Love Poems About Hooks or Hooks Love Poems
by Sunlite Wanter |
Categories: nostalgia,

An Old Sewing Box

In the corner of a dark closet
Lives an old, old sewing box,
Scratched and painted blue on wicker,
With flowers on its top.

It silently holds a lifetime,
Of buttons, thread, hooks and metal snaps,
A few colored ribbons, needles, and
Half inch elastic that also snaps.

Little pearls from a baby's batiste,
Bias binding from a bib, an unused pocket,
Folded left bits of printed calico,
Rolled lace from a prom dress formal.

Remembrance of a date, school skirt, a dance,
A child learning how to sew,
A very creative mother’s love,
An old sewing box of a long time ago.

by Rob Carmack |
Categories: blessing, christian, devotion, family, love, mother, mothers day,


Still sacrificing needs for us on altars that surround your heart.
Unwavering your love and patience raising the two gifts from him.
Suspended hope in burden when life’s hooks come to tear you apart.
A saving faith beyond the sunset of your life as it fades dim.
Now left a man, to know the best in me, my mother did impart.


Form: Acrostic: Iambic Octameter

Grateful to God and my mother.  A blessing I didn’t and will never deserve.   
A love upon me that I can’t fully comprehend.

by Tom Bell |
Categories: angst, depression, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, introspection, life, love, sad,

Wine and Dine

Wining and dining,
Dancing and prancing
Hoping I'll score,
My money I'm chancing...

Desperate for love,
A body warm
All my sensualities
Begin to swarm

Peck on the cheek,
My $100 prize
I stood there still,
With glazed eyes

Inside she rushed,
With ne're a word,
I stood still on the stoop,
Like a highschool nerd

Was it my hair?
My breath?
My looks?
Does she see
My hands as hooks?

Home I went,
Head hung low,
Well, at least,
Now I know...

No vanity
Do I see...
Worthy of...
Overcoming me.

by Mohammad Yamin |
Categories: devotion, lost love, sad

On Receiving a Rose

The rose you presented on parting, my dear
This elegant gift adorns my coat collar
The fragrance it gives is of perfume you wear
Elegant like your dress are its petals in color

Piercing like your eyes it appears in looks
In your hand it shined like a star of hope
Soothing like love my heart it hooks
It ties my soul with aroma’s rope

It takes me to valleys of memories profound
The chirping of birds on a bright morning
Of enchanting symphony, of music, of sound
Clouds, rainbow and breeze of spring

Hundreds of captivating gone by days
Thousands of unspoken words, phrases
Looks and charms in overflowing measure
Vividly manifested on my coat collar

by Dominic Magofna |
Categories: lost lovelove,

Whip-Lashed Doggy-Tail

Never had a feeling
like this ever felt so degrading
back and forth with mind and heart 
continuously racing
bumping side-to-side
along the walls just grating
against with skin 
and pain eminating
from flesh, becoming bare
the eye can see what looks
to be painful as if
a bundle of hooks
tearing apart and away
the body to pieces
though still going back
still moving on
this love has in it
something terribly wrong
Why must one endure such
agonizing pain
how can one keep going back 
knowing what this love contains
whip-lashed over and over again 
and again 
crawling back towards this love
this love is a doggy-tail
wagging between it's legs

by Ernest Martinez |
Categories: beautiful, courage, emotions, hurt, love, moving on, spring,

Open the Castle Door

Sitting off to myself
She notices, sits across from me
Her smile lures me back
To the world my heart broke for
Hooks me with her glance
Looks as though she wants to talk
Is she interested
I don’t know if I should resist
But I’m scarred, eyes are tired 
Should I let you in 
And hope you won’t hurt me
Let me see what the Spirit of the Universe
Has to say about this “Open the gate!”
I drop my castle door
Look up and smile back

by Sarah Mullan |
Categories: dark, dream, allah,


Fear is a spiritual relief
Physically I am fear
Mentally I am fearless

A pulse of understanding
But will a vein transfer? 
A heart, a lung?

Taste the sweat
taste the fear
Taste the blood

Carry, cradle the bald baby
Master the meaning of love
Who said that life was a misery?

A sting, an ache, a hurtful word.
Artificial fun,
That has what has become

Horse for Beef
Beef for Horse

We are only skin and meat operations
For Allah 
Suck our pure and false blood,
A clot, a knot that ties our tongues 

This machine has turned us to metal
And dried us without pegs or hooks

All the glittery eyes
They are now colorless
Non-existent, numb.

by Jeremy Street |
Categories: baptism, love,

In His Valley the Shadow of Death

Ten thousand chains their bayonets piercing one's flesh; embedded
Spirit's these devilish hooks bereaved it's mastery ? Gomorrah, enchanted
Of baroque embellished your melodies a millstone, pulling hearts down his barracuda
Come out of Babylon, my child: Goliath, her guilotine and all creation groans their, calvary....
Keen jaeger's armament God'speed extracting thorns entangled time; tis what she's like, entombed.

