Love Poems About Husband or Husband Love Poems
by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
Categories: husband, love, wife

Always Together

Two peas in a pod
One still on Earth, One with God
Together Always
Inspired By Nathan Leccese"s Contest "Two Peas In A Pod"
                        3rd Place

by James Fraser |
Categories: daughter, death, depression, father, girlfriend-boyfriend, hope, husband, life, loss, lost love, mother, sad, wife

Suicide Mind

What makes the decision
To flick the switch
To end ones life
For the sake of it
Troubled, debts
Bullied at school
Fork in the road
To let death rule
Mums, dads
Daughters and sons
What ever affects them 
They just can't outrun
Sadness and tears
By all left behind
Will they ever understand
Suicide Mind

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: husband,

On My Threadbare Love

My love is like a worker's gloves grown old.
His hands are leather, roughened now with age
and years of work in weather hot and cold,
yet through the many years, he has grown sage. . .

My love is like a builder's pair of boots.
He's dusty and fatigued and still he walks
while trailing mud, but now his attributes
shine through despite life's many stumbling blocks.

My love is like a pair of jeans much worn,
a pair of socks with holes that have stayed warm.
Though time and all the trials he has borne
have left him frayed, he wishes no one harm.

To write a beaming sonnet would not do,
but threadbare love (in some ways) bests the new.

by Kirstie Fontes |
Categories: devotion, husband, life, love, wife,

To James

We walk in the ocean against the tide.
We hold on tightly to survive the ride.

This life is not easy
This love not in vain
We try to walk closer
We try to sustain

There are times when our hold breaks
And one of us will fall.
But the other stands near wanting and waiting to answer their lovers call.

The sun comes out briefly through the dark gloomy skies.
We know it won't last but our hope never dies.
This is a rough road that we lead in life.
But there'll never be a day
I regret being your Wife!

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: death, husband, lost love,

John's Aramis

Intoxicating was his scent Many hard-earned dollars were spent To evoke his bliss Give him Aramis Young and poor, we were newleyweds Memories linger in my head This scent was so strong But to him it belonged And through time I travel today When e’er Aramis wafts my way Sad tears gently rise John’s scent fills my eyes Another dimension I seek Longing to hear my husband speak We'll meet again one day Faith brings hope my way

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: flower, husband, i love you, love, marriage, rose, wedding,

Two Roses

On our wedding he gave a crystal rose
Flowering forever, enrobed in glass
Ballerina's grace in delicate pose
Guardianship of tradition, of class

Witness of first years, of paper, cotton
Commitment held, her thorns learn to forgive
Pain polished away, stains dimmed, forgotten
Like love immortal, death she will outlive

Ten years on, he presented me her twin
Silvery spring caught; his honor, my gift
For old promises kept, new ones begin
He is still my rock amid rivers swift

Two roses, bloom in space the heart allows
Two roses, as eternal as our vows.


by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: baby, happy, mom, parents, sad, wedding, youth,


"A mother's love is made in heaven." Quote Written By Poet

She was a young and beautiful bride,
then her handsome husband died.
The fast car came out of nowhere,
there was nothing left but prayer.
Life was about to take her on a wild ride,
but she could not go and hide.
A precious baby girl was born,
she was told to be happy and do not mourn.
For now she is dressed in pink and is nameless,
lying in the hospital crib blameless.
Loving adopted parents would come,
and save her as she sucked her thumb.
Somethings can start out bad and end up good,
our new name is parenthood.

by Jan Allison |
Categories: husband, i love you, life,


"Time = Life, Therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life". Alan Lakein To my husband ... From the moment we met I knew you were special past relationships gone forever You are my present and my future but since your cancer returned we’re fully aware the clock is ticking Our time on earth isn’t infinite … one day we’ll find eternal peace Time- 8 Word Challenge Poetry Contest Sponsored by A Dear Heart 07/05/20

by Bill Baker |
Categories: happiness, introspection, life, love, marriage, relationship, soulmate,

Living Life as One

Like clouds drifting through a sun-brightened sky,
My thoughts start to ask, where, what, when and why.
Why am I here with you, what must I do?
How do I determine what’s really true?

