Love Poems About Iambic Pentameter or Iambic Pentameter Love Poems
by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: writing,

Writing a Love Sonnet POTD

If only I could write you a sonnet,
Iambic pentameter and what not,
Let my muse mull profoundly upon it.
I must write it quickly lest I forgot.

It will have to stress real passion, love,
Mention a rose if I really must
But for heaven's sake leave out the white dove,
Still do mention the red moon that I trust.

Compare her eyes to some fragrant flower,
And wish to taste her full strawberry lips,
Scheme to meet her in a quiet bower,
Clouds enfold us in mythical eclipse.

Will she come, will she go, my marigold?
Ah, my poor love sonnet has now gone cold.

POTD 14 September 2020

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: care, friendship, judgement, love,

True Warmth

Please don't mistake a smile for warmth, it's not
   Behind the surgeon's smile sure lurks a knife
That pal at work you hang out with a lot
   Will cut your heart out, ruin your very life

When young, we think we have a million friends
   We laugh, we play, we think that life is great
Though really they pursue their selfish ends
   So easy for their love to turn to hate  

True warmth won't turn you out in winter's cold
   It cooks a hearty meal for you at night
It also will take care of you when old
   It sympathizes with your every plight

Look past that smile, my friend, and see the heart
   ~ The best advice to you I can impart

            Iambic Pentameter

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, forgiveness, love hurts,

An Unpaid Debt

With less tomorrows than I've yesterdays
In looking back I have but one regret
Before that last tomorrow fades away
I wish that I could pay an unpaid debt

Back to a summer day so long ago
How frivolous we were with innocence
Two kids in love and way too young to know
Decisions made in haste have consequence

In tenderness I'd kiss away her tears
I'd tell her I am sorry for her pain
Give back the love I'd carried all those years
Convince her that her gift was not in vain

I'd ask for her forgiveness on my knees
Tears of contrition I would surely weep
Then thank her for life's sweetest memory
And with her blessing peacefully I'd sleep

  October 10 2016

by Kelly Deschler |
Categories: death, flower, lost love, metaphor, red, rose, sad love,

Red Roses Fade To Black

Red velvet petals, only I, seduce,
With hidden danger under the disguise,
My fingers feeling shyly, I reduce,
Thorns sharpen, ready, waiting the unwise.

Before me, bleeding poison, I assume,
This flower withered, shriveled the entire,
A dark extracted substance, the perfume,
No beauty, only sorrow, I admire.

Withdrawn I wept lamenting the depart,
A rosebud, crimson, youthful, I erased,
A lifeless flower, never I impart,
nor taken with affection, I embraced.

Written by Kelly Deschler  October 23rd, 2014

by Rob Carmack |
Categories: animal, best friend, dog, humorous, love, pets, thanks,

Sonnet Chiweenie Boo

Your dad, a Dachshund once stuck in Chihuahua.
The best of both in you, with that expectant
Confusing carpets for the lawn enigma.
I know….the raining….getting wet….you can’t.

As coldness chills the room, a sheet for you.
The perfect tucking of in, but you moved!
I ponder, just how crazy is my Boo?
The sheet’s thread count too low to be approved?

Your dance in circles, spinning on the floor.
Rewards and treasures known upon the racks.
Induced by meals and that one pantry door.   
In such a fury, choking on the snacks.

I know what God’s book says, I’ve searched it whole.
But still, I hope you have a little soul.


by Victor Chavez |
Categories: art, beautiful, love, mother, sun, thanks, tribute, world, youth,


Hera precious, gorgeous queen of splendor,
of mighty Ares,and Enyo,the mother,
to thee I write my gratitude and thanks
for all thy blessings showered upon my head.
Thine is the pomegranate and the diadem,
with which you rule all worlds and human lands,
with magnanimous mercy and charity.
of rainbow colors dressed divine thou art,
the sunny smiling matron of the arts,
Thou,queen, who favorest the pure of heart.

by Bruce Schuhart |
Categories: angst, lost love, light, light, truth,

After You

I saw a light from across the field
On a night the sky shed tears of rain.
I had hoped the dark would help to shield
My heart from sorrow it need not feign.
To the burden of truth I must yield
And with truth the burden I might explain.

