Love Poems About Grandparents or Grandparents Love Poems
by Melissa Tracy |
Categories: child, christmas,

Dear Santa I Want a Batmobile

Dear Santa I want a batmobile that can fly
I want to go way up above the sky
You probably think it's silly and are asking yourself, why?
You see I've got to get to heaven so it has to go real high
Don't get the wrong impression, I don't want to die 
I wish to meet a couple grandparents,for them mom and dad do cry
They say they'd love me and wish I could have met them as they let out a sigh
If I can't have a batmobile I'll settle for a set of wings,just bring me something that can fly

by Edwin Hofert |
Categories: analogy, family, fantasy, grandparents, imagination, silly,

Son of a Gun

Son Of A Gun

My Great Great Grandpa was a musket
only one son he would want.
My Great Great Grandma named him shotgun
he used to love to hunt.

He too would only want one son
and that's just what he got.
My Great Grandma named him rifle
he was a single shot.

Married with one son himself
Grandpa wouldn't take no static.
His son was highly favored
and they named him automatic.

Along then came my daddy
who I never gave no lip.
He lived inside a holster
that men wore on their hip.

He had a great big family
but I'm his favorite one.
My daddy was a pistol
I'm a son of a son of a son of a gun.

Edwin C Hofert

by Sotto Poet |
Categories: 7th grade, age, beautiful, blessing, caregiving, childhood, grandparents,

Ode To the Grandkids

Ode to the Grandkids

My gaze, grandkids, you inspire me to write.
I love the way you laugh, trust and cherish,
Devoting my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about the excellent garish.

Let me compare you to a vital bond lie?
You are more feelings, childhood, and promise.
Blase drought dries the pleased picnics of July,
And summertime has the blighted pomace.

How do I love you? Let me count the ways.
I love your child of my child's charm, wit, and style.
Thinking of your slighted wit fills my days.
My love for you is the delighted spile.

Now I must away with a squamous heart,
Remember my close words while we're apart.

by Dana Redricks |
Categories: blessing, confidence, courage, deep, grandparents, hope, pain,

I Will Never Give Up

Author Dana Redricks
August 5, 2018

Although my body is consumed 
with pain, and it seems a dark
cloud seems to hover above
No matter what we go through
We are surrounded by God's love
Although my body fails me here
One day I will have a body 
that never fails
We will spend eternity with 
God, and never feel any 
suffering and pain, and there 
will be joy everlasting

by Fading Star Silence |
Categories: death, grandparents, life, love, miss you, missing you, nostalgia,

Sage Tidings

Deluged with the nostalgic era of you,
Your lush verdant scent lining 
Wistful sentiments upon idle reflections 
Scattered in fragments and fine dustings, as 
I acquaint myself with futile intricacies—
Devoted to your unwritten absence, 
Wandering in a haze of misty wastelands,
While you eternalize your presence in our
Heart of hearts and in the 
Cavernous corners of our souls, with the 
Delicate air of you—spilling your love—
Memorializing the tidings you’ve nurtured,
Within our once piteous existence, 
Endlessly rising in honor of you.

by Al Parry |
Categories: anniversary, baby, baptism, beauty, bereavement, best friend, birthday, boyfriend, bridal shower, brother, caregiving, celebration, child, childhood, farewell, feelings, first love, children, for him, kids, freedom, friendship, funeral, girlfriend, giving, goodbye, graduation, grandchild, granddaughter, grandmother, grandparents, grandson, happiness, happy, health, heartbroken, hope, identity, inspiration, jesus,


Teenage Girls clad in the latest fashions,
Do it whenever they meet,
Grown men aren't afraid to show some passion,
When their team's comeback is complete,
They can say hello, they can say goodbye,
And anything inbetween,
If you open your arms and crack a smile,
There is nothing that a hug cannot mean.

by Perry Campanella |
Categories: children, community, culture, dad, daughter, devotion, education, family, father daughter, feelings, friendship, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, husband, i love you, inspiration, inspirational, international, joy, marriage, men, mentor, mother daughter, niece, parents, poems, relationship, spiritual, teacher, teen, teenage, thank you, today, truth, voice, wisdom, world, youth,

Your My Dear Friend

We have been together
treasured joy now for many years
we trust each other with our
emotions, with affection, tears,

Any day when you are sick or hurting
I feel your pain - significant other,
when either-one needs attention
we help one another...

