Love Poems About Gothic or Gothic Love Poems
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: blessing, grief, rose,

- Haiku X 70 - the Beginning -

Thousand and one Nights
Gothic and Romanesque rose
I call to the Earth
The Moment has come
The Choice is no longer mine
By goodness and Love

A-L Andresen :)

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, death, gothic, introspection, lost love, love hurts, romance,


Under stone
The road ends here
Grave of bones

I reached out to caress
The past, and her sweet heart so blessed
Tears water down flowers, that one day shall wilt
For even they, gave up on loves bloom

I have been devoid of heart long ago
Dead to the living
Living for the dead
Love does that, so do not dread

She, who stole the essence of me,
Where ever she shall be buried
My bones may lie over yonder
My heart lies heavy, with the phantom of she

The past burying all, to the one and last
Says I
Alone under grey washed gravestone
At long last

Père Lachaise

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: beauty, cute love, grave, humor, obituary,

I Found a Girlfriend

Took me the breath of all my life
A soul mate who could consume my heart wither a smile
I found that Gothic girl after dark
A little to late to consummate
I lie in waiting with a dead round smile
Empty eyes and a lot of guile
I found a girlfriend even if late
We lie together
Frigid is our state

by Justin Bordner |
Categories: gothic, i miss you, love,

Before the Fire

I remember when our love was simple
a preamble to the heart tremble and the gods' gamble
when we didn't owe each other anything and our artistry meant everything, 
we were free of hope and suffering, living on the feeling of belonging to love rising,

We made a lexicon of lightening and splendor of thunder
rendezvoued in the sharp rain of rage and grew gold roses in rebel's plunder,
taught truth not to bet on beauty but to bite into the meat of rugged reality, to taste our mettle, 
you became the priestess of my noetic eyes, and I, the priest of your poetic pain, we were miracle -


by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: death, gothic, humanity, imagination, poetry,

The Darkness

Flagrant Inspiration
Spring rains soft
Love strolls
Black death

Butterflies singing
Life a flutter
Songs only beginning
Black Death

Frolicking gardens
Beer flowing in fountains
Youth teases, curves and tinsel 
Three angels in the corner, sleeping
Black Death

Softer than feathered pillows
The final glimpse through wrinkled curtain
Black death

Rose’s red
Ring around the rosie
Skipping glee abounds
Yet over there in the closet
Black death

The path in the forest
Dark and misty
Winding and twisty
Maps hold no comfort nor key
Black death

The last
The final
The end
Inside the darkness


by Just That Archaic Poet |
Categories: anger, future, happiness, horror, journey, sea,

A Journey Through Eternity

What is the point, what is the reason 
For a new beginning- fresh Genesis? 
To grow, expand; explore new regions, 
And find the path that leads to Bliss? 
What will come; what is to be? 
(Such a fleeting, elusive answer!) 
Who could Love this Monster in Me-
A Creature full of Hate and Anger?
Mary Shelley- her gothic Horror,
With Percy drowned at Sea!
I am my Soul's sole Explorer-
A Journey through Eternity...

by Diana Bosa |
Categories: absence, blue, dark, gothic, heartbreak, lost love, time,


Breaking the habit by breaking the heart
inch by inch, gaze by gaze: it's 
a dark matter of time.

by Reva Mae |
Categories: lovedark, dark, love,

Gothic Love

Something lurks in the dark
He's somewhere behind me,
and I have his heart,
but is this where he suppose to be?

The love flows around
his hands caress my skin
I truly want him
until the very end.

Darkness surrounds forever,
and even when we together,
Truth be told that I could never
be somthing valuable to him.

We have dark hearts,
we have dark souls,
our love stands together,
while we kiss forever.

by Valerie Bellefleur |
Categories: satire, me, me,

Hallmark Moments

Hallmark moments:
I like your face
Your flaxen hair
Your remind me of 
My old grey mare
You skin is soft
Your eyes are blue
But I hear you wear
A size twelve shoe
I see your mother
In your face
Remind me not 
to forget my mace
You are a special 
love, my hon
If only you didn't
weigh a ton
You are the fairest
of all maids
Its such a shame
You gave me Aids
Your Gothic look
and tasty lips
Make me want
to bring my whips
You left me on
that April day
I never dreamed 
You might be gay
You made me
You made me sigh
I never thought
you were a guy

by Walter Rego |
Categories: analogy, appreciation, black love, chocolate, gothic, moon, muse,

Winged Beauty

Cut me a piece of her horn, 
Take me a piece of her wing,
For my death she won't mourn,
But on my grave she will sing.