by Paul Curtis |
Categories: funny

Untrue Sue

I sit at home alone
Waiting by the telephone
Hoping to hear her tender tone

But all the time I knew
It was fruitless to pursue
The fickle heart of Sue

I’ll spend no more nights alone
Waiting for Sue to phone
I’m better off on my own

So let me warn you about sue
Before she gets her hooks in you
Her love is definitely untrue

For as soon as you’re apart
The infidelity will start
For she has a cheating heart

by Daryj Samaha |
Categories: dedication, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, hope, imagination, loss, love, on work and working, religion, romance, thank you, time, visionary, wedding, wife,

Sincere Beauty

She stands there with a 
perpetual magnitude,
Vibrant as an orchid; tranquil 
like a summer breeze.
With a gracious smile she 
opened heaven gates.
My heart pounds with anxiety 
as I gazed into her eyes.
Immensely captivating like dark 
hooks for the soul.
Absorbed by her beauty, my 
mind ponders in soliloquies.
Her iris blooms sincerity 
I see my future in an instant
Tethered to faith, we become 
one in the eyes of our God.

by Andrew Fairchild |
Categories: loss, love, marriage, missing you, sad, sea, soulmate,

Sonnet 3 'How Limited the Page By Set of Sail'

How limited the page by set of sail…
I cannot come to you except, I tack,
I sail into the wind, the ropes all wail…
You’ve crossed the sea, now, and cannot come back.
Thus, Time blows in my face, bids me return,
And, there behind, a Fisherman hooks me…
The Sun, too bright, is sure my face to burn,
And all my grief is not enough to free
Me from the Veils that roundabout me swirl,
That hide you from my searching, test my mind,
To THINK!  I’m rapt, and wrecked, over a girl…
The One I Married, who left me behind
To fly into the Sun with wings of wax,
And Orioles greet…  I greet the ocean’s wracks…

by Leon Enriquez |
Categories: blessing,


Embrace the tact to be profound,
Note how good grace can be set free;
Voice in sure act true heart that grounds,
Intuit fine trace that floods life's sea;
See that you see just when you look,
Invite the soul to keep watch here;
Opt now to be bold fact that hooks,
Notice a whole that breathes good cheer.
Wise is the man who understands,
Impact the surge of finesse grand;
Speak of fond plans to frame fine trends,
Express the urge in poise that stands;
Love tells the tale in beauty bright,
Yield now avails grandeur's sure light.

Leon Enriquez
07 June 2015

by Lynn Dolly |
Categories: happiness, love, wedding,

Your Kiss

Blonde hair
Eyes shade of blue
Hug sweeps me
Never knew
Knees shake
Hearts at stake
This kind of love
No recipe can bake

Know my words
Before I speak
Always the truth
Sometimes bleak
Make me laugh
When I'm down
Know what I like
Around town

Pizza Friday night
In and Out tonight
Simple things in life
Have a sweeter bite
Your kiss
Comforts my soul
All feelings of scared
They take a stroll

Never would knew
How to de-blue
Then I decided to date you
Never didn't I have to look
Your my prince charming from all the books
I get to be the little mermaid 
And emerge from a world of hooks.

by Seeyam Brjmohun |
Categories: on writing and words

The Choir of Poets

The Soul art in poems is the wordsmiths
With sun or lamp, in light or dark awake
The chore of a doom word master locksmith
Is to capture, enchain all lone heartache

Conjure through words and sounds, magic, a spell
Images of honour, beauty and love
Or hate on the hooks of Satan from hell
Tempting unfallen lone Angels above

To write of love should we not have grieved it?
And so our world forlorn is plagued with loss
But hark take heed do not loose heart or quit
Within ourselves faith will take us across 

We must choose to see with our eyes open
Or to close them with risk of old Eden

by David Grasby |
Categories: song,

In the Way

Here I be
Fighting me
Dodging right hooks
Crossing my dreams

Here you stand 
Straight right in the way
Why do you stay
I was ready to cave
I was willing to fall
Our walls were to strong

Something made us turn
Someone guided us home
Now i lie torn
So unsure of our now
So afraid of tomorrow

And yet you stand tall
You say you won't stop me from loving you
You won't blind me from seeing 
There is more beauty then you are showing

I can't push you away
Can't force you to believe i am not worth having
But you stand true right there in my way
Forgetting the hurt i have caused

Always there in the way 
This love you share with me
Will always be my way to live

by Billy Hitz |
Categories: music,


Just sit back and play me your melody
I'm not really sure how it goes
Might be buying the lines you sell to me
So try not to bend any notes

You keep playing but you're not in tune
Out of key and the pitch is all wrong
And each verse that you ended too soon
Can be felt by the hooks in your song

And just like the poets before us
You'll have to dig down inside
To come up with a beautiful chorus
And ride the smooth flow of a rhyme

So just bring it to life with some patience
Make it catchy, something I want to hear
Top it off with some real nice arrangements
And let your music make love to my ear

~Billy Hitz~

by Veronica Capo |
Categories: crazy, desire, feelings, lost, love, love hurts, pain,

A Person's Orbs

Eyes are just orbs that shimmer colors of the soul they are owned by.

