by John Gondolf |
longing, love, romantic,
Up above the moon shines brightly;
starlight touches earth so lightly;
passions teasing impolitely.
Midnight whispers, “Carpe noctem.”
Blowing soft the summer breezes
through her hair as nighttime pleases,
and the moonlight softly teases.
Voices urging, “Carpe noctem.”
Standing close our bodies facing;
hand in hand our fingers lacing;
gentle touches, hearts are racing.
Longings begging, “Carpe noctem.”
Wonder where her thoughts are leading;
do my eyes reveal my pleading?
Will she, with her voice conceding,
whisper softly, “Carpe noctem?”
January 10, 2022
Carpe Noctem - Latin for "seize the night"
Poem of the Week - January 16, 2022
by Daniel Turner |
first love, happy, memory,
Mementos in a box, from years gone by
Thought to have been disposed of long ago
A glance, when something purple caught my eye
A ribbon from someone I used to know
I gently gave a tug like way back when
It slipped from it's confines just like before
Then instantly relived it all again
And just like her, it leaves me wanting more
But even though it was so delicate
This ribbon in it's femininity
Tied in her hair it looked so elegant
Yet strong enough to bind her memory
This ribbon with it's strength beyond compare
Ties fifty years to my first love affair
By Daniel Turner
by Tim Smith |
ever so slowly
overcome with emotion
building up ever so effortlessly
passions burning ever so swiftly
deep in my heart
sweet smells of your luscious gateau
roam free
a slight breeze blows in your hazel hair
enhancing your essence
enticing me
ever so slowly
I wrap my arms around your
aphrodite-esque waist
squeezing ever so slightly
"love me"
by Arthur Vaso |
deep, dream, lost love, love,
I lay down
A lazy Sunday afternoon
The first winds from the north
Blowing snow like a blanket upon our souls
I fall asleep, in a haze of dreams
Where there she appears and forgive the obvious
The woman of my dreams
Never undressed, mind nor body
Here, in my delusion I beg for her heart
Tears roll down upon her chest
I whisper softly, tell me, tell me
You are my twin, in coldness and the dark
Entwined, we breathe slowly in silence
Words have flowed like the tears of the past
I hold on, in love, in desperation, in ecstasy
I caress her hair, and whisper be mine
Then I awoke, another sad day
by Pailey Gordon |
9th grade, love, nature,
Helicopter seeds
from my maple tree
drift down,
from the strong branches above.
They all fall around me,
I am encapsulated by the swirling seedlings.
Snug within their warmth,
the wind sends me on my feet.
Dancing with the music of the air
that is rushing through my hair,
I inhale the sweet, mellow essence of what life has granted me.
Then I exhale the words,
"I am thankful for this life and the road, no matter how rocky, has served its purpose".
As I leave this place,
I hum the tune of the masterpiece conducted by the wind
that rustled in this tree.
by Charmaine Chircop |
happiness, lost love, love,
Swept away
the last colour
of sunset,
Ocean in his eyes,
winds and waves
the sea-man loved.
Forever gone
the late-song
of night birds,
crushed corals,
sand and rocks
the sea-man loved.
Blown afar
the harvest seeds,
Flowers in his heart,
Petals in bloom,
Pale-pink blossoms
the sea-man loved.
Found and lost
the light of stars,
Alone He sailed
through narrow paths,
to mountain'shadows
the sea-man loved.
In hope to smell
the scent of her hair,
In hope to wipe
rain off her lips,
In hope to taste
her roasting- chestnuts,
to mend regrets
with just one kiss.
by Michelle Faulkner |
depression, lost love, relationship,
'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?'
Were I to be more truthful, and less kind
Once fair, your hair now more consumed by gray
Your dewy luster I struggle to find
As weighted toll of years fills in your frame
And roses on your cheeks falter and fade
I can not say if it is age I blame
Or from the fall of youth, a cynic's made
Is it my eyes too blighted to recall
The fragile beauty your face once possessed
No large gash dealt, only dying in small
Moments I turned away from your caress
Unwatered, our garden lies bleak and spent
Winter coating the stems where summers went.
by Elizabeth Wesley |
seasons, me,
Spring chased old man winter from his place
And silenced him with her capricious face
Sometimes a tear, sometimes a smile;
She would beguile
My lazy feet
To dance in some leafy bowered retreat.
When dreamy delightful summer flies
And looks at me with laughing eyes;
She draws me to her clover fields
And my heart yields
To her winsome wooing
And her siren song is my undoing.
One day I saw the sudden flare
Of autumn's wind blown crimson hair;
She stirred the whispering leaves and then
I felt again
A yearning glow
Of years remembered long ago
And I lived the dream I never knew
Of lost memories and my love for you.
by Elizabeth Wesley |
Come to the meadow just you only,
Where autumn weaves her spell;
On hills and purple moorlands lonely,
Where the magic of her presence dwells.
