Love Poems About Hours or Hours Love Poems
by Francis J Grasso |
Categories: devotion, joy, love,

Martha's Poem

I will love you like tomorrow Like the days that come to me Like the warmth of summer sunshine Like a wind that blows me free To hear the song of nightingales Beneath a crescent moon To share each simple pleasure On a rainy afternoon In the silence of a morning Deep within a restless sea Walking through the darkness And with everything in me For every precious moment That lives in effigy Love will grow within my soul To reach eternity And when we gather moonbeams After twilight steals the hours, Sleep with me through endless days Among a sea of midnight flowers.
written Aug 23, 2018

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: feelings, longing, love, teen love,

Stardust In Dreams

Stardust dreams of you in my teens remain 
sacred in hours spent wishing you would be 
mine to cherish, to kiss, to love. It was not to 
be but your handsome face still lingers in my 
thoughts, in church choir songs where you 
gently reached out to touch my long auburn hair. 


~Third Place~
STARDUST Poetry Contest 
Sponsored by: nette onclaud 

by Elaine George |
Categories: death, lost love, love,

In the Autumn of My Life

I walk
through flames
of autumns’ sweet refrain-

That break beneath
a weight too much
to bear-

I tread in solitude
and mourning there-

Along a path 
of maple trees
and scented air-

I recall the life 
that we once shared-


And in 
the twilight hours
I see
the beauty of it all-

In every
autumn leaf
that softly falls-


In loving memory of:
My Father  - Harold George
Oct 27, 1927 - August 11, 2003

by Pace Ink-U-Script |
Categories: love, romantic,

Unfettered Love

Beneath the lasting hours of nightfall within our private dwelling;
naked feet waltz about the harmonized
silk petals eleven steps
onward to that of 
the flat-bottom 
in the
crystal foam
by shadows
of flickering
and two
wine glasses
teem with Champagne.
The temperature arouses
both temples, allowing entry for torrid love.
Precipitating...Evaporating indiscriminately...Sigh...Our hearts now set to rest.


by Dale Gregory Cozart |
Categories: fruit, imagery, lost love, metaphor,

Sweet Citrus

I kissed July's hot tangerine lips
swam in cool aquamarine eyes
basked in blond and honey rays
dreamed in mango pomegranate sunsets 
of lime hillsides and marmalade roses
Years of sweet citrus passed in golden hours

One day I woke
to find translucent eyes 
in burnt sienna
as trees wept leaves
in burgundy and olive
Soon the eyes
were frozen in powder
Ashen shadows blew
across barren groves
of spindled spruce
and howled 
with December's lonely moon
But from my fire lit window
I hold fast to memories
of daffodils and oranges
mingled with the burn
of lemon tears


by Sakshi Singh |
Categories: boyfriend, change, feelings, girl, i miss you, love, teen love,

Sometime Instead of Pink I Like Red

Sometime instead of pink, I like Red 
Sometime instead of playing with children, 
I want to go on date 

Sometime instead of Fishes, I like Swans
Sometime instead of T-shirt, 
I want to wear Gowns 

Sometime instead of Social problems, 
I like to read Love story 
Sometime instead of cute girl, 
I want to look beautiful lady 

Sometime instead of chocolate, 
I like to receive Flowers 
Sometime instead of meeting him for minutes, 
I want to spend Hours

by L'Nass Shango |
Categories: friendshipme, me,

O Let Us

O let us meet again to make it right
Bridge me your love to cross
The river flows a torrent tonight
We must restore what time has lost.

O let me try again to know your ways
Graft me upon your soul as light
Forgotten fruits unpicked decays
And blind bats suckle them with delight.

O let us sit together and share a day
The golden hours fade from sight
Words cannot like sawllows ever play
O let us meet again to make it right.

