by James Marshall Goff |
My Inventory:
high-performance yo-yo
poetry books
fishing poles
ice-fishing hut
pocket knife
sharpening stones
life's artifacts
Grandpa's Fishing Hat
hope and joy
Guardian Angel
wooden snow-sleds
more poetry books
camping gear
Babar, the Stuffed-Elephant
McCoy Cookie Jars
nature field-guides
ties I don't wear
family heirloom recipes
suits I try not to wear
treasured photographs
170 poems
antique lamps
my Children's love
......and You
my Savior
....... Jesus Christ
by A.O. Taner |
august, beach, beautiful, cool, crush, deep, destiny, devotion, fantasy, feelings, first love, fishing, freedom, funny love, future, girlfriend, hope, i love you, i miss you, journey, joy, judgement, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, miracle, ocean, people, places, romance, sea, sensual, simple, spiritual, water, women, world,
Don't rush to wash off the sea salt
drying on your skin;
the hopes it carries from other oceans,
those remain yet to be seen.
by Tim Smith |
The sun dips silently over the horizon
painting the cloudless sky
with shades of red, yellow and peach
Arm in arm two figures silhouette in the distance
closer and closer they stroll
stepping out onto the old fishing pier
the pair gaze out over the glasslike pond
with the occasional ripple rolling gently
Darkness comes upon them
and they kiss
a long and deep kiss
you can hear her speak in the silence
"Don't ever let me go"
"Don't ever let me go"
by Reason A. Poteet |
11th grade, farewell, fishing, friend, sweet,
two septets with rhyme
At long last, my friend, she bears no shame.
She spent a year seeking a soul-mate.
His eyes obliged her life to claim,
yet he could not, he would not propose.
Their calm ship was headed aground
for months she kept it together -
an ocean of hope, her playground.
Fisherman's widow! At long last
she reeled in and quit her searching.
She found her love had been miscast.
Two smiling faces fade from sight,
they travel on two different waves.
Feeling free, both alone tonight,
the settled sweetness of farewell.
inspired by a quote from Andrea del Sarto byRobert Browning,
"Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp,"
by Tom Zart |
adventure, happiness, nature, men,
Besides love men need fishing,
And for both, most are wishing,
Catching trophies chosen best,
To be envied by the rest.
Fishing is a game of sport
Loved by all, both tall and short.
We must fool the fish’s eye,
If we plan to stir and fry,
Some use boats while others wade,
As they fish the sun or shade.
Ice-cold drinks help pass the day,
While life’s troubles fade away.
Most men feel they've everything,
With their rod, hook, cork and string.
Be it river, pond or lake,
We all pray our line won't break.
By Tom Zart
by Robert L. Hinshaw |
fishing, humorous,
There was once an old man from Altoona
Who decided to cast for some tuna
'Twas a mermaid he landed
He sighed saying off-handed
"How I wish I had caught her much soona!"
Oh! How I would love to make her my bride
But I'm old, grizzled and gray and, beside
'Twould be my usual luck
She'd take up with some young buck,
So I will release her at next high tide
Entry for Tania Kitchin's "Two Sea Themed Limerick" Contest
(27 July 2019)
by Jen H. |
lost love, loveme, me,
He's just another fish in the sea
Or at least that's what they told me
They said, why would I want to love a fish
When I can reach for whatever I wish
Dry my tears, have some fun
They said, stick around, there's no need to run
They're building me a bridge I don't want to get over
Trying to give me a fake four leaf clover
But I just don't get it, why for me are they wishing
When really, I'd rather go back to fishing
by Marius Alexandru |
3rd grade, 4th grade, child, children, june, kid, summer,
No more school, I sleep till noon,
Oh, how much I love you, June!
In the garden, I smell roses perfume
Oh, how much I love you, June!
Butterflies and a small bee,
everywhere are following me.
I play hide and seek with the sun,
Everything I do is fun.
I can fly my kite so high,
Next to airplanes in the sky,
I’ll go fishing, ride my bike,
I will do all that I like.
I’ll go to the pool, a lot
June is perfect, not too hot.
Oh, and the ice cream…chocolate, fudge,
June's the best! You be the judge,
I will meet with cousins, friends,
I hope the summer never ends.
by Bobby May |
The word Love has been tainted
I love your dress
I love your new fishing boat
I love that new color of paint
Mankind cannot love physical things
Love is heart felt for all Nature
Not mans creations
The answer lies in the heart
I love your eyes
I love your lips
I love all of you but,
I sure love those new shoes
The answer is we love things that,
Cannot love us back, this we have to stop
Love comes from the heart
Not from a store
Love is the answer but the question is
What do we love more?
