’s chime.
Playing spoilsport, Mars spits venom and fire,
whilst jilted Saturn casts a dark shadow,
since for hand of Venus, they both aspire,
though it’s fated neither can be her beau.
Love letters carried on a comet’s tail,
declare those who’re pure of heart will not fail.
by Katelyn Ma |
betrayal, confusion, corruption, cry, first love, friend, friendship,
Entry #3
I'm hated, frustrated, and mostly agitated
I'm feeling fated, unrelated, undated, and overrated
(Favoritism, a person's alcoholism)
I'm an anarchist
And I think I'm a masochist
Maybe YOU should perform an exorcist?
I wanna hit you with my fist
You're a never ending twist
I'm your belated friend
You make my life want to end
You make the rules bend
Your lies extend
This is why I'm no longer your friend
You lied straight to my face
Like being sprayed by mace
Stabbed me in the back
Made me have a panic attack
Now I'm gonna get you back
You stupid hack
You need to stop your act!
by Sara Kendrick |
death, devotion, faith, father, history, introspection, life
Fifteen years ago when my father died
To the hospital I carried him that ill fated day
The staff was caring for him so by his side I could not abide
Then very swiftly to surgery he was taken away
As I was eating, God spoke to me in spirit and I felt daddy brush as he went away
Contest: God, Ghost, and Love
Sponsor: Dr. Ram Mehta
by M. Hussain Effendi |
faith, hope, life, loss, lost love,
The tormented cries of a heart confined
Barely ever met a gratifying end
The meager state is but a trick of your mind
For the course of destiny lies in your own hand
Forsaken love, a conceivable excuse
For a shattered being, to give up life
It is but a presumption, erroneously abstruse
For success greets those who dare to survive
No past, no fate, that He Cannot Mend
Or an ill-fated tale to have ever spawned
Never lose hope, however evident the end
For night is the darkest just before dawn
By M. Hussain Effendi
(In reply to the poem "Estranged Love" posted by M. Taha Effendi)
by Sharon Tideswell |
friendship, love
I cannot offer a gift for you to hold,
no millefiori paperweight of brightly coloured glasses,
or fancy timepiece cast from golds of yellow and white,
for it could never rest, smooth and heavy, within your open hands,
or sit proudly marking time upon your sun-tanned wrist,
fated instead to be cast aside in guilty haste;
a bittersweet secret buried beneath time’s fallen sands.
Born of heartfelt words,
that need not be brandished or worn outwardly,
neither be hidden away in a dark and airless closet,
my gift to you lies deep within my own heart,
remaining without exception,
promising love, support and friendship always.
by Samir Georges |
angst, death, devotion, family, happiness
If I had just one day to live
24 hours to feel complete
Would I race across the castle of my dreams
Hunted by the echo of the tick tock clock
Dreading the moment that fateful tune came to a halt
Chasing down runaway thoughts
Frantically piecing together broken promises
All while fearing the silence, the end of the tick, tock;
I would gaze up at the steps of this sky high castle
This floating montage of my life
And lounge upon the first step,
Resigned to enjoy these fated moments
Without fear or regret,
Resigned to enjoy this melody with those I love
This farewell tune played to me by the tick tock clock.
by Mickey Brady |
hate, irony, love,
Love; over rated
Both paupers and kings
Razor-barbed brass rings
How strangely fated
For this I've waited?
My soul groans then sings
My heart soothes then stings
Alas, Love hated
What am I to do
Where am I to go
Beg a magic brew
Steel my heart to you
Peace my soul may know
Alone... Love I rue!
by Norberto Franco Cisneros |
lost love,
The midnight sun
and the midday moon
soon scurried
across the purple sky
searching for you
and our ill fated love
You left that sweaty night
and I haven’t seen you since
I felt we were one
I know you felt it too
I guess some loves can't be kept
Loving moments in time and space
dissolve hearts looking for honesty
As the lovelorn do
It was that one special moment
That one time, that sweaty space
Where we found each other
And I lost you
by Paul Schneiter |
faith, love,
There is a pending reality
Of which we dare not speak.
It concerns the finality
Of what is black and bleak.
The seasons are layered high
In which we have been one.
Now we note it with a sigh
The Reaper is due to come.
One of us with him must go.
So I hold you with all my might
Seeing the candle burning low
Not ready to forfeit the fight.
“I love you” we now oft repeat
At every turn and closing door.
It’s selfish of me and indiscreet
To foresee alone you I adore.
But we can’t view a closing scene.
I may be the one who is left alone.
Fated to live without my queen.
But faithed to believe He did atone.
by Jamie Anderson |
depressionlife, life, me, time,
Empty head, gun full of lead, goodbye forever to my despairs
Broken heart, it’s sad to part, but it’s clear that nobody cares
Please forgive me for my life has been unkind
Now I’m sure, it’s time to leave it all behind
I've got this twitch, makes my life a ***** and it wont go away
I'm getting old, my skin feels cold and my hair is turning grey
Love is overrated, the life that we are fated, is one in which i don't desire to stay
Setting sun, this time has come; you couldn’t stop me if you tried.
by Tanya Harrington |
love, , fate,
When fate decides to bring you love,
Brace yourself for a profound tug.
For strings that bind your knotted heart
Will find they’re being pulled apart,
Opening up to reveal a rift,
Allowing tendrils of hope to drift.
Timidly taking those first few steps,
Testing the waters, feeling love’s depth.
As passion arises, erupting in flames,
You'll find your heart is forever changed.
TLH © 9-25-2012
by Kristopher Curran |
beauty, confusion, courage, heart, heartbreak,
Sat in Glasgow, George Square.
I told you I was psychic, I know you and know we are fated. I guessed right the birthdays of the people passing in the night and we joined in with your laughter. They labelled you a god of hell and I mocked their insinuation.
Your friend was fair and doing cupids work with honest and deep intentions.
That night was Joy, like you, held up by slow promise and a connection worthy of a pact with Satan.
We went from one more kiss and messages of promise. Nicknames of love. We went from passionate want to you giving me not one shot at the best for us both.
Sat in Glasgow, pick any chair. I will always be waited.
by Toni Orban |
lost love,
Where the physical meets philosophy
In Arcady rare love joined you to me
Fated bowstring of a song has severed
Seeking Lethe, Did thou seer seek to sere?
Shreds of sinews hearts damned ruptured weir.
Where the physical meets philosophy.
Paths of lovers, will-to-power or fated,
Bloated hearts, gloated, fetid then faded,
Fated bowstring of a song hath severed,
Tears in streams, rivulets of dreams, regrets
Sans Nepenthe to slake sorrow, to forget
Where the physical meets philosophy
Wake on surreal shores jaded jealous lovers
Sinews snapped, Mortal hearts cannot whether
Life like the dream hearts bereft forever
Fated bowstring— Our heartsong hath severed.