Love Poems About Freedom or Freedom Love Poems
by Paul Callus |
Categories: freedom, love,

Love Is Free

a puppet dances

   to its own merry tune

    no strings attached

[Inspired by Jan Allison’s 
      poem “Love is Bind”]

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: love, war,

Why He Fought

Soldier stashed a silver locket
Safe inside his jacket pocket
When the war would numb his senses
He’d break down and drop pretenses
Open up the only token
That recalled those thoughts unspoken
Images of infant, young wife
For their freedom, he’d give his life

by Ink Empress |
Categories: destiny,

Forbidden Freedom, first ever Collaboration with the Silent One

If "we" are a sin,
Why is my heart bleeding for you?
Why is my soul screaming out your name?

Chained by the links of horrors that hold me against you,
Towered high up above the ground,
Little did they know I'd crumble every bone just for you.
I would not wish such adversity upon my adversaries, such as the animosity which chastises our hearts.

Every precious petal in my garden has turned black, waiting for your lips to rejuvenate their vibrant hues.

Why must love be cursed by society's blindness,
or has Cupid's ignorance plagued our forbidden fate. Maybe death is the only freedom for our devotion 

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: break up, desire, lost love,

Whispers of Your Soul

I wanted to hear your whisper
Yet I could only hear you shout
Your soul filled with all it's turmoil
Filled my own heart with so much doubt

By holding tightly to our pain
Silence became extremely loud
The softer notes within reason
Couldn't be heard above our proud

Were we lovers of the darkness 
Cutting through silence with our knives
Shredding perceived insecurities
In hopes of saving our own lives

Some dances were not meant to be
I heard the anguish in your voice
You took a walk, didn't look back
Loving another was your choice

Then I heard a different whisper
Bubble up, from inside of me
Lessons learned, from a broken heart
Meant freedom from insanity

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

Christmas Wish

When i wake from my happy dream 
I remember magic did appear 
Angels sang and freedom rang 
and you and I were there 

We sat amongst the flowing fields 
with fauna all around 
I held you tight through the night 
never making but a sound 

Before we woke three words we spoke 
which were meaningless until today 
as we kissed under the acient oak 
I asked you if you'd stay 

For I have dreamt and I have wished
for a love that will ring true 
so a Christmas Wish I ask of you 
is for you to love me too.

by CayCay Jennings |
Categories: change, corruption, freedom, inspirational love, love, peace, prejudice,

This All Could Be

Transitions towards a worldwide truce
Highlight our hearts, hopes, hymns and 
Inspire us to embrace peace as a truth
Spread globally strong from love’s roots.

All prayers seek universal peace,
Love-filled hearts breathing ease and
Living life as freedom guarantees.

Corrupt power holders need be
Outnumbered by justice seekers,
United in faith to crumble cruel
Leaders and their false rule, to then
Determine all lives harmony soothed.
Blessings of equality could be as they should be, 
Enjoyed by all brothers and sisters of humanity.

... CayCay
September 2, 2019

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love, morning, peace, sun,

It's Quiet Now

It is quiet now 
 -the sun moves up the ridge 

Honey crisp scent of freedom 
 -hovers and engulfs the air 

Pangs of pleasure peal 
 -the primrose bows her head 

Yellow paints the morning 
 -the fields are all aglow

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: hope,

Eloquence and Grace

Eloquence and Grace were sisters on the run
In a place that valued hate
They found that they had none

They sought a world of kindness 
Where love and friendship grew
They hoped that such a place exists in 1692

They heard of a new world, a welcome mat for all
From every meager walk of life
Where freedom will stand tall

They journeyed far to seek a life
In all love would allow
I wonder how they’d feel today, if they could see us now

by A.O. Taner |
Categories: august, beach, beautiful, cool, crush, deep, destiny, devotion, fantasy, feelings, first love, fishing, freedom, funny love, future, girlfriend, hope, i love you, i miss you, journey, joy, judgement, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, miracle, ocean, people, places, romance, sea, sensual, simple, spiritual, water, women, world,


Don't rush to wash off the sea salt 
drying on your skin;
the hopes it carries from other oceans,
those remain yet to be seen.