Mans creations or people and nature?
Contest: Love is the answer
Sponsored by: Lu Loo
Date Created: 11/08/2019
by Danielle Wise Baxter |
celebration, family, for him, friendship, happiness, how i feel, husband, i love you, inspiration, inspirational, love, marriage, remember, romantic, together, truth,
He is my gentle seduction
that makes me lighter than air
he holds onto me firmly
so I won't up and disappear
Not that I don't love him
but in fact, I love him so dear
but remember, I told you,
he makes me lighter than air
He has to be my angel
God sent me, I, unaware
for years I stopped dreaming
I guess out of lonely fear
But today, I woke from dreaming,with him kissing my ear
how perfect our love is, in our older years
enjoying those simpler things like cooking
fishing or just holding the other near
He is my handsome husband
the father of my children, our truest bliss
soon the grandfather to the symbol
of all these growing in loving years
by Julie Grenness |
beautiful, environment, fish, fishing, friendship, fun, sea,
Here's a ballad to the dolphin's laugh,
Thinking the sea's a bubbly bath,
Always laughing, always smiling,
Through the deep sea gliding.
Fishing the dolphin does love,
Smiling at the sun above,
Always laughing, always smiling,
Through the deep sea gliding.
Schools of dolphins smiling,
Leaping, splashing and sliding,
Always laughing, always smiling,
Through the deep sea gliding.
That's the ballad of the dolphin's smile,
Laugh and gently beguile,
Always laughing, always smiling,
Through the deep sea gliding.
by Ed Morris |
fish, fishing, funny, humorous,
I can’t understand the ambition
Of people who love to go fishin’.
Outsmarting your dinner
Might say you’re a winner,
But what when you fail in that mission?
by William Darnell Sr |
angel, autumn, bereavement, blessing, confusion, creation, dedication, depression, destiny, dream, family, grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, grave, grief, growth, Lullaby,
Grandparent At Last
My granddaughters,
Aira'lee Nadean Jones,
Hope Faith Darnell
Adelina Gracie Darnell
R.I.P. "Gracie"
Grandparents old of grandparents new,
The unique joy that you are bringing true.
Fairy tale's told in the rosy past,
My first granddaughters are here at last.
Fishing trips and ice cream cones,
Lullaby songs until we doze.
Stories told upon cozy laps,
Sunny walks on shaded paths.
Butterfly kisses and big bear hugs,
Truly grandparents is another word for love.
by Michael Byte |
Summers come and go, what little time
do I get that new game and play
as the summer heat peaks in time.
Will my friends be able to play?
Is my family going on a train
to somewhere so far away
where there will be so much pain
wish I was home to play.
That fishing hole down the road
where all love to spend our time.
fish big enough break my rod
as we sit in the sun from above.
It will be here so soon in time
how will I have fun this summer time
by Arturo Michael |
boat, fishing, inspirational, success, true love, work,
((( Sailor
Sail your boat
Sun's rising ~ on the sea
Set your sails
Winds blowing easterly
Cast your nets to fish
Pack your catch and go
Your woman’s waiting home
To feed the family )))
by Joseph Sergi |
bereavement, death, dedication, loss, obituary, remember, sorrow,
I remember your smile that twinkle in your eye,
you could make us laugh until we would cry.
Fishing and crabbing trips and your love of the sea,
all of these are now a part of me.
Whenever someone called you were always there,
a heart of gold you always cared.
Now you're playing cards up in the sky,
forgive me if a tear comes to my eye.
Remembering all the things we would do,
Uncle Jimmy I will never forget you.
by Shahana Jackson |
life, loss, lost love, love, mother, music, mystery, native american, natural disasters, nature, nostalgiadream, body, dream,
I dream of a woman's body
and of wrapping it in my arms
and watching as it gets slushy
and as she progressively
becomes more slutty.
I'd like to play with it
like a fishers price toy.
And go fishing until
I've reached the treasure.
With a woman's body the fun
is never really over and I'll
keep scobba diving until
I've seen all four walls.
And pushed each and every lever.
Some women than like to sever
all ties and be the player.
But when I dream of a woman's
body I dream that time is frozen.
And that this one sensuous moment
could last forever.
But I haven't found her body yet.
I regret....
by Joseph Sergi |
fishing, funny, humorous,
I love fishing in the deep blue sea,
but that fishing sure cost a lot to me.
First you have to gas up the car,
sometimes you have to go far.
Of course you have to stop for breakfast for two,
it cost $34.50 what can you do.
