Love Poems About Hip Hop or Hip Hop Love Poems
by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: best friend, change, friendship, growing up, journey, Lullaby, mother daughter,


He’s a sad Bunny
With floppy ears
Sadly button eyes
they can’t shed tears

Bottom of the pile
New toys on top
He needed Beth’s help
To hippity hop

With imagination 
she brought Bunny joy
He was her best friend
More than just a toy

Many years now passed
Beth searches for Bunny
A gift for her baby
who names Bunny Honey

Bunny’s happy again
That fuzzy lovely feel
Hippity hop heaven
Love makes Bunny real

Bunny’s round tail
has long been gone 
But Bunny still sings
lovely bunny songs

She cuddles him close
Pets worn floppy ears
Bright Bunny button eyes
with no need of tears.

by Rahul Bhatia |
Categories: hip hop, hope, inspiration, love hurts, poems, rap,

Love Or Help

You live to love, When you love to give. That life you never had Like forever, had no wealth. Still had a hand to help. All I have is dreams for myself grand plans for world and words to rhyme with strength. The world will change, it depends on range of rage or love we raise. Well thats a phase of world, where we stay some for months, some for days or its a game we play and score to glee. All above, We live to love and we need to give.

by Cecil Hickman |
Categories: feelings, hip hop, how i feel, romance, sin,

I Was Wrong

Was I
To push love
So un-returned
At first though the love from you came later
I lost mine, rapt in imagination
So time forgot
Our passion

by Shaunda Lindsay |
Categories: garden, happiness, imagery, nature,

Spring Is Here

spring is here 
at last at last 
wind blowing clouds 
like gossamer glass 
smells fill the air 
the flowers are calling 
bees making honey 
with love and pollen 
watching dandilions 
is a glorious affair 
while slinging their fluff 
all thru the air 
It seems I'm not 
the only one 
to jump with joy 
here comes the sun 
I hop and skip 
accross a lawn 
I twirl around 
till I have fallen 
I dance a happy 
springtime dance 
lay on the grass 
where sprinklers splash 
a sweet little inchworm 
crosses my toe 
take your time little one 
just go with the flow 
my spring my spring 
is here for now 
the sun stands up 
to take a bow

by Rich Rogers |
Categories: how i feel, irony, poems, poetry, spoken word, truth,

Being Honest

Shocking as it may seem to believe,
I dislike iTunes Christian and gospel genre.
The only explanation I can fathom,
Is that all its songs sound the same to me.

My preference is hip hop and pop,
Lecrae and Andy Mineo are my tops.
I do like Ariana when listening to pop,
Mostly I rock to the Apple’s pop.

I love J. Cole’s “Brackets” so much,
I even wrote about it for my class.
So much truth exposed in the song,
It’s impossible to ignore the message.

My focus effects my reality,
I keep Jesus as my centerpiece.
Without him, a me there wouldn’t be,
Connected like the roots of a tree.

by Janis Medders Tobechi |
Categories: emotions, love, memory,

Love Sonnet

Love Sonnet
The old heart flame that gets us in the groove,
comes when we hear or see the one we love.
It makes us hop to feet and start to move,
like nothing on this earth or ere above.

We choose it over all from first till last,	
and hope the love turns out for utmost best.
But love that fires too quick burns up too fast,
and time is still the one and true fine test.

For hearts on one accord it’s a great thing.
Now all can open up and hold their “Hon.''
To those who share it hits its height in spring,
a tide of passion, glee and just plain fun

When love and old flames often come to mind,
one stops and smiles to think of that fond time.


by Maleiah Ewert |
Categories: best friend, dark, deep, depression, first love, love, love hurts,

Tethered To a Moment

You keep me running around,
on this never ending merry go round.
The carousel stopped,
and I hopped off.
I began to get sick,
so I thought really quick.
One more time on the merry go round,
will help my stomach settle down.
I tell the conductor one more time,
he said, “that’s okay there is no line.”
So, I never hop off no matter how dizzy I get,
because once it stops,
I know I’ll get sick.
This isn’t healthy,
but that's okay.
Maybe one more time will take the pain away.
We’re going in circles,
just like you used to say.
One more time on the merry go round,
will make the pain go away.