These mutual friendly feelings
for assistance, approval, support
form our tight bonds,
usually never broken

Sharing visions, time together
we respect each other,
regardless of shortcomings
I know you, "I love you anyway"

by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
Categories: love, happy, happy,

New Baby


by Nicole Sharon Brown |
Categories: caregiving, childhood, dedication, devotion, education, family, children, happiness, hope, inspirational, life, love, passion, peace, people, philosophy, school, social, thank you, upliftingfamily, family,

Welcome To Grandparents Day

We would like to welcome you,
To our celebration created just for the people who,
Are significant members of our family tree.
We love you indeed.
You’ve guided us to achieve many goals.
We want to be like you.
Grandma and grandpa we hold you dear to our hearts,
And even when you’re gone we’ll carry your legacy,
On to our future members of the family tree.
Today we want you to view,
What we hold in our hearts oh so true.
We welcome and value you,
So sit back relax and enjoy the program
Designed for you involving your grand boys and girls.
Grandparents you make our world go round,
And we hope that you enjoy our gracious sounds.

by William Darnell Sr |
Categories: appreciation, character, confidence, dedication, dream, family, grandchild, grandfather, grandparents, grandson, growth, husband, i love you, inspirational, meaningful, memory, missing, poems, poetry, poets, relationship, surreal, tribute, wife, wisdom,



My grandsons,
Lee, Eoin, Christopher, Rowick.

A boy needs a Grandpa, 
for man-to-man talks. 

To go hand in hand, 
on companionable walks. 

To fix up his toys, 
when they no longer go. 

To tell him the things, 
little boys want to know. 

A boy needs a Grandpa, 
to show him the way. 

To handle a puppy, 
to teach him fair play. 

To impart bits of wisdom, 
he's learned through the years.

That it's no disgrace, 
for a man to shed tears. 

A boy needs a Grandpa, 
to sit on his lap. 

And if no one is looking, 
they take a wee nap. 

Each wrapped in an aura, 
of love and esteem. 

Each smiling gently, 
at some special dream.

by Terra Cossette |
Categories: family, happiness, love, grandparents, grandparents, , cute,

Grandma's Love...

Grandma, you are so special, your love knows no bounds.
 A room takes special warmth whenever your around.
You think I am cute and talented and maybeeven wise,
But, I know thats why all grandparents see through loving eyes.
Everyday with you is so precious, I'm so thankful for the time.
Out of all the grandparents in the world I am so glad that you are mine.

by William Darnell Sr |
Categories: angel, autumn, bereavement, blessing, confusion, creation, dedication, depression, destiny, dream, family, grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, grave, grief, growth, Lullaby,

Grandparent At Last

Grandparent At Last

My granddaughters,
Aira'lee Nadean Jones,
Hope Faith Darnell 
Adelina Gracie Darnell
R.I.P. "Gracie"

Grandparents old of grandparents new, 
The unique joy that you are bringing true.

Fairy tale's told in the rosy past, 
My first granddaughters are here at last. 

Fishing trips and ice cream cones, 
Lullaby songs until we doze. 

Stories told upon cozy laps, 
Sunny walks on shaded paths. 

Butterfly kisses and big bear hugs, 
Truly grandparents is another word for love.

by Nishita Karulkar |
Categories: grandparents,

Grand Parents

GRANDPARENTS!!!To talk with grandma, 
it feels little surprised,
She sits there on a silly old chair, tapping her  feet.
She is weak and looks very thin, 
it makes me sad to see her so,But that life is brought to her by a terrible low.
 To walk with grandpa, it feels very funny,
His steps are small as ours.
He never says hurry up, he always takes his time.
He is the person genius in games.
 Grandparents have different supply of special stories.
Yet, they have time to wipe our tears and make us laugh.
We can share moments of our life,As extra measures of their love…


by Michael Campbell |
Categories: children, dad, grandparents, growing up, humorous, love, simple,


Running, leaping, wild,
Like a blur, my spinning, crashing, child.

by Jody Miller |
Categories: faith

St. Joseph

Foster father of our Lord Christ,
Pray for us,
In our time of need we pray to you,
Watch over our children as you did our lord Jesus,                                                             
We pray,
That they shall be blessed with good health,
And that all sickness shall be removed from their bodies.
We pray,
For the newborn children, that they shall live and feel the love,
We as parents and grandparents have for them,
So that they, one day shall know and feel the love of our Lord Jesus Christ

by Patricia Lawton |
Categories: grandparents, growing up, humor, nostalgia,



Many, many years ago
when grannies were little girls.
They had very long hair with polka-dot ribbons
entwined around their curls.
And granddads played with catapults and different
wooden toys.
They were full of mischief and curious little boys.
They learn to climb the tallest trees
and tease the little girls.
And pull their polka-dot ribbons out
and mess up all their curls.
Then they grew up and fell in-love
that's when their lives began to change.
They'd act daft with lovey stuff
which some girls found very strange.
Lives tapestry exchanges their struggles
to survive.
The best memories are those of my grandparents 
and the changes in their lives.

by Timothy Hicks |
Categories: childhood, computer, funny,

A Trip To the Woods

To the great outdoors
my grandparents love to go,
simply for the atmosphere it gives
like when they play Bingo.
I like to walk the trails, the mountains,
to get my wild nature fix.
They both have bad eyesight and can't quite comprehend
these crazy realistic graphics!

by Shanity Rain |
Categories: children, family, father daughter, kids, giving, grandfather, grandparents, heaven, poems,

See How You Give

"put on your doorstep 
to see how you give "

live life in giving and taking
live life loving or hating

my Grandfather knew things before his time 
my muse , my memories of his being kind  

I have a picture of he and I
The man with a pipe in his hand 

always a book he would read
I clearly see why , I remember him reading me a story
on wrinkled paper as if it had been once thrown away frustrated ,
 The Poet , The Man , with Pipe in his hand 
asking  as a child " where are the pictures ?" 
He replies " this book does not have them "
I can not draw that well .

