by Line Gauthier |
death, grandfather, grandson, love, sick,
He loved his grandpa with all his heart
All the hugs in the world
Could not heal him
How we dreaded the time when
Memories would be all that’s left
Submitted on September 8, 2019 for contest SOMETIMES LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH sponsored by SILENT ONE - RANKED 3RD
by Wilma Neels |
age, grandfather, grandmother, longing,
I might make a noise right now
There will be a time when I go silent
Will you miss my racket?
In those days of silence?
I will no longer yearn for your presence
Like I do at this very moment
Will you wonder?
Will you wish?
For that good morning?
I might be a nuisance right now
I might ask you the same thing over and over
One day
Some day
My voice will go silent
All I ask today is be patient with me
Please love me; with your ears
Please love me; with your time
Before all you will have
Is my grave and the memories…
"Thoughts of the aged - loneliness don't discriminate "
by Shubham Singh |
I know a man whose kindness touches the
hearts of many,
And he would often be the first to lend you
his last penny,
Yes his heart is pure gold from out of love,
Right from the hands of the almighty who sits
high above,
There are times I drive him crazy
with all my “do this” and “want to's”
He loves and cares for all those people that he
His family, relatives and most of you all,
Many happy memories I carry within my
Vowed never to forget and never to be apart,
As a grandson I would look up to this man with
great awe,
For you see he is my friend and he is my
by Jennifer Proxenos |
grandfather, love,
My dearest Jennifer,
In your letter,
You said my poem was really terrific,
I say, your verses are beyond critic,
Our thoughts must meet somewhere,
Perhaps high in the air,
Or down in the deepest seas,
Or just in the spirit that gave us the keys,
To inherit poetry as a means of expression,
Of our every wise thought, passions, impressions.
With love and fond wishes
Your loving grandfather,
June 25th 1971
I am looking forward to your prompt reply.
by Eve Roper |
lost, love,
I've grown old with grace, but a memory of walking side by side holding each other's hand nourishing closeness and intimacy sparks.
His grandfather clock chimes its time, breaking the silence of my nourishing blissful memories, teasing my mournful mind.
memories echo
brings back you wrapped in my arms
never felt so lost
A Memory Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Line Gauthier
by Marius Alexandru |
3rd grade, cute love, kid,
A kiss from my mom each night on my forehead,
A smile and a hug when I fall, from my dad,
Forgiveness from my brother when I play with his toy-car,
or from my sister when I eat the last candy from the jar,
A lick on my cheeks from Max, my new dog,
Miss Piggy, together with Kermit The Frog.
The hands of my grandfather throwing me up high,
The grandmother's pear compote or her sweet apple pie.
Lucas, my neighbor when he brings me his cat
Olivia, my cousin, letting me borrow her beautiful red hat.
The rain when we jump, just for fun, in the mud,
A soft blow on my scars, bandages for blood.
by Mark Hansen |
imagination, life, love, passion, peace, uplifting,
Grandfather Time,
Fail not by being cruel.
Only a small child,
Harmless & true.
Keep her heart pure,
And her soul far from blue.
Heaven's quilts,
See to this truth,
Wrap her firmly in charity.
Little girl awaits,
Life moments are really in Your Palm Figuretips.
Love letters passed into the hands of future to vision.
She stands by the seashore edge.
Never casting the bottle message in the journey begin.
Only to take it home,
Under her mattress,
Slumbering the nights away.
Waken up by the lumpingness,
Never-ending smiles of joy.
Her dreams remain,
Reminding her in broken sleep.
by Perry Campanella |
children, community, culture, dad, daughter, devotion, education, family, father daughter, feelings, friendship, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, husband, i love you, inspiration, inspirational, international, joy, marriage, men, mentor, mother daughter, niece, parents, poems, relationship, spiritual, teacher, teen, teenage, thank you, today, truth, voice, wisdom, world, youth,
We have been together
treasured joy now for many years
we trust each other with our
emotions, with affection, tears,
Any day when you are sick or hurting
I feel your pain - significant other,
when either-one needs attention
we help one another...
These mutual friendly feelings
for assistance, approval, support
form our tight bonds,
usually never broken
Sharing visions, time together
we respect each other,
regardless of shortcomings
I know you, "I love you anyway"
by Robert Wilson |
family, children, grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather, grandson, love,
A Granddads love will never end, it does not yield it does not bend.
