Love Poems About Haiku or Haiku Love Poems
by Susan Ashley |
Categories: beauty, love, moon, night, romance, romantic love,

Allure of the Moon - Haiku

      of the moon pales -
luster lost 

            to the
                   c a n d l e l i g h t 
          in your eyes

Susan Ashley
March 20, 2021

*not for a contest but inspired by the “Let’s Get Creative With Haiku” poetry contest sponsored by Constance La France. Thank you, Constance, for the wonderful inspiration.*

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: tree,

My Tree's Seasons

spring wakens my tree - a bejeweled perfumed bride. . . . love birds make their nest summer’s yellowed lawn beneath my tree’s sombrero. . . . grass breathes sweet relief fall’s quick change artist - from green to gold to crimson. . . . disrobed, my tree naps

by Skat A |
Categories: beauty, dream, muse, romantic, sea, together, vanity,

Drunken Moon

~twice the beauty~

in the sea of love 
reflection of the night 
a wave moves


by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: romantic, sky,

Beneath October's Sky

flames of desire as I hold my love close. . . the sky has caught fire 8/24/2015 For Line Gauthier's 'Bite Size Poem no17' Poetry Contest

by David Meade |
Categories: love,

Haiku 30 Rock Love

running to the rock

                                              a strong tower against foes

                                                                    her love a refuge

To strong women and their love

David Meade
Live Generously

by Kash Poet |
Categories: love, nature,

Signature of Life

Over the still pond
a leaning branch of Iris
Messenger of Love

sudden gentle breeze
flower kisses the water
whispering love talk

ripples in water
sending another message
signature of life


Iris:Name of a flower meaning"Messenger of Love"


by Susan Ashley |
Categories: beautiful, emotions, heart, joy, passion, romantic love, sensual,

Rapture - Hiku

native drums beat in sync
        dreams dance round the fire --
my head on his chest

Susan Ashley
November 21, 2021

~ Third Place ~
Premiere Contest: A Hiku Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Brian Strand

~ Seventh Place ~
Premiere Contest: Hiku (Disciplined Brevity)
Sponsor: William Kekaula 16;  6 - 5 - 5 1 syllable

by Carol B. |
Categories: love,

Love Again a Collaboration With Maurice Yvonne

devotion unveiled
the fisherman casts his line
his heart now possessed 

curves carved in pleasure
chiseled spine traced by touch
love stripped to the bone

flaws etched precisely
he frees an internal scream
she opens her heart

her essence absorbed
two souls artistic beauty
a match written in stone

by Paige Hind |
Categories: growth, introspection, life, light, love, nature, perspective,


As close as
A porch swing hanging
After rain.

by Emmanuel Samson |
Categories: death, faith, imagination, lost love, love, nature, on writing and words, philosophy, sea, seasons, song-time,

Stairway To Heaven

Now my tendrilled soul,
Has found its pergola-- Christ--
To wind its way up....

by Skat A |
Categories: fantasy, funny,

Sexy Who'

"Sexy Who" *Summer* sand, oozing through toes water down my swimsuit piece how I love the sun *Summer* new sun-rays run my soul wind swims around my pale skin sunburn, ouch! *Dizzy* strong & Long Lasting The Viagra moment fades power by the sun *Jerk Around* secret moment Vixen photos of my youth rock hard & bigger ~SKAT~

by Rita Odeh |
Categories: art,

Whispers of Love

sea froth
covers the shore...
night whispers

by Richard Palmer |
Categories: love, relationship, romance,

Love Train Haiku


                    Eyes glued to body,
                    Roaming from head to toe,
                    Drooling mouth water...

                    A sudden attack,
                    Swept off your feet,
                    Above cloud nine...

IN LOVE,,,,,,,,,,,

                    Communication amazing,
                    Thoughts wave connect,
                     Heart beating as one...

               My first HAIKU

by Marty Owens |
Categories: inspirational, love, nature

God Loves No Matter How Far

Moon in distant sky, Lights waves, rushing to the shore! Carrying God's Love!

by James Marshall Goff |
Categories: lost love

Snow Angel

Snow Angel

headlong into clouds

babe dug tunnels in the snow

smiling from heaven

……a day like today….. sun reflecting off the icy snow, about 5-below-zero….my animal best 
friend (Golden Retriever)  “Babe Ruth”  thought he was in heaven on earth! he’s in 
heaven smiling…

9:55 am

by Daver Austin |
Categories: life, love

Last Thought - Haiku

when my time comes round
let my last thought be loving
with soft light abound

by David Meade |
Categories: love,

Haiku 32 Color Love

golden earth tones 
              brown - sky blue - red yellow leaves
                           your love colors me

David Meade
Live Generously

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: blessing, grief, rose,

- Haiku X 70 - the Beginning -

Thousand and one Nights
Gothic and Romanesque rose
I call to the Earth
The Moment has come
The Choice is no longer mine
By goodness and Love

A-L Andresen :)

by Jan Allison |
Categories: romantic,

We'Re Snow In Love

snowflakes kiss our cheeks winter blanket keeps us warm hearts melt together 03~01~15 Get Romantic – Andrea Dietrich Visual Seven Traditional Haiku 5,7,5 Checked with How Many Syllables ~awarded 4th place~

by Maria Williams |
Categories: celebration, love, mother, sensual, sexy,

Fruit of Love - An Array

Nature unfurls charms Loving emotions flourish Her cup runs over Exquisite passion Limbs entwined in sweet embrace Move in symphony Senses on fire Symphonic crescendos peak Cocooned in slumber Nature’s Miracle Blooming as she takes on form Grand Expectation
Footnote: A Happy Mother’s day to all Mums, Mums-to-be and Grand Mums for without you and the gift of love, this day was not possible. POTD 16th May 2017

by Mohammad Yamin |
Categories: love, peace, philosophy

Buried Hearts

O travel bound
Tread gently
A million hearts in ground

Winner of No. 1 place in Haiku 101 Contest of Charles Henderson. Judged on 11/23/2012

by Deborah Burch |
Categories: allegory, art, lost love,

Amended-Van Gogh's 'starry Night'

A Van Gogh's "Starry Night"

gamboge moon and stars
dance haloed whirlwind marriage
in violet sky

while black cypress looms
past swirling clouds as fleeting
requiem for love

through bright starry eyes
secluded heart still searches

©deborah burch

by James Marshall Goff |
Categories: love


wishful petals bloom
dance upon my memories
soothing scents of you

by Pashang Salehi |
Categories: celebration, joy, new year, spring,

Persian Haiku 2

Persian Haiku 2

What a gorgeous view!
You and the flower garden,
I'm the butterfly.

Your eyes, the ocean;
The ocean colors your eyes.
Your hair is the wave.

Moon on the ocean, 
Your face is the reflection.
Always be alone.

I live with my heart,
All flowers are beautiful,
I love daffodils.

What a discussion,
I had with all my flowers.
Their breath smells nice.

3/20/2018 Haloo

Note: Iranians/Persians Celebrate today, the first day of spring as their new year. We call this day Norooz or Nowruz, it translates as New Day. From my family to yours,  Norooz Mobarak ....Happy New Year.

by Keith O.J. Hunt |
Categories: god, heaven, love, truth,

Haiku To Heaven

It's all about.....
shedding one's skin,
and revealing the heart 