Love Poems About Grief or Grief Love Poems
by Robert Lindley |
Categories: anxiety, dark, emotions, fate, grief, pain, sorrow,

Hope, a Little Remained

Hope, A Little Remained

She walked the creaking floors of the rat-infested room,
trying to remember what tragedy had sent her to this shabby place.
Her heart felt the desperate pains, that lost love sends in aching waves,
praying her sleeping infant does not wake and cry out from its feverish thirst.

He paced the cold cell, languishing in deep misery, heart shattered,
each step an eternity echoing curses, a testament to his broken pride.
Although thousands of miles apart, he felt her loss, never-ending sorrows,
dawn would come, priest would take his last confession, yet Hope remained.

For Silent One's,  eight lines of fate, when you wonder if it is too late.

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: emotions, heartbreak, loneliness, lost love, sorrow,

In Woes and Throes of Sorrow

I rise and fall like melancholy tides
in ebb and flow of wistful disrepair,
our separate in consciousness divides,
the whiff of grief fills broken-hearted air.

Neglected now, heartstrings' rawhide, I mourn
with briny beads that water my dismay,
eyes teary drizzled mist, inside forlorn,
my psyche pierced by thorns in love's bouquet.

Whatever will I do, this emptiness..?
A gnawing hollow where my heart should be.
My lonely preys me like a lioness,
a simba stalks this lost love refugee.

Soft morning sun does gaze into my eyes
enlightening the depths of agonize.

by Silent One |
Categories: grief, lost love,

Silence of the Butterflies

As sunrise silently marinaded morningtide meadows, our lips flowed like two streams, merging within an exclusive estuary so we set home upon the river bed. At first we floated like butterflies in Babylon, deaf to the squawks of mercenary crows, blind to the creeping weeds, which wandered amongst delicate petals nor did I notice our submerging embankment. As our estuary began to evaporate, you left me stranded in the silt and mud. My heart, once a blossoming garden, evolved into a wasteland of sedges and sludge. Still I wait for soothing streams to return, but all I am left with is marshland of regret and the silence of the butterflies.

by Robert A. Dufresne |
Categories: lovelost, autumn, lost,


If e're we could move that mountain from between thee and me,
where would be lament or reason to grieve?
How remove the hollow from the tree, or shore from the sea?
What left would there be?
What if ere the beam lost it's moon.
Or lovely Autumn raiment lost it's tree? What then would it be?
Can one sow the seed without the land?
Would this be what Powers planned?

The grief, the longing, oh, the heartfelt gaze,
The strife the loneliness, but a soulful phase.
A mountain surmountable, a hollow fulfilled,
A sea able to be, a beam again spilled.

A stage again for raiment,... a fertile valley for seed.
Our love could not be boundless without the bonds of these.

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: grief, loneliness, longing, lost love, solitude,

Alone I Walk

I walk and walk
and in my mind
I walk toward
something someone you

I walk and walk
in a motion I wish was soothing
somehow it’s nowhere that I walk
never getting closer

I wonder how it is I’m walking
riding life’s evermoving sidewalk
going against the tide against the grain
never getting closer

static not getting anywhere
and not getting further
I’m left alone with my illusion
of somehow getting closer

AP: Honorable Mention 2022

Submitted on May 31, 2022 for contest A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE CHOICE sponsored by BRIAN STRAND  -  RANKED 5TH

Originally posted on May 30, 2022

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, angst, anxiety, death, emotions, feelings, grief,

Fueled By Love

Grief hides itself
behind a veil
of anger, fear, and disbelief,
and yet, it invades your every thought.
Inside, you want to lash out
at death;
to send the hurt back!
Grief clings to death,
and in so doing
devastates the living.
Your world shrinks
to memories,
reflected in pools of tears.
And life loses its spark,
a part of you is missing
leaving a hole in your heart.
Time is but a concept
of the mind,
as flimsy as a thought;
it has no power over grief.
And yet, there is something
stronger than time
that can numb the pain, 
and that is faith... fueled by love.

by John Watt |
Categories: death, grief, love hurts, november, winter,

Winter's Gateway

November, as the poets say -
autumn's demise, winter's gateway.
Its shortened days and longer nights
descending, death is in her sights:
leaves fall, as is their yearly fate,
while beasts prepare to hibernate.

November, as my lady lies
so silent, moving not her eyes -
with ashen skin, lips cold as death,
I wait in vain to feel her breath.
Her soul immortal, this I know,
yet in this life I'll grieve her so.

