Love Poems About Honied or Honied Love Poems
by Michael Grugan |
Categories: angst, death, depression, introspection, lost love, seasons,

Apart, Apart, In Ever-Dream

I come from Dawn to Night's long mile
Whose boyhood heard the songs of brooks
And mourned the sparrow's falling,
And Hope, those days did lift my wings
As lone I strode the gardened fields 
Of honied labyrinth...
Apart, apart! In Ever-Dream,
My bliss found full at giants feet-
Enthralled, bewitched at Sky's orations
Or what forests deep did tell...
And now the Day's long-bearded trek
But to endless shade proceeds...

by J. I. Thomas F. |
Categories: god, love,

Steely Love

O Lord, whose heart so eclipses my own,
it is proper for you to draw and beg
a soul to come into the light you've shown;
the seed that plants is greater than the egg.

But at my finest hour, I'm but dim -
a shadow of my Holy creator.
The love I offer can't compare to Him,
and I can't ensure I won't turn traitor. 

In clearest terms, an offer has been made,
and honied words won't cure the risk within.
In mortal pairs, a price is always paid -
the cost of loving souls born into sin.

I dare not tip the scales, my sweet dove.
If you come, come with strength of steely love.

11 April 2023

by Robert Schatz |
Categories: love, morning,

In Honied Tea

In honied tea
Sipped warm and sweet 
Steeped misty-eyed and dreamy 

In gentle light
Kissed soft and deep
In bliss lie waiting

by Jan Oskar Hansen |
Categories: blessing, celebration, cinderella, color,

Honied Fairytale

A honied fairy tale

The grass in the clearing is deep green and sweet
foxes and rabbits play hide and seek, only stupid
rabbits get caught and devoured.
When twilight falls, there is no animosity each
goes back to their hole in the ground.
Woodrats with silky four have a love life the give
birth to saccharine babies that plays with boars.
For this is a fairy tale where little girls do not cry
by the sight of blood in the snow.
A story best told when sitting by the fire and
eating chestnuts.