Love Poems About Fidelity or Fidelity Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love, rose,

By Any Other Name

If love could have a color, I suppose
it wouldn’t be just any common shade.
I’d name it for the colors of the rose.
In heaven’s hues this flower is arrayed!

From chaste love’s hush of pink to heady rush
that’s shown by cardinal or crimson red,
the rose reveals the grades of ardor’s blush
unto the time it’s thought that passion’s fled.

But in the tint of amaranth, the fire
endures; in purple deep it can transcend,
while yellow blooms in bliss that does not tire,
and white’s fidelity will have no end.

Though black the bud, a red will grow thereof.
By any other name, the rose is love.

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: imagery, love,

One Gray Hair

One last gray hair clings to my breast from times I held you in my arms. It speaks to me of one last rest but more to hold me with its charms. Remembering, and cherishing. I pray its grasp is firm and strong and holds my heart with relevance, to know with you my passions long for love not paused by circumstance. Fidelity, Serenity. 02/14/2018

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: longing, love, trust,

North Star

My photo


The north star of the soul 


Helps the heart navigate 


The turbulent waters of temptations 


Through the perilous reefs of lust  


The serene shores of happiness, 


Often unobserved remains by the many,


It is hidden behind the clouds of    

Impetuous desires!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
     20 February 2021

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: love, proposal,

Love In a Lane

A friend of mine took our photo
So many years ago.
There we were sitting on a running board,
Sitting side by side,
Loving each other and promising fidelity.

We were parked in a lonely lane,
Hid from watchers as we cared not to be seen
Losing count of love as emotions thrilled.
Until sunset meant time up,
We left and returned to our homes.
Until the day I proposed
And what a wedding did we have.

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: devotion, moon, romance, sea, true love, uplifting,

Au Clair De Lune

By the crescent moon above
I dreamt of your embrace, my love
In the moonlight by the sea
We sailed away just you and me
Protected by the clair de lune
A million stars on honeymoon
Enlaced we pledged fidelity
Our hearts teeming with intensity
The moon our witness for eternity

AP: Honorable Mention 2020

Submitted on August 23, 2018 for contest LATE AUGUST 2018 PREMIERE sponsored by BRIAN STRAND  -  RANKED 10TH

Originally posted on July 30, 2018

by Terry Flood |
Categories: dog, love,

That Loyal Love

One shouldn’t be presumptuous, I know this all too well
But I’ve seen such fidelity and love as strong as hell
I’ve felt adoring eyes on me, her heart and mine are tied
Even when distracted I can feel her by my side

I’d never click my fingers like I’m beckoning a waiter
But if I did she’d be there ‘NOW’ and not sooner or later
I feel unworthy of the way she idolises me
I’m an ordinary fella, which I hope she’ll never see

Sometimes she is barred from places that we’d like to visit 
But we’ll eat takeout in the park and it will be exquisite 
She’s always there for me, forever at my beck and call 
Yet all she ever asks of me… is that I throw her ball

