by Line Gauthier |
health, love, Lullaby, sleep, solitude, summer,
In my arms you can forget your troubles
Close your eyes and leave them all behind
I’ll sway you tenderly to loving rhythms
I’ll comfort you to sweet musical perfumes
And protect you with all the serenity
Of a thousand starry midnights
Under feathery wispy lakeshore willows
That waver in cool late summer breezes
Close your eyes and leave all worries behind
posted on March 8, 2020
AP: Honorable Mention 2020
by Line Gauthier |
grief, loneliness, longing, lost love, solitude,
I walk and walk
and in my mind
I walk toward
something someone you
I walk and walk
in a motion I wish was soothing
somehow it’s nowhere that I walk
never getting closer
I wonder how it is I’m walking
riding life’s evermoving sidewalk
going against the tide against the grain
never getting closer
static not getting anywhere
and not getting further
I’m left alone with my illusion
of somehow getting closer
AP: Honorable Mention 2022
Submitted on May 31, 2022 for contest A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE CHOICE sponsored by BRIAN STRAND - RANKED 5TH
Originally posted on May 30, 2022
by Line Gauthier |
love, peace, water, youth,
Sunshine glitters across the water
in a tireless playful motion, and
a dreamy hypnotic music of eternity
ripples on through my nights.
I close my eyes, transported to a dock
of my youth where soothing waves
greet me, enticing me, inviting me, rocking me.
And I abandon myself to the lullaby
that could just as easily be the arms of a lover.
AP: Honorable Mention 2023
Submitted on May 20, 2023 for contest A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE no 1218 sponsored by BRIAN STRAND
POTD May 22, 2023
by Joshua Aguire |
girlfriend-boyfriend, life, love,
Had a little too much to think
And no time to stop and drink
About troubles and toils
And unreachable spoils
And everything I ever wanted
But could never quite gain
So I should find something to hold
Before my hands get sold
Along with my dreams and intentions
And my honorable mentions
And all my stupid little rules
Against ever loving again
But if my hands can find nothing
Will you be that something?
I’ll break my nature and rules
And turn these hands into tools
To build us everything we’d ever want
Though if I just had you I’d still be content
by Line Gauthier |
beauty, dance, happiness, inspiration, music, uplifting, world,
the world craves
more artists
creative souls
sensitive antennas
conceptual skills
performing arts
artisans of beauty
the world craves
more expression
more love
more magic
your life is your gift
back to the universe
be the poem
that moves the world
Published in my 24-page photo/anthology book ~IN THE GARDEN OF MY FANTASY~ 2023
Read on air by invitation ~ July 14, 2021 'WORDS & MUSIC'
AP: 2nd place 2021, Honorable Mention 2021
Submitted on July 13, 2021 for A BRIAN STRAND JULY 14 POETRY CONTEST sponsored by BRIAN STRAND - RANKED 1ST
Originally posted on June 20, 2019
by Joseph Spence Sr |
devotion, faith, hope, inspirational, life, time, visionarylove,
The soul whom the Son sets free
is free indeed,
Unlocking the rusting shackles
of oppression,
Allowing life’s amazing grace
to shine with His embrace,
Transformation of soul’s darkness
to light’s brightness,
The uplifting revelation of God’s
truth of freedom,
His extraordinary and infinite power
shining love every hour,
Preservation and hope for life
His love abound, no strife
How sweet the sound—
Wrapped in His embrace
Singing Amazing Grace!