The hazel orbs of great pain stare me down,
finding me easy prey to the love craved.
Fallen to dismay, the orbs have me bound;
any hope lost for myself being saved.

Trapped in my own thoughts of him holding me,
the large lovely orbs hypnotizing all,
once more I am left roughly chained you see,
escape is not within my reach. I fall...

He gives me no time to rest from the love,
always there; my own orbs create rivers.
The orbs of an angel from up above,
I stand no chance, not a single sliver.

A person's orbs catch anyone who looks,
but his trapped me in love like deadly hooks.

by Tony Bush |
Categories: happiness, life, love, nostalgia, time, universe,


The majesty of starfish floated lithe, 
her bedded eyes of sapphire and seaspray, 
glanced a universe of promises, 
mystery in all the subtle interplay.

All the subtle interplay beckoned, 
teased of changing wishes and hooks, 
inserted the tingle in the flesh, 
her need in all the strata of her looks.

All the strata of her looks bedazzled 
a sunbeam on the emerald bay, 
bounced off the surface waves, 
commensurate in all it's ricochet. 

In all it's ricochet her echoed view 
mesmeric as a child about to fall, 
infatuates the sealing fate of love, 
the eye perceived that she become my all.

by Lynn Dolly |
Categories: growing up, love, people,

Lies Lies Lies

Lies Lies Lies

In the passengers seat
There's only an armrest between us
Why does it feel like a big vast sea
Your lies sink like a million fish hooks
You find small innocent victims, 
Shred their insides
And leave them for bait
You lies could paint the titanic with stains

You have no meat
Your eyes no soul
If I jump in
Jog for miles and miles 
All I'd find is open road 

I used to be impressed
I wanted to be like you
Your best gift?
Giving me existence another attitude

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: abortion, angst, emotions, fear, feelings, hurt, imagery,

Her Unborn Child

As a brilliant bulb lights up the room, a woman weeps as consciousness slips. And white on white adds glare to the gloom as fear spills freely from mumbling lips. As guilt seeps into nightmarish dreams, her pregnancy has her nerves on hooks. And tears culminate in silent screams, bullied by scorn and accusing looks. There's no escaping the shame she feels, ending the life of her unborn child. Though she fell in love head over heels, she was cruelly ravaged and defiled. A chill penetrates her very core as her broken heart struggles to cope. For when a life ends; it is no more, nothing’s left inside, not even hope. (Quatrain) 4/18/2017

by Christie Morris |
Categories: lost love, love, sadheart, heart, me,

Tricked Captivity

You've got to be kidding me
I thought that this would set me free
But I find I'm only well
Deeper entangled in your spell
I should have know I can't escape
Your hold on me is just to great
Your claws dug are dug in deep
Holding my heart with metal hooks
Stealing all my hopeful looks
You won my heart through trickery
So never yours will it truly be
Though also never will it be free

by Victoria Anderson-Throop |
Categories: life, people, romance,

Kiss In the Library


                      Rough-hewn scent of maleness
                      Enticed her from her books
                      Most good girls draw danger
                      Like fish to shining hooks
                      Defenses were defenseless
                      Hawk eyes that climb her walls
                      Soft breath drew in and out again
                      Bombarded with love calls
                      Gone was concentration
                      Ending with a twist
                      Safety fled through rose tipped lips
                      That tongued a reckless kiss

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: poetry, poets, write,

When You Are Old

Some poets have a mind set of old, yet some have a very young writing view. Can they wish and go dreaming into, the far off future as they become bold.
Writing away brings out a true writer, they love their many old and new books. Reading day and night helps with their hooks, becoming a true writing fighter.
In this thing we call life like reading, makes for a much better writer again. Now with some life lived and with their pen, poets can have a poem born winning.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: art,

Falling In Love With a Painting

Have you seen cards gone wild?
What is it?
An art show
No. Is it good? 
Is it ever!

I take my friend and she is enthralled.
Entranced, enthusiastic, excited.
I try to drag her out of there
But she has fallen for one of the paintings.
They are in love.

Good grief!
This is the third time this has happened to a friend.
I get a wheelbarrow, push her into it and try to drag her out.
She jumps out and runs right back to the painting.
I hate Bill for creating it.

There is something magical about it.
Something that hooks women.
Florescent colors of pink and green
Flounces of purples.
I stare, falling in love myself now.

by Pardy Mupfumbu |
Categories: africa,

My African Lovely Queen

The walls of my retina are painted your image,
Colored magnificently by your beautiful face,
Your dimples,so simple yet eye captivating,
I wish to kiss those juicy lips till eternity.
A beautiful African woman with the best looks,
Who turns my dreams into reality.
Your catchy body figure - like its got hooks,
I wish I could hold those onion' hips even after life.
The desire of my heart is to love you,
To nurture,adore and treat you like a Queen.
Your beauty shall forever rock my world,
In the woods of the most dangerous places,
I wanna walk with you assured of your personal security.
We are forever together like shoes and laces,
I wish I could kiss your whole body fraternity.