by Melissa Wadkins Patterson |
hope, life, love, yellow,
This morning I wrote a poem
about a yellow heart
pining for red fusion,
in a desperate attempt
to shake the fruit
that never
And tonight I am alone
without tangerine lips
or the temptation of apple,
carefully watching familiar verses
unravel themselves
and fanatically dance around
like a final punctuation mark
or an overused cliche,
while my hands whittle metaphors
into a quick-witted instrument
sharp enough to scrape
the smeared imagery
off the sidewalk of poem,
Still I am not sorry
the fruit has not
to kiss my weary head,
it takes an overly cautious yellow
to see the perfect shade of red
by Maria Williams |
celebration, love, mother, sensual, sexy,
Nature unfurls charms
Loving emotions flourish
Her cup runs over
Exquisite passion
Limbs entwined in sweet embrace
Move in symphony
Senses on fire
Symphonic crescendos peak
Cocooned in slumber
Nature’s Miracle
Blooming as she takes on form
Grand Expectation
A Happy Mother’s day to all Mums, Mums-to-be and Grand Mums for without you and the gift of love, this day was not possible.
POTD 16th May 2017
by Paul Callus |
baby, joy,
The wait has been too long but now it’s time
To hold with love what she yearned for
No words for joy but grateful tears.
The radiant face aglow with sparkling tears
Cradling her child for the first time
She knows it’s been worth waiting for.
The fruit of mutual love she’s thankful for
She feels its breath and sheds warm tears
A lasting bond will grow in time.
A precious gift is born; it’s time for tears.
1st line of each tercet & final line = pentameter
2nd & 3rd lines of each tercet = tetrameter
19th July 2014
Contest: Tritina Challenge
Sponsor: Craig Cornish
by Dale Gregory Cozart |
fruit, imagery, lost love, metaphor,
I kissed July's hot tangerine lips
swam in cool aquamarine eyes
basked in blond and honey rays
dreamed in mango pomegranate sunsets
of lime hillsides and marmalade roses
Years of sweet citrus passed in golden hours
One day I woke
to find translucent eyes
in burnt sienna
as trees wept leaves
in burgundy and olive
Soon the eyes
were frozen in powder
Ashen shadows blew
across barren groves
of spindled spruce
and howled
with December's lonely moon
But from my fire lit window
I hold fast to memories
of daffodils and oranges
mingled with the burn
of lemon tears
by Andrea Dietrich |
food, love,
Bowled over, kneading you, feeling sub-lime
from my head tomatoes. Hear my heart beet!
Eggcited, wonton you olive the thyme.
Donut you carrot all for me at yeast?
You’re one in a melon, sweet sugar pie,
forbidden fruit I find so appeeling.
Cherry on the cake, apple of my eye.
Has there bean love? Don’t berry the feeling.
It’s a big dill and takes two to mango.
I’d sacri-rice all because you compleat me.
You oat to love me. Peas, love miso!
Just food for thought. Chew that fat with your tea.
I have so mushroom in my heart for you.
A pizza your heart? Say yes, honey - DEW!
Dec. 28, 2017 for Viv Wigley's Food Fight Poetry Contest
by Daniel Turner |
love, nature,
No gold nor silver, weights my needy purse
Spun silk and finery I have no need
Such poverty of wealth be not God's curse
For bless'd the man who covets not for greed
My wealth is in the lilies of the field
The colors of the sunsets thrill my soul
Fruit trees and animals provide their yield
And stewardship to nature is my toll
But verdant forests do not warm a bed
The moon and stars, though friends, are silent stones
And lonely is the footpath which I tread
For one true heart, I'd share my pauper's throne
A golden heart and pauper's paradise
For love and happiness, a humble price
Daniel Turner
by Lynn Marie |
food, imagination, life, love, nature, nostalgia, passion,
on a quiet
amidst the
trees of
with a
sweet juicy
ripe with
all senses
simply are..
the Fruit
of the
one of
for the God
& Goddess
in all.
by Charlie Smith |
dream, loss, love,
Twas like the night lived all alone
with faith mislaid from cause to wonder,
to lose the love so few have known,
this dream we lived no less to ponder
Our youth, wasted in defiant haste
to think such flights could ever end.
Past sacred fruit, no more to taste,
paid by a ransom we had to spend
You filled a heart with summer's breath
and touched this life with hope forgiving,
but there are storms that spare no death
to dreams of love meant for the living
At peace, stay close and wait for me
for in my dreams, you are all I see.
by Victor Buhagiar |
In a secluded tidy sandy bay
In the delightful month of May
My love and I spent a whole day.