Beneath blue sky and fields of heather,
With soft humming of honey bees.
And I'll hold you, just us two together,
To share the scent of autumns leaves.
We’ve time to share asters in the meadow,
With all that we love best;
With the swallows wings and your shadow,
And summer's grass that built the nest.
To hold and hear the soft wind singing,
To see your hair tossed and blown;
And meet the bluebird softly winging,
Through heaven and earth, we too fly alone.
by Arturo Michael |
love, poetry, poets,
Blue skies and rainbows
Science fiction and fables
Poetess and poet are making love
She’s writes the verses to undress me
Great lines that flower in her hair
Her lips of ink are red and rosy
Each stanza goes straight to my head
I want to read and read her
Over and over
Every day, any time
From cover to cover
She writes of loneliness and sorrow
Of broken hearts that never mend
She is the dream I need each morning
Moon captured by her spells
I want to read and read her
Over and over
Every day, any time
From cover to cover
Blue skies and rainbows
Science fictions and fables
Poetess and poet are making love
by Victor Buhagiar |
A Tribute to Slim Whitman
He led his horse towards a pool,
Near a lovely large cotton tree.
Far away, he heard the hooves
Of a thousand bison as they crossed
The dusty prairie in search of food.
Near at hand stood a large tepee
From where his lovely Indian emerged.
Dark hair, dark eyes. a beauty beyond compare.
She smiled but stood erect at the doorway.
Instantly, he lifted his guitar.
And in a yodel tune, he sang his love.
How oft he repeated his refrain,
"You belong to me,
I belong to you."
Finally, he put down his guitar.
Slowly, he approached her,
Tilted her lovely face up,
Their lips met in a sweet, lingering kiss.
by Mike Gentile |
how i feel, love, romance, romantic, romantic love, true love,
For life and love and summer breeze
For memories that fly with ease
For days with you that bring to mind
The greatest joy that I may find
For music that reflects the sun
For you and I to be as one
For roses that perfume the air
as fingers ruffle through your hair
For thoughts of peace that fill my heart
For knowing we will never part
For saying I will always stay
Until my breath should wing away
by Skat A |
absence, crush, cry, dedication, lost love, sad,
~The One That Got Away~
Here I lay weeping
I sing a sad song to sleep
Fire cracking bones
kicking, screaming, pulling hair
The moment, gone forever
by Christy Hardy |
dedication, sexy,
Oh sexy man,
in line ahead of me,
you look like a dream,
are you golden band free?
Oh sexy man,
you're looking at me,
my hair is a mess,
my jeans have holes in the knees.
Oh sexy man,
here you come,
asking for my number,
my hands just went numb.
Oh sexy man,
a movie will be fine,
then we will gaze at the stars,
and sip red, red wine.
Oh sexy man,
we are a perfect match,
together as one,
my fantastic catch.
Oh sexy man,
so kind, and strong,
I'll love you forever,
you complete my song.
by Nina Hernandez |
angst, daughter, death, depression, devotion, family, fantasy, imagination, love, mother, sad, dark, dark, rose,
Once bloomed a rose so young and fair
With dark brown eyes and long black hair
Beside her be a tall dark tree
Whose branches stretch to smother thee
Too close beside the shadowy bark
That soon begins to leave its mark
She cries for help, but none shall hear
Her thorns too sharp, who’d dare go near?
To save this rose, who’d risk their life?
With naught to gain but pain and strife
Alone, afraid, she lays to rest
Her heart beats low inside her chest
And with the hour growing near
She sheds her final grieving tear
And so the rose soon falls asunder
Her final day, eternal slumber
She lies beside the old dark tree
The only one who mourns for thee
by Patrick Cornwall |
devotion, hair,
The wind rustles your hair as the sun brings joy .
It tells your secrets and they are well kept.
They go where it is needed turning gracefully.
Will you dance again?
What about your joy?
Its buried now and your hair is gone.
Birds dancing and your bare arms reach for me.
Saves the last dance.
I love your cold breath and the heat.
Your almost home.
But you will leave as before.
Dance for me.
by Raven Drake |
parody, philosophy, symbolism,
Farcical, extravagant
My birthmark is a scar
A speckled blotch ...
A spot of pox
An icon from afar
I'm an upstart, I'm an eyesore
Ranting with a flair
In a tempest, I'm a rabid bird
Setting fire to the air
As dauntless as a hellhag
Unmoved by love or care
I can hold up in a cyclone
Feasting on your fear
I'm your last hope
As a laughingstock
I'm your courage in a dare
As audacious as a terrorist
With death-defying hair
When it's time to play the tragic fool
I'm as flagrant as a glare
Seething with a vengeance
In a tantrum of despair
Written by © Raven Drake
by Gary George |
anniversary, dedication, devotion, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, inspirational, love, passion, uplifting, wedding, wifelife, love,
When on life’s seas I’m tempest tossed,
And my hopeful smile is all but lost,
When I need to survive at any cost,
You are my anchor.
