Love Poems About Forgiveness or Forgiveness Love Poems
by Jan Allison |
Categories: forgiveness,

Forgive and Forget

I asked you what I have done wrong But there is no response - just a stony silence No words can convey my guilt, my inner sadness This will be my last goodbye My final letter to you my love Tears flow down my ashen face Tears of sadness, tears of regret Drip Drip Drip Drip Tears fall on the paper as I write They mingle with the damp blue ink The inky water leaches into the paper Its colour starts to bleed and spread Until it fades into nothingness I am empty, devoid of emotion I can say no more Forgive me for being me Forgive me for caring Forgive me for loving you Goodbye forever 02~15~15

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: forgiveness,


As dawn would bring no daylight without dark
empty night; the clearest day no beauty hold
without the dreary rainstorm's dismal mark.
As spring would bring no rebirth without cold
winter sleep; the fallen snow no cleansing
without the ashen stain of fall.  As love
would bring no healing without the stinging
wounds of hate; and laughter give no joy of
gladness without the woeful tears of pain.
As peace would have no glory in its quest
without the fear of war.  Life's thrill would wane,
no meaning hold, without the awe of death.
As heaven is no prize without hell's fires therein;
forgiveness is no virtue without the sinner's sin.

by Kim Merryman |
Categories: inspirational, metaphor,

You Reap What You Sow

If you sow seeds of kindness,
Then kindness is what you'll reap.
If you sow seeds of forgiveness,
You'll reap untroubled sleep.

If you sow seeds of anger,
of hatred or discontent,
You'll reap a crop of violence,
Discord and evil intent.

If you sow seeds of brotherly love,
Then love you will receive,
But if wickedness is what you sow,
Then wicked you will be.

The lesson here is pretty clear:
You reap just what you sow.
Therefore, strive to sow only good seeds,
And spread them wherever you go.


by James Marshall Goff |
Categories: life

Who I Am

My Inventory:

high-performance yo-yo
poetry books
fishing poles
ice-fishing hut
pocket knife
sharpening stones
life's artifacts
Grandpa's Fishing Hat
hope and joy
Guardian Angel
wooden snow-sleds
more poetry books
camping gear
Babar, the Stuffed-Elephant
McCoy Cookie Jars
nature field-guides
ties I don't wear
family heirloom recipes
suits I try not to wear
treasured photographs
170 poems
antique lamps
my Children's love

......and You

       my Savior

           ....... Jesus Christ

by Michael Tor |
Categories: child, dedication, father daughter, feelings, forgiveness, heartbroken, love,

The Little Box

There's a little box found in my room,
With heartfelt memories, I won't open soon.

 A box of pictures, to reminisce.
They break my heart, it's you I miss.

 Portraits of my little girl, When daddy
left, it pained her world.

 Oh my precious, I'm deeply sorry,
for hurting you, and causing worry.

 A separation that brought you pain,
I wish my love that I could change.

 A love a father deeply feels,
 I pray in time, your heart would heal.

 The years are missing, they pass on by,
I call no answer, there's no reply.

 There is a blame I hold inside, and
sadly know the reason why.

 There's a little box found in my room,
full of heartfelt memories I won't open soon.

by Nykki Houtkooper |
Categories: depression, family, forgiveness, introspection

Dead Birds

Standing on the broken cement of the back porch
silently staring into the skies
and talking to myself 
Fingers struggling to keep appearances 
windshield wipers across my cheek
watercolors gone white
Flippant, fanatical, furious
patient, protective, passionate
trying to love the beast
Sending dreams to the clean ears of the open air  
returned quickly, clutched in your mouth, crushed
presented for reward
Dead birds delivered to my doorstep 
my nature wants to heal them, bury them
yours waits and wags its tail

by Quoth Theraven |
Categories: dream, extended metaphor, forgiveness, giving, hope, journey, metaphor, muse, philosophy, time,

Six Slopes

The six steep slopes they gave me..  
yes, all were mine.

I can give them to you..
if you wish them.

Though they tend to be.,

Don't wait for them to love,
or understand, 
or forgive..

It's not their way.

They serve only to light a path,
show you the way.

Discover who you are, yes,
and where you come from.

It's what you always asked,
and all you ever prayed.

Don't look too far forward, 
they'll make sure you're blind..

Understand that you are all that matters
not them, not us, not time.

by Emily Kroeger |
Categories: caregiving, confusion, faith, family, forgiveness, friendship, happiness, hope, life, love, mother, peace, sad, sister, sorry, teen, time

The Best Mistake

You made the mistake and now,
your afraid to face this day. 

Your thoughts are racing through 
and through.

