by Robert Uy |
lost love, sad,
Where once I could only taste
Sweet as sweetness should be,
Now there is only but
A sense of hostility
Towards me.
Perhaps you should but could not;
I say, “please, ” but you would not
Say goodbye.
Now you say it is not over
And that I should wait;
So I do so,
But is it in vain?
Like in slow motion,
Falling in mid-air,
Faster and faster;
Till the ground meets me
And my body shatters and breaks.
It’s been so long since I last saw you,
My heart is now cramping in ache;
But the ground has not yet met me,
So as you say so,
Here I lie and wait.
I miss you,
And shall keep missing you,
Till the time comes
When I will miss
Missing you.
by Sotto Poet |
analogy, confidence, death, inspirational, life,
Written: December 03, 2023
It is either life or death
But there is also controversy
Within the boundless
Accrual occurs as well
There is either love or hate
Who might control it?
Is verity
One can be either first or last.
There is only a disparity
And who would be in charge?
assists the vast majority
There is both space and time
Only drowsiness in between
Things are wild and free
Have vastness.
by Monique Mcdowell |
black african american, inspirational, peace, hope,
Who are you to dream of chains
And yet proclaim of victory
How do you lie in chains
And yet stand in liberty
When do you pay a debt
That must be paid
What makes you forgive a debt
That must be forgave
In a time of hostility
With the trembles of an oncoming war
You held it in and did not cry
As long before
Your face remained
Lifted toward the sky
Your fire within made you an enemy
Yet a much needed ally
Your words gave peace to those deeply wounded
By the treacheries of man
Your joy gave hope a new mission
Thus hope called love again
Love answered
And summoned faith to come
Faith remembered your prayer
And gave birth to freedom
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
hate, life, war, world,
HATE is a very strong word I like the soft words
HATE is awful why not show consideration
HATE leads to unrest I like the peace
HATE leads to hostility friendship is a joy
HATE means war why kill, when we can love
The world is full of HATRED let`s share the world with happiness
A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
28.July 2012
by Dwayne Bailey |
family, father, husband, mothermom, me, mom,
When two people say I do,
they become apart of another family;
Often times the transitions hard,
and there is hostility.
One often finds it hard to accept,
the in laws for what they are;
Some can be mean and some seem nice,
some are just plain bizzare.
For me that has never been the case,
I loved mine right from the start;
My second Mom and Dad are great,
full of love with generous hearts.
They always made me truly feel,
that I was indeed their Son;
Around them I was always safe,
and together we always had fun.
I wouldn't trade my Mom and Dad,
for money, silver or gold;
For I have been blessed with two of the best,
may the truth be told!
by Felix Abbey-Mensah |
inspirationalheart, angel, angel, heart,
Deep down the abyss of my heart
An Angel resides in one small part
Singing a Melodious and Magnificent tune
And filling my entire heart with an unimaginable dune
A dune of harmony and untold tranquility
That I wish my heart would never create an atmosphere of hostility
To prevent this wonderful orchestra from fulfilling its divine purpose
My heart has finally found its lost joy - I suppose
I pray this Angel resides in a much bigger part of my heart
So its love and knowledge to others - I shall forever impart
by Brian Chung |
blessing, education, spiritual, spoken word, stress, wisdom, words,
My translation of calligraphy by Ven. Master Chin Kung:
Face difficulty with liberality,
Face hostility with patience,
Steer through scrambles
With leisurely grace and pace,
For peace is found in temperance
And the love of excess speech
Is the root of every calamity!
All rights released into Public Domain
by Sima Mittal |
hope, inspirational,
I can see both but what do I choose!
The pain’s is the heart,
but so is the love!
The tear is in the eye,
but so is the sparkle!
The noise is heard by the ear,
but so is the music!
The curse is spoken from the mouth,
but also is the blessing!
The slap uses the hand,
but so does the prayer!