Through time of good and times of bad they can rely on Granddad.
He is always there to mend their toys to make them laugh and bring them joy.
He reads them stories and plays their games and never ever mixes up their names.
A Granddads love will never end he is not just Granddad he is their best friend.
by David De La Croes |
grandfather, grandson,
You are the newest thread
in the tapestry of my life -
once neatly-patterned,
but now criss-crossed
and sig-zagged
with the vibrant strands
of your sister.
You, too, will be interwoven
into the fabric of my life
and be interlaced through
its brightness and hues
and be intricately entwined
and securely knotted
with one golden thread -
by Eve Roper |
granddaughter, grandfather, love, relationship,
Ella’s Lullabies
twilight wanes with a child’s fascination
lullabies that deeply moves papa’s admiration
dreams of generation inheritance inspiration
powerful bond drawn with love tears creation
values taught us with their loving hands determination
by Ace X |
death, forgiveness, grandfather, life, love,
Pictures and moments stick
Past life sticks
The boy knows but cant see the light of
the unknown picture of you grandpa.
by Suyash Saxena |
absence, adventure, best friend, bible, boyfriend, brother, child, childhood, community, conflict, dedication, depression, dream, eulogy, faith, farewell, fear, feelings, first love, grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather, grief, heartbroken, image, inspiration, inspirational, leaving, life, light, loneliness, lost, missing, missing you, mother, sad, sad love,
Final Adieu
Let another sun set,
Let another flower wilt,
Let another autumn cast its gloom,
Let another tear role,
As ye part, and bid
The final adieu.
Suyash Saxena
St. Stephen’s college
by William Darnell Sr |
appreciation, character, confidence, dedication, dream, family, grandchild, grandfather, grandparents, grandson, growth, husband, i love you, inspirational, meaningful, memory, missing, poems, poetry, poets, relationship, surreal, tribute, wife, wisdom,
My grandsons,
Lee, Eoin, Christopher, Rowick.
A boy needs a Grandpa,
for man-to-man talks.
To go hand in hand,
on companionable walks.
To fix up his toys,
when they no longer go.
To tell him the things,
little boys want to know.
A boy needs a Grandpa,
to show him the way.
To handle a puppy,
to teach him fair play.
To impart bits of wisdom,
he's learned through the years.
That it's no disgrace,
for a man to shed tears.
A boy needs a Grandpa,
to sit on his lap.
And if no one is looking,
they take a wee nap.
Each wrapped in an aura,
of love and esteem.
Each smiling gently,
at some special dream.
by Danielle Wise Baxter |
celebration, family, for him, friendship, happiness, how i feel, husband, i love you, inspiration, inspirational, love, marriage, remember, romantic, together, truth,
He is my gentle seduction
that makes me lighter than air
he holds onto me firmly
so I won't up and disappear
Not that I don't love him
but in fact, I love him so dear
but remember, I told you,
he makes me lighter than air
He has to be my angel
God sent me, I, unaware
for years I stopped dreaming
I guess out of lonely fear
But today, I woke from dreaming,with him kissing my ear
how perfect our love is, in our older years
enjoying those simpler things like cooking
fishing or just holding the other near
He is my handsome husband
the father of my children, our truest bliss
soon the grandfather to the symbol
of all these growing in loving years
by Sarah Cassleman |
anniversary, death, dedication, devotion, family, farewell, funeral, goodbye, grandfather, grief, heaven, inspirational, life, love, memory, prayer, religious, spiritual, tribute, uplifting, war,
Here lies the best Grandfather,
One who was very considerate.
Remembering him as a child,
I would sit on his lap.
He was a rare person indeed.
He was a colonel in the Army.
Also superlative of a gentelman.
Here lies the best grandfather,
May he rest in peace.
by William Darnell Sr |
angel, autumn, bereavement, blessing, confusion, creation, dedication, depression, destiny, dream, family, grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, grave, grief, growth, Lullaby,
Grandparent At Last
My granddaughters,
Aira'lee Nadean Jones,
Hope Faith Darnell
Adelina Gracie Darnell
R.I.P. "Gracie"
Grandparents old of grandparents new,
The unique joy that you are bringing true.
Fairy tale's told in the rosy past,
My first granddaughters are here at last.
Fishing trips and ice cream cones,
Lullaby songs until we doze.
