Love Poems About Homeward or Homeward Love Poems
by Gregory Richard Barden |
Categories: analogy, imagery, metaphor, soulmate, true love,

To the Ends of the Earth

I penned a thousand lullabies 'bout you

          Yet your lashes closed, tender

     To the ends of those songs ...

You whispered sacred secrets to my name

          Tied bright bows of dalliance

     To the ends of each breath ...

Deep in your eyes my wand'ring soul resides

          For I followed them homeward

     To the ends of the earth.

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "Brian's Select 7, Any Form, Any Theme" Poetry Contest, Brian Strand, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "Pick A Title, Vol 11 - Kimo" Poetry Contest, Edward Ibeh, Judge & Sponsor.

( Syllables = 10, 7, 6 X 3, counted at )

by Don Johnson |
Categories: adventure, death, death,


Gail Doyle Contest Name Writing A Heartfelt Poem To A Soldier Soldier I am proud you went to war, to fight those evil ones, May God protect you keep you safe, Till homeward bound you come. May you sidestep death and slaughter, Return yet to your mum, And find love as you oughta, With the sound of battle done, So changed so thrust to manhood, To be the serious one, Sadness dims the dark of night, Good friends, where death has come..

by Leon Enriquez |
Categories: blessing,


Death is a pause between two worlds,
Reach that calm sea where stillness sums;
Embrace swift course in shades that swirl,
Ask to be free of mere outcomes;
Do not feel fear as death finds you.
Death is a friend that brings calm rest,
End with joy near on homeward cue;
Allow brief end to sum this quest,
Touch and feel now the light that shines;
Hope and faith know life's sacred shores.
Deep love endows what's yours and mine,
Intuit a flow that gathers more;
Enter and be one with all things,
See boundless seas of deathless springs.

Leon Enriquez
26 July 2015

by Laura Leiser |
Categories: age, city, spiritual,

An Ordinary, Extraordinary Walk

An old man takes his daily walk, his old dog limping after
   hobbling down the city streets, to where it does not matter
       familiar faces they do meet, some nod, some at times greeting.

          With heavy footsteps he goes on, gnarled hand on his cane, gripping
       near church steps, they walk by at dawn, where homeless men are sprawling
    ancient man and ancient dog, by trash cans, ants are crawling.

Through misty morning fog, the pair are viewed by God above
    heaven watches them with care, covering man and beast with love
       angels know the when and where, and guide their footsteps homeward.      

Written on 2/1/2015

by Matt Caliri |
Categories: love,


Fierce immaculate eyes
And I the round-about move-about
With circus on the mind.
You knew when to punch.
Though I changed the rules
With the touch of my palm on yours.
And then into homeward arms we fell.
Digging up the sun                    
That shone on our hearts,
Where love starts.
Not in the butt.                         
That's for farts.

by Jack Horne |
Categories: nostalgia,

A Letter To Robert Frost

My dearest Mr Frost…

I read your poem* as a boy - 
Cannot describe to you my joy
On reading of a snowy wood,
Sincerely wishing that I could
Be there in person by your side,
Enjoy the cosy homeward ride,
And see the scenery, and hear
Your horse’s jingling bells. That year
My love of poetry began
And I shall always be your fan!

* Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
For Monterey’s contest

by Tom Quigley |
Categories: boat, longing, ocean, storm, water,


Brine kisses window impermeable
Impermeable to sea’s hydration
Hydration fills the hull, so visible
Visible in ship’s flagging flotation

Flotation, bilge pumps’ precipitation
Precipitation steaming on motor
Motor caked with salt crystallization
Crystallization of need to defer

Defer to elements, a requisite
Requisite to survive the Nor’easter
Nor’easter which does not invigorate
Invigorate soul of the mariner

Mariner looks homeward, does deeply pine
Pine for his love to the fragrance of brine.

For Contest: Elements, Part 3: Water
Sponsor: Brian Davey
Chained Sonnet, Shakespearean rhyme scheme
abab bcbc dcdc ee

by Yoni Dvorkis |
Categories: devotiontime,

Homeward Bound: the Incredible Journey

In the land where ancient curses lie. I could seek my Home above the sky. I could ask these questions, meant for me: Why does lonesome fear enslave the free? Why would I traverse my lonely path, When the trail incites such fearful wrath? When all this time I knew the Hand of God. Would rescue me from my hollow facade. Would I resolve to love and not to hate, If I knew it would lead to Heaven's gate? If I knew how my heart sought better days. In time I'd leave my world of empty praise. In the land where ancient curses lie. I could swear to live and not to die.

by Jemmy Farmer |
Categories: faith, love,

Homeward Bound

The runic pattern cast upon the ground, 
That calls wandering Celt to journey home,
To sacred lands where mighty kings were crowned,
And there hearts dwell while the feet may roam,
Ancient songs of Mystery once more found.