My life is filled with simple pleasures,
My loved ones’ smiles I count as treasures,
When kisses are how life is measured,
You are the standard.
As time soars on and birthdays fly,
My hair is graying, I don’t care why,
My mind is sharp, but not my eyes,
You are my youth.
Love is patient, love is kind,
And to the lucky, love is blind,
But when it comes to love that binds,
You are my love.
by Richard D Seal |
The stars bestowed your eyes
The moon, your cherry red lips
The sun, that light in your mind
Heaven, those gold finger tips
The oceans surrendered your hair
Your form, fashioned by tides
Rivers tempered the spirit
Where patience and love resides
Strength, came from the mountains
The wind, sweet lullabies
Volcano’s forged the Passion
That lives in soul filled eyes
But where, oh where is completion
Makes the pulse race and dart
For this, woman must wait
Till a man, gives her his heart.
Written 7 Oct 2013
by Pashang Salehi |
celebration, joy, new year, spring,
Persian Haiku 2
What a gorgeous view!
You and the flower garden,
I'm the butterfly.
Your eyes, the ocean;
The ocean colors your eyes.
Your hair is the wave.
Moon on the ocean,
Your face is the reflection.
Always be alone.
I live with my heart,
All flowers are beautiful,
I love daffodils.
What a discussion,
I had with all my flowers.
Their breath smells nice.
3/20/2018 Haloo
Note: Iranians/Persians Celebrate today, the first day of spring as their new year. We call this day Norooz or Nowruz, it translates as New Day. From my family to yours, Norooz Mobarak ....Happy New Year.
by Marty Owens |
passionred, love, red,
Red is the crayon that I love to use.
So vivid and bright without any abuse.
I color so lively and make each stroke count.
Even making the water red in the fount.
In my pictures the hair on everyone's head.
Yes you guessed it, they're all a bright colored red!
The seasons of summer and winter and fall.
I color them all red without any appall.
So if you're an artist you plainly can see.
Everything will be red if you depend on me.
If you've heard like me, as it's often been said,
That "Passionate people always love red!"
by John Hamilton |
absence, change, love hurts, missing you, relationship,
Autumn's desires
Your amber-umber eyes, penetrate me
as saffron sun sets on faces, ashen
Your suspicious mind raves with jealousy
as pumpkin winds chill our summers passion
your love transitions to winter's fashion.
Fire and ice keep flowing through your bold veins
Wild imaginations portend cold rains.
I dream of your ruby-red crimson lips
my mind won't rest until you have returned
the touches from your ginger fingertips
we can rebuild the bridges that have burned,
then, we will laugh at all the lessons learned
I think of your flowing cinnamon hair
mem'ries of our home, and you being there.
John Derek Hamilton
September 16,2017
by Bryn Strudwick |
You stand once more beside the harbour wall
This is the third night I have seen you there.
I watch you from a distance, proud and tall
A shaft of sunlight glinting in your hair
What is it draws you to that spot each day?
What thoughts of sadness occupy your mind?
The memory of a love far, far away,
A yearning for your homeland left behind?
Sad seagulls’ cries provide the only sound;
You reach out, casting something on the sea
And then, oblivious to all around,
You slip away still steeped in mystery
I look down where the water gently flows.
It’s empty save for one dark, crimson rose
by Victor Buhagiar |
Perhaps I was half asleep.
I always felt drowsy at night.
I sensed her warm body snuggling near me.
She put her head on my shoulders.
Her cuddles sent me to seventh heaven.
I only hoped she did not mind
The stubble on my unshaven face.
Still I was elated when as I felt
Her smooth downy face next to mine.
How fragrant was her exquisite hair,
I guessed it resembled a Soleil Neige,
An elegant and mesmerising perfume.
I took a deep breath, indulging
In its fruity nectar…so I opened my eyes.
Only to see an empty bed and a lumpy pillow.
by Tim Smith |
Out back on that old tire swing
drifting to and fro in the springtime dusk
reliving childhood memories
she swings and smiles
free as the red breasted robin
singing love songs as she soars
from limb to limb
in the that mighty oak tree
her hair blows silently side to side
dangling ever so softly off her
olive basted silky smooth shoulders
her caramel coloured eyes twinkle
in the fading sunlight
as the fireflies start to sparkle in the auburn sky
I sit quietly drinking my freshly made ice cold lemonade
soaking up all her splendor
knowing I'll be holding her tight tonight