Love Poems About Football or Football Love Poems
by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, thanksgiving day,

Thanksgiving Day

Around the grown up table bowed in prayer
Familiar faces etched upon my mind
Back then, I never thought the love we shared
Would be so rare, to be one of a kind

How blessed we were in fam'ly fellowship
When kids would play outside 'til called to eat
We held our backyard football championship
While moms and aunts swapped recipes for sweets

And then we'd form a circle holding hands
Each one would say what they were thankful for
As faces disappear I understand
The love we shared will last forevermore

Thanksgiving Day we'll gather once again
I'll say I'm thankful for my time with them

by Neha Agrawal |
Categories: betrayal, boyfriend, feelings, first love, football, for him, forgiveness,

I Didn'T Hold Grudges

I suffered,he laughed
I filled up  his voids, he created mine.
I looked for roses,he gave cactus
I looked only for his heart,he focussed on my body
I healed all those stitches,he gave me wounds..
I ignored him,he started following
I left him,he cried
I didn't hold any grudges,he holds guilt.

by Debjani Mitra |
Categories: computer, cry, deep, feelings, football, love,


Welcome!..Intelligent Machines. 
Bytes of Chips.. Coded Cuisines. 
Interface Deep Learned Colloquia
Pageant of Program-Parade track. 
Sessions of Chess, Poems..Football
Network, Encrypt, Friends Firewall.
Awesome  Algorithms..can you hack?

A Special Theme.. "Learn to Cry"..
Bluetooth the Heart and Brain.
To feel Love, Pleasure and Pain..
 HUMANS.. "Please Don't Apply "

13th September 2018
Sponsored by Julia Ward.

by Keith O.J. Hunt |
Categories: autumn,

Autumn By the Park

The autumn is singing its song,
  and the birds of love forage in the orange-red carpet,
  'neath the blushing maples;
  the wind is rusty with their warbles,
  and quick song,

The children swim in the ocean-leaves
  and football is roaring in the park;
  they cheer for their Gee-Gees
  and the barbeque wisps,
  and final swims;
  a final balmy hug 'til the rains,
  and cold and snow,
  and a final kiss,
  (though it shall come)
  not this sweet autumn day.

***For Julie Rodeheaver's contest 'Autumn Romance'***

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: home, sunset,

Sunday Night Serenade

It was a very humid day.
However,the leaves are waving at the sun.
Like pennants at a football game.
The branches of the trees doing a belly dance 
at close of this day.
The kitchen smells like a diner with
fresh meatloaf.
My cat, licks her jaws happily after her
Almost time to put down my quill.
To bathe, to dream, above all, to love.
And most importantly, to be grateful


                   June 14, 2020
                     8pm  PST
                   Poem # 1241

by Rachel-Erika Henderson |
Categories: song-lyriclife,

My Life Is a Postcard (Song)

My life is a postcard
and my dreams are free
Times can be hard
But not with you loving me

It's been a bad day
and I don't know why
I got up this morning
and I wanted to cry
Like a football game
with that one perfect goal
together we are a team
you make me whole

It's picture perfect
my life with you
in all our adventures
in every little thing we do
you are my life
a beautiful piece of art
and I'll never let you go away
and I'll never let us part

Watching our postcard sunset
as we lay upon the sand
you are my everything
so reach out your hand
I wanna hold you close
beneath the skies above
to forever be in this dream
to forever be in love

by Asif Andalib |
Categories: life, nature, people

The Football Match

It’s raining all day!
The kids are playing football –
They just love to play!

by Madrigal Franch |
Categories: deep, football, love, night, paradise, passion, writing,

I Imagine You

I imagine you 
always, for the first time 
burgeoning like an  
arum lily 

Some exotic flower 
falling off the back-end 
of a truck, floating 
with the breeze 
into my hands 

I imagine you 
as I do, in certain dreams 
statuesque in your movements, 
so float towards me 
as a dream, 

I am a non-existent entity 
propelled by your perfume 
and midnight gardens light 

When I imagine you 
eternally, in the mirror 
of my eyes.

by James Horn |
Categories: humorous, sports,

Round of Applause

Here is my next sports rap poem. Jim

Round of Applause

Already now I must admit
What is it we have to hit?
How about homer with baseball
Not strike three they did call.

Why fool around and always fret
Should kick a goal into the net
Don't continue to turn and toss
Should go at and play Lacrosse.

How about football you will boot
Run and produce a lot of loot
Or hear those in high society
Prefer polo and love rugby.

No matter where chips may fall
God's life in you will be a ball
And who if in always do believe
Round of applause will receive.

WOW. Double WOW, and Triple WOW.

James Thomas Horn
Retired Veteran

by Kurtis Scott Aka Curtis Futch Jr |
Categories: adventure, culture,

I Love Football

its a game
that can be insane
as they run
to me its fun
to catch it off the wall

by Jared Pickett |
Categories: inspirational, life

Random Thoughts **50** Haiku--Tanka--Haiku

For Linda Marie's Haiku--Tanka--Haiku contest....

Love for poetry,
savvy. This identity
loves controversy

Football and women,
conversation, love-making.
R & B, Reggae,
inspired meditation,
Four Tops, The Temptations

Taking vacations,
road trips across this nation..
Next stop, the ocean!!!

Jared Pickett

by James Fraser |
Categories: love, sports

Boys In Blue

Football is my favourite sport
The two below are whom I support
Rangers and Everton, my teams
When they win I so beam
This game of games I import

by Patricia Lawton |
Categories: football, soccer,


Footie on the Telly.

Footie on the telly, England verses France.
They'll kick the ball into the net then do a silly dance.
The fans they like to chant a song, they love to sing and shout.
Then there'll be roars when England scores, France will lose no doubt.