17th Place Honorable Mention/Certificate
Poetry Soup's International Poetry Contest
July 1, 2007
by Line Gauthier |
death, evil, grief, heartbroken, lost love, wedding, winter,
whimsical windswept whiteness
wedding weekend wanderlust
willowy wonderland waltz
wrongfully weathered woe
wintry wishful whispers
wrestling woodland wintertide
welcome waxen wallflower
weeping wheezy widow
whimpering wholeheartedly
wrangling worthless worries
wanton wretched wrongdoing
wedged within wickedness
Submitted on December 7, 2020 for contest ALLITERATION sponsored by EVE ROPER
AP: Honorable Mention 2020
Originally posted on October 23, 2018
by Line Gauthier |
age, death, fire, mother, mother daughter,
Tell me, mother
what did the fire
whisper to you
as it wrapped your frail body
in its flaming blanket
as it caressed your cheeks
and clenched your hands
as it kissed your eyelids
the way I tenderly used to
closing those deep oceans of love
AP: Honorable Mention 2022
Submitted on February 1, 2022 for contest A STRAND (1063) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND
collaboration with Chandana Ramachandran
by Line Gauthier |
confidence, faith, longing, love, soulmate, time, wisdom,
to find one's soulmate
one needs to listen to their heart
some set out for the big quest
the truth is your soulmate is nearby
your mate’s destiny is to find you
strange how serendipity works
while you keep busy being
the best person you can become
your soulmate will hover around you
like a bee to a flower
it will happen when you least expect it
when you're at peace within
you’ll recognize your soulmate
you just need to listen with your heart
AP: Honorable Mention 2021, Honorable Mention 2021
Submitted on July 17, 2021 for contest I SEE LOVE sponsored by MYSTIC ROSE ROSE
POTD - May 6, 2021
Originally posted on May 4, 2021
by Line Gauthier |
devotion, inspirational love, prayer, religious, river, spiritual, spring, water,
sung buddhist prayers
released afloat spring rivers
a skyward mist
AP: Honorable Mention 2020
Submitted on March 5, 2018 for contest HAIKU, THEME: WATER sponsored by MICK TALBOT
by Edward Ibeh |
betrayal, friendship, love, relationship, sad,
Bearing the brunt of betrayal,
his long-time lady lover leaves him
for another flame. Surprisingly saying
"I'm so sorry, Sam, we should start
seeing other people"
Broken by a brutal blindside
out of nowhere. He couldn't comprehend
the reason; the shock shook him
like a loud trembling thunder
shakes someone out in the rain
Suddenly lovelorn,
he's left wondering why.
"What did I do to deserve this?"
To add insult to injury, he learns
she left him for his best friend, Bruce.
STRAND CHOICE P,any form,any theme Poetry Contest( Winner: Honorable Mention)
Sponsored by Brian Strand
Date written: 03/24/2020
by Line Gauthier |
loneliness, longing, lost love, love, silence,
at times the emptiness weighs
heavy in my pool of wistful solitude
sometimes it’s more than i can bear
at times I listen to the silence
and how its nothingness echoes in my head
sometimes it’s more than i think i can bear
at times i crave the longing of togetherness
the gentleness of lips upon my own
sometimes it’s all much more than i can bear
AP: Honorable Mention 2022
Submitted on May 4, 2022 for contest A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE sponsored by BRIAN STRAND - RANKED 9TH
Posted on May 3, 2022
by Line Gauthier |
death, goodbye, grief, lost love, love, peace, sick,
it happened all so fast
it was a swoosh it was a blur
it was all so very intense
and I remember every minute
every gruesome detail
every awesome moment
every breath
every look
every word
every silence
I remember days
turning to weeks
I remember wanting to hold on
to never let go
I remember you fading
vanishing before us
I remember you
giving us time
to say goodbye
I remember
the peace in your heart
but mostly
it’s the love I remember
AP: 3rd place 2022, Honorable Mention 2022
Submitted on April 21, 2021 for contest ALL YOURS (APR 23) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND
POTD - February 13, 2021
Originally posted on February 11, 2021
by Line Gauthier |
appreciation, creation, god, inspirational, spiritual, universe, uplifting,
when I look up at the milky way
and the nebulousness beyond
my heart skips a beat in awe
i see the miracle of life
the timelessness of splendor
i see a grandiose enigma
the vastness of eternity
and mystery of infinity
i see the magic of creation
recognizing the authorship
of an omnipotent mastermind
in the most cosmic way
providential ubiquitous
i feel the mystique of his love
Published in my 24-page photo/anthology ~MINDFULLY~ 2021
Submitted on February 8, 2019 for contest TELL ME- WHAT DO YOU SEE sponsored by JAMES EDWARD LEE SR - RANKED 3RD
AP: Honorable Mention 2020
by Line Gauthier |
absence, death, grief, heartbreak, longing, lost love, silence,
out like a candle
in a gust of wind
there then not
taken from me
replaced by a gaping silence
a faded memory
a heartache
refusing to heal
i try to remember
the tone of your voice
of your laughter
barely audible
it’s there in the distance
out of reach
a million light years away
and i trapped on my side
alone in this realm
i now rush to accomplish
all that i must
so i may join you
