Love Poems About Infatuation or Infatuation Love Poems
by Daniel Turner |
Categories: crush, funny love, humorous, teacher,

Teacher's Pet

As I look back, it all seems funny now
Recalling all those awkward teen age years
I pushed the limits farther than allowed
Supposedly when young, we had no fears

Infatuation caught me with the blues
My heart was swollen by love's gentle sting
It was a crush that only left a bruise
Left by the diamond in her wedding ring

The first day I laid eyes on her, I fell
The lightning bolt she was, that shook my world
And to this day I swear I'd know her smell
Could she have read my mind, she'd likely hurled

I hated school but never missed her class
She said she loved me 'cause I made her laugh

  original poem by Daniel Turner

by John Hamilton |
Categories: love, romantic, soulmate, together, true love,

A Love Built On Trust

A love built on trust

Our love flutters on calypso breezes,
cruising on the tropic of Capricorn
All of our anxieties it eases,
as mango sun wakes us this August morn

Passionate dew glistens on sun kissed skin 
as we gaze at skies of peaches and cream
your essence incites desires within
We're enamored in this tropical dream

This is no cruise ship infatuation
We confess and reveal history's scars
tethered together in hearts migration
Promising love, under the moon and stars

Shooting stars ricochet through cosmic dust
Heavenly signs that our love's built on trust

John Derek Hamilton
July 13,2017

by Silent One |
Categories: love,


Listen to words that cannot be spoken Feel rare rhythms only your heart can feel Taste passionate nectar your tongue has desired Look with infatuation at unseen visions Smell unique aroma that shall never fade Touch forbidden fruits that fascinate hunger Heal pacify pain rebuilding broken hearts Sing unspoken lyrics create a new song Love without limits never expressed before Die in peace knowing you were loved
The Silent One Simple musings Written 22 April 2016 Posted 9 February 2018

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: devotion, true love,

One Look

one look and i knew
the attraction was fatal
would grow into devotion
and i’d never find a cure

AP: 3rd place 2022

Submitted on May 19, 2021 for contest TANKA sponsored by M.L. KISER  -  RANKED 2ND

and July 9, 2018 for contest TANKA IN 5 7 5 7 7 sponsored by THE POET DOCTOR

by Andrea Dietrich |

The Birth

Infatuation one cold winter fell
like flower blossoms white to frigid ground.
The secrets that I’d never dared to tell
lay buried like the earth beneath each mound. 

An awful truth so haunted me I hid
it underneath the softness of new snow,
and when I’d come to think that I was rid
of it, your love for me began to grow.

That love, like sun, shone fully; soon I felt
your strong desire to understand my heart.
You saw, when you had made the first snow melt,
the ground laid bare. . . it tore us not apart!

From sunlight, passion’s snow, and naked earth
was white spring rose I write of given birth.

by Lu Loo |
Categories: love, passion,

The Fascination of Aspiration

Sincere lingering
     brought forth by proclivity
       infatuation fondness

       Flowers in mid-spring
    brought forth by simplicity
you are my constant conquest


Abrupt appetite
    brought forth by fascination
       devoted eagerness dwells

       Sweet scent, penetrate
   brought forth by aspiration	
laying down while you compel

~Written By: Laura Loo~
~Date Written: March 12, 2016~

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love, metaphor,

The Rose

Infatuation one cold winter fell
like flower blossoms white to frigid ground.
The secrets that I’d never dared to tell
lay buried like the earth beneath each mound. 

An awful truth so haunted me I hid
it underneath the softness of new snow,
and when I’d come to think that I was rid
of it, your love for me began to grow.

That love, like sun, shone fully; soon I felt
your strong desire to understand my heart.
You saw, when you had made the first snow melt,
the ground laid bare. . . it tore us not apart!

From sunlight, passion’s snow, and naked earth
was white spring rose I write of given birth.

by Constance La France |
Categories: lost love,


I gave you my heart
and my infatuation
to ever entwine . . . 
I leave you my devotion 
at your stone cold tomb, engraved.

July 9, 2018

Copyright Protected, ID 18-100040-483-01
All Rights Reserved.  Written Under Pseudonym.

Written for the contest, Tanka
sponsor, The Name Forsakes Me

Tenth Place

by John Watt |
Categories: green, love, passion, romantic love, youth,

Love's Beautiful Lawn

Wild grasses of my springtime heart unmown,
unruly, unrestrained, in silence grew.
Youth’s fierce infatuation madly blew
its untamed gales where tall, green blades had grown.
Fair birds of transient love have long since flown –
that tale’s dark thread unraveled. Segue to
the stunning, breathless moment I met you
and found the ageless love I’d never known.

As autumn yields to winter, hair recedes
brown-gray, and once-hard muscles dormant lie;
our fathomless love-light remains undimmed.
Spring’s passions redirected, naught impedes
love’s resolute commitment. You and I
adore our beautiful lawn, neatly trimmed.

by L Milton Hankins |
Categories: endurance, love,

True Love Will Endure

Fancy the reasons why love is so elusive Could be we don’t know what we look for, Feelings that with love are not conducive Strange so many do not know the score Looking for love “in all the wrong places,” Confusing true love with an infatuation, Equating it with beautiful or perfect faces Often can lead to the nastiest situations. Generally, love requires time to mature Knowing yourself and your expectations, Commitment in love is not for the unsure I say, always beware of those hesitations. Work toward a relationship that is secure, I'm convinced that true love will endure.
Written August 20, 2022

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: hope, lost love, love,

Heart Song

With devotion lost
You stepped through a low portal.
Took control of my desire.
You captured my broken heart. 


