by John Watt |
film, love,
I am a silent movie,
a corny melodrama
played in black and white
with an observable flicker.
A little tramp
accompanied by ragtime piano.
You are pure A-list
Dolby digital
THX, IMAX laser,
Oscar winner
3D blockbuster.
And yet you love
Written 26 Apr 2020
by Allan Terry |
appreciation, confidence, encouraging, endurance, film, fun, love,
it like you care
i mean if you keep on
keeping on
i might whined-up thinking you
love me or something
I mean kissing and dance
getting those second glances
and the notes on my phone
I might whined-up thinking
you love me.
sometimes I think about
the way you might preseve me
and than I wonder if
I should look at you the same way
smelling your hair
acting like you care
it makes me wonder
asking myself what spell am I under
You got me thinking you
love me
by April Gabriella |
celebrity, film, for him, how i feel, love,
Dedicated to my love: Leonardo DiCaprio
For how many years have I loved you
I think it has to be about eighteen
We were both so young in those days
But I still longed to be your queen
With each film I fell more in love
With each role you reminded
"This is what true talent is made of"
Beautiful Leonardo
How keenly I feel
How much I love you
Probably too much, but still
You have shown true beauty
You have shown true grace
You're a perfect specimen
Of the human race
You are of the greatest actors
Of this generation and more
For there will never be another
That I so much adore
by Gary Radice |
england, feelings, film, nostalgia,
There's a spot on the horizon
In the ripple of the sun
Where railway lines and stanchions fuse
And merge, becoming one.
I was staring from the platform
When a distant dot appeared.
It grew in size and shape and form
And sounded as it neared.
I caught blurred faces turning
As they thundered by so fast
To briefly glimpse where strangers met
Each Thursday in the past.
Back then the steam and music
Lit up life's black and white.
By tugging strings when love went wrong
Rachmaninoff was right.
by Andrea Dietrich |
love, passion
(Inspired by the brilliant new avant garde
Italian film: "I Am Love")
Could she shatter vows, and is she the one
who’d relinquish everything just for love?
If it meant that all she knew would come undone,
could she shatter vows, and is she the one?
If she knew that those she cared about might shun
her, could she go against her God above?
Could she shatter vows, and is she the one
who’d relinquish everything just for love?
For the Contest: Is She the One?
sponsored by Tavarus M. Moreland
by Andrea Dietrich |
The kind of film most women love to see
is all about romance, thus women pick
a type of show that paints the fantasy
of love sublime, so it’s dubbed a chick flick.
I like the fun ones and the sad ones too,
but there’s another genre I like more!
Though dramas with great plot will always do,
there is one type of drama I adore!
There’s nothing like good horror and suspense.
Inside the theater there is a hush
as tension builds, and feelings grow intense,
for your adrenaline will get a rush!
The films like Hitchcock made I never missed.
I love a scary movie with a twist!
July 19, 2017 for the S Form contest of Broken Wings:
Sonnet form. Chosen word: Scary
by Eve Roper |
bereavement, i miss you, love,
draped close for the night
film scenes of you have no end -
mourning sobbing starts
Poetry Contest: Writing Challenge 3- March 2019 - Senryu
Sponsored by: Dear Heart
3/20/2019 Poem of the day
by Sandra Haight |
god, prayer, spiritual,
Quote No.1
“As you live deeper in the heart~
The mirror gets clearer and cleaner.”
_Quote by Rumi
Oh God,
You have created me
In your image and likeness-
The mirror of your love.
What do you see
When you gaze upon me?
Your image and likeness?
Or just a hazy semblance
Dulled by the sticky film that forms
On a mirror left unattended?
Your image is surely there, Lord.
Teach me, I pray,
To faithfully cleanse away that film
Which obscures the clarity of you-
Those everyday pollutants
That distorts your reflection-
So that, what you are
And what you see in me,
Are clearly, one.
by Candice Yates |
Life together is a sip of joy,
familiar with each other's noise,
secrets shared together from the soul,
euphoric laughter spent like change;
hands laced in rings of wedding,
physical touch screams their name,
smiling eyes caught on film,
holidays spent holding you for a thrill;
hugging hips and dancing slowly,
heart beats in sync,
inhaling your scent and relishing its power
compliments lead flattery;
hands intertwined deep in prayer,
lives built on nothing but care.e
by Milan Georges Burovac |
desire, fairy, first love, innocence, miracle, paris, truth,
I am from another galaxy
all a romance in the heart of Paris
all a mystery without desire
all a lost phantasm
all a film of being
where art is in the spiritual thread
so that every love to be eternal
by Jan Allison |
celebrity, music, tribute,
My favourite film
which tells the story
of trombone player
and big band leader
Major Glenn Miller
This love story
shows his rise to
fame and fortune
and tragic death
His music
still enjoyed
by people
To this
Contest: Favourite Movie
Sponsor: Nayda Ivette Negron
by Dorian Petersen Potter |
best friend, books, character, film, friendship, love,
Best friend always ready to help
Thru difficult journey
You're so sweet my
Best friend
So brave
Strong and watching my back all time
You're so beautiful you
Saved my life, see
You I'd have never made it thru
Gave me hope when mine was lost
Yore so kind my
Sweet Sam!