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beauty, flying, love, metaphor, mirror,

Faraway Queen

The moonbeams bore you in a cradle of light smiling   
warmly a cold blue winter moon rocking over and back thoughts

Midnight mystery howling to a silver reflection deeply echoes whispering winds
over Snow Mountain faraway dreaming stars twinkle in your treasure jewels 

Lost trying to catch your trail freedom inside love the spark igniting 
magic believing in a fairy tale ending dust in a thousand dreams enchanting

by Sarita Milliner |
Categories: april, celebration, change, freedom, future, life, spring,

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

Springtime is a chance to start your life anew,
Dust off your pride and change your attitude.
Bring forth the hidden treasures, of your heart,
Don’t worry about the past that tore you apart.
Let the fresh air cleanse your soul, body and mind,
Release the inhibitions that have kept you blind.
Love yourself, for who you are and what you can do,
Never worry about what others think, it all about you.
Embrace the earth elements and the comfort they bring, 
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the results, of your spring cleaning.   

Written : © 3/21/16
Deadline: 4/13/16 
Finalized: 3/24/16
Submitted for: Second Chance #3
Sponsored by: Broken Wings

by Christie Mills |
Categories: family, father, love, work, father, father,

My Father Is a Soldier

My father is a hero.
He stands so tall and proud.
His hands are firm, But gentle.
He stands out in a crowd.
People stop to Thank him.
For Freedom he does fight.
My father is a Soldier.
But he's my Dad at night!

by Tonytocaa Camacho |
Categories: courage, discrimination, freedom,

To Be Free

The color
Of mankind
Echoed in 
Our minds
The Realities
Of life
The ethnic
Flow of
Our blood
Giving us life
Giving us hope

We were 
Color blind
The world
Didn't understand
The differnt
Shades of 

We were free
Of that kind of 
That brought 
Many of us
To our knees 
Even as you 
Lay in my arms
While our church
Was ingulfed 
In flames
Whispering to me
Be free my love
Be free
Lesser men would
Have gone mad 
You see
But not I 
I would not 
succumb to
That kind of 

 All rights reserved
   A.camacho jr.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: care,

- Who Are You -

Fascinating small and large things in life
A dancing feeling in your stomach
Independence and freedom
Positive resonated in the air

Friendship and community means to stand together
about the important things in life
That's about being present where we are


Material benefits provide momentary happiness
Goals, ambitions and dreams ... small or large
Love can be silent and beautiful
With wonder and in deep thought
A magical moment ... who are you ?

- 14.11.2016 
- Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
- Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: funny, humor,

3 Musketeers a Collaboration With Casarah Nance and Tim Smith

I wrote a poem of despair 
My hearts been tossed up into the air 

She wrote a limerick that was taboo 
She made me laugh when I was so blue 

Entering stage left was Tim 
Writing of past lovers sins in a hymn 

It seems that we laugh or we cry 
We live, we love, or we die 

The three of us, holding poetic swords up high 
Throughout the ages we all do fly 

No subject goes unspoken 
For the freedom of words we've awoken 

No battle to long or too fierce 
Our duels are true and unrehearsed. 

Through blood, sweat and tears 
A bond so strong that sweetens the years 

All for one and one for all 
Let us carry on and have a ball!

by Joseph Spence Sr |
Categories: devotion, faith, hope, inspirational, life, time, visionarylove,

Amazing Grace

The soul whom the Son sets free
is free indeed,
Unlocking the rusting shackles
of oppression,
Allowing life’s amazing grace
to shine with His embrace,
Transformation of soul’s darkness
to light’s brightness,
The uplifting revelation of God’s
truth of freedom,
His extraordinary and infinite power
shining love every hour,
Preservation and hope for life
His love abound, no strife
How sweet the sound—
Wrapped in His embrace
Singing Amazing Grace! 

17th Place Honorable Mention/Certificate
Poetry Soup's International Poetry Contest
July 1, 2007

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: loss, love, me,

Tell Me a Sweet Lie

Tell me I'm the one, the love of your life.
It's not my fault you won't become my wife
I'll look in your eyes as I dream my dreams.
We can both pretend, it's not what it seems.

I know there's another who holds your heart.
I can't stand that it's ripping mine apart.
So I will take this, just one more night.
Hold me and rock me, till the morning light.

My pain is to great, please whisper sweet lies.
My brain knows what my Heart can't realize.
I'll give you freedom, please let me pretend.
I am not ready, for this love to end.

