Love Poems About I Do Not Know? or I Do Not Know? Love Poems
by Jessica Bateman |
Categories: lovesweet, love, sweet,

Love Is Like Magic

Love is like magic
And it always will be.
For love still remains
Life's sweet mystery!!
Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange
And there's nothing in life
That love cannot change!!
Love can transform
The most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace.
Love is unselfish,
Understanding and kind,
For it sees with its heart
And not with its mind!!
Love is the answer
That everyone seeks...
Love is the language,
That every heart speaks.
Love can't be bought,
It is priceless and free,
Love, like pure magic,
Is life's sweet mystery!!

by Emily Kroeger |
Categories: life


A love that lasts a summer,

A song that last forever,

A cry that will end in a short while,

And yet the morning stays in denial.

by John Rhinem |
Categories: faith, love, passion,

Fairytales and Love


Clouds burst their rainbows amid the night....

Cascading showers in loves colourful lights

Glitter became the stars which filled the sky

Inside my heart and afore my eyes ~

Into my soul did they come to rest

Atop palettes of dreams; their dreams bequest....

What you knew and what I thought

Who I am and whom your not

As time it tears this page so fair

Confetti streams, tis where I'll find you there....


...."Fairytales and Love" *

by Akkina Downing |
Categories: adventure, how i feel, life,

I But Have Today To Know I Exist

Because I do not know of my tomorrow 
Yesterday is gone I've forgotten it 
I but have today to know I exist
I resist letting my today be wasted on drama
I am out sipping on sunshine 
Gliding on life
Dancing in the rain while drinking rain drops
Have my fill on ice cream till I'm well content 
Smile because I just love life 
Love every unloved one
Give and share 
because it makes me feel absolutely wonderful 

And when night comes I'm up eating chocolates
while writing poems of my life's adventure 


Akkina R Downing 

by Myah Schildknecht |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, love, me, me,


You’ve got me hanging, On every word you say. I just keep praying, That you feel the same way. I hope this isn’t a trap, That would be crap. You seem different, But that’s been said before. I get the butterflies, All the time. Just waiting for your number, To be seen on the screen. You make me laugh, And you understand. You just see, What hasn’t been seen. I really want this to be more, More than you can think. Can’t you see? I’m falling. Can you catch me? I’m falling for you, It’s uncharted territory. I don’t know what to do. Tell me not to worry, And that you’re falling, too.

by John Patrick Robbins Aka Gonzo |
Categories: angst, loss, sad


Close the door and never
think twice.
Love is a gamble.
Inwhich we all roll the dice.

Many dreams are broken under
a moonlit sky.
Yet no word hold the pain 
like goodbye.

I rememeber it so very well.
Nights wrapped in passion.
As silent promises as lovers 
we tell.

Tressure thoose thoughts 
And buty them deep..
take my heart.
For its forever yours to keep.

Still night memeories show so very clear.
They torture thoose thoughts.
that tell me your no longer here.

the brige now burnt  stands as a memorial
underneath a starlit sky.
I find solace in the pain.
 as all i hear is goodbye.

by Tu Tran |
Categories: love, poems, words,


Words can be as deadly as a knife
It can penetrate straight through your heart
Bleed all the spirit right out of your life
Twists your mind and tear you apart

Words can bring you pain and sorrow
Weaken the spirits of today and tomorrow
Breaks your heart and squeeze your head
Leave you living yet leave you dead

But words of love from the very start
Can instill much happiness to your heart
Eased your pain and comfort your mind
Have you seeing yet have you blind

by Tom Pen |
Categories: desire, i miss you, inspirational love, journey, love, repetition, word play,

Before You

Each day was a gift 
without you.
Every sunrise breathtaking
without you.
Music moved me 
without you. 
But ever since our first night, 
nothing is as beautiful         
without you.