I Love you Forever Grandpa Murray from Chicago , Do you read poems to children in Heaven ? Honoring James Murray The Poet .

by Mitch White |
Categories: life, love, house, city, house,

Golden Pond

I was raised in the sticks where you never saw a cop
It was easily a two mile walk to the school bus stop

How I got to Thrillva's house was simply by hitching
We would hurry to the pond with no intention of fishing

Both emancipated and married when we hit seventeen
What a stir we made when we opted for the city scene 

Within a few years the city life had choked us out
So we moved to Alaska in a magical walkabout

Bought a hillside cabin house and had two daughters
Cherished annual vacations in Hawaii's warm waters 

We are proud grandparents now whose lives are full
Still live in the small town what most consider dull

by Shannon Martin |
Categories: grandparents,

A Grandparent's Love

A grandparent’s love is the greatest gift of all

A miracle has entered this world as a god sent blessing

And has shown us the greatest gift of life and love! 

Ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes…

A grandparent’s love you will always know


A little bundle of joy

A sweet little baby girl

An angel in disguise

You made our dreams become real


I thank the lord each day for the joy and love you bring

You are so perfect to us…

We wouldn’t change a thing

A grandparent’s love you will always know

Every day we watch you blossom and grow

We count our lucky stars

Because this is a love you will NEVER outgrow!

by Doris Culverhouse |
Categories: dedication, family, nostalgia, prayer, love,

Ode To a Grandparent

Today you shower little faces with kisses
Piggy back rides and little messes....
Who notices???

Tomorrow you speak from your infinite wisdom
Your prayer is heard deep from within
Even though we may giggle
We love that you know and love Jesus.

You let me drive your old truck in the pasture
Laughed till you peed when the chair fell backwards
Love freely, laugh often and give generously what you have
Grandparent days are too short but cheerished!

Love those GRandparents!!

Mine are the Grandest of the grands!
***To all the Grandparents out there in the soup pool.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: funny, grandchild, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, grandson, love hurts,

Lost the Remote In the Living Room

I lost the remote in the living room.
On Saturday.
My husband and I ran around looking and looking.
At first it was just the couch pillows, we were looking through.
An hour into it we had made what looks like a bon fire,
Tipping over couches, recliners, and such.
We broke a couple of tables.
Hey, wait, my husband reminded me.
Merlin was here today.
I called Merlin’s mommy, our daughter.
She said, "Oh, darn. We just found it. We thought it
was the one we lost a couple of weeks ago."

Merlin is our two year old grandson
Whom we apparently did not watch
As well as we should have the 
5 hours he was here.
He is going to have to
Leave his hoodie and
His diapers at home.

by Edward Ebbs |
Categories: birth, child, children, faith, family, grandchild, grandparents, grandson, growing up, heart, i love you, life, wisdom,

Two Boys

Whether this is your first or second child
your life changes for more than a while

The happiness of the first was beyond measure
the second adds to this with more to treasure.

You walked hand and hand with your first
your second child is also going to thirst.

One will have a new life as a big brother
almost as important as dad and mother.

Before you know the time will come
they will be sharing each other's gum

We are so excited that you have two boys
I bet you can wait until they fight over toys

Edward J. Ebbs. - June 2011

by Andrea Reynolds |
Categories: childhood, family, love, people, thank you, me, me,


Grandparents are an angel wachting over me as I grow up
Grandparents make a smile when I am sad
Grandparents are my hero's for the rest of my life
Grandparents are my inspiration even when they passed onto heaven

Grandparents are there for me for the good and bad times in my life
Grandparents are the light in my eyes
Grandparents are memories from growing up
Grandparents remined me of what i did growing up

Grandparents love me for who I am and not what they want me to be
Grandparents can spoil me on holidays and buy mr gifts I need for school and 
Grandparents are the most important people in my life

by Danielle Fenske |
Categories: baby, birth, blessing, celebration, grandchild, grandparents, parents,

As the Years Go By

You've taught me how to share;
You've taught me how to love.
You've taught me how to trust in the Lord above.
You've given me a faith;
Beyond all measure.
You sacrificed your needs; 
for toys to bring me pleasure.

You've given from your hearts,
You've given from your souls,
and for that I love you both,
more than you'll ever know.

Now it's my turn to be All that you've been.
So, as God would have it, the cycle begins again.
You are now Grandparents;
with a new dimension of Love!
A new little grand baby, given from Heaven Above.
A little one to smile,
A little one to cry,
A little one to hold close to your hearts,
As the years go by.