The light shone on, then it was put out –
It’s glow prematurely extinguished.
Gloom filled the void and then cast about,
It engaged me and I was anguished.
Morning found my spirit easy to flout,
And all that morning I so languished.

by Donald Meikle |
Categories: animals, friendship, love, pets, love, me,

Cat Proud

A part of what you are to me
Knowing you are free to be
apart from me
and yet
I am no longer free
to be alone from thee
so hold my heart my love my soul
for you are all that keeps me whole
Upon this sea of life and storm
I hold your love to light and warm
my every breath
on every turn with you I yearn to be
to hold you close to feel you blink
your breath upon my face
refreshes me as we embrace
and then I sink to deep contented sleep
a well fed cat
in Summer sun
whose furry dreams 
have just begun
paws atingle purrs  aloud 
whisker flicking joy and proud
as only cats can be

by Sekitto Herbert Grace |
Categories: funnygrandparents, poets,

My Answer To Dakarai Cobb

Yes we are,
we are the poets of today
and tomorrow,
and we shall be forever.
Let them know that we are just writers
as our grand parents who had the talent we have!
Yes we are,
we are here to educate people
who knows how to read and write,
and those who love what we say and write.
Let them know that me and you,
and those of ours we are just poets.
They have to know what we are,
not to quote us wrong the poets of today
and those of tomorrow.

by Constance La France |
Categories: writing,

It Was Snowing

It snowed and snowed on the day I was born, And for that reason I love falling snow; In dreams, I walk the frozen woods till morn; And from my pen the words just drip and flow. ___________________________ March 25, 2016 Iambic Pentameter

by Cameron Holden |
Categories: happiness, love, love, morning, i love you,

Fresh Air

Your eyes sparkle like lapis lazulite
As your hair cascades down your face
Your skin glows like morning sunset
And as i look at you i think are you an Angel tonight?

Your a breath of fresh air in a world of hate
And looking at you i see my soul mate
And i long too hold u close in the darkest night
And as our eyes meet like 2 stars lost in the cold lonely night

As the word i love you carries on the cool morning air
And as i run my fingers through your hair
So let me reassure you i will always be there
I love you now and forever I will be there

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: desire, longing, lost love, love, love hurts, pain, senses,

Footsteps In the Hall

I wait to hear your footsteps in the hall
     The night is low and I a wretched beast
The pain of empty arms will not relent
     As I lay down my head to try and rest

The violet night winds begin to blow
     They whisper of the songs you sang to me
It silences the torture and the fear
     That you may not return to me tonight

I taste your lips in wine stained tears of love
     The fire’s warmth, a hopeless substitute
I wait to hear your footsteps in the hall
     I’ll wait, my love, until we are as one

by Catherine Mary Airan |
Categories: assonance, caregiving, christian, christmas, hindi, holocaust, love,


I traveled the world
And though it is vast
I still need a truth
That would always last

Studied some books
And know my mind too
The whole time God knows
Only love will do

Studied Religion and 
Forever I found
Even God loves Love
On this I expound

My Mom in my life
Always there for me
Taught me that true love
Would there always be

Love doesn't judge man
And I'm very free
From color or type
Of good company

True love doesn't die
"Oh Love, you'll abound,"
Despite all the bad
You'll stand your ground

Love's the Law for me
We are always free
Love keeps me alive
This is Love's decree.

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: heart, love, music, romantic, soulmate,

The Sweet Scent of Your Soul

You speak my name a tone that chimes so sweet,
Then gently stroke my heartstrings and you can.
You sing the song of love when our eyes meet,
I feel the music flow through you sweet man.

You take my hand and gently kiss my palm,
Then place it lovingly upon your cheek.
You know my moods, you have become my calm,
Your arm around my shoulder makes me weak.

Your love for me, it rushes through each bone,
You fill me up and make me my best whole.
I love to hear your heart beat its sweet tone,
You've shown to me, the sweet scent of your soul.

Anthony Slausen’s Contest: 
The Scent of your Soul

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: child, happy, love, memory, passion, son,

Precious Stones

Little boy with heavy pockets 
Make my eyes pop out their sockets.
Every stone your eyes find shiny,
Whether big, however tiny.
You swoop them up, your pockets full
Every stone has magical pull.
Your shelves all lined with precious stones
You polished as you brought them home.
Before you go to bed each night 
You feel each one holding them tight.
Then as you sleep snug in your bed
Precious stones sparkle in your head.

Anthony Slausen’s Contest 
Precious Stones and Gems

by Gene Bourne |
Categories: allusion, confusion, dedication, emotions, feelings, first love, funny, funny love, humorous, relationship, social,

A Boxcar Named Desire

No, we weren't a couple one expected. 
"What could she be thinking", one reflected. 
Yet we held an undefined attraction; 
Some subconscious neuron interaction. 

After weeks we gathered our composure 
Time to face my parents' first exposure. 
True, your looks were just a bit off kelter(sic). 
Poets often live at homeless shelters. 

Mother stiffened, held her throat, and gasped. 
Father never moved, in shock perhaps. 
Then we vowed to do what we must do. 
Freight trains leave at seven, ten and two.