* Poem Form, (to my best) is Epistrophe or Epiphora, but neither are listed as a form option. Feel free to suggest a fitting Poetry Soup Poetry Form. Until then, It's in the, “I don’t know” category.
Kindest regards...

by Nathan D. |
Categories: depression, fear, feelings, longing, lost love, love, love hurts,

As Comfortable As Possible

Closure eludes my clasp 
Love wilts, somehow lasts
The destination beyond my grasp

The dream decays day by day 
Your light, which never fades
Simply stopped shinning my way 

Castrating chains of second chair
Faithfull, I wither for you there 
Sucking stale stagnant air

Barely beating beneath my breast
My heart, now a hospice 
Gently lays it all to rest

Lightly felt faintly heard
Pumping, pain-numbing words
Its over…its over…   its over

by Melissa Schwartz |
Categories: introspection, lost love, love,

In Forbearance

Where was I 
when repo men invaded,
boxed me up within his cool heart
fragrant in its distaste of warmer climates?
You know,
climates governed by love.
(Daydreaming of knights, that's where.)

Now I have only so much patience remaining
for this slapstick brain-
a nasty reminder, the heckler of my heart,
what spews sensibility
when I simply yearn to err. 

And I scarcely have time to mourn
his devil's smile
leaving southward in moving vans
transporting my pieces
(all the valid ones)
with him
as I sit numbed,
next to climbing ivy poisoned by my disbelief,
unpaid for.

by Paul Callus |
Categories: love, rain, water,


I am not a rain dog
With my tail between my legs
Dying to run home in haste
Away from showers that gradually increase 
And then come pounding heavily down 
Like sheets of splintered pearly glass 

I am not a loner
Who leads a wasted life
On doorsteps sharing aching pain
With others who live rough
Deprived of warmth and comfort

I am a lover
I inhale the smell
Enjoy the caressing feel
Of seductive teasing raindrops 

They fall around
With sweetest sound
Passionate the call

It echoes
I hear


16th October, 2014
Contest: "I do not know"
Sponsor: Andrea Dietrich
Placed: 4th

by David Meade |
Categories: love,

Mold Me

break me  -- reform the old

                            prepare this vessel to receive

                                 the dew of your love

David Meade
Live Generously

by Simone Segal |
Categories: loveme,

Tranquil Paradise


You are the dream, that smothered my nightmare

Your being, is as fresh as the morning dew

I feel your presence like the warmth of the midday sun on my skin

Your smile melts me into floating oblivion 

Your voice comforts me in an embracing hold

Your kiss is where I could spend eternity

Your words are an echo of my thoughts

Your love is tranquil paradise

I am forever yours  

Living in your love

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: poetry,

A Beautiful Truth

I listened as you spoke 
a beautiful truth
in my soul I said amen
lovers love, when all seems lost
poets capture it with their pen

When I'm filled with sadness
and my heart feels deaf
words are magic that you bring
these soundless words on a page
are what cause my heart to sing

I breathe your unseen breaths
my lungs filled with air
you cradle me in your dreams
silver filling the night sky
love flowing to me in streams

You think you dance alone
on a pure white stage
until you're offered a hand
then the magic comes alive
the stage is yours to command

6 syllables line one
5 syllables line two
Line 3 to five 7 syllables
Line 3 and 5 are rhyming

by Amanda Smith |
Categories: family,


What can be said 
about this man
One that is not easy to be read.
His words come to life
Pen to paper
With poetry to his wife
A loving father indeed 
Nothing else like it
Teaching and giving all they need.
Mysterious is he
What's in his head
Is he thinking about me
He's not perfect 
Mistakes have been made
Things I know he'll correct
He's my best friend
the one I married 
A love that will never end
He has been mine
For quite some time
I find he is still so divine.

by Monica Evette |
Categories: depression, husband, life,


I look at you and I don't want you 
Stopped needing your kiss and touch
Needed you to love me for me
Tried to get you to do your part
Make memories and cherish those made
Buried in depression
Covered in guilt and pain
Still I stayed
Looking for a way out
Wanting to be anywhere but here
Going across the bridge I want to drive off
Fly into the sky
Fall into the river below
'Til death do us part

by G. Jay |
Categories: beauty, dance, fantasy, love,

The Crescent Moon

Moonrise and showers                         
Enshrine flowers                                  
A stroll along the shoreline  