Bite Size Poem no.37 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Line Gauthier

'TANKA in 5 7 5 7 7 ' Contest ~N/A~
Sponsor The Poet Doctor

by Paul Callus |
Categories: first love, heartbreak,

Bitter Memory

Blinded by the first morning beam
Intense infatuation of adolescent love
Triggered emotions. His beguiling charm
Tightened its hold. But a flaw in the scenario
Entangled the script, and the seducer, less his veneer
Retreated into oblivion, leaving a broken heart in disarray.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

by Ashley Daly |
Categories: devotion, love, passion,

I Tasted of Temptation

I tasted of temptation
With a pinch of infatuation
A touch of captivation
And a dash of imagination
With heaps of fascination
And a sense of excitation
With this newfound jubilation
You’re my favorite fixation

by Hilda Greenhough |
Categories: love,

Small Town Cop

Alternating red and blue, police car siren blaring.
My heart is thumping wildly. I wave and blow him a kiss, 
But he doesn't notice. He is on the job, not caring.
And since I'm driving slowly, a chance meeting I'm going to miss.

Had he wings, he would be the Heavenly Angel Michael.
But he is an honest cop who watches for speeders on the road.
His manner is courteous; his aura is physical,
Yet, his peaceful brow is smooth, tending not to furrow hold.

Today, I see him at the curb writing a citation.
I wave, I wink, and blow a kiss as I drive on by.
Though my heart is bursting with daily infatuation, 
It is those California girls who always catch his eye.

by Jess Johnson |
Categories: love,

Words of Love

I adore you. The devotion of my emotions are overwhelming. The fond delight of 
lusting for you hits that tender spot. I am mad for the passion sent through my 
weak body at the sight of your intensity. I respect your friendship more and more, 
but that wild sensation makes me hot.  I have an inclination that this involvement 
is not infatuation, rather, its LOVE. 

Je t'aime.

by Steve Watson |
Categories: longing, love,

All Hopes Embers

How to endure
This infatuation 

When the touch of your hand
Is crucifixion 

And every glance
Enflames my soul

Yet better this than a 

And all hope’s embers
Growing cold.

Steve W, 2019

by Valsa George |
Categories: best friend, betrayal, lost love,


"An infatuation can grow into a steady affair through love and marriage, but if weakened through silence and indifference, love which is magical can prove critical too"  ~ By Poet

An emotion born through chance A spark lit through glance Fanned through appearance Grown through acquaintance Confirmed through countenance Blazed through romance Interrupted through absence Steadied through alliance Tested through penance Decreased through silence Weakened through defiance Exhausted through indifference Worn out through intolerance Snubbed out through violence And ended up in divorce!

by Serenity D'Nae Montgomery |
Categories: lost love

Why Did You Cheat On Me?

Why did you cheat on me?
At the time was she better?
Was her kiss a door
that opened to forever?
Did she feel you with love?
Or was that just infatuation?
Did she get a thrill
out of my humiliation?
If you weren't in love with her,
then why'd you do it?
Did you not really like me
and use her to prove it?
Why did you cheat on me?
I did not deserve it.
It hurts so bad, 
you don't even know it.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: crush, feelings, love,

- Love's Ecstasy -

Dreams with sweet kisses
                                   searching for the devotion
                                        Not just a feeling
                                Love is more ... love's ecstasy
                                      sparkling infatuation

Sun :) A-L Andresen :) 5-7-5-7-7
For : TANKA Poetry Contest

9th place in the contest

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: love, , sweet love,

Easy As Falling Off a Bike

Infatuation is what it's sometimes called You can give it any name you'd like I call it love, pure love sweet love It's as easy as falling off a bike No need for any special instructions But your heart must be willing to share All or even just a part of your heart Almost everyone has love to spare Nothing's really more important in life It's the engine that turns our wheel Can't think of anything that even comes close For passion, for intensity, for zeal Take it from me, an extremely sensitive male Who loves life and the joys it brings Once you discover the true meaning of life You find all year round is spring © Jack Ellison 2013

by Klio Tsitsikroni |
Categories: life,


Youthful naivety 
Blame it on Puberty 
Mistaking infatuation with love

by Okologo Uche Ken |
Categories: fantasy,

Wild and Foolish Love

Knowing that you exist in my heart
Even when you always decked on your hat
To lure the one that has giving you tough 
Times as you often attempt to ride on the rough
Edges of her frigid and rigid mind,
One is not amazed that blind 
Love can easily turn someone wild
Although the individuals with mild 
Hearts sometimes falls into wrong
Hands and it takes quite a long
Time to realize that infatuation
Breeds unwarranted tension and depression
Caused by emotional hurts and heartbreak,
That is usually the end story of a fake.
 A poem written by Uche ken Okologo. 4/30/2013

by Gretchen Cruz |
Categories: allusion, crazy, desire, feelings, heartbroken, imagination, relationship,

Infatuation, Self Deception







by Iris E. Sankey- Lewis |
Categories: adventure, feelings, longing, love, nature, nostalgia, seasons,


Gulf breeze chime my chimes
What I say here pass it on
Spring fling beckoning.

Infatuation -
A cat chases its own tail
Love begins at home.

Elusive wind blows
Bliss is like falling in love
I claim nostalgia.

Wrapped kisses with rose
A lonely hunter shivers 
Love last a life time.


by Emile Pinet |
Categories: angst, emotions, encouraging, feelings, hurt,

Believe In Magic

In youth's fantasies, passion inflames imagination. And yet, instinct tells you love's not mere infatuation. Morality's boundaries define who you think you are. Yet, when lust courts innocence, promiscuity's not far. Fueling unhappiness, trust's merely an illusion. And faithfulness is part of reality's delusion. Exaltation and sorrow establish flexible norms. And the fickle winds of fate; stir up emotional storms. Yet hope allows you to smile; anything less is tragic. For when you're young and in love; you should believe in magic.