by Honestly J.T. |
america, for her, for him, friend, friendship, growth, how i feel, international, journey, love, racism, school, social, together, truth, uplifting,
Love is not a color,
No hue, neither a race.
All of our blood is the same,
That runs deep within our veins.
If we could lift up each other,
And know that we all care.
If we help our sisters and brothers,
There's a bond that we'll share.
©2013 Honestly JT
by Daniel Turner |
appreciation, how i feel, love,
Within her heart is where I wish to be
To dwell inside the garden of her soul
Where each soft heartbeat plays a symphony
And all around is beauty to behold
The sunshine of her love would keep me warm
My one desire, to take life's pain away
Consoling her when clouds of sadness form
Removing troubles of each stressful day
Should something cause her fragile heart to break
I'd gather up the pieces tenderly
With love I'd smooth the sharpness of heartache
Then put them back together lovingly
Within her heart is where her beauty lies
Her love, the light that shines within her eyes
original poem by Daniel Turner
by Karen Jones |
dream, feelings, green, how i feel, lost love,
I write so many poems that you don’t see
They end up in purple poem cemetery
Mangled in the **** of my maroon mind
Tangerine tangles of wasted time
Violet vines of not good enough
Tall teal trees of unreturned love
Winged words white like albino leaves
Falling to their death from teal tree
Falling for you’re deaf to my poet tree
Bass treble cleft left in green cerebral dream
Unsung songs unmade love
Sing a longs gone wrong
Made in maroon lust
But somehow I manage to hold on to it
Maybe it will be reborn as a chocolate kiss
of rainbow reflection of historical views
Of future endeavors red spice unused.
by Emile Pinet |
beautiful, emotions, feelings, heart, how i feel, love,
How do I answer, what is love;
it's part hope, part apparition.
But what love truly is kind of
defies any definition.
Have you ever felt so alive
that it was almost too extreme?
And caught up in passion's drive,
have you ever let yourself dream?
Have you ever stolen a kiss
that left you floating on a cloud?
And filled with spontaneous bliss;
have you ever shouted out loud?
Have you ever danced on the air;
or felt warm and gooey inside?
And when jealous eyes gawk and stare,
have you ever strutted with pride?
Have you ever, for once, felt whole;
falling head over heels in love?
And felt such warmth within your soul;
that it rivals heaven above?
by Besma Riabi Dziri |
africa, art, blessing, feelings, how i feel, humanity, patriotic,
To my terra of roots
my allegiance I vow
I wallow in your fruits
and to your flag I bow.
Dream not till wake of dawn
beaming sun light I wait
burst of glee of no bourn
the feels of the soul, sate.
Awe chills into my spine
as your Hymn in pride sung
for Home in peace I pine
and love never be swung.
How could my pen, you turn
in a fine rhyming word
as my quill longs to learn
inking with grace and verve.
by Mike Gentile |
flying, hope, how i feel, journey, uplifting,
Each day I live and wake to see
the scarlet sun that shines for me
and listen to a feathered song
inviting me to sing along
I know I’ll find just what I seek
though rain may come to kiss my cheek
for with each day, with every sigh
there comes another chance to fly
The bluest blues of azure seas
are calling me now to appease
to leave behind an angry man
and wing away, I know I can
With love and grace, I’ll find the way
as I then glide through twilight gray
and to the clouds, I say goodbye
here comes another chance to fly
by Sabrina Niday Hansel |
absence, angst, cry, dad, death, depression, emotions, family, father, father daughter, fear, feelings, future, goodbye, grief, heart, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, identity, leaving, life, loneliness, lonely, loss, lost, love, memory, miss you, missing you, pain, parents, poets, prayer, sad, sorrow, strength, stress, urdu,
I’m tired
I’m Physically and Emotionally tired
I don’t want to be the strong one anymore
I can’t this time
I don’t know what to do Daddy
I need your help down here
I can’t get back in control of my emotions
I’m having a hard time dealing with your absence
I’m having a hard time standing by myself
I need your help Daddy
I’m broken and lost without you Daddy
I need your will to want to carry on
I need your strength to over come this
I need your strength to stay standing
Your courage to fight back again
I need your help
Please Daddy I’m at a loss
How am I suppose to do this
I need your guidance
I need you to guide me back
To whom I was before
I need your help Daddy
I need your help
by Valerie Staton |
feelings, how i feel, i love you, love,
By Valerie D. Staton
I love you…
More than Elmer loves glue
More than Bruce loves Kung Fu
More than Sara loves pie
You’re the apple of my eye
More than Samson loves Delilah
More than smoke loves fire
More than Adam loves Eve
You're the only one I need
More than needle loves thread
More than Wilma loves Fred
More than peaches loves cream
More than I’d ever dare to dream
I love you...