Starlight and halos   
Eternal cosmos
The awakening angel 

Lullabies and shadows
Mystifies meadows      
The calypso personifies                    

Coral and fireflies                   
Rainbow skies 
The radiant circle aglow  

Butterflies and ladybugs     
Intertwine jitterbugs                                 
The dance along the skyline

by Emily Humphreys |
Categories: confusion, lost love, love, sad

Sin In Innocence

Moon hangs high and white coats the earth,
breathe in and out.
Frozen air in my lungs; his touch hurts.

Racing thoughts hurry in a blur.
Warm hands on my back,
then run up to my hair.

Hot lips press against my frozen face.
He kisses me; my first.
Now I know sin's taste.

"Do you trust me"?
No, but what will they think?
What do they see?

Pain in my pelvis;
hot breath in my face.
But this can't be it!

Regret in eyes;
pain in my heart.
On the bed, how I cried.

I wish for a second chance; 
and pray to god to forgive my
first sin in Innocence.

by Elizabeth Lindsey |
Categories: teen

My Rhyme

Roses are black.

Violets are dead.

Love is bitterly sweet.

Like a shot to the head.

They say love will kill you.

It will be the slowest form of suicide you've ever met.

by Nanyamka Johnson |
Categories: confusion, lost love, sorry, me,


Y can't i hate u?
Hate you like iv'e hated myself
Y can't i escape the memories that stain my heart like 
fresh blueberries on a crisp white shirt?
Y couldn't you forgive me for my acts of stupidity?
Y wont you save me from my solitude and misery?
Why?  Why?  Why?
Cant i stop loving you?

by John E Wordslinger |
Categories: love

These Words

I would like to thank you for your visit.
I have removed these poems for a distant future book publication.
I believe we poets, can make a difference
in this world. We live in the 21st century,
we have tools( technology), we have our past,  and imagination.
We just don't have the courage, because
I guess most are afraid to fail, to loose money.
All I have to say is we can't take money with us,
when we die. I also say hasn't mankind failed enough,
and isn't mankind worth the effort, our children is worth the effort..

Thank you, and my your God Bless you

John E WordSlinger

by David Byrne |
Categories: love, me,


Walk with me for a while
And listen to my words
That fall like rain and 
Drench the ground we pace

Talk with me for a mile
And I will watch your words
Spread like butterflies
On this road we grace

Brilliance comes in many ways
In words, in smiles, in deeds
But the greatest brilliance 
Blinds the eye and
Dazzles make shift needs

Words they fall like petals
They carpet all the ground
And in the end their 
Blown away and
Gone without a sound

by Phyllis Babcock |
Categories: devotion, faith, inspirational, father, father,

All Things Come From Above

All things come from the Father above
Our hopes, our dreams, our love
Our purpose in this life
Our toils with daily strife
We are nothing without Him
Our lives would be insignificant and dim
We need something to believe in
So we can live without sin
All things come from the Father above
He shares our hopes, our dreams , our love
He shows us the glory of His ways
So we can follow all of our days
He leads us down the right path each day
So we will no longer stray
He will not let us stumble and fall
It's simple all we have to do is call

by Swetha Vangaveti |
Categories: love,

The Song of My Heart

I heard someone singing your name My possessive soul travelled miles to find out who it is Tired, my body rested under a tree In the stillness of the air, I realised that the song is the beat of my heart.

by Cassy Frank |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriendlove,

You Don'T Know How Bad It Hurts

You don't know how bad it hurts.

When you keep talking about that.

Do you really know me? Like you say you know know me?

Then if you do, don't do it.

If you know how bad it hurts then don't do it.

You love me? Then stay home don't go.

Don't do it for you may lose me.

I love you, care for you and feel for you.

But I guess you will never know if you go.

You just don't know how bad it hurts.

I guess you will never know.