by Poet Destroyer A |
beautiful, beauty, best friend, light, moon, sun,
The shining light hides behind my eyes,
Comes in a super nova surprise
My spirit glides into the skies,
Spreading the perfect heat like the sunrise
I was like a diamond under the beauty of the ocean!
My current rides out with smooth motions,
Leaving a taste with intense emotion
Captured by my tides, sunk to my love potion
The sun sends my waves like a mirage of snow
I got the moon to favor upon my glow
With every star touching my inner soul
A glimpse of darkness in my light entwining with a massive flow
Blinded by my own ECLIPSE!
My sun & moon collide
Until the day we both touch lips
by Carol B. |
To me it's always been crystal clear
my emerald heart sheds tear after tear
Intense, easy to emote
it's to love I devote
His golden flakes beat in me like needs
I fill my lungs string him in like beads
As rare as four leaf clovers - we are for real
I must bare my heart for him to also feel
by Andrea Dietrich |
Young love is pure - like snow when fallen new -
and always I’ll recall one wondrous day!
Through dawn, soft powder fell; clouds lingered grey
until mid-morning. Splendid sun shone through
the gloom, and sky turned periwinkle blue!
Excited, we ran laughing, out to play
in snow, which all around us brightly lay.
But never did I guess what would ensue. . .
You chased me, until breathless, we both dropped
onto a blanket of sheer white, and then
a snowflake touched my mouth. Your fingertips
began to trace its shape, until you stopped. . .
Your gaze became intense, and that is when
you bent to kiss the snowflake from my lips.
by Dion Bess |
lovepain, night, night,
Wit each line my soul drift away.
Heart still aching so each night I pray.
Life consume with pain veins fill with rage.
Mind still enslave.
Yet still standing tall until you put me in my grave.
Overwhelm with pride so i refuse to die.
So each night I am (smoking) levitating through the sky.
Conquer love can't you see the fire in my eyes.
Natural born leader but a king with you by my side.
Speaking the truth not uttering one lie.
Still feeling pain but my heart will never die.
Cause in your arms I will always be alive.
Making your pain mine the new Bonnie and Clyde
by Line Gauthier |
death, goodbye, grief, lost love, love, peace, sick,
it happened all so fast
it was a swoosh it was a blur
it was all so very intense
and I remember every minute
every gruesome detail
every awesome moment
every breath
every look
every word
every silence
I remember days
turning to weeks
I remember wanting to hold on
to never let go
I remember you fading
vanishing before us
I remember you
giving us time
to say goodbye
I remember
the peace in your heart
but mostly
it’s the love I remember
AP: 3rd place 2022, Honorable Mention 2022
Submitted on April 21, 2021 for contest ALL YOURS (APR 23) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND
POTD - February 13, 2021
Originally posted on February 11, 2021
by Lu Loo |
soft tunes speak,
whispers of light-
cry not
for my heartache,
scars have been mended,
life is sound…
once more-
love ascends,
fear breaks
its routine;
starlit nights
gleam with intense heat,
they shine as if they’re mine-
is hope transcending
September 3, 2019
Yalto Poems Only Poetry Contest
Emile Pinet
by Silent One |
Two Sedoka's on addiction.
I think we all know someone who suffers from addiction, be it alcohol, drugs, pills or gambling.. Sadly too many judge from the action and do not see the reason behind many fall into it.
fighting addiction
chains of control solder hold
held captive to corrupt brain
unhealed trauma screams
judgement offers no respite
soul hopes to escape prison
warfare addiction
mind battles intense craving
brain hellbent to find next fix
without compassion
do not judge - support through love
save a soul that's still alive
by Jack Ellison |
Dear sweet lover
I'm yours to the end
More than a lover
An life long friend
Morns when I wake
To your cheery hello
All's well with the world
I feel all aglow
Why am I blessed
With a love so immense
Love without boundaries
A feeling so intense
The cynics will scoff
Say I'm living a dream
It's not real life
My feelings too extreme
I say to these doubters
Trust in your heart
It's given life a meaning
Right from the start
It's really quite simple
Just trust in your soul
Let passions guide you
And go with the flow!
by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
"Intense Interlude"
in sweet magical moment
deep mesmerizing gaze
kidnapped his heart, in Time,
extending fragrant flowers
she smiled, through haunting hazel eyes
in translucent vapor mist
visual aromatic ambiance
ensconced emotions
beyond whispered words
as beauty bewitched
a charming interlude
love captivated by essence of inhaled eye-candy.