You wonder if your family looks at
you as a disgrace, but you'er mother
takes you and reasures, your very 
much loved in grace.

Even though your much to young
for this breathing little thing this
has become.

You couldn't just throw it out
like it was a peice of trash.

So you grow up and take the
path that led you to your best
mistake for years to come.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, forgiveness, love hurts,

An Unpaid Debt

With less tomorrows than I've yesterdays
In looking back I have but one regret
Before that last tomorrow fades away
I wish that I could pay an unpaid debt

Back to a summer day so long ago
How frivolous we were with innocence
Two kids in love and way too young to know
Decisions made in haste have consequence

In tenderness I'd kiss away her tears
I'd tell her I am sorry for her pain
Give back the love I'd carried all those years
Convince her that her gift was not in vain

I'd ask for her forgiveness on my knees
Tears of contrition I would surely weep
Then thank her for life's sweetest memory
And with her blessing peacefully I'd sleep

  October 10 2016

by Winter Wallace |
Categories: angst, art, confusion, depression, forgiveness, inspirational, introspection, life, music, peace, visionary

Dear Me

Dear Me,

I need you to be stronger
I need you to never be afraid

swallow your pride,and your flight will be softer
tell her you love her,even if it hurts

Grab onto your dream and live it
Do not be afraid of the sun's divinity

Be better,love more, hold on.

Dear Me,

Enjoy every stop of the ride.
For when the train finally stops...we die

Until we witness the angels dance after final day...
Dear Me, hide your fears away

by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib |
Categories: abuse, addiction, forgiveness, relationship,

Laws of Attraction

Mind over matter

      It seems the mind
      is more forgiving
      than the matter

Love at first sight
Magnets inseparable 
Believing true love could
Conquer anything
but anything butt up against matter
Hard enough Long enough
turns out
is enough is enough
for matter to shift
Attraction becomes Repulsion
Mind over matter

      The mind forgiving
      matter not forgetting

Both hoping time will heal the wounds

by L. M. K. |
Categories: forgiveness, hurt, love,

This Heavy Guilt

This heavy guilt weighing on me,
Like too many leaves on a little tree
Covered in rain from a sky that poured
I hurt a person who I adored
If I could have just let things be,
Then maybe he could now run free
Instead he stands numb with a silent plea
My actions, once sweet, are now deplored
This heavy guilt
He and I, once we
Now like locks without a key
The distance so great we could never ford
But his name still on my heart is scored
I wonder if the world can see
This heavy guilt

by Phillip Garcia |
Categories: lost love,

I Dream of Dreams

I dream of a place where dancers embrace,
Waltzing together incipient lights,
Music transposed echoed heavenly grace,
Accompanies first harmonious nights;

I dream of lilacs and lavender mist,
Adrift susurrus shoreline’s infinite breeze,
Flowing compassion through time reminisced,
That journeys taken be traveled with ease:

I dream of a whisper remembered well,
Spoken in honeydew’s gentle caress,
Promising lovers when broken-hearts swell,
Friendship would mean there’s always forgiveness.

I dream of a dream where happiness numbs,
That dreams of a place where yesterday comes.

by Lu Loo |
Categories: dedication, love,

A Backwards Poem-Needing Each Other

me needing you through good and bad times shared of joy and love with forgiveness linked into redemption saved through troubled times with truth is grace loving daily portrayed and pure is love through me needing you Forgive me, the "Backwards Poem" form is not an option on Poetry Soup so I listed it as a "verse". It is a form of poetry which can be read correctly downwards and upwards also. I used a strict syllable count of: 1-2-2-3-3-4-4-5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1 Date Written: June 30, 2016

by Lyndsay Dupont |
Categories: childhood, devotion, forgiveness, friendship, introspection, love, passion, recovery from..., journey,

Pseudo Artistry

Blood that screams mixes with tears of fears,
Over your hypocrisy and useless years.
Fresh cuts don't matter - your attentions yet wane.
It's just too easy to shut down, I could end this pain.

But, escape artists aren't artists at all.

When life ends the real journey begins, the journey to be
Above imperfection and glorified weakness everyone sees.
Life trickles into the drain of the sink, wash it and pretend
The veil is burning off,but there is only so much fire can mend

Besides, escape artists aren't artists at all.