by Emile Pinet |
angel, best friend, emotions, feelings, friendship, friendship love, how i feel,
There is nothing more heartening than a smile
if you haven’t seen one for a while
you hope it will never end
it's not just pretend
with a best
it's no jest
the Lord chose to send
an angel to help you mend
one that does not put love on trial
there is nothing more heartening than a smile
by Akkina Downing |
adventure, how i feel, life,
Because I do not know of my tomorrow
Yesterday is gone I've forgotten it
I but have today to know I exist
I resist letting my today be wasted on drama
I am out sipping on sunshine
Gliding on life
Dancing in the rain while drinking rain drops
Have my fill on ice cream till I'm well content
Smile because I just love life
Love every unloved one
Give and share
because it makes me feel absolutely wonderful
And when night comes I'm up eating chocolates
while writing poems of my life's adventure
Akkina R Downing
by Mike Gentile |
angst, growth, hope, how i feel, life, memory,
When the only door that opens
is one leading to the past
I pack my bags and grab the wine
and find my way at last
I sojourn deep into the woods
of life’s long memories
and picnic on the leaves of love
for heart song melodies
And then with each familiar chord
and with each sip of wine
I start to find myself again
remembering what’s mine
A blessed life of ups and downs
with courage to be found
in knowing that I’ll find my way
when I come back around
by Emile Pinet |
12th grade, beautiful, character, feelings, how i feel, imagery, imagination,
Sketch tomorrow leaving today behind,
following the footsteps of yesterday.
And feel the ripple of all life combined;
empty your thoughts; take all but love away.
Emblazon upon your mind a blue sky
gilded by the golden hue of sunrise.
And ponder a dragonfly zipping by,
watching its beauty materialize.
Blend the yellow of a buttercup's glow
with flashes of flickering firefly lights.
And walk the Earth, yet, let no footprint show,
respecting life by honoring its rights.
Mix well until presumptions fall apart;
and thus reveal the color of my heart.
by Emile Pinet |
10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 9th grade, how i feel, i love you, love,
An outpouring of happiness,
love surges up from the heart
and splashes against the soul;
an emotion exclusive to humans.
More than a ubiquitous word,
love is an overwhelming desire,
that burns in your heart
and merges with your soul;
defying logic and reason.
The heart entertains a multitude
of inexplicable feelings,
beyond all hopes and expectations;
love is both ethereal and physical.
A heart filled with love forgives
what a prideful heart will not;
for love's a knee-jerk reaction,
that requires no thought.
Love can bring excruciating pain;
or a euphoric rush;
either way, it will not be ignored;
nor ever lead you astray.
by Karen Jones |
appreciation, beach, black african american, black love, blue, heart, how i feel,
Indigo ink dreams
Dripping from heart
Tattoos tongue with kinetic kiss
Green electric buzz like sip
Of fine blueberry wine so sweet
Dreamy turquoise love touch
Filling me up with red desire
On fire for your romantic antic
Sweeping me off my feet
Carrying me with ease
Of a blue breeze to deserted love island
Where tan sands caress like brown hands
White waters flow warm and toasty
Fast slow then in closing cold
Never let go of this love
For it floats like a boat
by Mike Gentile |
childhood, how i feel, love, mother, mother son,
I remember so clearly a day
when Mommy made it go away
When every hurt and every pain
with just her tender touch, would wane
When sting of bitter snow filled chill
wrapped in her arms, would melt at will
And when her enigmatic smile
could make me sit still all the while
I remember so fondly a day
when Mommy knew just what to say
And every lesson yet unlearned
forewarned, to not let me get burned
Some days when I feel cold inside
the days when I just want to hide
I wish that Mommy still could say
Shhh, I'll make it go away
by Mike Gentile |
how i feel, love, romance, romantic, romantic love, true love,
For life and love and summer breeze
For memories that fly with ease
For days with you that bring to mind
The greatest joy that I may find
For music that reflects the sun
For you and I to be as one
For roses that perfume the air
as fingers ruffle through your hair
For thoughts of peace that fill my heart
For knowing we will never part
For saying I will always stay
Until my breath should wing away
by Vera Duggan |
happiness, how i feel, love, sea,
As we walk hand in hand
Today as we walk hand in hand
Happily through pure white sand
The love within my heart for thee
It flows to you so tenderly.
The ocean waves ebb to and thro
As hand in hand along we go
Bare feet in the silky sand
The sun shines down and life’s so grand
We stop, the two of us and kiss
Oh how nice to feel such bliss
As love matures we two, entwined
Such perfect sweetness we do find
Today as we walk hand in hand
Happily through pure white sand.