*Blending of sight and smell senses.
*For Nette Onclaud's Synesthesia: Inner Body Movement Contest.
*Written by: Linda-Marie The "Sweetheart" of P.S.
*Nov. 18, 2012.
by Pace Ink-U-Script |
love, passion,
In the span of stolen hours, thy lips fall silent apart from thy pupils
muttering softly, acquainting with an
astonishing creation wherefrom
created. In many respects,
could not restrain
its intense
gold of
And unwilling
to exhale for
fear of lost
sight of creators
treasure. Thy lips
drew near, prevailing upon thy pupils;
transcending and transitioning to that wherefrom
created within the inner sanctum, time and time again...surreptitiously.
Pace, G
by Gary Bateman |
emotions, god, heaven, love, metaphor, passion, spiritual,
Your Touch Means So Much
Your touch means so much to me my love,
As we hold each other with intense passion.
We know our love has God’s blessing above;
Our bond for eternity shall always be in fashion.
As we hold each other with intense passion,
We dazzle with emotion pure on this Earth.
Our bond for eternity shall always be in fashion,
As we approach our souls’ nexus of rebirth.
We dazzle with emotion pure on this Earth.
We know our love has God’s blessing above,
As we approach our souls’ nexus of rebirth.
Your touch means so much to me my love.
Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved,
July 31, 2015 (Pantoum)
by Margaret Foster |
natureold, garden, old,
In an old fashioned garden behind a stone wall
Hollyhocks and sunflowers growing so tall
Red rambling roses drape over a fence
Old fashioned flowers with colours intense.
Lupins and larkspur in lilac display
Buddleia blooming where butterflies play
Surrounding moonflower whose petals unfold
A bright splash of starburst, marsh marigold
Herbaceous borders, rosemary and rue
Columbines and clover full damp with the dew
Scents long forgotten their perfumes endow
I loved them long ago, I love them now
These old fashioned flowers, I planted them all,
In an old fashioned garden behind a stone wall
by Alvin Llanos |
anxiety, desire, emotions, feelings, love, romantic,
I cannot help feeling the way that I feel
or doing the things that I do;
acting the way I'm not supposed to.
For I have not the discipline to do so.
Your presence is powerful, and intense..
it overwhelms me completely
and takes control of me.
For that moment, it's an eternity.
I am rendered helpless..
in a state of mind in which I cannot think
clearly, nor focus or believe
in anything other than you.
Everything that I have learned.
Everything that I have built myself upon
has vanished. No rules or religion can
deter me to think otherwise.
I am at your mercy,
whether your intent was to do so or not;
it's how I feel, and it's how I am
when I'm with you.
by Robin Davis |
love, romantic, , cute,
There is a magnetic field
That is keeping my love sealed
A force so strong it is intense
Just like and electric fence
That shocks me each time we touch
But I just can't get enough
Of this static overflow
I am just about to blow
And release a shock so large
The amount of my discharge
Will send waves of love right through
The core, soul and heart of you
You will know my love is real
With the heat your body feels
The tazeing I will supply
Is coming out of my eyes
Beams of romance I will shoot
At you looking very cute
All this energy is warm
Like and electrical storm
Flashing bolts of big bright light
Making a romantic night
by Angeline Haikutwinkle |
beautiful, desire, love, romance,
Under a spray of cold water
Sizzles upon impact on my passionate body
Droplets of desire trickling down
You are the water phantom
Flame and water ignites a spark
Building intense harmony through silent chaos
Desire burning inside
Sensations brewing in hot lava
Your love letters licking my mind
Every alphabet is a glinting beacon in my unlit chamber
You are the conductor of my orchestra making melodies
Together we make beautiful rhythms in giving and taking
by Andrea Dietrich |
The kind of film most women love to see
is all about romance, thus women pick
a type of show that paints the fantasy
of love sublime, so it’s dubbed a chick flick.