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: confusion, flower, love,

Love without Flowers

    How can love blossom without flowers
       full-bodied roses to gaze at for hours
    When the vase is empty so is the heart ~
       seeds of doubt sprout tearing lovers apart

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: children, cousin, family, fun,

Cousin Time

Cousin Time So happy is a home where cousins meet; their smiles and laughter make us feel upbeat, while aunts and uncles know that life's complete to watch their children share their love so sweet. Like brothers, sisters, cousins are so neat; they play for hours and later they retreat to their own homes, but know they will repeat that special time again when cousins meet. Sandra M. Haight ~5th Place~ Contest: Personal Memories Monorhyme II Sponsor: Laura Loo Photo #2, My Niece, and Nephews Judged: 06/16/2018

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: child, happy, love, music, peace, sweet,

Sweet Music

He sits
                          Softly Humming 
                 And seems to have no cares,
               Playing peacefully with his toys
                               For hours.

                                He sings
         Words that seem to stem from his heart.
                 Words that have no meaning,
                         Yet sweet they be;
                                  To me.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 

by James Burns |
Categories: anniversary, devotion, girlfriend-boyfriend, inspirational, love, passion, romance

The "senses" Since

I remember the look
In those big brown eyes
As you’d smile and laugh
And leave me hypnotized

I remember the touch
Of your hands so soft
How you’d hug and comfort me
And shake the cold off

I remember the taste
Of your sweet lips on mine
Enthralled in a kiss
For hours at a time

I remember the sound
Of your voice so warm
You’d just whisper gently
And quiet the raging storm

I remember the smell
That enchanted my nose
The scent of your body
Bathed in absolute rose

Yes, I remember you dear
And all the love we grew
And I have spent a lifetime
Making “sense” of you

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: i miss you, longing, love,

- I Miss You -

The strong wind hits me on my cold cheek 
  The bird's escape across the great ocean 
  My tears, my longing for summer that was 
  Over high mountains, through deep forests 
  Let your fingers glide easily over my mouth 
  Rhythm of the chest, the heart is beating, soul burns 
  Yearning expression - heat of the closeness 
  Compared to eternity where the storm has subsided 
  At dusk I hear the sounds of hours we shared 
  You are far away, yet close 
  The yearning for you is a flame 
  that will never burn down

  A-L Andresen :)
  Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: love, nature, seasons

Enticing Flowers and Hearts

that first peep of the crocus breaking through frozen earth longer hours of sunlight bulbs drawn by brief sensations of warmth like hearts that had lingered in frozen graves waiting for gestures of kindness ice melting, exposing vulnerability enticing daffodils, hyacinths, lilies often emerging too early late frosts wilt blooms premature buds succumb to April chills no headstones, no names only hope remains perhaps next spring a longer lifespan awaits hearts and flowers willing to face uncertainty again
*For Francine's "Flowers" contest by Carolyn Devonshire

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: love, time,

Hands of Time - Sonnet

To me dear love, you will never be old
It is your inner beauty that captivates me;
For in your face so many stories are told
That I contemplate in tranquil reverie.
The short time we shared brings vistas yet unseen
Promises to be discovered within the heart;
Perfumed with tenderness of what comes between
Those vacant hours when we have to part.
You are the treasure that has filled my being
Without you I am empty and incomplete;
But together we share that special feeling
That the hands of time will never cheat.
Let's take what we have and make it all come true
Those hours, days and years I would spend with you.

by Paloma P |
Categories: allegory, analogy, drink, funny love, humorous, hyperbole, romance,

Essential Spirits

She was like Bordeaux,
a tall drink of spirit
He was more a hopped
pale lager like Pilsner, 
both gorgeous and
super gingered flavors,
although clashing mid
respective savored aplomb,
one so refined the other
rowdy after hours,
yet they complimented
each other in the way
they blended their
drunken demeanors, 
intoxicated by mere
existence of nature's
essential complexities

by Pace Ink-U-Script |
Categories: love, passion,

Only To Us

In the span of stolen hours, thy lips fall silent apart from thy pupils
muttering softly, acquainting with an
astonishing creation wherefrom 
created. In many respects,
could not restrain
its intense
gold of
And unwilling
to exhale for
fear of lost
sight of creators
treasure. Thy lips
drew near, prevailing upon thy pupils;
transcending and transitioning to that wherefrom
created within the inner sanctum, time and time again...surreptitiously.