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: love, sonson, son,

The Man In the Middle

Our love had been built on a firm foundation
Trust, compassion and fidelity as well
I thought there’d be no cause for consternation
We thrived for a time in a magical spell
He was my white knight and I remained his belle
Never a doubt, certainly no confusion
Any misgivings his blue eyes would dispel
But moving in marked the end of illusion

~~~~~~~~~ Volta ~~~~~~~~~~
His son emerged from video seclusion
This twenty-year-old had never worked a day
He found my presence to be an intrusion
He flung jabs in attempts to drive me away
Thought we had it all, but his son was the boss
Now I’m struggling to recover from this loss

*Entry for Dr. Ram's Spenserian Sonnet contest

by T Wignesan |
Categories: loneliness, lost love,

The Last Hope, Translation of Paul Verlaine's Sonnet: Dernier Espoir

The Last Hope, Translation of Paul Verlaine’s sonnet : Dernier espoir

There stands a tree in the cemetery
Thrusting itself up in total freedom,
By no means the fruit of bereavement –
Spreading itself out on stone unobtrusively.

In this tree, be it summer or winter,
A bird alights to trill clearly
It’s sad song of such fidelity.
This tree and this bird do us bind together :

You the object of my thoughts, I the absence
That time takes stock of in evanescence…
Ah ! To live again propped up against your knees !

Ah ! To be alive again ! But stay yet awhile, my lover,
Let not the void be my chilling victor… 
At the least, say : I live but in your intimate core ?

© T. Wignesan – Paris,  2013

by Michael Wegman |
Categories: betrayal, lost love, love, nature, romance, sad love,

Romantic Coma

Life has cruel ways of muting emotions Over time in how we treat each other Manifest and shameful self promotion At the expense of loved one’s own druthers Forgetting the passion igniting fire With the excuse we’re busy and stressed Denies quite natural human desire Honesty and fidelity to test Love backs up our romantic interest Keeping us engaged emotionally Denying love creates awkward distance Lonely nights and lonely days equally Prioritize now and do not delay For we are never given tomorrow Promote passion today, too busy at bay Jump start romance and save yourself sorrow

by Thvia Shetley |
Categories: romancelove,

A Trite and Whimsical Rhyme

Will you whisk me
far away
from the only
life I've known?

Can we step
into the froth
and set sail
to a distant home?

Will we travel
light as gypsies
dancing jigs
to exotic tunes?

Can you teach
me foreign tongues
as the dawn breaks
into noon?

Will you love me
so completely
no other girl could
turn your head?

Can you promise
me fidelity
upon our
marriage bed?

Will you be my knight
and champion
and guard my heart
so true?

Can you love me
to eternity
if I say yes
to you?

***I beg forgiveness from everyone who reads this, I have nothing to say for myself
except it was kinda fun to write!

by Rosemarie Rowley |
Categories: love,

Making Him Jealous


Five lovers have I, nimble servants each
One comes to me in ardour where I teach

One comes in curiosity attired
And only leaves when senses all are fired

One comes in blossom with fidelity
He leaves behind a bird’s nest in my tree

One comes to worship at my body’s shrine
Leaves me devotion and a glass of wine

One comes to me without being capricious
Of all his charms I’m the most suspicious

Five faithful servants all do me adore
Until I am their servant, asking more –

I’m beggared but so rich in sex and sentiment
I’ll tax them all for this faithful flower meant. 

published IN MEMORY OF HER Dublin 2008

by Andrew Crisci |
Categories: devotion, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, love, nostalgia, passion, song-lyric

Almond Blossom

Almond blossom, not amaryllis...
sweetness against pridefulness.

Say it with some intense feeling...
seek that flower expressing loving.

Almond blossom or lemon blossom...
revering love with an incredible charm.

Childness must not be unfaithfulness...
feel the sublimest joy of blessedness.

There are sweet memories with a primrose...
be captivated by a cheerful, delicate pink rose.

Almond blossom over a bunch of beauties...
you wouldn't let your choice ruin possibilities.

Oh, did you forget about the white water lily?
You may need it for truthfulness and fidelity.

by Sukmawati Komala |
Categories: love,

The Pearly Light of Love

the pearly light of love

With the uniqueness and beauty
invited the cheerfulness
and amazing graces 

band everyone
who enjoyed the beauty
with its light of love

the patience in waiting
Is the only dream
on hold

waiting for
the steadfastness and sincerity
which strengthen the shells
to protect the pearly light of love

waiting for
the shells’ willingness to open up
and cast its beautiful light
the pearly light of love

O Extremely beautiful and stunning
a genuine pearly light of love
swathed in
its eternal fidelity

~ (c) Sukmawati Komala
14 August 2013

by Meline Ngo |
Categories: for her, for him, love, marriage, relationship,

Paths of Love


Puppy love
First love
Wishing for true love
And finally everlasting love

Its how everyone begins
Listening to love songs
Dedicating their own theme songs 
Then dear diary begins

Holding on to the songs
I've Fallen for You
Crazy for You
Who knows how many songs

First kiss
Wedding gowns
Wedding vows
Wedding kiss

Hoping love is till death do us part
And no one will depart
I do is the best part
But fidelity is the most significant part

@Copyright Meline Ngo.    August 30, 2015

by Domi Marchewka |
Categories: dedication, hope, life, love, nostalgia, sad

The Heart That Swore Fidelity


"The heart that swore fidelity"

After I'm gone
You may not cry for me
You'll find the truth
Engraved upon my door:
"Here lived a heart
That swore fidelity
Through peaceful days
And through the nights of war"

Go on and feed
Your youthfull soul with pride,
With awe you wake
In all those lost and cold

After I'm gone
You'll come back just to find
This secret pledge
Written upon my door.

Though years have passed,
Though I have known them all -
Pale breasted loves
Aiming to steal your light

I let you sail,
And if such is your choice -
Than silent waiting
Becomes the choice of mine.

by Meline Ngo |