Tethered To A Moment, 08/23/21

by Jason Schropp |
Categories: business, conflict, freedom, grave, money, power, symbolism,

Hip Hop Won'T Die

some days I'm neither decisive nor constant still in mid step advancing parallel combining 
 due stress pre-tense in depth, feign fair, fair is not love nor hate,objecting 
 lines turning war torn due reputations proceeding by stride and sweat pourn ,
 but the clocks  harder at  self gaining advantage and foolish lost to 
 insincerity,  caused by quotes barley  examples of thought misunderstood .

by Mary Susan Vaughn |
Categories: animal, best friend, death of a friend, dog, love, poems,

Sit By My Side

Sit by my side and lick my toes, 
Or stick your nose in my lap. 
There never could be time for woe 
Not even time to nap. 
Your tail wags fast and furious, 
And you hop about with joy. 
Looking up at me and smiling, 
Like a kid with a new toy. 
I love you like you’re family, 
and look forward to each day. 
A love so unconditional, 
There’s always time to play. 
Our time together may be cut short, 
For life sometimes is not fair. 
But you will always have my heart, 
Devotion, Time, and Care. 
-       Mary Susan Vaughn

by Kurtis Scott Aka Curtis Futch Jr |
Categories: adventure, fantasy, boy,

Hip Hop and Homeboys

we all love rap
its music in the lap
its begin with bop
also pop
it was like a new toys
in all its our ball

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: angel, beautiful, love, sky,

C L O U D S - the Hop Scotch Style


Clouds are nice and take many shapes
If you don't believe take a look
They travel fast and can reshape
Clouds I see like a picture book
Sometimes see angels or an ape
Observe in sky they can't escape
They're great to watch from site or nook

Clouds fantastic God's  creation
Benefit man are here to stay
They're like marshmallows in motion
Moving fast or slow in clear day
They look so soft and bring emotion
Clouds bring rain can cause commotion
But they're fun to watch any way.

Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000


by Mary Jane Randall |
Categories: anger, best friend, betrayal, care, funny love, hip hop, spiritual,

Empty Words

Did you hope I wouldn't notice you gave me empty words to drink?
well my tongues tasted more lies 
than you would ever dare to think of.
You're not the only one with truth like poison in their veins.
whose ribs are shaped like cage 
holding tightly to the pain 
I knew even touched that wretched cup 
pour a glass of words to cover what you hide 
perhaps don't leave your secrets clinging tightly 
to the side 
but then again empty words.

by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: cute love, funny love, humorous, love, romance, romantic, word play,

Just a Couplet of Lovers

Just A Couplet od Lovers        by JTCurtis   Oct 8, 2014

As I hop upon my Metaphor 
I hope I still have Rhyme
I need to make the last Quatrain 
Which leaves at ten 'til nine
My Haiku's waiting for me
I Lyric her so much
That I, bought a mixed bouquet for her
Of Triolets and such

A gift wrapped Box of Canzone
I know she'll like to eat
Those Blitz', Choka, Clerihew's 
Are Villanelle sweet
One day I hope to buy her
A huge Diamante ring
And List forever, in a world
That's Free Verse-ever-ing

by Keith Baucum |
Categories: community, culture, dedication, hip hop,

Blue Love - North Carolina

Blue blue blue blue blue blue
Dressed in blue banging North Carolina 
I'm a blue dog I'm a blue dog I'm a blue 
dressed in blue banging North Carolina 
yeah I bleed blue yeah I bleed blue yeah I 
bleed blue
Blue blue blue blue blue blue
I bang my North Carolina State you see 
my North Carolina hat nothing but that
NC state the dog is off the chain the dog is 
off the chain the dog is off the chain
Blue blue blue blue blue blue
written by Keith Edward Baucum aka Red 
Seven  aka The Brown Philosopher aka 
The Green Poet
I wrote this when I was stupid

by Kurtis Scott Aka Curtis Futch Jr |
Categories: fathers day,

Why I Love the Cold

your wear 
you look like a bear
you walk and talk
 shop   and hop
kiss hhug in aparking lot
and have  acuor soup bold

by Donna Bellfluer |
Categories: car, color, hip hop, jesus, july, love,

The Job of Paint Is That of Cream

Yes, Friend

cruising in the manner of an expert...
jaguar thats aquired that of the complex features.

similar to that of a racing team.

freshly painted, with the color of fallin snow.

the inside is creamy.

by Patricia Bernard |
Categories: allusion, animal, dog,

I Am Not Weak

As I look around I think that I have found
a place where I can be free
I really don't have to be me
If I were me then nobody could see
I can hop a ride on that man's side
If they look hard they might find where I am 
for I am not of any size to the naked eye
As you see I am just a flea
I get evicted off of dogs and sometimes I am sucked up from the carpet
anyways I just love your pet

by Guru Jad |
Categories: happiness,

In Glee

When hearts are torn in sorrow
And days await weeks to borrow 
A scented Eurasian herb called yarrow
I stand afar in glee;

When blessings are so nearby in mass
And hedgehogs hop upon the green-grass
On a melody for a dancer trying a chasse
I stand afar in glee;

When love is the surname of every being
Shimmering sincerity and guaranteeing
Its rank in holiness and power of freeing 
I stand afar in glee! 