O Celt, now sing the song within your heart,
And love the fertile lands of Mother Earth,
But leave no lasting scars as you depart,
Protect her well for future love and mirth,
Respect her mortal realms of divine art.

Form: Sicilian Quintains

by Orma Sullivan |
Categories: introspection,

A Many Splendored Thing

When you find that many splendored thing in you,
   you will know it.
But, do not confuse this knowing
   with any former time.

Cast your mind into it--as if you were
   the ancient mariner himself--
And let the line be carried deep
   and far from your sails of safety.

Listen for the voice of the albatross
   as it sings your love song homeward.

by David Wood |
Categories: beach, love,

Swansea Lovers

Night time casting shadows, all around the city
People hurry homeward, ready for the week-end
Fleeting lovers meeting, you say she looks pretty
Walking in the moonlight, something I do commend.

Starlight shining brightly, under a silver moon
Ocean breaking gently, lapping against the sand
Holding hands and strolling, two hearts singing in tune
Heartfelt loving romance, with my wife oh so grand

by Jo Bien |
Categories: loveheart, heart,

I Can

I can be the warmth of your sun 
the light of your moon 
the stardust at night 
when sleep comes to you 
the minutes in each hour 
of every single day 
a song from your heart 
over and over I play 

I can be the sweetness of wine 
refreshment for your soul 
instilling my spirit 
making you again whole 
the taste of ambrosia 
honey on your lips 
braille to a blind love 
read with soft fingertips 

I can be the searchlight you need
a beacon for rough seas 
bringing you homeward 
keeping you safe with me 
cold, wet and tired 
hungry for some peace 
a bandage for your heart 
that will no longer bleed

by Reason A. Poteet |
Categories: 11th grade, hope, jesus, love, passion,

Researching the Riddle

Lost sheep he rescues; the shepherd rejoices.
The woman stops looking when her coin is found.
The prodigal bemoans heeding wrong voices;
as hope finds an humble son homeward bound.
I propose you a riddle, hear and explore.
What when it's found is still hunted the more?

When searching for anything worth searching for,
ask the right questions as a plan you unfold.
I care I search. Which pathways to ignore?
Seek with your heart, you'll find but never hold
Zeal that prompts the searching is what frees us;
knock daily, pursue the finding of Jesus. 

written 3 January 2011 
edited 23 September 2023

by Malcolm Dyer |
Categories: family, happiness, holiday, life, love, nostalgia

Ghost of Christmas Past

I was just a little kid when you left
homeward bound for heaven on a chariot
I remember that christmas day
the day you got me y first bike
I remember the eggnog the cookies
but most iportant I remember the laughs
I remember the gifts and the whole family
I remember the feel of of pure joy
I remember the smell incense candles wine and food
the games we played and the jokes to
those days seem to never end
and yet were not long enough
for I long for you now
to embrace you once again
to say that I love you
to say merry christmas

by Mel Merrill |
Categories: love,

Too Long Away

So very far I've traveled
To this most peculiar home--
Where blindly I have wandered,
As one sightless tends to roam.
But I have been too long away,
For all there is to see--
And I have even thought to stay,
Although elsewhere I must be.
And I would climb a beam of light
Were it not for this, "the dance."
Delaying thus, my homeward flight,
For what mortals call, "Romance!"


by Heydon Bunting |
Categories: art, loss, lost love, romance, sorry, thank you, time, travel


Homeward hey?
I must say bye.
A kiss, a kiss.
This time I will dearly miss.
An earthy dreamy goddess.
For now then Im a mess
God bless
God bless

by Oliver Okoli |
Categories: allegory, introspection, life, lost love, love, philosophy, sad, sister,

Dear Sister

As a rose, 
ever so beautiful, 
ever so attractive 

Perhaps, more so, 
to wishy-washy, 
whimsical wanderers, 
than hearty-heady,

Drawn to your vivacious, 
velvety beautiful petals
Only to leave it,
scratched and scarred
As a rose, 
ever so beautiful, 
and attractive
Perhaps, thorns for protection, 
must you have

For MQ

by Leon Enriquez |
Categories: blessing,

Rest Well

Rest in the light that frees your soul;
Enter and see that splendour there;
Surge of fond sights now streams a whole;
Touch being free where angels care.
Wise ways of earth in homeward flight;
Etch a pathway in calm aura;
Love funds new birth in vivid light;
Live in pure rays in surrender.
Lovely and true that grandeur where;
Ending greets start to higher paths;
Attain clear dues in spirit stairs;
Death helps to part the well-veiled stuff;
Exit this earth to return home;
Rest fronts true birth in upper domes.

