Love Poems About Health or Health Love Poems
by Line Gauthier |
Categories: health, love, Lullaby, sleep, solitude, summer,

Adult Lullaby

In my arms you can forget your troubles
Close your eyes and leave them all behind
I’ll sway you tenderly to loving rhythms
I’ll comfort you to sweet musical perfumes
And protect you with all the serenity
Of a thousand starry midnights
Under feathery wispy lakeshore willows
That waver in cool late summer breezes
Close your eyes and leave all worries behind

posted on March 8, 2020

AP: Honorable Mention 2020

by Jslambert Mister Roboto |
Categories: allegory, fantasy, father, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, health, hope, husband, imagination, life, love, passion, people, places, romance, social, wife,

Viagra Falls

There once was a man from Niagara
whose wiener's so long it would stab ya'

but when it got little 
his pills became skittles   
until he O.D.'d on Viagra

© ~JSLambert  2011*****A classic "stiff" competitor, standing "firm" amongst other "members" in the "thick" of the competition:) hope everyone gets "a rise" out of it!

by Jan Allison |
Categories: i miss you, soulmate,

A Tribute To Darren Watson

Dearest Darren I miss you oh so much
All I want is for you to be returned to good health
Romantic writes you penned so well
Ridiculous sense of humour we share
Emails flew between us faster than Concorde
No one could make me laugh the way you do

Wish I knew how you are doing my friend
All my love and prayers are sent to you
There will never be another to take your place
So much fun being your poetry partner
Oh what a blast we had writing as Jadazzle United
Never a day passes when I don’t think of you


by Kim Merryman |
Categories: age, health,

Embrace the Day

Our days on earth are as fleeting as a shadow. Try as we might to hold onto them They slip through our fingers like hourglass sand and we grow old. Our memories fade, sight grows dim, names and faces escape our grasp. Every day we struggle to maintain our dignity. Steps grow slower, hearts grow weaker as time takes its toll. Too soon death will come calling and snatch us away. But until that day we live, we breathe, we love. Every day is a gift from God. Embrace it. 9/8/16

by Kelly Zakerski |
Categories: confusion, husband, life, loss, lost love, love, wife

Wedding Vows

Witnessing before God, and taking your vow
Enter into marriage, forever starts now 
Devoted to each other, for all your life
Desiring no one, except for your wife
In sickness and in health, till death do you part
No one should come between you, right from the start
Giving of yourself, to make your family whole.

Value the sanctity, of both being “one”
Obstacles are there, for you to over come
Wedding vows are sacred, to show all your love
Straying away, is not meant from God above.

by Silent One |
Categories: love,

Love Story

My voice was mute like featherless songbirds, without vocal chords to sing doting tunes. Sleeping spirit yearned for amorous words, composing twin flames to ignite from fumes. Glance of her eyes and embers kindled bright, like gold moonlight kissing indigo waves. Symphonic stars formed in a lonely night, as we sang among galactic airwaves. Her touch is a cliché of butterflies, her lips kiss like ballads with boundless verse. Without her I can feel my heart capsize, in sickness and in health, she is my nurse. Her name remains on the tip of my tongue, as her love completes lyrics, once unsung.

by Mark Koplin |
Categories: prayer,

Thank You Lord

Thank you Lord,
for another day of health.
More social distancing,
accompanied by vigorous stealth.

I'm thankful for you,
and your life that you gave.
Thank you for living in my heart,
and protecting me from life's deprave.

Please give me strength,
to carry on in these times.
I pray oh Lord,
please hear me in these lines.

I know I'm not worthy,
of your love that you give.
Thank you for another day,
and this life I now live.

by Flippant She-Creature |
Categories: funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, health, lost love, love, mother, parody, romance, satire, sorry,

Shall I Compare Thee To Your Mother's ****

Shall I compare thee to your mother's ****?
Thou aren’t more lovely, but more flatulent.
Rough winds do shake it; and bring on a farce
And all her clothes hath all too short a rent

Sometime too hot-headed of hell doth burn,
And often is the true nature exposed;
And every foul from fowl; my stomach churns,
By reason, or by nature's raging closed.