Categories: cheer up, faith, jesus, love, trust, uplifting,

To the One Who Is Love


Life is brittle
If love is little
Trust in Him
Learn to trim
The unsuitable
Flourish the valuable 

In Him
Life is everlasting
To Him 
Love is unceasing 
With Him
Everything is unfading

Love is unconditional
When there is empathy
Love is total
When there is affinity
Love is genuine 
When there is fidelity

What is life 
If theres no one to trust
What is life 
Is there's nowhere to run
To Him our life we can entrust
To Him anytime we can run

Life is brittle
If love is little
Trust in Him
Learn to trim
The unsuitable
Flourish the valuable 

@Copyright Meline Ngo.   September 21, 2015

by Dalila Agtani |
Categories: love,

Midnight Pearl


Pearl is precious Sea pearl even hard to find Much more a mermaid at guard Human pearl even more A human being is a true beauty but weak More than ever it needs careful care A lady with a heart Is a midnight pearl The heart is a focal point Center of her morality and fidelity Her love must be pure and spontaneous It can’t be gleaned outside It is deep inside The night is enormous and blinding Its horizon must be lingering Prove worthiness that endures! It can make waves…
Dalila Agtani 4/24/12 Entry in a contest: Sponsor: Russell Sivey Contest Name: Midnight Pearl

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: emotions, feelings, heartbreak, introspection, love hurts,

Cynical Hearts

Realizing innocence lies somewhere, lost to the past. Fantasy dreams quickly fade, although youth wishes they'd last. Your forever memories begin to merge and digress. And though replayed countless times, they're but shadows; nonetheless. Assumptions and presumptions, life's beliefs go unexplored. And questions and misgivings are oft discreetly ignored. Cynical hearts batter love despite its fragility. And attempt to control it, with rules of fidelity. And yet, hope inspires lovers; to create a bond of trust. And encourages closeness outside the pleasures of lust.

by Meru Groen |
Categories: emotions, love, moon, night, wind,

The Witch of the Night

The full moon, drives the dread of the night, into dark corners. The light upon whose face it falls, takes a moment, to bathe in its shine.  Wolves call it by name, and vow their fidelity.  Then, into the horizon it sinks, making the dawn even doubt its existence.  The desert winds, foretell the coming of the witch of the night, whose victims never know...they have fallen in love!

by Freddie Robinson Jr. |
Categories: divorce, lost love, marriage, perspective,


A sweet marriage turned sour, had to be tossed in the trash
Wooden emotions of affection, anger burned love into ash
Marital memories put in the attic, placed in boxes covered with dust
Two cancerous affairs of the heart metastasize into fidelity distrust
Second mortgage is under water, swamped in bills ... no levee cash
Wedded bootleggers drown sorrows drinking the moonshine mash
A once healthy marriage died yesterday, got buried in divorce
Resurrected maiden name celebrates, in a singles bar of course

by Darren Garmer |
Categories: happiness, inspirational, peace

Bare Fidelity

She stands before him with naked truth…
He bows in her name, within the hands exposing truest love from youth…

United destiny of hallowed vibrations surrounds this life’s path…
Transforming each other’s suffering into a healing misty wrath…

Woven tightly their braided bliss connects man, heaven, earth…
Sharing visions with divine messages that increase the alls collective worth…

Reconnects brethren with holy oneness position…
Reminding all beings to live from loves intuition…

The mystery of their winning spiritual season,
Found inside these three words; kindness, compassion, reason...

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: flower,

The Rose

I love the rose whose elegance and grace
are shown us on her lovely petaled face.
Newly bloomed, she glistens in morning’s dew.
So dazzling is she in her every hue.

Pink, yellow, peach, violet-blue, and red!
Joy she brings to many a garden bed.
But if fidelity you’re thinking of,
pick roses white to give your one true love!

Aug. 27, 2022
For Tania Kitchin's Eight Lines Of Rhyme - Your Favorite Flower Poetry Contest
and submitted Sept. 4 to A Brian Strand Premiere Choice Poetry Contest

by Val Brooklyn Rogers Blk Panther |
Categories: feelings, life, longing, love, nature,

If I Am To Love Again

If I am to love again, let it be
A love exchange friend and friend.
Beloved, a true love.
If I keep pace, a relay race.
If I am to love again, let it be monogamous.

And I slay the heart of the one which I love.
A love that spawns a passion which yearns.
Let the one not start to depart while this 
Gifted one sees my entrails, The me that I am.
You see, I bleed.

I have proclamations of my Love's  AUTHENTICATION.
IF I am to love again let it be of a kind of seed which
Clamours for a love beset in me of NOURISHED FIDELITY.

by Olive Eloisa Guillermo - Fraser |
Categories: anger, how i feel, life, love hurts, men, rude, satire,

To a Player of Heart

Thank God you have the looks
Must this be you use to hook

Your tongue utters the sweetest
Yet lies the unhidden, I detests

You talked of fidelity and loyalty
Yet, recently tell me what you display

True if you tell me, I have not a right
Yet, allow me to speak in behalf of women

Man not because you are unseen
Don't be weak to commit a sin

It is just one dear picture 
Yet, my eyes hold in capture

I laugh at your guiltiness
Yet, I'll condemn you for cruelness

Player of love and of heart
Soon to punishment you don't depart

By: olive_eloi


by Emile Pinet |
Categories: emotions, feelings, heart, imagery, love hurts,

Back Into My Heart

I don't sniff your pillow anymore; and I've stopped hugging it late at night. Although your subtle scent still lingers, your photos are no longer in sight. Denying that you ever cheated, you swore to God that your love was true. But despite vows of fidelity, betrayal severed my heart in two. You cavalierly brag to your friends that I'll not easily forget you. And I admit, I cried when you left; but those tears dwindled to but a few. Time reduced you to a memory shortly after we drifted apart. And all my lost dreams and hopes returned, finding their way back into my heart.