Pace, G


by Kirstie Fontes |
Categories: family, happiness, love, love,


I look upon a sea of flowers, I see your face, and we talk for hours.
You see we have such history, you will never know what you mean to me.
You have given so much love and care, I would be lost if you weren't there.
You give of yourself, and you give of your heart.  You are beautiful, loving, and 
caring, and smart.
You shared with me the love of song; I realize that it's been too long, since I 
thought of you as you truly are.  In the darkest times, you're a SHINNING STAR!

by Ken Carroll |
Categories: beautiful, love, ocean,

House By the Sea

In our house by the sea
the gulls fall silent
the gulf winds have exhausted
their supply of salty scent
we grow languid 
our eyes close with fatigue
my head upon her bosom
my sweetest friend
is trembling

In our house by the sea
never remove your arms from my neck
or shy away your lovely face
embrace and kiss me endlessly
let the hours be lazy and sweet
flowing like the warm southern wind
as we gaze upon the purple sash of sunset
entwined like serpents in battle
soothed by the avid tide and eternal surf

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: heartbreak, longing, lost love, memory, metaphor, pain, solitude,

As the Train Leaves the Station

rides the 
slow slide of 
her guitar blues
knife ‘gainst fretted strings of pain and pleasure

with hours to kill on train of love in vain
fields of fireflies 
find their groove -

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: love, poetry, word play,

My Perk

My Perk

When the daylight comes I know,
after hours of rest,
I will have another go
doing what is best.

Use my time to finish work.
After this is done,
then I know I get my perk—
writing verse for fun!

© Sandra M. Haight 2015 
   All Rights Reserved

~2nd Place~
Contest: Have You Tried a 7/5 Trochee?
Sponsor: Andrea Dietrich
Judged: 05/01/2015


by John Aaron Green |
Categories: hope

Eleventh Hour

It seems so late,

on your answer we wait.

 Time is just an illusion,

we search for our conclusion.

 As hours turn to ashes,

in love, we see the flashes.

 The final hour is here,

fortold by the seer.

 In that hour we live,

the eleventh hour to give.

 Only heirs know that hour,

for in him we have power.

 In victory we proclaim,

the glory of his name.

by johnaarongreen

copyright 2008

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,


Chill setting in daylight hours wane. Roast in the oven candles aglow A little soft music to heighten the mood. Put a log on the fire and wait for your call. Snow falling down blanketing the earth Perfect night for romance Just me and you A bottle of wine A soft kiss or two We lay by the fire Saying I love you

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: happiness, life, lovesun,


The forest was ours—
The trees swayed in
Unison with our steps.
Our words became
Whispers in the wind.
The sun shared silver
Shafts of bright light
Through restless leaves
As you held my face
In your hands and
Tenderly kissed my eyes,
My cheeks, my lips.
I was cradled in the
Warmth of your love.
We reclined on a bed
Of leaves and shared our
Thoughts and dreams
For hours until we watched
The golden sun disappear
Into the twilight sky.

by Mac Mcgovern |
Categories: adventure, dedication, devotion, faith, friendship, happiness, husband, inspirational, life, love, passion, peace, people, romance, uplifting, wifeday, day,

For One Day

If I had only one day left with you,
I would ask that day be in God's own time,
one day, a lifetime, every moment
an expression of love,
every hour a new adventure.

twenty four hours to slowly pass
with you at my side,
a never-ending dream,
always giving thanks,
one day left with you, 

would be eternity.

by Doris Culverhouse |
Categories: husband

My Reason For Living

My world gets up at five every day
Gets home at five too
Works too many hours so I don't have too.

My light in this life cares too deeply
My light, is burning at both ends most days
Joy of living, song of my heart

Over flow my soul with the joy of your smile
Caress my senses with your presence
One look and I you.

For Matt Calari's Contest I love you...