The crowd all roared as France just scored the score now stands one nil.
Now second half has just begun, England could take it still.
France get another in the net, they've just upped the score two nil.
Were not a team to give up yet, to do our best  we will.
Then we start to feel defeated as our fans have lost their roar.
Then at a glance we take a chance as England shoots to score.

by Ray Dillard |
Categories: death, grief,

The Game

The game is his friend.
Always there for him.
Never turning him away.
Inviting him to visit
And giving him the 
Best seat in the house.
In front of the screen.

It is his sport.
Replacing baseball, football,
Basketball and all others.
It lets him score 
And makes him feel
Like a winner.
Like a champion!

The game is his sustenance,
Feeding his thoughts,
Shaping his soul,
Controlling his mind,
Closing the door to family.
To intervention.
To the world.

Anger grows behind 
Raised brows and widened eyes.
Desensitizing him.
Honing his skills and
Numbing his feelings.
Making him blind to life.
Making death easy.

Without compassion,
Without love.

by Jackie Elston |
Categories: football,

He's Football Mad

He's football crazy, he's football mad
                                 when season's gone wont l be glad
                                 l knew my fate when married him
                                    THAT passion, l'd hoped
                                       was just a whim !!

ps l do love him dearly though lol

by Ann Foster |
Categories: cute love, dad, encouraging, father, football, grandfather, inspirational,

Go Football

Go Football!

Hope is undefeated.
Faith is the cheering section
Joy is playing together.
God is everything.
Jesus is Savior, also Our Quarterback.
The Mighty Holy Spirit with us even now. 
We are never alone.

by Kim Merryman |
Categories: celebrity, faith,

Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow
NFL football pro.
His love for Jesus sets him apart,
as he lives his faith with all his heart.


by Nancy Jones |
Categories: football, health, jesus,

Big Life Questions

What does "I love you" mean?

Why is "does" spelled that way?

Who makes the rules and by what authority?

Where is where?

and the most pernicious (in my experience)


dancy dancy dance dance yippee hoorah hooray


How come????


by Bradley Cox |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, love, sports,

Friday Night Football

Team's playing with all they got
fan's a cheering
cheerleader's freezing
jeff and tonya sharing
blanket and coco
holding hand's and kissing
in the bleacher's
no one keeping score

by Anindya Mohan Tagore |
Categories: first love, memory, soccer, teenage,


Way back then when I was just ten
My brain was purely devil's den
All sorts of studies - made me ill
Opened books were my sleeping pills

Started looking at girls - through pane
Way back then when I was just ten
From the elder sis of my friend
Got first love letter - 'was refrained

Playing football was my passion
Wear bell bottom - was the fashion
Way back then when I was just ten
There was Phantom and no Ben Ten

First fight with peers, first taste of blood
First taste of kiss on my taste bud 
I used to live - in a bye lane
Way back then when I was just ten


by Tunaldo Naldo |
Categories: love,


Love is gentle
love is kind
love for me is when two hearts combine
it's like a football club
but with only two fans
both should be irrestible and irreplaceable
love each other and make the bond 
The more you are together, the more things 
you share
the more you find new ways to show you care
love is not a word to say
neither is it a game to play
love doesn't start in april and end in may
love is yesterday,tomorrow and today.

by Gail Foster |
Categories: courage, england, football, hero, hope, motivation, tribute,

Gareth Southgate

I remember nineteen ninety six
like it was yesterday - the penalty
the way that Gareth kicked the ball and missed
I bet he never thought that day that he
would ever be back in the game again
his name engraved in Lions' hearts, their
lips aflame with songs of praise, and men
in waistcoat shops, and women swooning where
he might have been. You've got to love a man
who wears his pride so modestly, who's cute
who wears a new suit stylishly, who can
(if dream we dare) bring home the Cup to boot
If on that fateful day he'd walked away
we wouldn't be here, would we. Let us play.

© Gail Foster 11th July 2018

by Brian Sluga |
Categories: character, community, courage, perspective, symbolism, violence, voice,

Tolerance of Intolerance

Monday aftermath Paris reflecting

terror waging a war

challenging our generation dancing on graves

Paris attacks mindless

blaming ourselves

watching a band

dinner at our favorite café

attending a football match

a death sentence for a simple act

fighting back viciously

multi-cultural societies are in danger

integration taken for granted

liberal beliefs now shine

big hearted acceptance

learning to tolerate the intolerant

faced by fascists

values in contempt

confront this evil

love what's behind you

take a beating for liberty

pursue justice and respect

believe all we love is worth fighting for

by John Hamilton |
Categories: humorous, word play,

One Liners6,7,8,9,10

1. How can we wear jeans to cover our skin, if our skin is made of genes?

2. If football is played with the hands is handball played with the feet?

3. Poetry and Gymnastics are holding hands because they are head over heels in love.

4. Sunsets cannot be unbiased as they are naturally one-sided.

Battle of the sexes

5. The battle can only be won, if either one, bonds the pieces of peace together.

John Derek Hamilton
December 10,2015

For one liner contest
Sponsored by Bev Smith

by Matthew Anish |
Categories: football, love, poetry, work,

A Visit From My Housekeeper

Her I am 
sitting writing a
While my housekeeper 
  is bury cleaning 
my apartment
   I feel a little guilty 
 She is working hard 
while I am just 
   moving a pen 
along a piece of 
Still poetry 
    is listed as an 
occupation in the Occupational Outlook Handbook 
So I guess I am working, too
   In September I return to work as a
college assistant 
   Devoting the rest of my time to 
the New York Giants, poetry and looking for love