Gene Bourne


by John Squires |
Categories: love, romantic,

When I Think of You

When I think of you surely I could fly
When you’re away I feel like I could cry
My heart beats fast whenever you are near
I think of your sweet voice I love to hear
Bright memories of you they fill my day
I dream of you whenever I’m away 
My love, sweet fragrance come again to me
I know when we’re together we are free

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: cat, love,


He waits for chance to settle on my jeans,
This gentle relative of wild felines.
He starts to purr as he lands in my lap.
It is his preferred place to take a nap.
He paws my hand to get himself a pat,
Aware he is my beloved, pampered cat.
I know the routine, it's been well rehearsed
And wonder which of us will nod off first.

He looks at me with loving eyes of green,
A brilliant color not on humans seen.
We nestle down in comfort of my chair.
No place on earth a more contented pair.
Although my work awaits, I do not move,
For I too need a time of purrfect love.

By: Joyce Johnson
Written and submitted 9/21/14

by Renie Simone |
Categories: allegory, analogy, old, school, teacher, travel, wisdom,

Undo and Redo

If I could go back,
and knew what I know,
I’d change a few things,
and shake up the flow.
I might go to class,
be where I should be,
Say and wear what I wish,
And only be me.
Ignore the ignorant,
hold dearest friends close,
Respect authority,
never stick up my nose.
Have love and compassion,
a watchful mind,
Keep ears wide open,
and always be kind.
Harbor a strong heart,
let others be shared,
Make sure I remind them,
that I always cared.
So, if I could go back,
and knew what I know,
I might change a few things,
and see where it goes.

by Lana Lana |
Categories: life, love, stress,


If I would be stronger,
without crucial mistakes,
if I would have last longer,
wouldn't step on the brakes.
Wouldn't consider an ending,
surrender at last,
get depressed at a bird sing
I would live with a blast.
But youth keeps me safe,
would not live without me,
I slide with the wave,
for youth I'm building a family tree.
But as I collect brick blocks,
I still slide against rocks.

Written on:
04/08/2016 (by the European date format)
All I could do was surrender - Shakespearean Sonnet - Poetry Contest

by Bruce Schuhart |
Categories: lost love, words, autumn,

Deep In the Wind

I heard her calling from deep in the wind,
From someplace too far away.
A muffled voice, some shapeless words-
What was it she was trying to say?

I turned my head and strained to hear,
But her words were a jumble of sound.
They were tossed about like the dying leaves
That carelessly blew on the ground.

I gave up listening and started away,
But paused once more in my track.
I heard again- or so I thought-
What could have been “Please, come back!”

But those words too, were quickly lost
As the wind gave them formless flight.
They were stolen away in the autumn air
And disappeared in the encroaching night.

by Vee Bdosa |
Categories: addiction, suicide,

Midnight Suicide

If only I'd the heart to be
the stronger of the two of we
perchance your love would still be here
and part of you and me

but merciless, love gives no clue
from whence it comes or goes into
the time of day it might appear
then leave, the same as you

I have no mind for fickle thought
nor pain that loving you has brought
when worth my time, I held life dear
but hated life when not;

tomorrow's not another day
and in this night I cannot stay
so I must needs to leave from here
by mine own hand and way.
      © vee bdosa the doylestown poet aka ron wilson

by Dr. Upma A. Sharma |
Categories: joy, life,

A Child's Sky

A child's sky

Subtle emotions in heart,
till he grows up real smart,
Tears scroll down the chubby cheek,
for a toy meagre and meek!

Steals eye to slip out of house,
dad's anger is tough to douse,
The joy of winning marbles,
soon withers with growing barbels!

Mom is after for the meals,
not eating, puts her on heels,
Annoyance that ends in love,
Countless blessings from above!

Courage and zeal see no dearth,
angel gets heaven on earth,
Holy soul knows no deceit,
a child's sky has winsome fleets !!

Written Feb 18th, 2015
By Dr. Upma A. Sharma joined soup on May 16th, 2013
Iambic heptameter for Giorgio's contest

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: angst, love, pain,

Needles In the Snow

The pain of feeling helpless is so great
     It pricks the heart like needles in the snow
If I could cure the sadness that you feel
     With love, pure joy is all you’d ever know

Though you may smile, your eyes belie your grin
     Their hazel beauty now a black tableau
I too can feel the sting of your torment
     It pricks my heart like needles in the snow

by Golden Closet |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, allusion, art, heartbroken, inspirational love,


As I am lying down in bed alone
my spiritless body rolls in bed and 
once again I reach out to my smartphone 
I click an app and see someone blond. 

On busy schedule, I always 
check Instagram on a daily basis. 
And I always see your face every day 
Your posts fantasizes like an oasis.

I wonder if you look at my pictures 
and hesitate on liking my photos
I wonder if you see me in features 
My heart broke down when I changed my bio 

I'm always drowning in a square ocean.
In your Instagram with emotion.