Then we need to rent a boat,
I hope this one really floats.
And then you need bait and such,
boy it really cost too much.
Finally we are out in the bay,
we fish in the sun all day.
We return home burned, broken and well done,
I guess we even had some fun.
However no fish were caught this day,
so pizza for dinner, it's OK.
by Stephen Kilmer |
You never see an old minnow
They’re just bait
Something for another creature to eat
Farther up the food chain
I would love to catch a five-pound minnow
Catch and release. Now wouldn’t that be something.
I could see the headlines “Man catches five-pound minnow,
Doesn’t know what to fish for anymore.”
I mean what do you fish for with a five-pound minnow?
He’s pretty much the proverbial big fish in a small pond.
And what does he eat…surely he’s not a cannibal.
Perhaps frogs or small dogs?
I don’t know anything about fishing, but these things
Keep me awake at night.
Perhaps I need better medication.
Until then I will dream of minnow gray skies
And anorexic egrets.
by Flora Mae Gudez |
absence, bird, blue, boat, boyfriend, break up, deep, depression, desire, emo, emotions, feelings, first love, fishing, girl, grief, heartbroken, lonely, longing, loss, love, miss you, missing, missing you, sorrow, suicide,
Oh sea of love!
How bitter the mem'ries I have!
This place reminisce the pain
Of not seeing my love again.
Your birds up high
Remind me of his goodbye.
Your water so deep
Makes me yearn and weep.
So let your breeze blow,
And dry the tears that flow.
Let your waves take away
The griefs and sorrows that stay.
Oh sea of love!
Erase the mem'ries I have!
Wash them out of the blue,
Take them away with you.
by Millard Lowe |
allegory, analogy, fishing, imagery, love, spring,
In the pale yellow evening
of spring, from my heart,
I cast a line into a flowing stream.
In the depths of its wetness,
teased my bated hook;
but evasive were the little swimmers
in this gentle brook.
With undying love,
the pale of my heart was fully packed;
grateful not having to throw anything back.
by Mitch White |
life, love, house, city, house,
I was raised in the sticks where you never saw a cop
It was easily a two mile walk to the school bus stop
How I got to Thrillva's house was simply by hitching
We would hurry to the pond with no intention of fishing
Both emancipated and married when we hit seventeen
What a stir we made when we opted for the city scene
Within a few years the city life had choked us out
So we moved to Alaska in a magical walkabout
Bought a hillside cabin house and had two daughters
Cherished annual vacations in Hawaii's warm waters
We are proud grandparents now whose lives are full
Still live in the small town what most consider dull
by Jimmi Canada |
analogy, cat, courage, death, dedication, deep, dream, drink, fishing, integrity, ireland, irony, joy, light, lonely, love, motivation, muse, myth, woman,
In a story it will unveil,
in courage it will feel,
on the days when you're out on the wheels-
do not look back at the heels,
and don't knock twice when you've got two doors to peel,
focus in,
and you might white out the right steal...
"Hello Artimus! Aren't you that brat that hangs out at the sailing reels?
Don't you do that cat that likes ferns who 'unlike any mother' never gets to be like the guys in turn... with the wheels..?"
by Darren Mallett |
fish, fishing, flower, innocence, nature, symbolism, tree,
I've found true love within our nature now;
For only when one sees how small he is,
How insignificant to the big man;
Can one feel empathy for trees or fish.
To the flower a tree is strong; sturdy;
Through the current, a fish is powerful;
Yet man destroys both with ease; remorseless.
And thus man then also destroys himself;
Raping and pillaging his own life source;
Encasing his survival behind glass.
And so too, do the huge corporations;
Suffocating that which keeps them afloat;
Enslaving the very souls of our youth;
Bastardizing natural compassion
And degrading our very innocence.
In a world of who has the bigger stick,
I'm just the trout at the end of the pole.
by Fritz Purdum |
fishing, love, woman,
Flowers bend with the wind
Beauty so delicate survives
A pebble toss into the lake
Causes ripples of waves
Reflections of time
Deep in the solitude
Of the lake's waters
I cast my line and sit
At the lake's shore
Not to catch a fish
But to ponder my love
For you
A steady sun shines strong
Spiraling through the balding trees leaves
My straw hat cannot reflect
It's heat
Each bead of sweat is kissed
By the coolness of the lake's breeze
Teasing my senses
With your touch
A rude fish tugs on my line
But I decline it
Freeing the poor soul
Back into the water
And I answer myself
Gathering my gear
I walk back the dusty trail
Into an empty cabin
Full of memories.