There is no love but death,
Cut me the wind of her breath,
Beautiful skin like a reptile,
Her caws cut into the back of the vile.

Yet her mouth shall not serve,
But serve only the one,
The circle is an a symmetrical curve,
Her true birth has just begun.

by Beatrix Macabre |
Categories: art, beautiful, care, deep, emotions, extended metaphor, feelings, first love, gothic, inspirational love, longing, love, meaningful, metaphor, poems, poetess, poetry, poets, romance, romantic, romantic love, sea, soulmate, storm, water, weather, words, write, writing,

Our Droplet Ripples

Sailing the seas of life, we find ourselves adrift, carried away with no compass or map to guide our way.

Our bodies, two vessels destined for collision on the jagged cliffs of the fray, ensnared by death’s velvet chains bound our amatory embrace.

Shipwreck that leaves us both in the auroral abyss, lachrymose tide drops two ebb us away, but we chose not to fade.

I’ll hold you sapphire sanctuary of solace,
living or stuffed euphrosyne, my ensnared.

Our kiss connects, waves dissolve, waxen effigy
surrendering its form, boundaries blurring ravenous hunger for kisses pulled us through the thunderstorm.

Beloved, promise me, you won’t let go.

by Ink Empress |
Categories: gothic, love,

valentine vampire

but to be your sky
must I paint the moon in red ~
valentine vampire

by Blake Holland |
Categories: addiction, adventure, allusion, anger, art, child, childhood, children, community, corruption, crazy, dark, death, deep, depression, desire, evil, fantasy, fear, freedom, future, gothic, grave, grief, imagination, lust, murder, pain, pollution, poverty, power, sad love, science, society, spiritual, spoken word, visionary,

The Future Starts Here

The innocence is transfusing
and overturning 
the goat skin drums
children of the mills,
children of the junkyard,
and savaging
and we keep filling them with
mercury, nitrate, espestice, baby bombs
blasted out of their shaved heads
and foraging

by Justin Bordner |
Categories: gothic, heart, nature, women, endurance,

She Is Gospel

When a woman is just a woman 
the world waits not for her wishes and woes
It seeks to rape the rose of her youth and ravage her assertive reason,
she must become more than mortal meat, she must rise to where hot spirit flows
accelerating the bloodletting of her zen into a hostile zeitgist, she makes endurance a weapon,
the gestation of her gestalt confronting the civil and savage alike, sharp beauty is all she knows
becoming a love hunter with no remorse, womb driven, wasting no color of season,
learning to weep over the bones of bastards, to scream through shadows,
reaping light from simple eyes, heart uncommon
Eve believes God as she grows -


by Kamirynnand Chance |
Categories: emo, friendship, giggle, gothic, happiness, islamic, love,


Kamirynn is pretty
And Chance is very awesome
Chance loves Kamirynn

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: gothic, imagery, introspection, paris, philosophy, sad love,

Lady of Paris

Into the night I marched
Into deaths grip I fell

Musical notes running after me
Violins weeping afterwards

Stars fading into matter
Nothing matters without love

Lights shine over there
Can I reach or do I dare?

I can’t get out of this repressive chair
I can’t stand the people whom stare

My mind is all wrapped in shrouds
Hiding within the skies dark clouds

My smiles stolen by royalty golden
Now my tears flow as I weep

Is there any hope to keep?
Or am I doomed to deaths grip so deep

Gargoyles yelping for their fare
Me, dangling from the air

Aurore are you there?............

by Winsome Miller-Rowe |
Categories: color, devotion, emotions, funny love, gothic, halloween, scary,

Midnight Romance

How bright your eyes of cerulean blue
Look out from your porcelain face my dear
I saw those ivory teeth and I knew
That crimson blood would be flowing right here

Your cloak matches your obsidian brows
Absinthe is the green the grass we lie on
Love burning like charcoal as we carouse
Making our love last way before the dawn

