Love Poems About Insect or Insect Love Poems
by Robert Ronnow |
Categories: bird, humor, insect, love, men, poetry, wine,

Can Poetry Matter

In the debate between accessible and difficult poems
Poets' poems and poems for people
Only the single poem and private reader matter

Both kinds and anything between can matter or not
Solid or made of air, a vase or heavy clay ashtray
One word repeated or many like a lei

An acquired taste, like wine, and like wine
Not sustenance, yet men die with their miseries
Uncut without it, news and mere matter

I advise everyone to keep a personal anthology of poems that matter
Or not. Perhaps it should be novels. Stones, insect wings,
Feathers, Birds you've seen, People loved.

by Tim Ryerson |
Categories: funny, insect, nature,

Male Mantis Murder

Subtitled: WELL! You didn't have to bite my HEAD off...

Gladly would I die
for your love, my dear. No! Wait!
Just kidding! Just kid...

by Gary Smith |
Categories: humorous, longing,

I Am Just What I Am

Here I sit on the ocean bed
Just sifting mud and ooze,
But If it was up to me
It's not the life I'd choose.

It's dark down here, there's creepy things
All looking for a feast
So I live on tenterhooks,
Hiding from the beasts.

To be higher up the food chain
Is where I'd love to be,
But to be a shark, or a huge blue whale
Was not my destiny.

So my life is what it is,
I am just what I am.
But it's no fun at the bottom,
It's no fun being a clam.

Entry for
Personification poem of a pet, wild animal or insect Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Tania Kitchin
2/9/18. Placed 6th.

by Gry Christensen |
Categories: autumn, loneliness, longing, lost love, love,

From a Cafe Table

In this hour 
they called it the French lace minutes 
the sound of autumn leaves falling 
unbearable to the ear 
I slip out in the 
echoing space 
between now 
and then 
it's an insect like feeling 
that buzzes around 
too fast 
to be recognized 

then a coat slides to the ground 
heels are clapping hands with wooden floor 
ashtrays are laid to rest 

and on a bus ticket my pen is scribbling 
you are here 
you are here 
you are here

© Gry W Christensen

by Teddy Kimathi |
Categories: animal, funny, funny love, humor, humorous, imagery, insect,


One who is loved by bees is beeloved!

by Tom Arnone |
Categories: insect, lost love, love, marriage, planet, science fiction, space,

Call To Mars

Saving credits for a trip to the stars,
A cave at Alba Mons volcano:
Ancient secrets, flowing bars;
Greenish women, so Bueno;
Artifacts, old, Martian,
Calling me to hug.
Beetle auction.
Red dust bug.
Big brained,
Belonging to
Polka-dot fellows
Sexy ladybugs knew.
A rust-colored threesome
In waters that ran chilled and new;
But, air-thinned with delirium,
And a dusty marriage Mars did eschew.

by Tahira Parveen |
Categories: cute love, food, funny, happiness, insect, nature,

Mukbang- Asmr, With Little Bee

This poem is in conjunction with the video above. Mukbang Asmr- Little Bee Enter my little abode For a special event a “ Mukbang” So many things to eat Toastie with tea Doughnuts Chicken and chips with coke This is so amazing, So delightful, so tasty Melts in the mouth Crunching and munching away For a busy bee like me This is so good Look and enjoy and take your time To watch me eat my meal.

by Frances Schiavina |
Categories: insect,

That's Love



First Place Winner: Joseph May-In Just A Few Words 2/ Contest 1/17/21
Honorable Mention: Line Gauthier-Bite Size Contest No 78

by Peter Lewis Holmes |
Categories: creation,

Love You Bastard Devil

Love you bastard devil to be; 
I know because I am God and 
you are insect; when before there
was no bang or street corner gang…
you lovely bastard Satan angel.

From sin to speeding galaxy,
I’ll not be fooled….

by Alphonze Aliandro |
Categories: imagination, insect,

A Cricket

im just laying about 
thinking thoughts of a cricket
thinking about what crickets think
while buzzing and beeping

they think of the creatures 
lurking and creaping
that love tasty crickets 
who's buzzers are beeping

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: bird, flower, imagery, insect,


the prickly-eyed coneflower bees attractively buzzing their squeeze. the purple petal umbrellas. a lovely echinacea breeze. butterflies and hummingbirds hove’.* red-winged blackbird, high perched above, does shelter in Eden, his brood. cones teem with life, vivacious love. 8/24/2022 Eight Lines of Rhyme - Your Favorite Flower Sponsor: Tania Kitchin Rhymes checked with rhymezone aaba rhyme scheme *hove’ - hover

by Robert Ronnow |
Categories: dark, dream, hurt, memory, nature, silence, winter,

Silence of Winter

Silence of winter
distant from all but my sexual contacts
her bedroom nights
and day friends
memory of my independence vanishing dream
holding on to it, myself
knowing how love can hurt.