Dorian Petersen Potter
Aka ladydp2000
by Arthur Vaso |
adventure, allegory, depression, drink, film, horror, humanity,
I am starting to like Freddie
At least he is steady
He may enjoy the drink
He may bring Liverpool to the brink
Honesty is all you will get
Even if his heart is scorched and bled
He has that iconic ironic smile
His verses crosses the hippocratic oath
From veins his prose flow
His love is pure his demons proudly on display
His bitterness feeds the infinite glass
Of the waiters last call
His words may bite spewing spittle and spite
Alas, who I ask, shall cast the first stone?
by Jerry Swana |
film, poetry, visionary, voice,
Silent motion pictures for no one to hear,
Roaring 1922 was the magical year,
Chaplin's fancy mustache grew from ear to ear.
How can motion without sound express love or fear?
Still frames unexposed to the light,
fame within names
cheers within fright.
Til this day a movie screen provides laughter and sadness.
A comedic love story that has to end tragic.
The negative of any captured moment can have a positive feel.
The story may be fictional, but the moments are real.
-Gerald Moise
by Richard Nah |
film, love, me,
Will you like to go out with me?
I saw a film today,
a film of you and I;
Then I had a dream,
a dream of our being;
It looked so good, so innovating ...
You took my hand,
telling me the truth in every bits of your words;
And like the moon standing with its star,
I now ask you;
Will you like to go out with me?
by Marty Owens |
fantasy, love, music, song-me,
Eternal music
ringing in your heart
melodies burst forth
singing moon dust songs
perfect harmony
Terry Black sings
song named Moondust
movie Meatballs
love and romance
funny film
heavens glow
love song
from Heaven
fell upon
your shoulders
was the moonlights
ancient powers
made me helpless
made me love you
The magic moondust
hides behind moonlight
fell and set us free
always singing that
Moondust melody
By Marty Owens
Inspired by Terry Black's song Moondust from the movie Meatballs... for Catie Lindsey's contest Diminished and Advancing Hexaverse
To hear it go to You Tube
by Daver Austin |
it is surprising
how fine black and white can be
one listens better
one notices more
each word clear as a bell
folks keep their clothes on
blood flow minimum
black and white blood not so gross
favorites are great –
clark, cary, spenser.
katherine, audry, ginger
to love without lust
as I get older,
caring not for violence,
i watch more and more
by Marty King |
beautiful, feelings, film, funny love,
movie night kisses
lips are greasy from popcorn
by Peter Lewis Holmes |
children, love, marriage,
No more babies; not now, not ever,
I want to write and I want to read
And I do like a good film
Please ignore your body clock,
That timepiece in your womb.
I want us to fly like eagles and
Eat out more/we can even do your
Yoga on the carpet floor!
No more nursery, a bit more
Playground please; and perhaps
A touch of artistry when you do
That thing with your knees
I’m looking forward to a new life
Now they’re all grown up,
Perhaps you could sublimate?
We’ll buy a spaniel pup.
So shall we go to bed?
It’s late and I have work; I’m glad
We talked about this thing
I just knew you’d understand
by Roy Pett |
best friend, crazy, film, friendship, giggle, hilarious, innocence,
Lloyd and Harry, two dim witted men
they made me laugh, laugh, then laugh again
with their innocent acts
slapstick, gags and wisecracks
I love this movie, well now and then.
Nowt funnier than dumb and dumber
this great film makes me laugh and blubber
so fills my mind with glee
because they are like me
I'm stupid, but a lot chubbier.
contest, favorite comedy movie,
Sponsored by: Alexis Y.
by Jimmi Canada |
allusion, crazy, cry, fashion, film, friend, hope, life, loneliness, lost love, may, metaphor, mirror, natural disasters, travel, winter, words, write,
I'm like what's next?
I'm in the P.D.X,
so flexed-
come rain or come next,
if the weather has test,
"I say" take the heather to caress the pests-
rush in on tether's and bust up their measures,
force on them pleasures because I take care the never never and replace them with edgers...
So take out your name,
and stake out the possessed,
because what allowed us always came to be best.
by Mark Toney |
conflict, film, love, war,
Scarlett, Rhett, Tara
“Fiddle-dee-dee War War War”
~ ‘I don’t give a whoop’
Poet’s note: Okay, okay, you’re right! Rhett Butler didn’t give a “whoop” in the most famous line of Gone With the Wind. If the film censors had their way, it may have ended with a “whoop.” But they didn’t and the rest is history.
Mark Toney © 2018
by Mark Toney |
film, war, world war i,
a love triangle
only silent film to win--
with dazzling dogfights
Copyright © 2018 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
First published 2018 in Hollywood Haiku via
by Milan Georges Burovac |
beauty, deep, funny love, future, god, i love you, nature,
need to know where to look? soft
forms to the caresses of an eternal
wandering in search of beauty
perfect for the indefinite aesthetic
and the body to film
and soul for the soul
and the spirit of the infinite
by Nafiz Morshalin |
10th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, feelings, film, lost love, love,
The artist curls her hair.
splashes the color with a lot of care,
she has to be fair,
and fashion should be in a simple manner,
the painting is then thrown to a rich trader,
so the painter has profited.
Not knowing whose hands it is onto,
but the owner is sure it is out of the lobby once he is bored.