by Catherine Labeau |
thank you thank you to my mentor
she seen in me in me no one could see
write your poetry but use virgule
and diligent I write tons of nonsense
with no virgules as I am a bad student
but you forever in my heart never to be forgotten my mentor.
by Cheryl Hoffman |
growing up,
As small children we are wide eyed and innocent,
toddle after Mommy like baby elephants,
go to school to learn with our writing implement,
our parents hoping that we don't act indolent,
As teens upon graduation were confident,
some acting wild while others are reticent,
finding our jobs and falling in love relevant,
some marry while others act more dissident,
When we get old hopefully were still intimate,
thinking back on our lives with heartfelt sentiment,
being nice with people till death is imminent,
eulogy at funeral will be evidence.
by Sigrid Ermine |
baby, blessing, endurance, graduation,
Irrefutable evolution conduits
Matter tip toes through tunnels
Microscopic nano shifts continue
Outperformers filter free of funnel
Replicas of kept traits hail heredity
Thrivers cognate with larger logic
Attentive nurture forms pedigree
Love poured over timid progeny
Genome keys cut exacting bones
Entrapped wrapped sticky chrysalis
Nature photocopies, care duly hones
Elevating banquet, perpetual Christmas
Elevation in Evolution
Eighth of December
Desirable Education
by Victor Bun |
angel, anniversary, beautiful, beauty, birthday, black african american, boyfriend, brother, business, caregiving, childhood, christian, christmas, dedication, easter, family, father, flower, friendship, girl, girlfriend, graduation, grandmother, happiness, happy, home, hope, husband, inspirational, life, love, memory, mother, passion, people, pets, relationship, romance, romantic, rose, seasons, social, success, thank you, wedding,
I was just trying to remember the past
trying to remember the good people
and the bad people,
that i came across on my way,
i want you to know
that you are among the good people
that left a good trace in my life,
once again i just want to say thank you
for passing through my life,
is so short but is wonderful
i want you here forever.
by Al Parry |
anniversary, baby, baptism, beauty, bereavement, best friend, birthday, boyfriend, bridal shower, brother, caregiving, celebration, child, childhood, farewell, feelings, first love, children, for him, kids, freedom, friendship, funeral, girlfriend, giving, goodbye, graduation, grandchild, granddaughter, grandmother, grandparents, grandson, happiness, happy, health, heartbroken, hope, identity, inspiration, jesus,
Teenage Girls clad in the latest fashions,
Do it whenever they meet,
Grown men aren't afraid to show some passion,
When their team's comeback is complete,
They can say hello, they can say goodbye,
And anything inbetween,
If you open your arms and crack a smile,
There is nothing that a hug cannot mean.
by Anthony Scandrick Ii |
anniversary, baby, beautiful, beauty, caregiving, child, childhood, confusion, courage, dark, dedication, depression, devotion, freedom, goodbye, graduation, growing up, happiness, hope, humorous, lonely, lost love, love, mystery, passion, satire, slam, sorrow, sorry, success, suicide, teen, thank you, uplifting, write,
You almost had me,
I wanted you,
The way you stuck to me like super glue,
I was feeling you,
But I knew,
I could never have you,
But, the way you looked at me,
The way my body pleads,
We can never be,
Because I’m too old,
And your only thirteen.