Leon Enriquez
01 April 2015

by David Smalling |
Categories: lost love,

Noto Bene

The light limps homeward
I have sundry thoughts of you
You would miss this too

The swallows calling
From the thatched roof of childhood
No moon rise tonight

Clouds are curtains here
Nor moon, nor joy can cross them
Owls mourn far away

I know you trembled
Not when sea-bound the willow wept
No diamond rot

Beautiful and bright
Are words defining coldness too
Or color of snow

My hostage thought yearns
For pillowed breast and good rest
The frail dream of you

by Davin Payne |
Categories: courage, heart, imagery, introspection, love, metaphor, sun,

She Follows Me I Chase Her West

ill wade my waist through dangers deep
to place a kiss on darlings cheek
a tropic heat and chronic sheik
she casted  gold for time to keep

when life lay heavy, cloudy grey
a rowdy way, I proudly play
to end the day with surly gaze
homeward bound brings me to bay

far as rome that i may roam
broken tolls on country roads
spire domes and desert coves
a fired oak within my own

she follows me i chase her west
nuzzled tight under my breast
strong and warm her worth no less
our cycle pines to never rest

by Kathleen Stevens |
Categories: love, nature, romance, night, me, night,

Night Is Nigh

The night is nigh with parting day
Winds blow slowly over land
As I plod homeward, my weary way
And sunset dips behind the man,
Far from the maddening crowds and stressful life
The pleasing anxious night is nigh
Leaving arms of warmth this blissful day
A kindred spirit shall be my mate
Let me see him at daylight’s break
And while the sun sets on my lawn
And as the brook babbles near my ear
My love will erase all my fear,
Gentle hands stroke my hair,
Heart of strength press me close
The more he gave, the less I spoke,
A slumberous sound and loving dreams,
I welcome night and the silent breeze,
The night is nigh, and I am pleased.

by Kathleen Stevens |
Categories: faith, hope, inspirational, romance, night, me, night,

Night Is Nigh

The night is nigh with parting day,
Winds blow slowly over land,
As I plod homeward on my weary way
And sunset dips behind the man,
Far from the maddening crowds and stressful life,
The pleasing anxious night is nigh,
Leaving arms of warmth this blissful day.
A kindred spirit shall be my mate,
Let me see him at daylight’s break,
And while the sun sets on my lawn,
And as the brook babbles near my ear,
My love will erase all my fear.
Gentle hands stroke my hair,
Heart of strength press me close
The more he gave, the less I spoke,
A slumberous sound and loving dreams,
I welcome night and the silent breeze,
The night is nigh, and I am pleased.

by Gary Dye |
Categories: blessing,

Poem of Lyrics Two Rings

Once there was a way to get back homeward
I am I said
to no one there 
Ring ring golden ring
around the sun around your pretty finger
Another pleasant valley sunday
God Bless the little man
and it burns burns burns
the ring of fire
the ring of fire
The only one who could ever reach me
was the son of a preacher man
Lord brother love  brother loves travillin Salvation show
And the thunder rolls
For to live without your love is just impossible
You are so beautiful to me
She's like a rainbow
If your goin to san Fran cisco
be sure to wear some
flowers in your hair
Pretty woman

by Justin Smith |
Categories: faith, hope, love, music, passion, song-uplifting, me, me, men, today,

Heaven Just Seems So Far Away

I hear your word and I know the truth
No fear of death in this unknown place
Sprits going to rise up across the human race
Wise men tell me what to do in my day

Heaven just seems so far today 
Lord come down take me away

Thoughts fill my head bring the once dead to life
Will there be other men of god after me
Want to feed the hungry help the blind see the word
Need to find the answers of the questions of this world

Heaven just seems so far today 
Lord come down take me away

Lord forgive us for all the sin we have had
All the bad it’s so sad but now I’m glad I found the lord
So many lost children never to be found
We are all homeward bound from here

by Leon Enriquez |
Categories: bereavement,


In Memorium 
Day 1:

Today a great man died
So many people cried
His grand legacy strides

Today both love and fate
Breezed past the weary gate
A homeward winging date

Today an era grooms
Ample boom to fill rooms
Despite this sad sad gloom


Leon Enriquez
23 March 2015