Tomorrow walk away, that is your chance
I will survive, if you give me one glance

Sonnet on an intimate relationship.

by Donna Loughman |
Categories: blessing, christian, devotion, emotions,

Blood Stone Jewel

An iridescent sapphire cuts into the night’s sky clearly 
a gift unasked for and predestined appears solidity
love is the luster smelted inside the eastern chambers afar
Hooked upon the waxing moon’s burgeoning smile that shines
mesmerizing silver shadows dance under your bloodstained beams
beckoning freedom in an heavenly escape reflects back unconditionally 
A tantalising call nurtured on the precarious wind surrounds the soul
shaded Sacred Heart images dance beckoning inside chorographic unison
never imagined acceptance of grace awaits in your tender loving embrace

A co-written piece by Liam Mcdaid & Donna Loughman 

unrhymed tercets

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: life, metaphor,

Arts and Crafts From Grains of Sand

Life is a smile of a newborn in mother's arms

Arts and crafts of stained glass from grains of sand

Freedom of a chick on its very first flight

Love of a mother scurrying beside a young fawn

Float on a lotus pond in style of white swans

Lyrics of nature scripted in nightingale's song

Painting in vermilion tints rising on meadows of fall

Rivers rushing down from spring mountaintops

Romance in lover's eyes watching a new dawn 

Wonder in breath of a single-celled amoeba

September 14, 2019
HM: Strand special 5 by Brian Strand
Life poetry contest;  Sponsor: Ironic Zink

by Kenneth Fordham |
Categories: angst, confusion, imagination, lost love, mystery, on writing and words, passion, sad

Come Back To Me

The Ink Bottle sits, alone,
It’s only Companions,
The Feathered Pen,
The Paper Pad.

The Desk, once alive,
The Words,
No longer,

Love, abandon,
But wanting not,
The Freedom,
It has.

A Wooden Chair, dusty,
Reclines not,
For the Comfort,
Once given.

Time, a mystery gone,
With passing,
Never to be recovered,

Days of gloom, waiting,
Shine not, The Light,
The Heart,
Once brightened.

Come back, to Me,
My words, of Joy,
Of Laughter,
Wisdom, once known.

by Quoth Theraven |
Categories: change, freedom, life, love, rain, romantic love,


once two met in rain
to hide tears from prying eyes
and longing in mine

stole away in night 
to bargain locked heart's freedom 
you the only key

sat perfectly still
as I sketched it on my mind
the smile you promised

as showers subside
blossoms thirst in desert sands
til return of rain

by Tim Smith |
Categories: freedom, love,

Indelible Blue

An indelible blue looking out to you
seducing the pain to wash away
with stolen keyboard strokes
a few extra x's and o's where
decimals move with inapprehension
carrying fantasy dreams offshore
where sandcastles are built with
riches never to be crowned
holding secret keys to happiness
breathless my tomorrows begin
under guise of the salty moon
worries behind,necks entwined
newly discovered swans swoon

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 12th grade, allusion, death, emotions, feelings, imagery, love,

In the Moonlight

The lament of a Summer breeze is heard to make the gilded leaves of Autumn sigh. And after months, without a single word; hope lost its wings and could no longer fly. Shadows form silhouettes in the moonlight; tethering wishes and prayers to a dream. And grieving her lover, she cries at night; as loneliness fuels a silent scream. She remembers the sweet taste of his kiss; and the way he left her feeling fulfilled. He swore he'd write daily without remiss; when those letters stopped, she knew he was killed. She never questioned why he'd gone to war; for he felt freedom was worth dying for.

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: freedom,


Freedom is a simple two syllable word but has a meaning far greater than it's seven letters it means the right to live life unconditionally in peace love and contentment too many are subjected to tyranny and disrespect will it ever change well we can only hope if there's any way in my waning years it would only be possible to affect future generations but my one small voice needs much help! please join me won't you show me it's not too late!

by Ema Kenyon |
Categories: freedom, lost love, love,


There are so many things
that I’d like to say
with my arms open like wings
and nothing in my way.
I’d scream out “I loved you!”
in the morning at one.
I’d look to the sky shining blue
and know that I’ve won.
I would smile real wide
and walk back real slow
to a place where I won’t have to hide
and nobody has to know.
That you were my everything,
and now you’re my nothing.