by Scott Biehl |
childhood, daughter, father daughter, graduation,
Oh my today is the day
Our little D graduates today
You are not only oh so smart
You are the one with the biggest heart
As you walk across that big stage
You are about to turn a very big page
13 years just flashes right by
As it's time for this chapter to say goodbye
Even though you are about to go
There is one thing for sure that you need to know
The love a Dad has for his daughter is beyond the stars
I am so blessed God choose you to be who you are
Just remember this is not the end
It is where your life journey is about to begin
I could not be any prouder of you
As you head off to college at LMU
by Alyssa Marie |
career, celebration, future, graduation, growing up, growth, world,
Graduating college where do I stand
I know God has a big plan
A plan for me
I'll just wait and see
Where my life takes me
And opportunities that arise
My future is definitely a big surprise
I have this feeling inside
That God will guide
He'll guide me through my life that is
Hopefully one day I'll be in show biz
I love to write and read and learn
To be successful is something I yearn
To make a difference in the world
No longer am I a little girl
by Lillie Williams |
Sorry I missed your Graduation
I really wanted to be there
I wanted you to see my face
And know how much I care
Instead I’ll send lots of hugs
Blessings from our father above
Happy graduation with all my love
by Brittney Lopez |
absence, age, angel, april, baptism, beautiful, beauty, bible, birth, blue, boat, body, books, boyfriend, bridal shower, flower, for her, forgiveness, freedom, funny, games, garden, girlfriend, goodbye, graduation, poetry, voice, wisdom, women, words, writing, youth,
You send bolts through my skin
something I was never to
accomplish with you, when I
saw you it's like my heart sank
to my stomach and I was in
shock my body still my body
heavy felt like when I moved I
was about to fall to my knees
you make me want to get
inside my brain pick you up and
take you out pick you one by
one like a flower because I do
love you and love you not.
by Tumaini Elias |
Important urgent day,
Time to enhance pay,
With long smile to stay,
Indeed we deserve medals.
No time again to cultivate,
With joy we receive certificate,
My dear’s comrades lets collaborate,
We are heroes in the battle field.
Happiness love and joy we share,
Suits, jeans and gown we were,
To miss by plan don’t dare,
Am happy with no say.
Welcome comrades from different universities,
Leaders and members of all parties,
Social science, agriculture and humanities,
Comrades lets join hands together.
by Lillie Williams |
Congratulation on Your Graduation
Congratulation with my
Blessing and my love
Who have achieved and accomplish
The first part of your world
You made it through the first grade,
The third, and now twelfth
Congratulation: I know
You are proud of yourself
God made an angel, and
You are special in this world
With parents pushing you
Along with prayers and love
You mastered the best in your field,
Knowing that you can learn it
Congratulations child
Halleluiah! You’ve done it!!
by Edward Snyder |
age, angel, beauty, birth, daughter, graduation, jesus,
Angels of pure innocents
gave us sheer elegance
bright, pretty, smart, kind, committed to excellence
from the vestiges of youthful delights
onto the challenges of the bright
passing from the secure culture of youth
to a culture of wisdom of truth
oh we pray for wisdom of humility
may angels and doves protect
with love of our Father smiling above.
by Jerry Wells |
beautiful, beauty, best friend, black african american, blessing, cool, graduation,
by L.C. Jarrette |
children, class, farewell, graduation, kindergarten, love, teacher,
Silhouettes fade as summer draws near
Yearning for their presence in this barren room
Rippling sounds of one's laughter cause me to tear
Awakens this reverie like scent perfume
The vastness I never thought existed
Past the hallways where we've spent our youth
Smiles of the little ones thus recollected
Pictures from the bulletins show love and truth
Just as my heart, the red apple sits quietly
Treasuring the bond of our love so pure
The hugs, fights, celebration and anxieties
Carves the path to grow and mature
Oh darlings, it pains me to say goodbye
So please keep this chalk to remember me by.
by Ann Foster |
age, angel, daughter, graduation, hero, love, meaningful,
Knock, Knock
I missed my bus.
I am going to be late.
Class will start without me.
They will be mad..
at me.
Are you up yet?
It is only a few minutes passed...
Yet my world is crumbling
as if it were high noon---
and the crowd is gathering,
to watch.
I did everything you said.
I set the alarm.
I went to bed.
I know I was up...
in the middle of the night,
but it could not be helped.
I am young,
and have so much...
too much,
on my mind.
Can you hear me?
I am calling your name.
Not for the first time,
never for the last...
by Seth C Mongrut |
children, family, future, graduation, hope, inspirational, introspection, life, love, places, time, visionary,
My future shines like the rays of the sun
brings my inner power to the outside
my future shines like stars in a clear night
colors my horizon and makes me feel pride
Seth CM
by Connie Moore |
child, courage, daughter, dream, education, love, relationship, graduation, july, love,
Today I Have to Tell You
How Very Proud I Am
Remember How it Used to Be
How You Hit the Big "Grand Slam?"