Love offers something we can hold on to,
You pledge to me, as I pledge love to you.
We’ll give as freely as we will receive,
Accept the oneness in which we believe.

Peace is embellished by those who are quiet,
Living in the present, no end in sight.
Forget your past, all happiness and strife,
Easing tension like slicing with a knife.

This is the way to live a mindful life.
Two living as one as husband and wife.

by James Burns |
Categories: dedication, devotion, faith, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, husband, love, passion, romance, wifeday, me,

The Luckiest Man

The Luckiest Man

I have found that not everyone is as strong
As the skies are wide and the days are long

But in life I have found there is this one
Whose bounty makes me feel as warm as the sun

And from the moment that she first caught my eye
I knew I’d be with her til’ the day that I die

That I would love and cherish her all the day through
And do all those little things we men are supposed to do

And spend my days lost in utter bliss
That I had this beautiful woman to kiss

And there’s one true fact ‘bout her being my girl
That makes me the luckiest man in the world

by Jslambert Mister Roboto |
Categories: allegory, fantasy, father, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, health, hope, husband, imagination, life, love, passion, people, places, romance, social, wife,

Viagra Falls

There once was a man from Niagara
whose wiener's so long it would stab ya'

but when it got little 
his pills became skittles   
until he O.D.'d on Viagra

© ~JSLambert  2011*****A classic "stiff" competitor, standing "firm" amongst other "members" in the "thick" of the competition:) hope everyone gets "a rise" out of it!

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: abuse, anger, angst, death, me,


~he murdered me~

I was only 21 years old
Here I lay, beyond the cold

I  granted him, the best of me
Praying for his love endlessly

I never listened to anybody's advice
Only to my husband and his lies

He bore a bad habit of beating me
No matter, his love was all I could see
On my last day, he took me by surprise
Now everyone around me cries

It's too late to tell all my loved ones good-bye
Or, even understand the reason why?

Today I'm in a place where he can't touch me
In a box called a coffin, only I can see

While you stay and rot behind in jail
God did and took me away from your hell


by Edward Ebbs |
Categories: absence, age, angel, beautiful, beauty, bereavement, best friend, caregiving, christian, courage, death of a friend, dedication, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, eulogy, farewell, fate, good night, goodbye, grave, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, humanity, husband, i miss you, leaving, life, loss, lost, lost love, love, marriage, meaningful, memorial, memory, obituary, perspective, remembrance day, sorrow, wife,

Lost My Song

When in this life I felt down
You were the one that was around

Maybe it was the way you held my hand
I knew in my heart you would understand

I miss the way we used to sit and talk
The times we didn't look at the clock

The way you walked in those tight jeans
Made me want to pull my skin and scream

I remember trembling at your touch
I love and loved you so very much

I am lost inside now you're gone
Baby you are still my life's song

When I look to the night sky, I tear
I miss you and wish you were here

Edward J Ebbs - 05/18/14

Written for a Contest, My Beloved Sweetheart

by Elaine George |
Categories: devotion, love,

Man of My Dreams

Does he know he lives forever in my dreams?
In every vision I create…I see his eyes of bluish green
Does he know he walks along my shore of Evermore?
On a path that leads him to my castle door
Where he stands…and drops his heart into my open hands,
Oh God…how I love this…extraordinary man

For my husband:  Robert Noel Dawson

by Mark Woods |
Categories: heartbreak, hope, love,

Alzheimers - Love Without Hope

She sits alone with her distant stare
He visits daily but she is unaware.
No future hopes to speak thereof
Yet still husband, wife, and deep true love. 

Love Without Hope Contest
Sponsor Sara Kendrick

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: appreciation, devotion, joy, soulmate, together, true love, universe,

Melting Point

The moment I saw you
I fell in love with the universe.
Like raindrops rippling a still pond,
our concentric circles coalesced -
moving past duality and melting into oneness.