Your sable hair reminds me of honey
And I crush my lips to yours oh so soft
I  know that this is better than money
But do you agree? I noticed you coughed

Ash of roses the color I evoke
Before leaving you in a puff of smoke

by Simona Dancila |
Categories: art, autumn, beautiful, gothic, image, love,

Sleeping Beauty Crisis

the rain becomes autumn
and autumn becomes rain
there is a Gold Surviving System
(GSS) around the brain
with unexpected creatures
who lift the modern burden
of being so involved 
in glass rotating hours
curriculum vitae sleep
and we call this LOVE
and we fall in a drop
among yellow leaves.

by Rosemarie Rowley |
Categories: addiction, gothic, moon, mystery, sad love, vanity,

Better Than Nothing Love


If I had faced then the lonely hall,
The black entrance into my own absence
If I had not lifted the phone to call
Each acquaintance, would I be so tense

But my urge to love and live is so immense
These cradling arms of plastic only stale
And I am ridiculous and intense
And all rejection like a ragman’s bale

With waves of pain beating on the wall
Crying to someone, somewhere, to speak sense -
My questionable right to love you all
Somehow in absence, seems that more intense,

Yet can be measured in this dying squall,
As I am waiting for your questioning call.

by Paul Clements |
Categories: body, dark, death, french, gothic, love hurts, sensual,

La Petite Mort

I love your naked body
A canvas for my claws
In the midst of pain and pleasure
Your bound to do it all
From the ripping of the flesh, La petite mort 
You feel the little death
Only one rose knows your name
But the thorns are why you came.

by Michelle Born |
Categories: art, beautiful, beauty, dark, fantasy, gothic, humor,

Gothic Art

I have always been drawn to Gothic art

It doesn't mean that I play the part,

The art to me is dark and has fantasy all in one

Like Anime art that is really fun,

I guess we all have that dark side that is not revealed

But, trust me my love for Gothic art is for real,

It's a cool world all on it's own

And that fact that I did a page where my love for goth art is being shown.

Written By: Unique Poetry 2015

by Colin James Platt |
Categories: death, earth, faith, gothic, religion, sorrow,

End of Life

End of life 
When will it be? 
What is life? 
Who can tell me? 
Surely the church would know 
In its high and mighty stature 
Towering above the city in splendor 
Sharing its love for those in need 
Keeping its knowledge from those who read 
Forgetting the poor if need be 
Remembering the rich for its own greed 
Who can explain the unending need of man for God? 
Spirit will soar above the spires of men 
Destined for who knows where or when 
Can man remain upon the Earth 
when fire and flood will someday come 
We are but seconds in the days of life 
Destined to die in mortal strife 
God in his wisdom high above 
Looks down on us with his perfect love

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: beautiful, books, god, heart, heaven, perspective,

The Blonde In the Library

She contemplated life
Quantum physics and religion
La raison d'être
The fact she could not cook
Her knowledge all well balanced on top of her head
Yet there she was puzzled
Of life and the dead
The whys and what’s
The how’s and the when’s
All that is not known
The library after all so Gothic and vast
In contemplation she began to mentally fast

There was one book though
In the midst of them all
About lovers and love
About the depth of it all
They called it Art
Arthur Vaso's tell all
Of passion and reason
Of intellectual treason
Her gaze exposed the whole in her heart
Imagine from a book
She discovered a new Art!

by Mary Rotman |
Categories: allegory, dream, gothic, lust, mythology, sensual,


My incubus, dark visitor, draining my love by night, spurning the day; Yours is the shadow time when hypnotic kisses declare love and make promises that dissolve with approaching dawn. My lover, my vampire, shed night's mantle and share with me the day. Face the sun if you dare.

by Reva Mae |
Categories: love, wedding,

Gothic Wedding

Today is the day.
A day we've been waiting for.
Cause in a few hours.
I will be all yours.

Red roses are everywhere,
and even in my hands.
Walking down the aisle.
Wearing black, not white.
Something that fits out lifestyles.
Something so unique.

We say our vows as we promise our lives as one.
We stand in front of families and friends.
We touch each others hearts,
and we seal a kiss for it all.

We dance in the moonlight to a song about death,
because we know our love will go on.
Our hearts , our souls are beautiful treasures,
and we will protect each other through it all.