by Connie Marcum Wong |
angst, grief, introspection, lost love,
Time is exhausting…
It lays in wait
to provoke you
pinches that part of you
that hurts most,
tears away
at your ambition,
laughs at
your inability
to stand up
and fight
futile battles
that bury you.
Try to escape,
but like that
little hamster
on its wheel
you will go
This or That, Vol 10 Poetry Contest~N/A~
Sponsored by: Edward Ibeh
The Rudiments of Wings
by Johnette Loefgren |
family, funny,
I don't want to go to heaven
I don't want to go to hell
I don't even want to go to town
to see my sister Nell.
She has a humped back husband
who hates me to the max,
he has the croup,
and fills my soup
with extract of exlax.
They have an old dalmatian,
who slobbers in my shoes,
an alley cat,they call Big Pat,
who lives on rats and booze.
They have a rabid hamster,
who crawls into my bed,
he chews my nails,
and never fails,
to piddle on my head.
But yet I do gain something,
from going there each time,
I learn to be,the fool that's me,
and love the life that's mine.
by Neal Freeland |
animals, childhood, love, red, red,
He was a little red furred devil
Into this, into that
He was a little red ball of fun
Into this, into that
He was a tiny red speed demon
Bouncing ball, spinning twister
The felines loved my little demon
Swift four-legged creature
The K-9’s did not comprehend my little devil
Taunting little musical laughter
He died of a broken heart
Bouncing ball, spinning twister
He tried to fly but Herbie had no wings
Falling down, crashing down
Herbie the hamster will be sadly missed
Swift red furred little creature
Today momma’s buying a little red furred devil
Herbie ΙΙ shall spin again
Bouncing ball, spinning twister
Swift red furred little creature
by Lyra Pendragon |
There is a vampire
in my dreams
that Sing calls
uncle tom
he treats me like
a sun indeed
he's not the only one
he sneaks inside
my tired mind
I don't know how
to sleep
and sucks the dreams
right out of me
along with memories
my mother was a hamster, man
my father was a goat
I myself am
feeling lost
like in a sinkin boat
the one I love, or maybe two
smokes salmon in the night
people know I
I love him so
but he is not so bright
he treats me like a sun indeed
and he's Not the only one
I dunno how or why or who
is able to finish this song
by Pat Adams |
animal, cute love, humorous,
Anton was a Russian hamster
Alena of the same descent
As for him there was no other
A feeling of mutual consent
In Moscow, is where they were reared
A pet store was where they were kept
One by one their friends disappeared
Tail first, which they came to accept
Then one day Anton looked around
Alena he just could not find
His sadness so deep and profound
He constantly ate as he pined
He didn't know she was quite close
Just put in separate cages
Then one day, both flew by their tails
Together a love for the ages
Alena asked, "Are you ok?"
Anton said,"My tail's kind of sore"
She said, "Of course, and I would say,"
"You are more for me to adore!"
by Caren Krutsinger |
10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade,
Surround yourself with people who have
Joie de Vivre
Joy of living
Enthuse the day
Love something about it.
If you have not found the right humans
No worries. Find a pet.
Cat, dog, hamster, something to love.
Through uplifting others
Through encouraging others
Through loving others
We learn to cherish our self
by Sidney Beck |
home, home,
Her damp books in boxes,
Lovingly dried and pressed
At home on new shelves
Survivor sparrow
One-legged from cat attack,
Nurtured in a shoe box with crumbs.
Pensioner hamster
Superfluous to school pet-needs,
Straw-warmed in the garage.
Kids from beer-bottle bedrooms
On the periphery of love,
Made central again.
A homeless home where misfits fit.
Where she laughs lightly,
New life is breathed.
by Michelle Morris |
encouraging, memory, mental health, motivation, perspective, psychological, strength,
The stories in your head
By Michelle Morris
The stories in your head
They get you turned around
Your mind's on a hamster wheel
Spinning round and round
You are not your thoughts
Yours is not those stories
You need to distance yourself
From self-sabotage; feeling unworthy
You are magnificent and magical
You are energy and potential sublime
The Universe has your back
And God's blessed your soul divine
Don't give up on yourself
Let your mind retain your brightest vision
You deserve love and happiness
For your soul is part of our collective mission
© Michelle Morris, 2023
by Rosaline Chen |
3rd grade,
I really want a hamster
I’m sure you’ll want one too
They're usually made of fluff
From what my mind says to me
You get a hamster
It would be spinning, spinning, spinning
You watch it for many hours
You’ll get dizzy, dizzy, dizzy
Hamsters love nibbling saucy fingers
Once you’re done eating
Just give the whole plate for the hamster to lick
You would make the hamster very happy
If you did it in a click
Making hamster obstacles
Will make it quick
If you make just one
Say goodbye to all the kicks
Here we stop
And here we stay
To the hamsters
And the lovely words that we say
by Shirley Hawkins |
10th grade,
"Mummy, Has the virus gone away?
I would love to go outside to play"
I'm sick of playing inside.
Even my pet hamster died.
The cat is looking sad and forlorn,
I think he's wondering why he was born.
He wants to go and chase the birds.
Outside is where this cat preferred,
How can he catch a juicy mouse,
Stuck in this depressing house.
Look at the canary on its swing,
He's too bored to chirp or sing,
"Mummy, when will this virus go away
So we can all go outside to play"
by Monulita Boey |
friendship, fun, love, pets,
Cat dog hamster
Ferret guinea pig too
A fun loyal companionship