some day
in eternity
AP: Honorable Mention 2022
Submitted on May 7, 2021 for contest ALL YOURS (MAY 9) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND - RANKED 1ST
Originally posted on December 2, 2020
by Line Gauthier |
dream, giving, hope, tribute, uplifting,
if I had only
one message to leave
it would be
to love yourself enough
and in such a way
to make the most
of your many talents
to pursue
your every dream
if I had only
one gift to leave you
it would be a magical cloak
to protect your heart and soul
from all disparaging negativity
so you would never veer from
living all your dreams
Published in my photo/poetry book ~IF ONLY~ 2019
AP: 1st place 2021, Honorable Mention 2022
Submitted on January 13, 2020 for contest STRAND SELECT 11 sponsored by BRIAN STRAND
Originally posted on December 2, 2018
by Line Gauthier |
death, devotion, life, marriage, time, true love,
It broke her heart
when Franco died
he’d been her soul mate
wed over fifty years
he’d been her life
For her Franco
she had a ritual
lit a candle every night
so he would know
how much she missed him
Today would be a special day
she felt it when she closed her eyes
wouldn’t be lighting any candle
she took her one last breath
set down the path to join her Franco
AP: Honorable Mention 2021, 2nd place 2021
Posted on October 20, 2019
by Line Gauthier |
lonely, longing, lost love, words, writing,
so many lines i’ve written
in the middle of the night
only to toss them
simply not measuring up
to the depths of my feelings
their dull reflections lost
in the yearning of my love for you
seeking those perfect words
worthy of wings taking flight
to find their way across the sky
where you now sleep
AP: Honorable Mention 2021
Submitted on January 9, 2021 for contest CRUMPLED THOUGHTS sponsored by JOHN LAWLESS - RANKED 7TH
by Line Gauthier |
death, emotions, grief, heartbroken, longing, lost love, sad,
going through the motions
in the silence raw emotions
AP: Honorable Mention 2021
Submitted on February 4, 2021 for contest ALL YOURS (FEB 5) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND
Originally posted on January 30, 2021
by Line Gauthier |
appreciation, beautiful, heart, inspirational, integrity, tribute, uplifting,
you are beautiful
when love flows from your heart
and kindness seeps from your lips
you are beautiful
when you reach inside
to find the best that you can be
you are beautiful
when you connect with the world
around you and bring a sense of awe
you are beautiful
when you are genuine
and with integrity share your soul
yes ~ to me you'll always be beautiful in every way
AP: Honorable Mention 2021, Honorable Mention 2021
Submitted on May 20, 2021 for contest ALL YOURS (MAY 21) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND - RANKED 1ST
by Line Gauthier |
appreciation, inspirational, love, poetry, sensual, spoken word, uplifting,
it’s the perfection
of your expression
that touches me
in the depths
of my heart
it’s the melody
of your words
that reaches
the inner ear
of my soul
it’s the silences
of what is not said
that delivers
its charm to the roots
of my being
Published in my 24-page photo/anthology book ~THE RIGHT TIME~ 2023
AP: 3rd place 2020, Honorable Mention 2020
Submitted on July 17, 2020 for contest STRAND COMPLETELY NEW (11) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND - HONORABLE MENTION
by Carol Sunshine Brown |
friendship, hope, life, sad,
Your contest I don't want to be in my friend
You want our lives to be a forever contest
Your best friend you always say that I am
Do you always need to be one up on me
I get something new and tomorrow you have it too
I get an illness and you have it or had it only worse
I say I love something and you always loved it first
I want to be me and you be you, as life isn't a contest
to me.
"The Contest Contest" of Joe Flach
Written by Carol Brown 03/15/2012
Honorable Mention
by Tim Ryerson |
for her, friendship,
she’s a faithful friend
a mentor, a confidant
a trusted teacher
of poetry forms
loyal, loving me for me
with no conditions...
on one occasion
she set aside precious time
to study ALL of my work
yes, from first to last
offering kind opinions
on what she thought were my best...
she loathes the lazy
practice of copy/pasting
bland, boring comments
or: ‘Nice work! Love it! Congrats!’
(short but not so very sweet)
enough already!
she’s funny and fun
honorable and honest
sometimes brutally...
(she knows I need it)
confidence sans cockiness
now THAT’S a lady...
by Constance La France |
cat, sweet,
jumps, plays, sleeps eats,
Meows, growls, purrs and chirps,
And I, like to kiss her soft fur;
With love.
June 4, 2015
For the contest, Cinquain
Honorable Mention
by Charlie Smith |
humanity, religious,
The morality of justice
is the light of righteousness.
Its virtue rises not
from concern or faith alone
but is driven by the needs
and love for others
and to act with compelling deeds.
It is a God given attribute.
To do right is to be righteous.
On that imperative,
the sun will always rise
on that which is honorable
to the heart of God.
The righteous are bathed
in the brightness of its dawn
and reside in the sanctity
of that divine peace...
The Sun Shines On The Righteous Contest
By Serene Roberts 04/12/2016