Stories told upon cozy laps,
Sunny walks on shaded paths.
Butterfly kisses and big bear hugs,
Truly grandparents is another word for love.
by Layla Elkoulily |
adventure, allegory, angst, beautiful, boyfriend, brother, child, dad, daughter, death, depression, devotion, faith, father, fear, forgiveness, freedom, funeral, girl, grandfather, grandmother, growing up, happiness, hope, introspection, life, loss, love, miracle, mom, mother, mystery, places, sister, soldier, sorry, sympathy, uplifting, war, wife, woman, women,
People were
Many things.
Strange or not
People were
Different and
Odd and fun.
People were
Monsters but…
That’s not all
People were
And still are
Strange and odd.
People are
People. For
life is life.
Yet not.
Not is lies.
Truth seeps from
Every mouth
Lies, lies, lies
Move, move, move
But somehow
Lies prevail.
Lies are life.
Lies are death.
Lies are homes.
Lies are pain.
Lies are truth.
Yet somehow.
Truth prevails.
Truth is life.
Truth is death.
Truth is home.
Truth is pain.
Truth is lie.
Truth is that.
Lies will die.
Lies will cease.
Truth will live.
Truth will be.
by Ann Foster |
cute love, dad, encouraging, father, football, grandfather, inspirational,
Go Football!
Hope is undefeated.
Faith is the cheering section
Joy is playing together.
God is everything.
Jesus is Savior, also Our Quarterback.
The Mighty Holy Spirit with us even now.
We are never alone.
by Katie Christian |
absence, death, emotions, eulogy, grandfather, grief, miss you,
Dear grandfather, you meant the world to me.
I loved you even as a baby.
You played with me and gave me love,
Not something that every grandfather does.
You didn't leave us that long ago.
It was only in 2013.
I remember that day like it was only yesterday.
Sunny and warm, it was only eight in the morning.
You had asked for a napkin and we supplied,
But when we had gotten there you had already died.
I loved you paw paw, I really did, and I hope
Wherever you are you still love me.
I miss you, and wherever you are I know you miss
Me, too.
I love you, paw paw.
Rest in Peace
by Mansi Bharat |
brother, care, children, cousin, dad, daughter, father daughter,
My Family
I love my family from the core of my heart
From a far off distance and miles apart
Being a daughter is the best feeling
A family which is very understanding
I love my family
My dad,who is a superhero
My mom,who is above all
My sister,sweet loving and caring
My brother,who will be fighting but with lot of love and care
My grandfather,who gifted me on my first birthday a cute bear
My grandmother,who took care of me when I was sick
My aunt,who was there with me through out my thin and thick
I love my family,I love my family
by Elena Pisani |
Dear grandfather,
My favourite cook!
The best chef
Who needs no cook book.
Dear grandfather,
You looked after me when I was small
You took care of me when I grew tall.
Dear grandfather,
You always gave me good advice
Not just on homework
But some of the best advice on life.
Dear grandfather,
I really want you to know
That aslong as I grow
I will love you so!
by Abdulhafeez Oyewole |
courage, dad, devotion, grandfather, love, patriotic, spiritual,
#What we want#
Dear Dada,
What we want is worth
Let love live,
Peace perfect praise...
...Let long lasting law
rule round reign.
by Balveen Cheema |
childhood, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, joy, silly,
Many years ago I read tales to my grand mother
As you now read with love to your grandfather
I fathom my childhood joys with my grandmother
Helped me to strengthen my old rickety ladder
Your gas bag ripples me with rib tickling laughter
March 19, 2016
Contest: Personal Memories, Picture # 3
Sponsor: Laura Loo
by Julie Grenness |
appreciation, blessing, christian, dedication, family, grandfather, miss you,
This tribute to Grandpa to read,
In our family's tapestry,
Every stitch sewn with love,
Grandpa's guidance from above,
In our web of threads,
Echoes of patterns, never ends,
Colours entwining, shades selecting,
Our Grandpa standing,
Tall as a tree,
Our family's tapestry.
In him we always believed,
Memories of our olden days,
Our family's exemplar, passed away,
Endless hours, part of our story,
In perpetual light, he rests in glory....
Our Grandpa stood tall as a tree,
Yes, in him we always believed,
Stitching here thoughtfully,
Grandpa's place in life's tapestry.