Love Poems About Homo or Homo Love Poems
by Declan Molloy |
Categories: history, remember,

Noisy Little Monkey

Noisy Little monkey

Techno junkie, clever monkey
Habilis in magic mist
Little Lucy's dream

Swingers in city sky
*****erectus being
sunlit opposing thumbs
sad bipedal thing...

Flint knapper back stabber
rapping dancer man 
tippers, dark skin tappers
ancient mountain clans

Neanderthal folk dying oak
river crashing sounds 
rumbling in that stormy pass
above ancestral ground
Searching warming grass
Silent monkeys dared 
Invented gods of love and fear
hung them in the stars

Remember fingers in winter corn
Oh warriors of the plain long lost
Sapient kings of a dying earth
just shadows in approaching dusk

by Itsoghole Solomon |
Categories: birth, devotion, earth, heaven, love, mother, tribute,

Mater Amor

Matris Dei caeli et terrae
Quam dulce, quam sancte, quam pulchra es
In quo mihi quotidie cupit
Veni ad me saties gratiarum
Illud etiam nunc in omnibus!

Solium tuum perstat in caelo
Nemo potest vincere.
Tempore evertens tua potentia est
Quisque subsunt sua.
Radix est ante saecula,
*****non capere potest.
Tua auctoritas ambit omnia,
Nemo potest ponere terminum.
Your essentia et esse est infinita,
Non est qui semper superstes potest!

O mater dolor
Exaudiat te genuit
Terra autem occiderunt vos
Per tuum, et vivam dolor in terra
Donec requiescat in sinu tuo?

by Zoe Lambert |
Categories: confusion, life, social, teenme, me,

I Learnt By Myself

Teacher, you taught me social studies;

But you never told me what this society is like.

Teacher, you taught me mathematics;

But you never taught me how to share in life.

Teacher, you taught me Catholicism;

But not about "Judas”es who come disguised.

Teacher, you taught me zoology;

But you never told me that " *****sapiens" are wild.

Teacher, you taught me arts and crafts;

But not about living, which is also an art.

Teacher, you taught me all the sciences;

But you never told me that love comes from the deepest place of our heart.


by Yudho Sasongko |
Categories: age, creation, lost love,

*****Ludens From Within

As a play, 
life moments and experiences,
antithetical to lore and summons.

Visiting the world by smiling and laughing.
All classrooms become living rooms.
Far from censorship, 
the political narrow-minded.
A sizeable sanctuary serves as a library,
the school's wings swing.

Jews cling to jewelry,
Moslem clutches the monsoon,
heartfelt and engaged.
Bnei Yisrael comes after Bani Israel?
Salam comes after shalom?
*****Ludens dances,
*****Faber flaps.

by Olusegun Arowolo |
Categories: life, people,

A Rare Kind

She is an epitome of kindness,
a canopy on a rainy day;a well in arid land,
I wish to emulate her gracious benevolent,
Orphans are feed,harlots polished and widows smiled,
The homeless are housed and hopeless hopes were raised,
She illuminates and radiates love among ants and rodents,
such unique *****sapiens!,Oh! mother nature `give us more`.

CONTEST:"Rondelets OR Simply 7 lines" sponsored by Debbie Guzzi.

Non-premium Mem

by Hebert Logerie |
Categories: cute love, freedom, hilarious, humorous, longing, love, smile,

I Miss You Only If You Miss My Smile

I miss you only if you miss my smile
I desire you only if you like my style
I always do my best and will continue to do so
You enjoy my impromptu speech and tempo
You know that I am opinionated
I express myself freely and overtly like Ed
One of my favorite politicians
Indeed, a masterly eloquent *****sapiens
I say what I have to say fearlessly and candidly
I do care a lot; yes. Yes, I do care immensely
You know exactly what to do now
Don't ask me why, what, who and how
Be very pretty tonight and do the chores
I'll be ready. Don't forget to fix the doors.