But thy infernal diet shall ne’er start
Nor gain possession of which now I grasp;
Nor shall we meet again; let’s stay apart,
When in eternal sounds the voice does rasp,
So long as men can breathe or eyes can cry,
So long lives this, and I bid thee goodbye.

by Miriam Bell |
Categories: family, love, sister, wedding, sister, sister,

My Sister

My sister Sharon is getting marry and I’m a brides maid I said can I say a speech but she said nay My sister is a lovely girl even if I say so my self and I like her faunas he’s got fine health So there’s my speech I love you sis and I hope you like this

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: love, thanks, thanksgiving, thanksgiving day,

Thanksgiving Day Prayer

Today, dear Lord, we gather here In fellowship and love, Mindful of the wondrous gifts That come from thee, above. For this feast, we thank thee, Lord For health, that here abounds; The love, that fills and warms our hearts- For children’s happy sounds. For shelter in our cozy homes For freedom of this land; The right to live the life we choose- For nature’s bounty, grand. These blessings you bestow on us Outshine all want and strife. We thank thee, Lord for this day, We thank thee, Lord, for life.

by Michael Jordan |
Categories: death, family, health, history, life, loss, lost love, love, natural disasters

Black Sunday {personification In Couplet Form}

I was as high as the eyes could see
A giant dark cloud of pure misery

I seemed to roll as one with the wind
A giant black wall that had no end

I stripped the land and left it bare
Of the lives I destroyed, I didn’t care

Those who stayed I covered in dust
As their children died I broke their trust

From my hell many families did flee
Left to wander homeless in misery

I changed the word these words are true 
Black Sunday brought darkness on you

I didn't see any direct link but just goggle
pictures of the dust bowl and you will see
what i have written for Brian's Contest.
The Dust Bowl - Alexandre Hogue - 1937

by Joseph Spence Sr |
Categories: happiness, health, imagination, inspirational, life, peace, philosophy, upliftinglife, love,

If Love Does Not Live (Sonnet For Celene Crescent)

If love does not live so that love may live,
Wrecked on rugged rock like a pirate ship;
Tiresias speaks to hearts—no love to give,
Darkness and void with no inspired lips;

If love is quashed short of its golden prime,
Like dinosaurs smashed by a meteorite;
Crushed from its age of blossoming on time,
Like breath strangled from life not to unite!

Then O’ love, send me Pegasus to ride,
Spread your wings—lift us to Zeus in the sky;
Touching constellations with them abide,
Creating cherished crescendos for weepy eye:

Lightning life beaming love from golden clouds
Descending passion upon earth erasing shrouds!

by Jslambert Mister Roboto |
Categories: angst, brother, confusion, family, father, forgiveness, friendship, funeral, health, hope, life, loss, lost love, love, religion, sad, social, teen, urban, visionary,

Blood Transfusion

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: devotion, friendship love, health, how i feel,

I Am Here For You

I am Here For You

I am here for you in many ways
To cheer you when you're feeling blue
With deeds and words to comfort you.

Know I'm just a phone call away,
I will send distant healing touch
In reiki that has helped so much.

Please know that for you I will pray,
Though distance keeps us miles apart
Know thoughts of you are in my heart.


by Vera Duggan |
Categories: bird, food, summer,

Pink and Grey Galahs

I see a pair of Pink and Greys
They fly on by my way
They seem to be so filled with health
To me they do have so much wealth

They're so majestic in the sky
As I see them flying by
And when they land upon a branch
It really puts me in a trance

Trays of seed I have for them
On which upon they land
Such a lovely sight to see
I could almost feed them from my hand

I love to see them feeding there
As the seed these two birds share

by Tirzah Conway |
Categories: family, friendship, health, husband, native american, passion, peopleme, me,

My Blessings...

Steven, My Love, my best friend in life,

Parents that support me in whatever I do;

My two puppies Zeus & Eos (both mutts)

My heritage of Potawatomi, Huron and Sioux;

A family willing to lend me support,

A wonderful house to come home to;

A simple world I can call my own,

My siblings, out there to help pull me through;

My horses willing and full of heart,

And all of my friends - Old and New;

My semi-good health and happiness;

And the passion that writing allows me to peruse!

by Craig Schaber |
Categories: art, happiness, health, hope, life, loss, lost love, love, peace, people

Lights of the City

Lights of the city far away they look so pretty. As I get closer your lights seem warm and 
bright as I search all through the night. But right next to you you’re not as warm as I had 
dreamed. I should never have traveled so far now all I want is to go back and just see you 
from afar. Your lights how pretty they are.

by Olusegun Arowolo |
Categories: health, me, me,

Hiv Positive

HIV Positive

I am HIV positive that I know,
But I will exercise my civic right,
As my blood continues to flow,
For my views to be heard I will fight.