Where there is hostility,
it’s upon us to choose Harmony!
by Gargi Saha |
The driver, shopkeeper, sweeper remains the same
What changes is the colour, costume, language
Somewhere respect, somewhere neglect
Somewhere love, somewhere hatred
Somewhere master, somewhere servant
Somewhere hostility, somewhere attraction
Somewhere tranquility, somewhere restlessness
Everything decreases with increasing marginal utility
And it meets the silent horizon
All changes soon
No certainty of the future
Man exists in the past and the present
Civilisations too melt into dust
Soul captures the reality
And preserves it as monuments of untarnished artifacts
The imperishable pearl.
by Tim Smith |
drug, fun, pain,
He told me " the pain is all in your mind"
So I hit him in the head and said "it's in yours now too"
Deep breaths and bitten lips
as I try to walk away
one more pill to dull the pain
how long can suffering stay
opiate receptors relaxed
there's a soothing in the air
calm has flanked hostility
and lies within the fear
barren paths of crisis crossed
where love has up and gone
filing out in feeble steps
no one's won or lost
by Sirajali Rawat |
peace, world, planet, prejudice,
unveil the curtain of peace
let it shine out to wipe out the world ills
purify the earth like our beloved prophet did
sending its scent to all the races, gender and creed
plant its seeds in every tyrant, hater and oppressors that exists
beautify it with passion, love and hope and watch it lit
let it dwell on this planet until its extinct
eliminate the world-poverty, hatred and insanity that roam our streets
welcome it in our lives with no hostility
bring the nature to our doorstep and unite it freely
abolish the jealousy and prejudice
spread it vigorously and witness it embrace the world vibrantly and in ease
by John Kazadi |
As I am walking in this volcano
let my wings alone burn into ashes
My bones can't afford vanishing like smoke in space
As I stepping in this road
led by my dead self heading south
let my heart speak and my lips clap to your heartlessness
As I am waving for the last time
maybe the last last time
let my pale palms preach peace
As I am going down this hell
well, you might follow me as well
Let your free soul
find love in your hostility
by Kathy Guerra |
love, peace, heart, heart,
You came in my line of sight and I knew I would appreciate you right. Your heart was full of untrust, worry, sadness unseen... I became enraged for anyone ever treating you unkindly, or mean. Years pass I gave you part of mine... I SO DO NOT apologize for your vision became clearer when one tried to rob you blind. You had a heart of hostility I embraced it with pure love that you have not even known
by Dr Hitendra Mehta |
Engage yourself
Engross yourself
Fill moments
Feel movements
Hate or kisses
Hugs or misses
Apathy or glory
Love or hostility
Flow or blockade
Plinth or facade
Uncover yourself
Discover yourself
© Hitendra Mehta
by Atef Ayadi |
art, love, passion, philosophy, , literature,
The outer layer of my dreams
Are taking me
Toward the desert,
To build and ancient town;
I will called the Republic of love.
In this town, the only religion is love
Bearded people are clowns, and
Children are gods,
Men and women are racing and competing for fun
In this town, art and literature works are the only goods
You should be proud of.
In this town,
Fear is an abstract natural painting
Drawing by the gods
Hostility and war are a poem fighting for its birth.
In the Republic of love, if you sow a tree
You are eligible for love.
The bottom of my dreams
Are clear and firm,
They are taking toward
by Nwando Obianyor |
childhood, education, family, children, friendship, imagination, life, child, child,
If a child lives with critism he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility he learns to fight.
If he lives with ridicule he learns to be shy.
If he lives with shame he learns to feel guilty.
... But...
If a child lives with tolerance he learns to be patient.
If he lives with encouragement he learns to be confident.
If he lives with praise he learns to appreciate.
If he lives with fairness he learns justice.
If he lives with security he learns to have faith.
If he lives with approval he learns to like himself.
And, if he lives with acceptance and frienship,he learns to love.
by Lukman Nurudeen Adeniyi |
humanity, inspirational, peace,
Till the End of Time
Show empathy and kindness to humanity
Love for all, abhorrence for none,
That is how we uphold peace.
Life's not for war, bigotry & hostility
Treat people with virtue as one
Spend in charity not negative things.
The trespassers never thrive throughout eternity!