I had to show without delay
And thus, my feelings would convey
That my love was not hearsay.
I gave her a lovely bouquet,
With a red rose, a fragrant spray,
Bubbly champagne for her birthday,
Delicacies I had to pay
And fruit we ate without delay.
Celebrate her fine soul so gay.
Pure happiness for us that day.
How we kissed and sang, mere child's play.
Ran across the sand, a mock fray.
Admired the flight of a lone jay,
We rested under the sun's ray,
Then plunged into the sea to stay
Until crimson evening we'll lay.
Time up but happy for the day,
Retired to our rented chalet.
by A. Ormulyce |
"The fables always recount the same ode.
Every woman dreams of a prince charming
Who is the fruit of a kiss on a toad.
Their sudden love will never stop burning.
Who bets on such a metamorphosis?
Faith of batrachian! It's foolishness!
No pretty lady wants to put a kiss
On a petty frog to find happiness.
If she were existing; pure happenstance
Only at the right dusk, at the right dew.
Only at the right dawn, at the right dance.
Love is not for me. This is what is true."
So spoke an old toad until the last hour
Before a kiss fell, sweet like a flower.
by Bill Baker |
blessing, fruit, growth, life, love, truth, wisdom,
can be
a great gift.
We should
wait patiently
as life unfolds
before us.
There are lessons
to learn and things
to experience
in life.
As we daily grow
in wisdom,
truth and
by Debbie Duncan |
beauty, love, romance, universe,
Under those wild blue skies.
Her favorite fruit was chocolate
covered cherries.
As the skies fell somewhere in time.
He knew she came from the heavens.
To be dropped into his arms alone.
He always loved the way the juice
dripped off her plump red lips.
As he caught the drops on his tongue.
Capturing some unknown secrets.
As he licked her juicy red lips.
She felt the thrust of his lust in her.
He so loved that childlike wonder in her.
As he looked into her dreamy eyes.
The stars make love to the universe.
As the skies of blue drift over time.
The night stars formed a mystery.
They were full of love, beauty, and lies.
9/30/ 2013
by Deepanshi Chaudhry |
love, nature, philosophy
Through a fluttering veil of luscious hues,
Fair Lady coquets with the majestic Sun,
As the wicked Wind caresses her tender cheek,
The harshness of Winter all undone.
Sparrows perched upon the towering trees,
Whistle sweetly at the colorful array.
Fair Lady hums and sways in warm ecstasy,
As the wicked Wind drifts away.
The sinful Sun glows after a wearying day,
And spans its gaze upon the fields of fruit.
Fair Lady drowsy, lies upon the prickly grass;
The darkness envelops as all goes mute.
by Andrea Dietrich |
lost love,
Just within reach - if only I could dare
to pluck that fruit! A luscious peach or pear?
No, not one of these! Metaphorically
I’m speaking! Like a bauble on a tree,
he brightly sparkled, beautiful and rare.
His eyes and lips were tender, and his hair -
smooth onyx framing one sweet face so fair!
That precious night I found sheer poetry
just within reach.
To think I touched that face and loved to stare
at it, imagining the life we’d share
perhaps one day . . . but it was not to be.
My fondest dream had possibility
till circumstance replaced what had been there
just within reach!
by Richard Lamoureux |
change, dark, fruit,
Before the days when man first sinned
Angels traveled upon the wind
Everything magic shone in the night
Fairies fluttered, wings shining bright
Eve was perfect with long flowing hair
Sensuous body, delightfuly bare
Adam's body strong, he was a sight
They played by day and made love at night
Everything perfect, living in the trees
Yet trouble called upon a gentle breeze
The serpent said taste, this fruit so grand
Eve so entranced, she ate from his hand
She saved fruit for Adam, he took a bite
The garden went dark, no more magic light
A sonnet in The Wind Contest.