Its seduction of me, dissolving my man barriers
biologically, to procreate
or create a new personality, a deepening
humility, her womanhood hands.
Not giving in completely
touching sweetly
but staying strong.

Going into the winter to mark my trees
not flinching in the dark early morning
casting an eye cold as a telescope
moving inexorably
a part of nature, insect, star.
This is how I'll love
and live with her.

by Mark Crone |
Categories: beautiful, christian, community, insect, joy, love, nature,


As the morning sunlight falls , 
On the dew laden flower , 
Workers stir within their beds , 
Blessing the minutes to the hour  , 

The drunkard stirs in wind swept streets , 
As babies demand their feed , 
Whilst birds and bees take flight in hope , 
A new day in search of feed ,

But as the sun does slowly rise ,
All this would seem to cease , 
Fear not it is only intermission ,
In the next show of natures peace .

by Mel Brake |
Categories: allegory, imagery, insect, life, love, mystery, spiritual,

And Along Came a Spider

Sometimes the wholeness of the universe
Comes along like a black widow spider
On a thin thread and stops in front of one’s face

From fear and dread
All time stops
As the eight-legged spider
With eighty-eight eyes stare directly

Consumed with death and obituaries
Sleeplessness nights and tragic endings
The black widow spider a symbol of eternity and 
life cycles like the center of the universe pauses

by John Beharry |
Categories: bird, insect, morning, nature, rain, sunset, time,


Why do birds sing early in the morning
They are telling all Nature's creation
That a brand new day is just beginning
So wake up and get ready for action

Why are bees always so very busy
They are providing a lesson for us
As they search for nectar for their honey
That time is certainly very precious

Why does the rain fall from the sky above
Showering the seas and the earth below
This event is merely an act of love
That sustains living things and helps them grow

Why does the sky turn to orange and red
In the evening light of the setting sun
It's a message to get ready for bed
And a signal that the day is now done

by Mel Brake |
Categories: dream, funeral, insect, joy, leaving, lost love,

Golden Butterfly

Life is like
a twinkling of an eye

Sure is the flight
of a butterfly

With 20 strokes
of its wings

three scores and ten days

only 8 happy moments

its life comes to an end

by Brian Johnston |
Categories: nature,

Haiku Number 59

through pine tree shadows
winds monarch's path to home tree -
needles blown by wings

Brian Johnston
July 28, 2016

Inspired by Caro Cecile on Face Book's Japanese Poetry Garden Path

Poet's notes:
Hoards of monarch butterflies have an amazing migration which is more bird-like than that of any other insect. They migrate thousands of miles following the same path of their ancestors, even returning to the same trees that their parents inhabited to mate and lay eggs. I love the suggestion that their path might be traced by pine needles that have been disturbed and rearranged as they pass.

by Ross Thompson |
Categories: angst, father, introspection, life, love, people,


A mirror grimy
Dust, insect, fears, tears: my past
Reflect his image.

by Charron Resolution |
Categories: emo, girlfriend, heartbroken, humor, insect, irony, love hurts,

Too Single

I've been single too long Obviously That a mosquito is the only female that wants to take a bite of me

by Leon Datu |
Categories: insect, sweet, , sweet love,

Sweet Love--Aws

ants scratching a rose

with letter fragrantly pressed

sugar coated dish

For the Captcha Contest of Judy Konos

27 Apr 2015

by Leila Anka |
Categories: care, , cute,


I would like the cats
They had cute and innocent faces.
Until to see in its mouth a bird.
I disclaimed...

Later, I began to love
the birds...
They should be more innocent.
One time I believed that.

Until to see in its mouth a worm.
Later I disclaimed.

And One day
On the way
Again While I thinking these,
I crashed an insect,
with out seeing.
In last minute  I saw it.
but it was late.

We have damage
to somethings 
knowingly or unknowingly.
To think; is it paradise or hell?
Or two both.
I decided finally,
The best, not to think a lot.

by Bill Lindsay |
Categories: funny, insect,

Tiny Observation

how flies
rub their hands
together like excited
children with party food

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: flower, funny love, husband, insect, wife,

I Am a Secret Flower Boy

On my every pair
  of underwear
I have drawn
  a flower

Pink tulip here
  red rose there
I take them off
  to shower

My wife, amazed
  She questions me
"Is the the man
  I married?"

I say, "Yes, dear. Just
  be glad my blooms
don't pollinate ~ with
  bees instead of faeries

by Tahira Parveen |
Categories: beautiful, happy, hope, insect, love, sweet,

Caught On Camera

This poem is in conjunction with the video. 
Please watch if you may.

Caught you on camera Walking down my path As if I didn’t see you Coming to my door With your flowers Or are they mine But all in all A sweet gesture Amen.

by Katy Fulton |
Categories: farewell, insect, peace,

A Firefly's Finale

but fades to dim. 
A sidewalk deathbed,
too cold for this mystic.
Come rest on my wrist angel 
and swallow the wild, night air.
Let my slow stride lead your final waltz,
and in your last breath you will know of love.