Susan Ashley
May 14, 2019

*dedicated to my soulmate and husband, Bill*

~ First Place ~
Contest: May 2019 Premier 5 (Max 5 Lines)
Sponsor: Brian Strand

*The Sufi poet Rumi wrote; “The lover asked his beloved, do you love yourself more than you love me? The beloved replied, I have died to myself but I live for thee.”

by Monica Evette |
Categories: depression, husband, life,


I look at you and I don't want you 
Stopped needing your kiss and touch
Needed you to love me for me
Tried to get you to do your part
Make memories and cherish those made
Buried in depression
Covered in guilt and pain
Still I stayed
Looking for a way out
Wanting to be anywhere but here
Going across the bridge I want to drive off
Fly into the sky
Fall into the river below
'Til death do us part

by CayCay Jennings |
Categories: anxiety, betrayal, conflict, emotions, heartbreak, husband, love hurts,

Break Your Peace

Your breathing is even and bears no concern, no fear or resentment squeaks to rust your dreams' churn. All my wishes wish it would: I want it to rob you, break your peace to pieces, rough up all your pleases and scatter your calm.
... CayCay 4 line excerpt from poem: A Day Scar Drama written 3-18-17 May 29, 2019 Arbitrium Divisa Poetry Contest Gregory R. Barden

by Malcolm Dyer |
Categories: forgiveness, life, love, wife, me, time, me, time,


Forgive me my love for the hurtful words
I hurled from my mouth time and time again
Forgive me for letting you down
for in your time of need I was never around
Forgive me for the long nights 
for all the constant fights
Forgive me for the innoncence I took away
for all the help I kept at bay
And lastly forgive me for being anything other than
a loving and caring husband

by Kelly Zakerski |
Categories: confusion, husband, life, loss, lost love, love, wife

Wedding Vows

Witnessing before God, and taking your vow
Enter into marriage, forever starts now 
Devoted to each other, for all your life
Desiring no one, except for your wife
In sickness and in health, till death do you part
No one should come between you, right from the start
Giving of yourself, to make your family whole.

Value the sanctity, of both being “one”
Obstacles are there, for you to over come
Wedding vows are sacred, to show all your love
Straying away, is not meant from God above.

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: bereavement, grave, husband, loss, love, memory,

Tapestry of Life, An Elegy

             Tapestry of Life

In the still graveyard overlooking San Francisco Bay.
Her husband's young body doth rot and in profound 
silence lay.

Overlooking that city, where he married his young wife.
Who now recalls the beauty of his all too short, vibrant life.

The many walks on those heavenly hills, the poetry they read.
The coffee shops of North Beach, alas, their aromatic memories
So dreamy in her bowed, widowed head.

She stills dons her inexpensive, gold wedding ring to this very 
And when she touches it, all the magical love they shared~
still sings in it!

            December 28, 2019

by Veronica Joseph |
Categories: husband, love, mystery, passion

Look At Me

i curl your 
long dark hair in my fingers
at your neck
as I pull you down
I wait to feel the rough end of day
on my face
your eyes close a little then open
to watch me
look at me, I whisper
dont stop
looking at me

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: husband, love,


Whispers in the night time,
I'm haunted by the sounds.
I try to understand them
but they speak in foreign phrase.
Perhaps the walls are whispering 
those words of long ago
when you whispered in the darkness
that you would love me forever..
I'm haunted by the sounds of night
and quiet of the days.
You have been gone for many year,
but the walls and I remember.
You called me all those honeyed names,
and whispered in my ear.
We planned for our forever
and I knew your love was true.
How could we know that our forever,
was not very far away.

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: appreciation, husband, romantic love, wisdom,

Words From the Wiser Me

What would the future, wiser me
The lonely widow I'm sure to be
Say to me, today

How precious, his baritone groan
To muted ears left all alone
Once he's flown away

Life's rivers drain abruptly swift
So recognize this timeless gift
Let this moment - stay


For 'Triple Stanza Tail-Rhyme' contest
Sponsor: charles messina

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: husband, kiss, love, simile,

- Letter To My Sweetheart -

With you in my life

                                       my beautiful wife

                              My feelings are deep and true

                               I will forever belong to you

                             Your voice is music to my ears
                          Or a poem by William Shakespeare
                      I felt like fireworks burst at our first kiss

              Oh, my sweetheart ... hugs from your husband Chris

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
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