Love Poems About Food or Food Love Poems
by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: love, sleep,

Two Pairs of Shoes

Two pairs of shoes beside the bed.
Mine are tiny, his large instead.

His are steel toed, sandals are mine.
His dull and dark, but mine have shine.

Opposites yes, just like our shoes.
When I'm happy, he has the blues.

My secret to brighten his mood...
A large rare steak, his kind of food.

I like the soaps, he likes the news.
When I watch mine, he takes a snooze.

I can't stand to see people die...
Watching his news just makes me cry.

Even though, we might have a fight
Love keeps us together all night.

And each night when we go to sleep.
Two pairs of shoes, company keep!


Poem of the day August 4, 2017

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: age, baby, cry, food, life, old, youth,

From Young To Old

The story of life from young to old is the same old story told over and over.
We start out and end in diapers.
We start out and end with no teeth.
We start out and end eating soft foods we do not like the taste of.
We start out and end falling down.
We start out and end needing care.
We start out and end crying day and night. 
We start out with nothing and end taking nothing with us.
We only have the precious time between young and old to live a life of love to others.
The story of life is the story we leave behind.

Date Written: 6/7/2019
A contest on aging Poetry Contest  sponsored by  Emile Pinet

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: love,

Indian Love Song

A Tribute to Slim Whitman

He led his horse towards a pool,
Near a lovely large cotton tree.
Far away, he heard the hooves
Of a thousand bison as they crossed
The dusty prairie in search of food. 

Near at hand stood a large tepee
From where his lovely Indian emerged.
Dark hair, dark eyes. a beauty beyond compare.
She smiled but stood erect at the doorway.

Instantly, he lifted his guitar. 
And in a yodel tune, he sang his love.
How oft he repeated his refrain,
"You belong to me,
I belong to you."
Finally, he put down his guitar.
Slowly, he approached her,
Tilted her lovely face up,
Their lips met in a sweet, lingering kiss.

by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: food, funny, humorous, nonsense, romance, sexy, silly,

A Fine Flavor Between Lines

Is it Love
a simple bowl of ice cream
sweating from the heat
cherries on the top
huddled 'round and looking sweet
two little wooden paddles
pretend that they are spoons
as we sit beneath the stars
in the savor of the moon
your lips are all I see
as they caress them with a passion 
the cherries on your tongue
in a delightful playful fashion 
with our eyes intent and focused
in a stare of solemn trust
Is this ice cream truly love
or is it merely cherry lust

by Jan Allison |
Categories: food, october,

Pumpkin Pie Etheree - October Contest

Pumpkin pie.
Light crisp pastry
Silky smooth topping
Adorned with pastry leaves
Topped with swirls of white whipped cream.
I start drooling; it’s so tempting
Our spoons are poised ready to tuck in  
Oh how I adore autumn harvest time!

For love of October Contest
Sponsor – Andrea Dietrich

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

How Blessed Am I

Sitting here in this big old lazy chair a little smile starts to appear upon my face Some Phil Collins music rings in the air as the girls cuddle under warm blankets watching the movie Tarzan. I sit here and muse how did I get so lucky? why did God shine upon me? I have such beautiful and healthy children I have a place to lie my head There is plenty of food to be put upon the table There's no other place I'd rather be instead My heart starts beating stronger There is warmth and love in the air I get up and sit between them I am so blessed to be here

by Rhona Mcferran |
Categories: food, humor, humorous, silly,

Cheesecake Nightmare

Love me or hate me
few people can take me
plain, unadulterated, true to myself
their compulsive need to gussy me up
or completely disguise me
gives me nightmares...
Horrible- horrible!

The worst is where
they try to make me

Suffocated in sauces, sweet relish
and pickled beets
garnished with green olives
and fussy-cut vienna sausages
all dancing in fancy chorus lines
on top of me
Oh No! I can't take it...
It just can't be!

What are they thinking?!

I awake with a snug sensation
as something warmish
drapes and
down my back
Caramel sauce-
Thank God!

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: food, love,

A Foodie's Love Sonnet

Bowled over, kneading you, feeling sub-lime
from my head tomatoes. Hear my heart beet!
Eggcited, wonton you olive the thyme.
Donut you carrot all for me at yeast?

You’re one in a melon, sweet sugar pie,
forbidden fruit I find so appeeling.
Cherry on the cake, apple of my eye.
Has there bean love? Don’t berry the feeling.