Copyright © December 2018, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.

by Les Pruitt |
Categories: conflict, creation, evil, freedom, god, heaven, love,

What God Created

Copyright © 2014

There is a Grand Order Designator
  most call ET our Maker or Creator.

LOVE, surely Lucifer and many hated
  what GOD, before the gods created.

Who were those homo-sapiens
  light-beings from the heavens?

Tumbling like a bolt of lightening
  life on Earth became frightening.

Then every effort of god-dam man
  became history in Lucifer's plan.

GOD created
  what Lucifer hated.

  from above.

by: LP

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: love,

Whoop Whoop For Love

Whoop, whoop I'm in love with love It's the only thing that really matters Everything else goes on totally unabated And can leave our minds in tatters But uttering the word love to people Most times they'll melt and blubber They get flustered and turn a crimson red Flounder like a ship with no rudder It's a basic instinct with all living things We think that we're superior It's the common bond that unites us all There's no real motive ulterior The propagation of the whole human race Is the basic reason for love But it's evolved as more in us *****sapiens As a time-honored act from above

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: love,

Whoop Whoop For Love

Whoop whoop I'm in love with love It's the only thing that really matters Everything else goes on totally unabated And can leave our mind in tatters But uttering the word love to people Most times they'll melt and blubber They get flustered and turn a crimson red Flounder like a ship with no rudder It's a basic instinct with all living things We think that we're superior It's the common bond that unites us all There's no real motive ulterior The propagation of the whole human race Is the basic reason for love But it's evolved in us *****sapiens To an act that is honoured above © Jack Ellison 2013

by Anil Deo |
Categories: absence, age, anniversary, culture, love hurts, prayer, pride,

I Tried But Cant Do It His Way

Go placidly amid the guile, ingratitude, and hate, he said
Max Ehrmann, we believe, trumpeted the peace of silence
In that famous poem, urban legend says, found in a Baltimore church
Go placidly amid chaos? Alone?  I asked even as I attempted
But jinxed myself in making a mantra of I can't do so much

Was I not made for communion? As with the first Adam, or *****Sapien
Or even Australopithecines, and *****Erectus (Handy human, *****habilis)?
We all have had our romantic moments, heroes, Romeo, Wendolene
O how I miss the angry determination and dignity of youth
Integrity before Eternity; life's increasing lessons in humility

by Ann Gilmour |
Categories: light, moon, uplifting,

Super Moon So Mesmerizing

Super Moon so mesmerizing
Do they wonder who’s on Earth
Come greet Earth's homo-sapiens

You captivate me from above
I thank you and 
I send you love
Your beam of light 
shines through the night
Super Moon so luminescent

Your ever changing girth
Every quarter a rebirth
Culminates in all your glory
Super Moon so transitory

Gazing skywards so enticing
Gently lure me in
Super Moon so mesmerizing

Late October 2018 competition
Sponsor Brian Strand

by Justin Debrosse |
Categories: art, giggle,

Robert Deniro and Me

Bobby D
You've held me spellbound, raptured, unmistakably out of my own skin, baffled, eyes
watering, teeth giggling
How do you do it?
Bobby D
Many a nights I spent wandering with thee
Brutality and Raging Bull, Repentance in The Mission, That sweet underside when we Meet
the Parents
Bobby D
How do you change outfits like that?
Tuesday you were drowning in love
By Thursday you were sleeping in death
Then Sunday we had a giggle or two

Bobby D
You presence is more real than reality 
I was sitting in school dazed like a balloon
Then you came and rescued my from my tomb
Bobby D
No homo, you presented the world to me

by Johny Roberts |
Categories: deep, desire, devotion, philosophy, poems,

Into Something Beyond Magic

And is it only us;

That turn all that we see and feel
into living breathing poetry?

The heat from the sun; 
Angels that touch our skin,

The waters of the seas;
Tears of eternity,
That give us life to speak;

And with every word,
Turn with alchemist's hands,

Flowers, trees, stars, love, pain,
Into something more;

Into something beyond 

John Roberts