by Rick Rucker |
loveme, love, me,
Cupid Did Me In
by Rick Rucker
Little Cupid did me in!
His tiny arrow did pierce my skin!
Not much bigger than a gnat,
It changed my Life, from This to That!
I heard wings flapping, then the sting,
This really changed Everything!
Since he got me in his sights,
I've spent many sleepless nights!
Before this, I felt adrift,
Now, my Heart has felt his Gift!
He had to wait 'til I did find,
A Love that captured me Heart, and Mind!
Then he took careful aim,
A miss, and he would have been to blame
For a screw up, hard to fix,
How do you, a New Love nix?
His arrow's course was straight and true,
And made me Undyingly in Love with you!
by Ron Porter |
lost love
Oh! Woman you change your mind so fast!
The ways you feel; they never last.
Your love comes and goes and comes again
You seem to have the attention span of a gnat.
Like an errant wind; first hot, then cold, you blow.
What you feel, if it's real, even you don't know.
Your mood swings high, then you drop so low.
I get caught up in your stormy emotions-
Like a leaf whirling in the swirling wind.
It's time for this cyclone of chaos to end!
I won't endure such pain again.
You only lose a love; I'll always been your friend
That's one thing we have that's fixed to last-
Even with you changing your mind so fast.
by Gene Borisanov |
love, magic, travel,
"My train has vanished in the air,"
Complained the girl and sighed,
I lost my way and don't know where
Romeo and his dreams abide.
The place has got to have some name,
A proper or a common one."
The Gnat just laughed with fun:
"It seems your memory has gotten lame,
But no need to know names of things,
The only place names dwell within
Is someone's mind: mine, yours or his.
The question that you must take in
Is if your mind belongs to you;
If so, all things are yours,
The sun, the wind, green grass and dew,
Small thing and big, the old ones and new,
All stars and sky are yours,
And any dream, of course."
by James Watkin |
Be cursed anew, ye demon!
This well bred one, forswear.
Ugly, who maketh ugly.
Vile maketh vile.
Have you seen the fungus gnat?
Its effect, none can bear?
Its like there hung! To harm dear's
Smile; orchid's smile.