Written 26 November 2020

by Deb M |
Categories: grief, loss, sad love,

Fractured Soul

Shes sits in her worn out familiar chair
As the sun wakes for the day
Her being weary before the day begins
From wishing her life away

Nothing matters anymore
Old now, completely bereft
He’s been gone a few months 
Alone , nothing left

They lost their only child 
As a beautiful young adult
A lifetime of grieving 
Being the result

It should never be that way
Your child leaves earth before you
Their profound,pure love for each other
Is how they got through

She sits motionless ,eyes closed 
Her mind consumed of days gone by
Her whole being aches , tears fall
She breathes one loud , last sigh

by Sabrina Niday Hansel |
Categories: absence, angst, cry, dad, death, depression, emotions, family, father, father daughter, fear, feelings, future, goodbye, grief, heart, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, identity, leaving, life, loneliness, lonely, loss, lost, love, memory, miss you, missing you, pain, parents, poets, prayer, sad, sorrow, strength, stress, urdu,

I Need Your Help Daddy

I’m tired
I’m Physically and Emotionally tired
I don’t want to be the strong one anymore
I can’t this time
I don’t know what to do Daddy
I need your help down here

I can’t get back in control of my emotions 
I’m having a hard time dealing with your absence
I’m having a hard time standing by myself
I need your help Daddy

I’m broken and lost without you Daddy
I need your will to want to carry on
I need your strength to over come this
I need your strength to stay standing
Your courage to fight back again
I need your help 

Please Daddy I’m at a loss
How am I suppose to do this
I need your guidance 
I need you to guide me back
To whom I was before
I need your help Daddy
I need your help

by Elaine George |
Categories: death, love,

The Stone

Alone in a meadow in the pouring rain
I find the stone that causes all my pain,
As I stumble through the fog in disbelief
I fall down upon my knees and sob in grief

The fog horn cries her mournful sound
As my heart falls down, beneath the ground
Crying out to God for mercy all in vain
To take away the stone that bears your name

Author:  Elaine George

by P.M. Richter |
Categories: image, self, spiritual,

Spiritual Birth

grace will find you when thoughts fade away crushed with unbearable grief "losing your mind" suffering during a dark night of the soul the ego crumbles; revealing the light your soul consciousness "finding yourself" directly experiencing the divine sense of oneness where everything is connected at a deeper level there is but one consciousness appearing as many "awakened" breathless views are available with inner focus crossing a chasm with one final leap of faith you become blissful; radiating like the sun "experiencing enlightenment" revived with a new perspective humans are never perfect but our pure being is "love"

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: angel, death, grief,

Life Is For the Living

Today another angel got her wings
Promoted for a job well done on earth
Rejoice! In heaven, all the angels sing
His grace has filled her with angelic mirth

Though quickly earth reclaims the pyre's ash
How swift the ceaseless seasons of the sun
Grief fades and loneliness becomes the lash
A harsh reminder of that special one

But in our times of sad and dark despair
Our angel fans the dying flame of love
No longer suffering, her joy she shares
Reminding us she's waiting up above

This life is for the living, not the dead
Our day will come, when no more tears are shed

June 21 2019

by Michael Tor |
Categories: depression, god, grief, hope, jesus,

Jesus Is His Name

When your friends have drifted off,
and you find yourself alone.
 When the parents that you love,
the Lord has taken home.

 When your burdens are so great,
and there is no hope left inside.
  When you feel you can't live on,
and continue with your life.

 There is One who cares and loves 
 you, and knows your every pain.
 Seek his love and mercy,
 Jesus is his name...

by Jess Opperman |
Categories: death, dedication, grief, loss, love, miss you, sorrow, wife,

To My Darling

If I could will my heart to stop
and breathe a final breath
I'd sit beneath an old oak tree
and trade my life for death

The pain in life of losing you
is more than I can bear
how can a man be happy when
his better half's not there

Life's meaning's gone when I lost you
no purpose can I find
for you were but the reason i
loved life and cherished time

I cannot will my heart to stop
I'm waiting for the sign
from God to show His mercy to
unite us one more time

by Judy Bonin |
Categories: fantasy, imagination, loss

Dream Light

Hardened solid is the clay
That shapes the way I am today
I dream escape from endless grief
Restoring child-like belief

Experience has made me cold
Stolen who I was before
Left behind half of a whole
Changed the essence of my core

I wish to dance in brilliant light
Cleanse my soul with gentle rain
Slumber sound in dark of night
At dawn awaken without pain

Soar up high in skies above
Gaze down upon meadows green
To once again believe in love
To have faith in things unseen

Memories that formed the clay
Although impossible to do
Will them all to melt away
And live the bliss that I once knew

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: grief, heartbreak, lost love, music, pain, romantic love, sorrow,

White Lily Against Black Background

Piano music plays.
Soft notes emote mid air,
like tear-stung doves they fly 
in atmosphere of fog.
The clouds, they shroud the sky. 

Piano music plays, 
the keys, they seize my blues—
the depth of blue, so vast.
Poetic ivories 
harassed… recite the past. 

Piano music plays.
Dull echoes haunt the halls, 
sonatas without soul.
Since wick and flame lost light
my space inside like coal. 