Then You Went out on Your Own
And Set the World on Fire
You Beat the Odds and Won
It Was Your Hearts Desire
Oh to See You Fight
When Things Got in Your Way
I Really Couldn't Ask for More
But There's Something I must Say
Forever I Shall Love You
I Love You like No Other
I Hope You'll Always Need Me
Because I Am Your Mother
by Anne Hessler |
fear, graduation, moving on,
It's Insanity
I'm not ready
how could they think I was
I'm not ready for the world
to leave it all behind just cause
I'm not ready to move on
to tell all I love good bye
I'm not ready to graduate
will someone tell me why?
why does it have to end
especially so soon
I'm to young to be on my own
please tell me what to do
18 is not that old at all
to grow up and be an adult
to have a job and pay my bills
I know nothing of that stuff
please somebody help me
there has to be a way
school is all I've ever known
I won't be ready on graduation day
by Charlotte Jordan |
childhood, family, inspirational, life, love, mystery, nostalgia, time, graduation, prayer, time, kindergarten,
A mother’s loving look at her newborn child,
Never able to relive that moment again.
For it’s the last time forever.
Walking into kindergarten for the first time,
Feeling so alone and afraid, don’t fear
For it’s the last time forever.
Kneeling in prayer as you are born again,
Living as a sinner no longer,
For it’s the last time forever.
Walking across stage on graduation night,
Nervous because it’s your last few steps as a “child”,
For it’s the last time forever.
Praying to God to help you jump the hurdles,
Seeing prayers being answered, never doubt
For it’s NOT the last time forever.
by Anne Hessler |
absence, dad, father, father daughter, graduation,
A little baby girl
not even one year old
without her daddies arms
the nights felt very cold
daddy I cant breath
so to the hospital they go
mommy held me down
where was my daddy though?
16 years had gone
my dad was mostly there
but that morning he left
I said I didn't care
for two years I barely saw him
just talked to him now and then
but still I believed in him
and I'll choose to believe again
My graduation came
he promised me he'd come
but when I walked across the stage
I only saw my mom
Why weren't you there daddy?
I still believe in you
I love you daddy and always will
please just show you love me too
by Curtis Moorman |
career, military, retirement, soldier, sweet love, travel,
Born in Dublin on Saint Patrick's Day
School; spelling champ; steady girl
Senior Prom; graduation; went away
Air Force career; traveled the world
Turkey; Germany; England; Japan
Korea; Vietnam; Philippines; Guam
Austria; Hawaii; Azores; Alaska; all grand
Thirty eight contiguous states fit the plan
Fully retired -- more to be told -- stay tuned
22 September 2018
For the contest sponsored by Anthony Slausen
by Shani Fassbender |
Today, when you hold your head high
we will certainly understand why
You've come such a long way
to finally reach your graduation day
All of us who know and love you
appreciate everything you've done and all you'll do
The path to the rest of your life lies straight ahead
to the best of opportunities is where you're led
We're so happy, and proud, that is true
we've watched over the years as you grew
Now we'll enjoy watching you continue to grow
as you face the world with all you now know
by Isaiah Powell |
emotions, feelings, graduation, i love you, love,
People say it's too late for us...
As we get of life's bus,
And travel our separate directions;
But our sparks are disguised as explosions.
All we want is to love but time interferes,
And distance serves as loves boundaries...
It is said love come slow...
And we little time before we go.
If it is to be love will prevail,
But regret will make us fail.
I wish I could tell you but I know not how.
If only you would read this here and now...
by Kevin Crutchfield |
devotion, family, mother, me, me, kindergarten,
From Kindergarten to Graduation,
you've made a lasting impression.
From the good times to the bad,
you've been the greatest mother I could have ever had.
You've been a great inspiration in my life.
A loving mother, and to Dad, a superb wife.
You've helped me keep my head straight,
took off work to watch me at the plate.
As the years go by and my life begins to wind,
your love and advice is one of a kind.
Thanks for showing me the way,
to becoming a man one day.
From playing sports to playing with toys,
no matter what, I will always be your baby boy.
Thank you for everything you've ever done,
I always have been and always will be,
Your Loving Son!