I like the fun ones and the sad ones too,
but there’s another genre I like more!
Though dramas with great plot will always do,
there is one type of drama I adore!
There’s nothing like good horror and suspense.
Inside the theater there is a hush
as tension builds, and feelings grow intense,
for your adrenaline will get a rush!
The films like Hitchcock made I never missed.
I love a scary movie with a twist!
July 19, 2017 for the S Form contest of Broken Wings:
Sonnet form. Chosen word: Scary
by Cona Adams |
betrayal, love hurts, music, song,
(Shakespearean Sonnet)
The blue-grass music blares from speaker's face
as guys and gals entwine moon-round the floor,
she sits alone, ignores the dancers' pace
although her ears record the rhythm score.
He begged her love; he painted instant fame.
She nursed her song in dreams alive to wit,
she trusted him to give the verse her name,
and reasoned out they spun a perfect fit.
With traitor's greed intense, he stepped aside,
and claimed her song as his with no remorse.
He left her raw, his chest out-puffed with pride.
Disgraced, abased, her anger reinforced,
she writes another song, recounts the tale,
assured his star will now commence to pale.
by Susan Ashley |
imagery, sexy,
We have a standing date,
today and everyday
when dawn breaks a smile.
We meet in the park
we begin to move,
acquainting ourselves
we begin to sheen.
Our blood is pulsing
feeling so g o o d!
Faster and faster,
we become more intense
as long as we can,
until we are spent.
Dripping wet,
a tousled mess
we slowly recover.
My obsession is requited for now...
tomorrow, I must have you again.
I can't live without you
I love you,
I want you, daily workout.
Susan Ashley
July 22, 2017
by Jamie Grattan |
depression, kids, suicide,
Swallowing pills to end your life,
You are a mother, a daughter, a wife.
The pain and turmoil you've buried inside,
Must be intense to have chosen this ride.
If you could see the love and care,
Your children have, they need you there.
To kiss and hug their pain away,
To comfort them, and be ok.
I hope some day you'll see I'm right,
Push through the fog and see the light.
by Nigel Fawcett |
friendship, life, love
I hear the rhythm beneath your breast,
music of intense emotion,
with a volume of such depth,
it bypasses my ears
to enter my mind,
which interprets
for my heart
and tears
by Brian Anderson |
life, lost love, love
eyes wide open
but sightless in thought
held captive by gravity
but weightless in pursuit
of a love lost
so suddenly rekindled
this flickering flame
where do i begin? again
does she still feel the same?
it's more intense
than when the first time
i came
eyes wide open
but sightless in ecstasy
deep water
i'm drowning
my lungs fill
my eyes roll back
in my head
dead to the world
resurrection in her bed
is this where it
ended last?
how do i avoid
the recurring past?
where do i begin? again
by Cecilia Macfarlane |
Bid on my love and you shall be pleasantly surprised
At the depth of understanding and passion in my eyes
I'm genuine, jubilant and down to earth with no pretense
Life with me will be content, blissful and thrillingly intense
by Bl Devnath |
beauty, love,
love's fireworks beauty
ignites from hearts' affection
intense light of love
as corals in sea
scenic beauty in eyes' sky
Xanadu's stars smile
Date when judged: 13th June 2016
by Michael Alexander |
first love, girlfriend, love,
Carefree and intense,
People who lie.
Stories of glory;
I sit here and cry.
Treadmill of anger,
Rolling beneath me.
I long for her grace,
Her touch, her healing.
She is the one,
The only chosen.
I lie here waiting,
Wanting and broken.
by Paul Callus |
dedication, passion,
Intense my heartbeat at the break of day
Be it the hues that mingle in the sky
Or clustered clouds that keep the sun at bay
The moment’s pleasure sends my spirits high.
Inhaling deeply, fragrance in the air,
My soul uplifted and with passion fed
In heat of ardour, my emotions bare,
With enthusiasm plan the work ahead.