Piano music plays,
the white noise like a ghost.
My fluid fingers mourn 
in melodies of you —
my rose with thorns reborn.

by Patricia L Graham |
Categories: bullying, dark, depression, grief, murder, poverty, time,

Slaughtered Innocence

The hideous and the humble
Blood peppers falling snow
As world hurtles to the tipping point
Life chokes on ignited air
Wrenching love from hungry mouths
Stars fall without sound
Some weep helpless, day through night
Ever wondering how
Never knowing why ...

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: blessing, grief, rose,

- Haiku X 70 - the Beginning -

Thousand and one Nights
Gothic and Romanesque rose
I call to the Earth
The Moment has come
The Choice is no longer mine
By goodness and Love

A-L Andresen :)

by Elaine George |
Categories: death, lost love, rose,

The Rose and the Thorn

I shall nay know all the wonders - you hold
For all too soon the winds of winter blow
Scarlet petals withering in the snow
How cruel the breath that kills the velvet rose 

Tears - that canst’ bear the thought of letting go
Forever frozen in this empty soul
A broken heart forever turned to stone
A broken stem left now to stand alone

Alas! I find that life is bitter-sweet
As I stand holding only memories
Of a rose blooming in the summer breeze
Here beneath this old weeping willow tree

Once I held the sweetest rose - ever born
Now – in my grief – I hold the bitter thorn.


                    Author:  Elaine Cecelia George

by Francis J Grasso |
Categories: death, grief, life, lost love, motivation, moving on,

Morning Light

The calm that comes with morning light.
Lying here... from an untroubled night.

Alone, awake after restful sleep.
No tears left, no tears to weep.

Dreaming where dreams were never seen.
Free from all that might have been.

By myself with a pristine heart,
to begin again; a brand new start.

No more fear as I arise.
No sadness here to burn my eyes.

Only peace to guide my way.
No more guilt to mar the day.

My spirit rises in the sun,
as life again has just begun.
written 01.20.2017

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: lost love, me, sweet, me, sweet,

Only Make Believe

Love me though it's only make believe
Kiss me though I really know
You hold me close to just deceive;
Let that one sweet second flow
Over me lest it sink and break
My poor heart, for pity's sake.

Lend me faith for my belief
Give me from your eyes a smile;
Take away this wretched grief
And hold me close a little while.
I suffer now and surely know
You tease me with my forlorn woe.

Sing to me sweet and low
Tell me that you gently weave
Dreams of me although I know
You only play at make believe.
It hurts so much although it's plain
You are the one who scorns my pain.

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: death, evil, grief, heartbroken, lost love, wedding, winter,

Winter Widow Wordplay

whimsical windswept whiteness 
wedding weekend wanderlust
willowy wonderland waltz
wrongfully weathered woe
wintry wishful whispers
wrestling woodland wintertide

welcome waxen wallflower
weeping wheezy widow
whimpering wholeheartedly
wrangling worthless worries
wanton wretched wrongdoing
wedged within wickedness

Submitted on December 7, 2020 for contest ALLITERATION sponsored by EVE ROPER

AP: Honorable Mention 2020

Originally posted on October 23, 2018

by Lin Lane |
Categories: grief, sorrow,

Hello Sorrow, Hello Grief With Tim Smith

Tim's poem, Hello Sorrow, was the incentive for my continuance of the sorrowful emotion in Hello Grief.

Hello Sorrow

There you are old friend— 
 I knew that you were here 
  wrapped alone beside desolation 
   hidden deep amongst despair 

Hello my sorrow there you lie— 
 in the wallow of disdain 
  shun me forth in misery 
   regret infused past pain

          ~     ~     ~

Hello Grief

Here you are once again
  I knew you would return
   as a shadow of my sorrow
    when for her arms I yearn

Hello grief, my haunting friend
 ghostly memory of my heartache
  how long will you remain 
    for a love I must forsake

by Lin Lane |
Categories: fantasy,

Rising Sun and Waning Moon

'Twas the time of Summer solstice, they wed
Verdant leaves clung to trees; the month was June
Whispered troths of love, sacred vows were said
'fore fauna, rising sun and waning moon

Prince Largent was soon to be crowned as king
but Mekram, the wise, held grief in his eyes
He smiled with joy when Asha wore the ring
Though death neared, he feigned a joyous disguise

Bodies joined, celestial and human
Festive auguries 'pon the forest floor
Skies aflame, trees canopied with lumen
Their world glows today, and forevermore

'Twas said to be just an immortal tale
but in June, astral light gleams in the vale

by Eve Roper |
Categories: grief,

I Remember That Smile and Look

As I lie on my bed reading my book My mind wondered to a look and a smile Staring down on me. I turn to cry awhile. I could not stay focused; I closed the book. I remembered I had my husband's phone Number in my contacts. I reached for my Cellphone on the night table with a sigh I scrolled down to his name (Dad), only he'd known; Opened message. I've always called him Dad. When the screen came up, I typed, I love you, A heart I picked to place, when I was through, I pushed send. Tearful grief, do not think me mad. Two and a half years since he has been gone His sweet scent of utter love still lives on. 3/9/2021