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: forgiveness, goodbye, grief, love,

Love Just Waved Goodbye

Don’t cry for me when I’m gone 

I’ve forgiven you it's time to move on

I understand we’ve all had our doubts

And fears made us enact them all out

Don’t cry about things of yesterday 

Know that somehow, God willing 

We’ll work it out someday

So as I  walk away tears fill my eyes and we both cry 

Love just waved goodbye

by Malcolm Dyer |
Categories: forgiveness, life, love, wife, me, time, me, time,


Forgive me my love for the hurtful words
I hurled from my mouth time and time again
Forgive me for letting you down
for in your time of need I was never around
Forgive me for the long nights 
for all the constant fights
Forgive me for the innoncence I took away
for all the help I kept at bay
And lastly forgive me for being anything other than
a loving and caring husband

by Besma Riabi Dziri |
Categories: anger, beauty, blessing, feelings, forgiveness, friendship love,

Beauty From Him We Derive

Who am I not to excuse and forgive
when the Solo God, His mercy would give.

Rage inside, I plead to God to erase
though much of pain has on the face left trace.

All the seasons barged into Springtime
and the Rose has to keep her scent sublime.

The birds would chirp and hail a rising dawn
as night would echo the woes of a swan.

Mind and heart are forever friends and foes
heart sins and mind reasons, one to dispose !

Sweet bitter life! blest to taste and survive
The Mighty, Beauty from Him we derive.

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: faith, life,


But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8, KJV

R  ejected ungraciously at a young age
E  jected right away

J  ust what were they thinking?

E  xcluded from a family's love 

C  aring move for self, not the child

T  ell me how did you fare in your life's quest? 

I   gnorant  were they just like Jesus said on the cross

O  therwise they would have held the child very close

N  ow I understand and forgive releasing those feelings so I can live  

A little tidbit about my life. Forgiveness is the key.

by Robertina B. |
Categories: emotions, freedom, inspirational, uplifting,


The gateway to forgiveness is liberation..
Upon the awakening..

There is freedom..
Freedom thrives..
Broken wings..

Free as a bird..

Flying gracefully..
The ball and chains of entrapment..

Thrive in delectable liberty..
Where forgiveness melts away the pain..
Unforgiveness disappears. 

The beast of burden lifted joyfully..
Upon the deep blue sky..
Splendid wings soar..


As you are carried by the wings of deliverance and love..

by Sean Swain |
Categories: angst, forgiveness, life, love, universe,

If Ever Beckoned By the Broken Glass

If ever beckoned by the broken glass
I offer instantly these scarred hands
And bleed
	Embracing sharpest, cruel edges,
	most exquisite lines
And bleed
	upon piercing, jagged, penetrating points
	brilliant with dancing sunlight
And bleed
	poured out into a universe benign, hard surfaces
	warm in crimson puddles of all I was 
And stand
And bleed
And know then –
Broken glass does not love back.

by Michael Osborne |
Categories: introspection, life, lost love, sad,

Lost All Alone

Lost all alone.
Waiting patiently for companionship.
Reruns of the old.
Savage cruelties unleashed.
Unable to share this.
An undesirable partner.
Giving with nothing recieved.
Demanding any explanation.
Stripped of all dignity.
Left naked and weak.
Deserving of much.
Accredited none.
No experience fair.
Doesn't matter to any.
Unrelenting heartbreak.
Administered by most.
Cared by none.
Forgiveness unaccepted.
Lost all alone.

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: abuse, forgiveness, heartbroken, relationship,

It's Already Too Late

If you have to apologize, it's already too late  
What you've done is unfixable; don't think you're so great

  If you feel mere words can mend a broken heart
Then you've learned nothing, you fool, from its tearing apart

  if you've fired a person and want to make amends
Find him a new job; that's the right message to send

  If you've screamed at your kid, reduced him to tears
It'll take years to overcome what you've taught him to fear

  Whatever you've ruined, be it a life or a love
Can only be mended by Mercy from Above

        April 30, 2019
Entry: "APOLOGY" Poetry Contest
     Sponsor: Line Gauthier

by Beata Agustin |
Categories: blessing, christian, faith, forgiveness, god, jesus, spiritual,


“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.”  2 Corinthians 9:8 of the King James Bible; "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?" Romans 6:1 KJV 

God’s grace abounds where guilt does hide As pardon reigns above sin’s pain There --- mercy, hope and love reside. God’s grace abounds where guilt does hide Since divine forgiveness smites pride Toward triumph of blissful gain. God’s grace abounds where guilt does hide As pardon reigns above sin’s pain.

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: christian, forgiveness, friendship, inspirational, love, spiritual, wisdom,

Love First

Sometimes Truth
is a bit too enlightening, 

eyes preferring haze
over prickly points
of stunning beams – 

when the
heart in shadow, a slow
peep can be preferred over a
sharp glare, 

though the caution of the
heart, can be detriment to clarity,
also a survival skill taught
by wilderness wandering -- 

Compassion is not always

sometimes best a lie -- 

like seasons and night and
day – the ice, a slower thaw -- 

Love first

and never be wrong….