by Christie Mills |
family, father, love, work, father, father,
My father is a hero.
He stands so tall and proud.
His hands are firm, But gentle.
He stands out in a crowd.
People stop to Thank him.
For Freedom he does fight.
My father is a Soldier.
But he's my Dad at night!
by Arthur Vaso |
art, children, hero,
It’s all about me!
It’s all about me
I am the King sitting in the tree
It’s all about me
It’s all about me
I am clapping my hands with such glee
My subjects love me as is my due
The Royal court loves me, yes them too!
King Arthur I am, Ruler of all realms in the land
It’s all about me
It’s all about me
I am the wisest King to ever be!
Hoist ye drinks and sing me praise
The Ale-house is full, its a King Arthur craze!
Its all about me, the Poet King reciting, loud and free
It’s all about me
It’s all about me
Guinevere knows my kiss is for she!
by Keith O.J. Hunt |
hero, hope, peace, war,
Through the gates of Absalom,
steed and gate did ride,
charging fast and furious
o'er centuries gone by;
peace did shout in vain,
the Lidless Prophets...
must come again,
nigh is the evening sky
but full of hope
The ramparts held fast, ballast and beam,
cannon-fire bombasting flesh and bone,
groans of death ---
such dreary breath!
of decay centuries old
The Rose of all that is Earth,
her petals unsheathed,
torn for time ---
tear and antiquity ---
her red sheen lilts in the new day sun,
begging for Love, she asks:
Shall they come?
by Joseph May |
sea, , Lullaby,
I can soothe like a lullaby
with a soft melody
I can tickle your feet
If that is your fancy
I am the muse of the poet
And the painter's brush
I am the love of the sailor
And the sunset's blush
Creatures great and small
Dwell in my depths
If you delve into my realm
You must hold your breath
But the depths of my mystery
Are yet to be reached
Don't be a hero, stay on the beach
I can cool you down
On a hot summer day
I can reach any coast
whether it be night or day
But I can rise up in anger
just out of the blue
I can become the tsunami
that destroys you!
by Sandip Goswami |
celebrity, deep, hero, inspirational, love, poverty, sensual,
They are not rich.
They have no car.
They have no fat.
They have no dream.
They are not so-called educated persons.
They are not news.
They are struggling for existence.
They have not any exceed of life
Which is poison.
They live with their old parents.
They have innocent smile and intuition.
They created their poor house as rich home.
They are my celebrities.
But I am not communist.
by Larry Belt |
If I could be a cartoon character
Which one would I be
I thought about being Fred Flinstone
But he's too old-fashioned for me
And then there's maybe George Jetson
A man who knew electronics
Nothing like Yosemite Sam
Who needed to be hooked on phonics
And what about Shaggy and Scooby
You gotta love those scooby snacks
I've never really considered a Smurf
And their tiny little mushroom shacks
Or maybe I'd become a super hero
Who comes to save the day
Batman , Green Hornet or Underdog
Who puts the bad guys away
Maybe I'd live in Jellystone Park
Where Yogi is the king
For Hello Mr Ranger Sir
Is just the funniest thing
by Linda Walden |
kids, heaven, i love you, mom, mother, son,
I’ve seen all my life
So many people come and go
Passing so quickly
Leaving a faded memory
Of the moment we crossed paths.
So sadly I must say is true
Rarely do I see anyone
Staying around long enough
Getting to know me.
Hardly does a person stay.
You, Bubby, My only son,
The most important man to me,
I’ve come into my life only
To stay and never ever leave
Me all by myself.
So grateful to know you,
And proud as a mom can be
You’re the greatest
Young man this world has seen.
My only son, my BUBBY.
To see you smile, hear your voice,
Always fills my
Heart and soul with love.
My only son, my hero,
Sent from up above.
by Mark Turner |
abortion, baby, religious,
The Unborn Child
I wonder will they let me in?
Will they furnish me with life support?
I want to be my Grandpa's friend,
his pride, his joy, and his hero in sports.
Really, it’s not his decision
for these nine months to go on through.
Mom and Dad, it’s up to your religion
to see that I’m worthwhile and needed, too.
Oh God, I’ll make them love me,
please, God, tell them both to go on.
I won't act hardheaded, nor wicked nor will I be ,
apathetic and sad, nor gripe and moan.
I’ll lie restfully in my Mother's arms.
Please, God, tell them both to let me be
by John Lawless |
courage, fear, hero,
Boston Strong 2014
One Year Later
There is a strength in compassion,
a courage in the compassionate,
not a faint desire to be of service
but a triggered response.
There is a power in sadness,
not in the tears or deflation
but in the determination to
persevere, to rise again.