It’s a big dill and takes two to mango.
I’d sacri-rice all because you compleat me.
You oat to love me. Peas, love miso!
Just food for thought. Chew that fat with your tea.

I have so mushroom in my heart for you.
A pizza your heart? Say yes, honey - DEW!

Dec. 28, 2017 for  Viv Wigley's Food Fight Poetry Contest

by Lynn Marie |
Categories: food, imagination, life, love, nature, nostalgia, passion,

Delectable Pleasure

on a quiet 
amidst the 
trees of 

with a 
sweet juicy 
ripe with 

all senses

simply are..

the Fruit 
of the 

one of 
for the God 
& Goddess 
in all.

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: angel, love, magic, nature,

Missing, the Magic

missing, the magic
  stars shrink
the moon cowers
  all that's sweet turns sour

heartfelt sighs
  comfort food
steam baths
  no good, no good...

O, before ye despair
  love will repair
nature's caprice, no one spares
  ~ angels in heaven yet care

by Crystol Woods |
Categories: cute love, innocence, kiss,

A Kiss

                                Oh,my!          Oh,my!
                     Eyes focus    lazily      on my lips
              A hunger for something other than food
          Innocently imagining nothing more than this
         Me                                  &                                 You
          Only the tension of desire for the intimacy of
         Sweet mouths pressed and mingling of breath 
         Beating hearts entwined.. the passage of time
             The expression of tender love and bliss 
                                     Sharing a kiss.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: food,

Onion Love

Oh, pungent onion, large, sweet and fried in golden rings, diced, sauteed for casseroles or grilled with meats; tossed raw into my greens! I love you so, that when I slice your skin, I’m the one that weeps!

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: pets,

The Nail Biter

He bites his nails beside me on the bed
so loudly!  This strange habit is most grating.
I’d like to throw a pillow at his head,
but he would just continue, not abating.

I’m used to just how vexing he can get,
like when he begs for food that I am eating.
When someone comes to call, he gets upset;
then settles down and gives a gleeful greeting -

Unless the visitor is someone small!
He sits and stares if I pick up a child
then panics if the infant starts to bawl.
I love my doggy though he gets so wild!

Although a naughty child himself is he,
how sweet and trusting is his love for me.

by Leon Stacey |
Categories: food, husband, love, nature, passion, wife,

Ice Cream

Vanilla bean skin,
Cool sweet breath and cherry lips
Make kissing dessert.

by Irene Hammer |
Categories: food


Decadent ladyfinger Infused with coffee Layered, rich, cheese filled delight I long for your taste My Italian love And your rum Yum!

by Joseph Spence Sr |
Categories: fantasy, food, friendship, happiness, imagination, life, love, peace,

Ripe Mango

your presence is:
sweeter than a ripe mango
filling to the soul

© Joseph S. Spence, Sr., (Epulaeryu Master) 6/12/08
All Rights Reserved, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Senior Advisor, to Founder of Motivational Strips
Ambassador De Literature
Noble Star of Literature 2018
Living Legend of the 21st Century
Pentasiv B World Friendship Poetry Featured Poet 2019

by Katrina Salem |
Categories: adventure, art, confusion, daughter, dedication, devotion, fantasy, funny, growing up, happiness, hope, imagination, inspirational, life, love, mystery, nature, on work and working, on writing and words, passion, peace, romance, social, sympathy, teen, thank you, time, travel, tribute, uplifting, visionary, words,

Enigma's Calling

Extraordinary, I am 
Craving for unusual thoughts
Endless exploration without boundary
Understanding  the gift I shouldn't fought
Invisible drawings in my mind
Playing with the words in my head
My passion
The food of my soul
I feel so lucky
The random thoughts
A lifetime companion
A self esteem builder
A goal planner
Be my forever life saver
I write more
I talk less
I want to please
I chose to bore
What tickles me the most
Is to know what I'm for
Thinking is my love
When  my mind goes empty
That's when I hate
My day dreaming lust
Organizing things in my mind
Playing roles of simulation
Where images of art is my vision
And words of attitude is my heart

by Carma Sanderson |
Categories: food, funny, love,

Chocolate Pleasure

Will you,Eat me; eat me,
please, like A piece,
of Reese's Pieces, 
chocolate pleasure, 
I melt in your mouth, 
I am that Kit-Kat,
who will satisfy, 
your whatchamacallit, 
to make the Skor, on
Your Nutroll,
and go nutritiously,
over my babyruth, 
for you are, that mounds,
of full almond joy..