© Guru Jad 2013

by Matt Caliri |
Categories: funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, happy, happy,

I'M Not Five

I was going to jump on the bed at midnight
While she slept to wish her a happy birthday.
But she looked so asleep and it was so quiet.
I did it anyway because it's funnier to go through with it.
It's not like I'm throwing a nerf ball at her head.
So I get my knees on the bed and hop up-and-down
And "whisper-yell," "happy birthday happy birthday."
And she's not upset, in fact, she's giggling. 
And she whispers to me that she loves me.
I whisper to her that I love her, too.
And I leave the room with the bed
I just jumped and sang on.
And I'm 32.
I mean it's not like I fell off the bed
While jumping and hurt my head.
And made an owie.
I'm not 5.

by Cheyenne Nienhueser |
Categories: beautiful, dance, happiness, how i feel, i love you,

Always Thinking of You

Not being able to forget the  wonderful,
enduring love i have for you.
A graceful head turning hip- hop
Dancer always turning heads wherever you go,
it usually makes me want to melt like snow,
Now that your gone 900 Miles away,
 my heart is always and forever thinking of you,
Praying that I'll get to see you soon.

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: nostalgia,


Isn't this a sweet picture my friends Sipping sodas after the hop Much too young to remember this music Doo-wop was Mom's and Pop's Was just a wee tike in diapers then Sucking on my thumb Still was quite the ladies man though Traveling around on my bum Seem to be picking up negative vibes About what I'm saying here Have I ever lied to you people before I'm not giving you the gears Okay okay I've decided to come clean Sipped sodas after the hop That's where I met my first true love First ever to say 'doo-wop' So beat me up with a bunch of wet noodles I've led you poor guys astray My evil twin is now running the show Lost control of what I say © Jack Ellison 2013

by Jean-Pierre Gregoire |
Categories: devotion, inspirational, life, love, passion, romance, song-

Trolling For Love

I'm floatin in a boat,
in the middle of the sea,
and I've got my trusty fishing rod with me.
I'm trolling for love, 
sweet, soft and demure,
so I cast our my line, 
and my heart is the lure.
come on precious mermaid, 
come hither sweet girl,
hop into my boat, 
and lets give it a whirl,
with our wing tips igniting, 
and our eyes brightly glowing,
deep passion pulsating, 
sweet liquid love flowing.

by Sebastian Aaron Baez |
Categories: art, music, nonsense,

Putting On My Sunday Best

spinning top
beat box
rocking body pops
stone cold spitting hot
to melt
personal imprisoning locks
shatter negative 
mental mountain rocks
with uplifting 
positive fountain thoughts
written down like
sporadic quantum physics chalk
oh my
I love the way he talks

graffiti addict
hip-hop fanatic
student of poetry magic
the type that weaves together
computer generated space fabrics
underground cult classics
eating a bowl of chex mix
handsome devil
passionate rebel
honey pie cuties blowing me a kiss
constantly catching butterfly lips

by Faith Carmichael |
Categories: cute love, funny, happy, jealousy, love, music, smile,

Concert For One

You ask me to come to one of your gigs 
Every Thursday over a pint at The Hop 
I politely decline 
Every Thursday 
You sat there dressed in plaid and denim 
Your lips curl over the glass 
Well I couldn’t possibly watch 
Them curl over a microphone 
In front of all those people 
I prefer a concert for one 
Sat in my backyard 
Dancing to songs of your travels 
With cigarette in hand, 
The only one listening 
Selfish I know 
But you make me that way

by Vanessa Brown |
Categories: music, love,

Hip Hop


Hip hop is what I love 
Hip hop is what I feel
Hip hop is what I know
Hip hop is what I do
The love for hip hop is what I have
Hip hop makes me want to party
Hip hop is what I will love forever
Hip hop

Vanessa N Brown

Copyright ©2005 Vanessa Brown