Written September 9th, 2013
Sponsored by: Poetess Darkly
by James Marshall Goff |
blessing, , western,
Remnants have been stained the color of
The blood moon
Hidden beneath the boulder that is Western
The glory of sunrise has been buried
With promises of eternal light
Fruits of darkness lay crushed under
Waves of chanting the righteous
Many trails the night traveller takes
Lead to love
Every hand is needed now to sow
Forgotten remnants to every corner
Where fear of darkness huddles
True love bears fruit even under cover
Of shadows
Do not be afraid
Joy will come to you who has no
Fear of receding light
Love will be your
© All Rights Reserved
by Sara Kendrick |
love, romance, fruit,
Closer closer now
Just a touch to the lips dear
Cherry flavor kiss
A little touch love
Delightful fruit 'on tongue
Cherry favorite
For the contest:
A Fruit Kiss
by Eve Roper |
cool, imagery, september,
Welcome September with a brand new moon
New and exciting beginnings occur
Planting new seeds to fulfill new fruit soon
Falling in love with autumn cool breeze stir
Life elegance to be September trees
Sounds of strumming strings unfurl brittle limbs
Fall breeze a soothing kiss of amber leaves
Enchanting they fall round and round with wings
Fickle gaiety among festive days
Departing summer amid cooler nights
My spirit’s pureness admires and sings praise
The last of harvest corn dollies delights
Remember September as Fall enters
Surrendering to hints of cool winter
by Mike Gentile |
imagery, romantic,
Passion fruit kisses, a tropical breeze
Butterfly flickers, your lashes do tease
Cherry encounters of promised delight
Spray of seduction, the sea mist at night
Mango martini of unmatched desire
Touches of Jasmine, fuel to the fire
Liquor of Palm tree, Coconut dew
Will keep me forever enchanted with you
Sunset of satin against raven hair
Pineapple mornings to bless skin so fair
Passion fruit kisses, a tropical breeze
To love you forever, Papaya agrees
by Faye Gibson |
autumn, night,
The spool of twine grows thicker
with the winding up of days,
the garden vines, yellowed, hug the ground;
the air, intoxicated with over ripened fruit,
grows loud with strident voices, the insects' final song.
The cooled night breeze shoves us gently toward the fire
and the love-large harvest moon bends low to kiss her dying child.
Copyright, September 6, 2014
Faye Lanham Gibson
by Liam Mcdaid |
angel, beautiful, beauty, emotions, feelings, heart, love,
Out of a hat I just pulled you from the grapevine
hanging flower of flowers petals beg to kiss
In one taste bursting flavors of fruit
drunken wine of everlasting beauty
Just licking lips blushing desire
one bite addicted you're the apple of Eden
Finding paradise that was lost fate plays a vital hand
alone outside of this world it controls destines gate
Within regal dreams an angel touches the heart
where a soul flies uniting together shines one bright light
by Ilene Bauer |
My husband bought a little treat,
A favorite thing I love to eat.
We rarely see this anywhere
So take advantage when it’s there.
I never ate this in my youth
For what’s inside, to tell the truth,
Is something that did not compute –
It seemed more veggie than a fruit.
I’m talkin’ rhubarb, as in pie,
With strawberries to satisfy
My taste buds, waiting to explode;
Of course, this will be a la mode.
If you have never sampled this,
You’ve missing out on certain bliss
But if my tastes you do refute,
We’ll have a rhubarb (a dispute)!
by David De La Croes |
I taste your sweetness in every fruit
and smell your fragrance in all the flowers,
your gentle touch is like the wind and rain
and sun which soothes life's days and hours,
you radiant smile is loving and kind
and I am grateful that you are mine!
by Victor Buhagiar |
Happiness is expensive; it is something so rare,
It's there to be savored, a moment that's fair.
Clutch to the moment, extend its brief stare.
It comes on suddenly but it’s all wear and tear.
Yet I do believe that love lurks around,
Just search for it since to it you are bound.
You know that I found it in a most unlikely place?
In a small poorly child, hungry with a dirty face
Abandoned by all. So I gave her something to wear,
Also some bread, a mixture of fruit, an apple and pear.
When she looked up, scrutinizing me with glee,
Her lips smiled tenderly, then giggled at me.
by Charmaine Chircop |
dad, love, autumn,
With the dawning of the day
like a fertile vine
which creeps amidst
the purple hue
of Tuscan fields
I yield my fruit
Before first autumn rain
I wait for you
Starved like a harvest moon
you come to me
Silk honey of dusk
A shadow,descending
in the cradle of my arms
feeding nectar from my lips
repeaning my soul
with blazing fire
amuzing my solitude
On scarlet foliage-your kiss
In sleep your breath within me
~Dolce Vino~
Your fingers on my neck's nape
~Viola in concerto~
In sleep,once again in sleep
where eyelids close
to the bliss of twilight dew
I see you
Dedicated to a great dad to our husband