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: feelings,

Tantalizing Love

Tantalizing love, how long I’ve known you.
How often I’ve succumbed to you, but
how often I’ve resisted too -
while wanting you so badly.
I’ll never tire of you,
nor do I want to,
for you’ve been a 
part of my
have had
to learn to
control myself
when you are around.
I’m not the only one
who loves you more than I should.
You are so good when you are bad!
Oh, to breathe your scent and hold you to
my lips! Delicious food, I adore you.

WRitten 9/19/14 for the Double reverse Etheree contest 
of Shadow Hamilton

by Vera Duggan |
Categories: bird, food, summer,

Pink and Grey Galahs

I see a pair of Pink and Greys
They fly on by my way
They seem to be so filled with health
To me they do have so much wealth

They're so majestic in the sky
As I see them flying by
And when they land upon a branch
It really puts me in a trance

Trays of seed I have for them
On which upon they land
Such a lovely sight to see
I could almost feed them from my hand

I love to see them feeding there
As the seed these two birds share

by Gary Smith |
Categories: humorous, longing,

I Am Just What I Am

Here I sit on the ocean bed
Just sifting mud and ooze,
But If it was up to me
It's not the life I'd choose.

It's dark down here, there's creepy things
All looking for a feast
So I live on tenterhooks,
Hiding from the beasts.

To be higher up the food chain
Is where I'd love to be,
But to be a shark, or a huge blue whale
Was not my destiny.

So my life is what it is,
I am just what I am.
But it's no fun at the bottom,
It's no fun being a clam.

Entry for
Personification poem of a pet, wild animal or insect Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Tania Kitchin
2/9/18. Placed 6th.

by Stanley Harris |
Categories: blessing, food, funny love, memory, peace, war,

I Do Love Food

>I do love food.

When I was young, food was rationed.
So much of this, or that, you were allowed.
Each person had a ration book for adults and a child.
So much butter so much sugar, a few ounces of meat.
If you grew your own produce, fresh veg was a treat.
And what was put on the table, you did love to eat.

Many years have passed, and food is not rationed anymore.
The choice on the supermarket shelf, tells there is no sign of war.
Now we are leaving the EU, what will the supermarkets do?
Will the shelves be empty and bare?
Or will more British produce be for sale there.
I do love food, so hope it’s there.
British, nice with a price that’s fair.<

by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: introspection, mother,

Apologies To My Mother

I didn’t appreciate you enough;  I'm sorry, I didn’t know 
Difficult  times, raising us was so tough; I’m sorry I didn’t know
Little money, food in limited supply, yet you never complained
I didn’t notice  your hands were so rough; I’m sorry, I didn’t know
While working two jobs as well as keeping us all safe, fed and happy
You always seemed calm , never  harsh rebuffs; I’m sorry, I didn’t know
I don’t think you ever had  more than one dress or a new winter coat
We had more love than material stuff; I’m sorry I didn’t know
Jeanie now a mom herself and understands what it must have been like
When I speak of mother my voice gets gruff; I’m sorry, I didn’t know….

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: cancer, me,

Counting Every Blessing

I thank our Lord for the blessings bestowed:

Even though my wound still oozes, my skin cancer was completely removed
My fingernails are unusually strong and I have emery board access
The food I eat may be cheap and meager, but at least it keeps me alive
Much free time is mine because little work is available
How lucky I am to have friends who will laugh and cry with me at life’s troubles
I appreciate the ability to love and show compassion
Thankfully, I don’t drool too much when I eat
And most of all I am blessed with a sense of humor

* For Dane Ann’s “Blessings” contest.  (Yes, my cholesterol truly is that high.)

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: food,

I Love Your Corn On the Cob

Grandma, I love your corn on the cob.
I can eat more of it than Uncle Bob.

I’m ready for more and hardly can wait
for all of that goodness there on the plate!

For all of that corn on the cob, golly gee -
a whole stick of butter you better bring me!

Just look at the dog; he wants some too.
He can just lick the plate when I am through!

October 4, 2019
Based on Picture #3
For Eve Roper's Realism Art Poetry Contest

Note: I actually do have an uncle Bob, but I out-ate him for everything!!