Vera Duggan 10 July 2014.
by Mary Nagy |
angst, daughter, family, funny, happiness, life, love, car,
Princess just wants a new car.
I have told her that hers will go far.
'Oh, it's really not cool
driving this crap to school.'
'Do I need that emotional scar? '
'The kids will all laugh at the rust.
When we race, I'll be left in the dust!
I will save up some cash
then we'll make a mad dash
to the car dealer surely you trust'.
'He will make us a wonderful deal
and I'm sure you will know how I feel.
I will love you so much,
My siblings... I won't touch.
Just get me behind a new wheel'!
Now she'll be cruisin in style.
She'll be happy for only awhile.
There will always be better
and we'll try hard to get her
a car that will make princess smile.
by Edward Ebbs |
absence, age, angel, beautiful, beauty, bereavement, best friend, caregiving, christian, courage, death of a friend, dedication, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, eulogy, farewell, fate, good night, goodbye, grave, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, humanity, husband, i miss you, leaving, life, loss, lost, lost love, love, marriage, meaningful, memorial, memory, obituary, perspective, remembrance day, sorrow, wife,
When in this life I felt down
You were the one that was around
Maybe it was the way you held my hand
I knew in my heart you would understand
I miss the way we used to sit and talk
The times we didn't look at the clock
The way you walked in those tight jeans
Made me want to pull my skin and scream
I remember trembling at your touch
I love and loved you so very much
I am lost inside now you're gone
Baby you are still my life's song
When I look to the night sky, I tear
I miss you and wish you were here
Edward J Ebbs - 05/18/14
Written for a Contest, My Beloved Sweetheart
by Mustapha Mohammed |
goodbye, how i feel, lost love,
Adieu, Adieu my love and friend
At the sea we two must part
Your love will burn until the end
In the beating of my heart.
Shed not a tear in silence
Not a tremble to your breath
As your tears are flowing
I die a mournful death.
Under moon's soft silver blush
And in the creeping of the dew
In sober breeze, in nightly hush
Let us bade one last Adieu.
When morn had burst the harbors
With a burning sigh we knew
A final whisper, the final words:
Adieu! Adieu! Adieu!
(Goodbyes are not forever.
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I'll miss you
Until we meet again!)
by Mike Gentile |
how i feel, memory, nostalgia, time, travel,
Who says I can’t go back in time
No, not the records on my shelf
Just flip a switch and there I am
A version of my younger self
I turn the beat around all night
In memories of Disco shoes
A fever boils inside my brain
Love for the night is mine to lose
Who says I can’t go back in time
No, not the clock that haunts my wall
The tick and tock now tock and tick
As I drift back and have a ball
As pages turn in rhythmic flow
The photos in my book agree
It’s just as though I’m really there
Another sip of wine for me!
by Emile Pinet |
beautiful, emotions, feelings, happiness, how i feel, imagery, love,
Today, I'm feeling overwhelmed by love,
beyond happiness; I'm soaring above.
An emotion imbued with such power,
it lingers like the scent of a flower.
I thought that I understood who I was,
until I felt the magic that love does.
I cannot put my feelings into words,
they eclipse the sun and outfly the birds.
Opening my heart, I accepted love's gift,
and my inhibitions were cut adrift.
Love is an extraordinary feeling
that titillates and sets my pulse reeling.
I'm afloat on billowing clouds of bliss;
embracing a dream, love blessed with a kiss.
by I Am Anaya |
analogy, how i feel, new year,
The things we wish to change
remain the same
~Sans love
there is no chance of
meaningful change
~Sans wisdom
it's inconceivable,
our intelligence proves futile
to our survival
~Sans the Guru’s
they can’t steal our virtue
then sell it back to us
for the answers within
~Sans change
we shan’t flourish through time
“You only live once, but if you do it right,
once is enough”—Mae West
Happy New Year -2024
I Am Anaya
I Am Milo ,”)
by Testimony Akinkunmi |
care, crush, girl, hope, how i feel,
Many have called me
Many have even fallen
Only you have tripped
by Mike Gentile |
friend, friendship, friendship love, growth, how i feel, life, meaningful, world,
The fence on which my feelings pause
Forever will be lost for cause
For should it stop my love to flow
Would pain me more than I could know
For fences keep out or keep in
To build one would be such a sin
And should one born to me exist
It’s time to let it be dismissed
A bridge, far better to be built
With no embarrassment or guilt
Where differences can meet to learn
That bridges are not meant to burn
Perhaps then I can follow through
On feelings that I have for you
Though you think differently than me
It’s not just difference that I see