There is a force in unity,
the inexplicable rumbling
of hearts, beating in response
to the hearts of others.
There is a passion in oneness,
in focus, in belief, determination,
a love shared, nurtured, shielded,
cherished, and necessary.
John G. Lawless
submitted to - Best of 2014 – Poetry Contest
sponsor – Carol Eastman
by Line Gauthier |
adventure, child, fantasy, hero, imagination, princess, sweet love,
Once upon a time a long long time ago
Prince Aaron was riding his unicorn
When he met his precious princess
In the enchanted forests of the Ottawa Valley
And saved her from flying fiery dragons
He was so strong valiant and brave
Thus started a romance that would last a lifetime
One day they would throw the wedding of the century
But for now the prince needed to go to sleep
And give in to the dream land of elves and faeries
As mommy continued to read his bedtime story
AP: Honorable Mentoin 2022, Honorable Mention 2020
Submitted on June 8, 2018 for contest FAIRY TALE POETRY sponsored by ALEXIS Y. - RANKED 2ND
by Miss Understood |
allah, angel, beauty, deep, emotions, heaven, hurt, peace, power, prayer, true love, truth,
When your body's feeling tense,
and nothing seems to make sense.
Take a look In the mirror,
and see that you're your own hero
You got yourself from zero.
By grace through faith will keep you safe.
For anything that happens is from fate.
And loving yourself. only you can relate.
by Andrea Dietrich |
My hero has a name which has lived on
through history with great respect and love.
Though decades since his time has come and gone,
there’s no other leader I can think of
who cared so much for all those for whom he
was representing in high government.
Though poor, he rose up, and a destiny
of greatness he fulfilled as president.
A nation divided had to be kept
from separating. War had to be fought.
So many died. For that, I’m sure he wept.
Yet assassination fell to his lot.
He freed the slaves; there was no better than
dear Abe, a self-taught, honest and good man.
Nov. 26, 2017 for the Hero Contest of Silent One
by Joshua Ten Eyck |
devotion, imagination, love,
Scattered across a thousand cities
(After the last window darkens).
The moon speaks hidden fantasies,
and the sleepy sunset sharpens.
Emerging exactly in the last ludicrous light
(The dawn of you erects constellations).
Softly, with strolling lips singing spectrally slight,
the rumor of your touching exceeds all aspirations.
For blindly, as the nails upon the cross
(A dainty destroyed hero loves you).
Beyond falling for or feeling loss,
your least amazing smile will do.
So give what gives meaning to meaningful,
the life inside you undefined beautiful.
by Caren Krutsinger |
10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, feelings,
Every day is a fresh start, a new beginning.
We can reinvent ourselves
We can be revitalized and inspired.
We can instill hope and love in others.
Every face we make, every word we utter
Every movement of our eyes and smile
Can uplift and enthuse
We can indulge ourselves in positivity.
Each day is a new day.
Yesterday is gone; it is foolish to chase it.
Today is a blank computer page.
A canvas without Gesso.
What we decide to do today
Can make us a hero or a villain
Can uplift and inspire or bully and oppress
Let’s be revitalized and refreshed,
Let’s instill love and hope
by Elijah Zmuda |
blessing, celebrity, dedication, encouraging, faith, hero, leadership,
If I could go back in time;
I would rename the stars that shine.
Hercules and Perseus would be replaced;
Elijah and Moses would take their place.
The Ten Commandments would shine brightly in the sky;
Reminding us that the zodiac signs were but a lie.
God's promises would be seen above,
As a wonderful sign of his love.
When the time has passed and gone by;
Just remember God never lied.
by Nina Foster |
On the day that I first met you,
it was like, all my dreams came true,
the things you brought to life in me,
I'm so thankful for having you .......
Its like you are my hero, my lover and my friend,
for all this I can't deny,
I will love you till the end..........
If miracles do happen, and angels do exist,
then I owe them a huge "Thank-You",
for I felt this , in our first kiss...........
I can't really explain this, or how it came about,
but with your love in my life,
there will never be any doubt...........
Lets build on what we have so far and make it all
come true,
I will love you for a lifetime
This I promise you...........!!
by Brenda Victoria Northeast |
death, faith, funeral, hope, life, loss, peace, people, political, social, war, world,
You’re our hero
The poor and impoverished
Captive starving millions
Tears of anguish
Tears of dread
The cost of their Hero’s burial
Is too their debt
Their sacrifice
The living for their leader
The hungry little ones
The world watches on
In fear
My Hero gave it all
His life
A willing sacrifice
His perfect life
His perfect love
His cost
Our hatred
That we might live
His excruciating death
Has not left us comfortless
And soon to be
Our resurrection of renewal
We the loyal few weep for what we did
His life for ours
The rest rejoice because you died
The world now looks on
In fear
©? Brenda V Northeast 29 Dec. 2011
by Sarah Jane Smith |
My guy
strong and handsome
Wipes away my fears
Takes away my pain
His kiss is heavenly
His touch is sensual
Without him I would be lost
He loves me more everyday
Every day I love him more
He is my hero
All that I need
My lover
Father of my child
Just waiting for him to propose-of course I would say yes
25 September 2015
by Eileen R. Kelly |
passion, pain,
This torment...
this courage
I will be your
I surrender
this rose...
my soul feels
your pain...
my body exhausted
and drained...