Known to have been wayward and careless,
That does not mean I cannot be benevolent,
Which had made me to be fearless,
This malady has made me to be malevolent.

I Love playing poker with my dames,
After basking in the euphoria of many liquors,
which has actually earn me my fame,
Soon,I will varnish like the gas vapor.

But,the doctor told me I`m negative,
My blood was mistakenly substituted for,
Ha!this news serve as a purgative.

by Hyle Chu |
Categories: confusion, dedication, devotion, girlfriend-boyfriend, health, hope, imagination, introspection, life, loss, lost love, love, mystery, people, philosophy, recovery from..., sad

Carbon Monoxide (Co) Week 1: O.D.A.A.T.

Chain smoke until
I'm in care of the CO.
There's one left, still.
I smoke it really slow.
"It's the end," I anticipate
As the last inch evaporates.

I can't get
Over it;
It's over before 
I know it.
Butt, I can't quit.
I'm possessed with this 
Obsession; I'm addicted.

My lungs have oxygen,
Yet I'm suffocating inside.
I can't breathe again
Without my 'noxide.

by Joseph Spence Sr |
Categories: faith, health, inspirational, introspection, love, nature, peace,

Nurtured Peace

New growth of life blooms
Nurtured by water and light
Look within for peace

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: depression, life, lost lovehealth, mental health,

Mentally Decompensated

E_ emotinal outburst
M_ mentally decompensated
E_  emtionally driven
R_  room 21
G_  gurney
E_  enter the white coat
N_  nurse with pills
C_  Cody already passed out asleep
Y_  youthful love gone bad

R_  restraint bed
O_  open door _guards
O_  opportunity for change
M_  mental health gone bad~tragic

(Spent the day at the emergency
room with Cody..They sent him
to a crisis center...Here we go
again with mental health visits
and pills..)

by Hyle Chu |
Categories: confusion, dedication, depression, devotion, forgiveness, girlfriend-boyfriend, health, imagination, introspection, life, loss, lost love, love, mystery, passion, people, philosophy, recovery from..., sad, satire

Carbon Monoxide (Co) Week 2: Carbon Cabrona

Smokeless inhales hurt.
I cough tar on my shirt.
As my black lungs breathe,
Shrilling exhales wheeze.

Falls me
Down to
My knees.

The nicotine cracks
My will.
My composure

I want 
I must 
Have this.

I sink
The brink
Of madness.

by Mike Dailey |
Categories: health, hope, inspirational, life, philosophy, recovery from..., upliftingme, love, me, cancer,

The Truth

It’s true that I have cancer
Not true that it has me
For I choose to live my life
As full as it can be
It’s true they did some cutting
To get the cancer out
But I’m still fighting cancer
And it is quite a bout
It’s true that I’ll do chemo
And chemo makes you sick
While chemo kills the cancer
That’s not what makes me tick
For me, it’s love of family
My daughter and my wife
And I’ll have a brand new grandchild
And that – to me – is life
Each moment that I’m living
My love for them grows strong
And loving equals living
That’s what keeps me going on
So it’s true that I have cancer
Not true that it has me
And like a wise man said once
The truth shall set you free.

by Jslambert Mister Roboto |
Categories: allegory, angst, death, dedication, depression, faith, forgiveness, health, introspection, life, loss, lost love, people, philosophy, recovery from..., religion, sad, socialmirror,

Guilty Reflection

Looking dead at me in this smeared mirror...
a lost man
face red
and teared

stacking excuses 
the longer I stare
this stress abuses 
my conscience with a glare

a guilty reflection warns
my mind is the prison I fear
as I long to escape 
from the  hell I dwell in
right here

who have I become? 
what have I done right?
crossroads appear suddenly 
as fog fills the mirror tonight

darkness owning the room,
prefers I suffer slow
so I proceed with speed 
because it’s the only way I know

tasteless stories
flood my life’s hard bound chapters 
while this smeared mirror reflects tears
dripping from a face 
which was once filled with laughter.

by Lee Leon |
Categories: depression, health, loss, lost love, love, recovery from..., sad

No Entry Wound

No entry wound; I know inside
What should be whole is broken
Between the cracks my feelings slide
Where words cannot be spoken

Strange silence speaks within the gloom
Where memories keep taunting
A ghost sits in a lonely room
With no desire for haunting

Where once before I used to go
When I was whole and stronger
I cannot meet there with my woe
So I shall go no longer

I have no need to venture out
No wish to do so fills me
For I am empty and the doubt
Of any fullness stills me.