Serve humanity, all to be done
Likewise forbid evil, and enjoin justice.
© Lukman Nurudeen Adeniyi
by Anita Harris |
abuse, child abuse, hate,
Life of me is what you'll see.
Darkness encamps my soul
Foul torture an never ending pain
surrounds the life I live.
Power an Rage comes from the
ones who was to love you,
but anger an hostility is all around.
Mommy says I was the biggest mistake,
Daddy gives harsh punishment in the night
Crying an Tears are not to be seen.
Beating an Lashes are always done
one by one.
Silent heartbeats flutter my chest
as I try an get some rest.
Praying tomorrow will never come
as I pretend to not be me.
The chains on my feet an hands
have become heavy to hold.
As this room is so very cold.
Dried up blood upon my face
as my heart begins to race.
I know what lies ahead for me today.
by Goldie Uttamchandani |
angst, betrayal, lonely, lost love, people,
The bad love.
Dragging luggage you unpack without permission in spaces that need air.
Bad love.
Allowing flowers to grow and then thrusting emotional thorns at one another. Wearing an armour of defence to bed every night, shedding debris of submissive hostility on the sheets.
Bad love.
An accumulation of silent swallowed words that have otherwise lured themselves dirty on the curtains.
Bad love.
Doing a spring clean every so often and breathing life into this love, whilst keeping those bullets of resentment tightly loaded into our revolvers, just in case.
by Christopher Flaherty |
cute love,
I bought the watch I wrote about in my dream
I have it here at present with me
I wear it on my wrist
To remind me
Of what I am not quite sure
But the price will be worth it
I fear
If I can find it or comes to me 1 Day
And at very worse
It reminds me non the less
So 2
Time itself has a Face
Ever changing
For moments such as this
When Time Stands Still
And Temper's Meaning
Call's an end to hostility and all who sorrow
Come the Nightingales birth
Chirruping on Solent Monolith
Angel Feathers shall Disperse
And Release Lighting Dove's
Unto a Univese we Choose
by Luckson Mupakamiso |
The folly and pain of war,
should not be your aspiration and goal,
with love embrace all,
everyone is obliged love to know and show,
opening every closed hostility door,
for love go......
Luckson Mupakamiso
by Caren Krutsinger |
10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, parents,
Many do not realize how
difficult the world is today.
So many decisions, hostility,
incredible amounts of anger
and sadness. If we did,
could we let our children go?
Could we release them?
The best we can hope for
is that they will bring their
torn and ragged egos and sorry
spirits back to our nest so we
can give them enough encouragement
and love to face the world
another go around.
Is it enough?
It has to be.
by Dedu Son |
The opinion of and worship of a controlling power,
The belief in and worship of a god or gods;
With designated behaviours and practices,
Disciplined by priests, preachers and other sods.
Love and hate, animosity and respect,
Antagonism, enmity, loathing and hostility;
Desire, warmth, ardour and passion,
All of which created by religion’s antipathy.
Jealousy, grudge, resentment and covetousness,
With malignity, spite controlled by enviousness.
For like us minions.
by Lawrence Hoffman Sr |
your eyes.
how do they see me?
not as a select few see me.
the eyes you see me with.
hostility in those eyes.
grudgeful eyes.
i hear the grudge.
the grudge in your words.
why cant you see me?
see me with their eyes?
see me with love.
with happiness.
with support.
i see none of that.
none of that in your eyes.
i beg you.
see me with different eyes.
eyes like those.
those select few see me.
my final plee.
i beg you.
change your eyes.
by John Sensele |
The forlorn love, torn from a lonely heart
Growing weary, vowing in infatuation to play no part
In home hostility and usurped utility
Scorned and shorn of humility
In matters too sad to contemplate
Fills cavities and oddities on her plate
Teeming with a chequered record
Knows neither peace nor accord
Tears snippets from a love landscape
Demoted and rooted in an escape
From commitment and appointment
With stability in a relationship ointment
That weaves eaves of care
With leaves daring to pare
Indifference from a couple
Metamorphosed into a tequila tipple.