I cannot weep...
for my strength
has surpassed...
this pillar I offer
a lifetime will last...
...for my wisdom to
you to your soul I speak... are not alone...
let not your love
lost in time of retreat...
...we find our truth...
in this pain - for it
is in pain it is ourselves
we complete...
a journey you need not
travel by oneself...
...hero whisperer is
the inner self...
by Rick Viljoen |
beautiful, character, encouraging, endurance, hero,
I’m a tiny human flicker
In whirling winds, losing light quicker
My flame glows glum, think I’m really done.
I’m a frail glade blossom, that in free air moves
Unexpected thundering mammals stomp with plundering hooves
I’m in the dirt, in a breathless stun.
I’m dropped in a boundless ocean
A collective being notion, passionate movement of erotion
Powerful sheet of love, hardest rocks my waves shun
Mountain of a spirit, sturdy in every little stone
Fortress of standing wisdom, timeless, never alone
Striving to transcend: hard to climb and only reached by some.
-Rickus Viljoen
@Facebook: Mr Writes
by Autumn Rain |
maybe this is our fate
but right now it seems fatal
it anything goes wrong
this love may lose its life
I have always imagined our love to remain
but then I let him in
and now that he is in my head
he is slowly leaking into my heart
I would rather kill myself
then break your heart again
he is your best friend
but he is my best interest
I'm slowly falling for him
if I fall, I fear it may break me
I need saving
but maybe you are not the hero I thought you were
life is short
live life to the fullest
but how can I
when you are stealing mine?
by Eve Roper |
"I truly believe that the featherless angels are those that God guides toward those in need, if it is a friend, family member, or stranger." Quote by poet
A dove in the sky an angelic sight
A flight through every moment of daylight.
A light drizzle of rain brought it to alight.
Not all angels on this earth have feathers.
Their warm grace fulfills, so inspires others.
To my soul their Love, they're not of blood sisters and brothers.
If I live on, or gone upon the dawn,
I won't fray or turn away from the human swan.
They might strum a lulling lullaby, but bring on
Ripen limbs of mercy, and compassion, not ever gone.
by L Milton Hankins |
dedication, hero, patriotic, song,
I love the songs of heroes
Who gave their all and more
In service to our country
They fought and died in war.
I love the songs of heroes
Who came to the rescue first
Battling the flames of tragedy
And rushing into the worst.
I love the songs of heroes
Who gave all for their families
Sacrificing for sons and daughters
Spending time down on their knees.
I love the songs of heroes
In memory of the long-gone past
Who strove for all that's right and good
To make our freedoms last.
[a repost from 2020]
by Caren Krutsinger |
10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, courage, war,
My legion whom I doth love well
Our future battle might be hell.
Fierce hostile enemy our foe
We’ll not fill our hearts full of woe.
Let’s not stumble, falter or sigh.
When we hear the Scott’s battle cry.
Let’s uplift each other with grace.
Show we are here to win the race.
Whatever happens on this day,
You want your sons to always say,
My daddy died a hero’s death.
Insanely brave ‘til his last breath.
Now please know what you always knew.
Forever I’ll be proud of you.
Written 9-9-2020
Warrior Sonnet Poetry Contest
Sponsor: John Lawless
by Zamreen Zarook |
age, angel, beautiful, beauty, body, boyfriend, celebration, celebrity, change, character, creation, desire, emotions, children, friendship, girl, girlfriend, hero, humorous, i love you, image, life, memorial day, memory, middle school, relationship, romantic, school, society, student, teen, teenage, truth, wisdom, woman, women, words, world, youth,
Fake Words – Zamreen Zarook
God have given us mouth,
Not to speak to north and south,
Tongue is given under an oath,
So it’s our duty to protect them both.
Girls chat fake with boys,
Having a notion that the boys are toys,
They often make varied noise,
Thinking to keep a trap on handsome guys.
Boys are also human being,
So it’s not possible being clean,
Things varies in the way they are seen,
So positive thinking will make you keen.
Boys’ minds are pure,
As it is pure bio,
So don’t try to pour vino,
Which will take decades to get cure.