Love Poems About Hospitals or Hospitals Love Poems
by Hebert Logerie |
Categories: christmas, dream, happiness, music, poems, prayer, sad,

Not Everyone Is Having A Merry Christmas

Not everyone
Is having a Merry Christmas
Not everyone
In the masse
Is enjoying a happy one.

Many are attending masses
Many are shopping in the malls
Many are suffering in the hospitals
Many are busy in the classes.

Not everyone
In town
Is having a Holly Jolly Christmas
Not everyone
Has a crown
And a palace.

Many are sad
Many are mad
Many are carrying a cross
Many are sick and lost.

Christmas is about doing our best
Christmas is about working with the rest
Christmas is about Hope and Peace
Christmas is about Love and Feast.

Hebert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.

Hebert Logerie Saturday, December 24, 2016

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: analogy, dark, freedom, self, strength, tree, wisdom,

The Promise

Sometimes love
is not my first impulse,
guts and bandages
a lethal cocktail
for the heart;
when good-times
have lost
much their appeal,
one never seems 
too old
for heartbreak--

A great deal of my life
spent in hospitals
and transit vehicles,
counseling the poor
and possessed;

I think, for me
a hillside
as did Frances,
were those friends
not so difficult to pin down 
most everything now-days 
subjugated by lawyers—or a lounge chair
at the foot of an old fig tree
in my yard (we have
a shady bet between us
about longevity) 
my personal preference
to warning bells
and the hiss of fake air,
while his aversion
to ants vs firewood--

we have
a promise.

by Bernard F. Asuncion |
Categories: life,

Next To Impossible

Next to impossible
Is counting the stars above; 
Just like the countless words
Told and written about love.

Watch the white lines
In the middle of the road; 
Yes, they are passing by
Like unlimited text load.

The elegant electric posts
Standing by the roadside; 
With millions of lights
Shining at night with pride.

The waves in the ocean, 
Rolling by successively, 
You cannot interrupt them, 
Like the wind over the sea.

Medical centers and hospitals
May stop the painful cry; 
Yes, they're somehow helpful
But even doctors do die.

Riches and wisdom abound, 
Technology is incredible; 
Escaping the cessation of breath
Is next to impossible.

by Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris |
Categories: encouraging, inspirational,

What To Search On Earth

What to search on earth
When it comes to continue searching the truth, 
I Care I Search....heavenly  truth on earth. 
When it comes to search for people in troubles 
I care I search .... in different streets and hospitals. 
When it comes to search for some haters 
I care I search .... going up the mountains, 
coming down the valleys preaching peace
and love in different places. 

Why not singing heavenly  peace?  
What stop you to sing heavenly peace daily? 
What stop you to wish peace to other people? 
Say  loudly , "I care I search ... heavenly peace mostly." 

Continue searching  the  kingdom of  God,
it is always the  best option in the World.

First place in Contest.

by Roses Roses |
Categories: depression, metaphor, poems, poetry, poets, relationship, write,

Toxic Relationships

You made my love a convenience just needing me whenever you want me
used and misused, selfishly
I knew there was something fishy 
But I didn't want to explore the fish in the sea
But now I see what you truly wanted I just refused to believe
Why do we let others continue to hurt us when we know their intention was never to heal
You got desires 
Using me like a spare tire, there's only one 
In case of emergencies 
I have an emergency but hate hospitals 
And I can't seem to figure it out myself 
What to do, what to do
Guess I'll continue to let you choose 
Because being ignored is worth less than being used 
p.s. at this stage I'm confused...

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: time,

the clock never stops

The clock never stops
Car crashes happen
Babies are born
People fall in love and die in hospitals
Grandparents divorce each other
The world keeps going
Through sorrow and suffering
The clock never stops

by Robin Davis |
Categories: hello,

Happy Holidays

Hello to everyone at Poetry Soup

I wanted to wish you all a happy holiday full of joy, laughter, cheer, happiness, good times and friendship

Sorry if I have not been posting or responding a lot lately.  Been living at doctors and hospitals

But promise to be active again soon

Holiday Hugs and Love to y'all


by Jagdish Bajantri |
Categories: 7th grade, birth, first love,

Jagdish Bajantri Puran

Jagdish bajantri puran 

When the time even not been started there was just a gandha time passes and that taking a change and converted into a form and taking the source of energy that present called as air now as same as what we used that's how we grow 
So on one day I think as there was no way to express feelings that time om started and for that voice comes once after wards maan origin now I thought to divide my self and lord Shiva divided them self in two phase of energy I give my maan which also means soul to parvati devi from now life brings many chances rest is your research....... Be safe with atmosphere of hospitality of hospitals

With love All 
Jagdish bajantri