by Lin Lane |
Sunlit days I spent on the moor
Sweet Summer heather scents allure
Bathing in waves on Dublin's shore
Aye, Irish lore Aye, Irish lore
Crumbling castles on exhibit
Pricey ticket; warm day visit
Guinness stout without a limit
Tastes exquisite Tastes exquisite
Stung by wild bees in clover leaves
Winded, needed the help of sheaves
Love for Ireland my heart now weaves
And soon it grieves And soon it grieves
Time has come for vacation's end
And Summer's days with Autumn's blend
When I close my eyes and pretend
In dreams I wend In dreams I wend
by Jean Murray |
home, house, how i feel,
In a stone cottage surrounded by trees,
I live here listening to birds and bees.
The **** crows each morn, wakens me at dawn.
I curse the beast, then rise to face the morn.
I love my work in the Maternity.
Just three days a week, then I am set free.
I live in Ireland, that beautiful isle.
I am spoiled for choice where to spend a while.
The beach, the forest, the National Park?
All are within range, if my car will start.
Hardly a sonnet but you get my drift.
If SO's not fussy, I'll give him a lift.
My kids have been blessed to grow without fear.
All want to return to have their wanes here.
by Laura Breidenthal |
life, social, visionary,
Solicitous, complicated, sad, happy
Sister of Sharon, Charles, Robert and David
Lover of uniqueness, creativity, and rain
Who feels darkness, hope, and intensity
Who fears the unknown, the love of my life, and my chemistry teacher
Who would like to see England, Ireland and Candyland
Resident of San Gabriel, California
by Curtis Moorman |
beautiful, ireland, love, romantic love, truth, woman,
'Tis the Irish homeland
Racing in me blood lad
On it, I'll take me stand
Of me heritage, I am glad
The bonny lass I call me own
Keeps me feeling true
When days on end I must be gone
With the chores I have to do
But when the time is o'er
For me to be back home
I close and lock the door
Vowing not to roam
I'll keep her by me side
As long as breath is mine
She'll not be denied
On that, she is relying
Irish eyes were smiling
Of that ye can be sure
To send one so beguiling
So wholesome and so pure
15 November
For the contest sponsored by Line Gauthier
by Mike Miller |
When the train jolted
The rain and street lights melted.
Your finger traced sighs
Against the breath-fogged windows.
Love fades like peat fire embers
by Vee Bdosa |
food, humor, ireland,
Don't love an Irish girl.
She's gonna do you wrong.
She's a hard hearted woman
and she won't stay home.
I got some Irish blood
in my family tree.
But I wouldn't love an Irish girl
For the life of me.
I ain't no leprechan,
but I'm on the run
cause a hard hearted Irish girl
wanted me for fun.
I lived on Irish stew
it was six days old,
cause she wasn't home long enough
to warm it. I ate it cold.
© ron wilson aka ron arbuthnot
aka vee bdosa the doylestown poet
by Doris Culverhouse |
Me great, great, great-grand pappy-died
His son, sailed away from fighting Ireland
In the wake of the potato famine, sought land
Farming his love, many sons his pride
Irish potatoes-boiled, mashed, salad and fried
by Cheryl Darby |
dog, drink, funny, humorous, ireland,
'When Irish eyes are smiling',
sang the midwife, gleefully,
as she handed me a bundle,
and revealed that it was 'She'.
A baby, with the darkest hair,
blue eyes, that shone like sea,
here lay this little person,
blessed with Irish ancestry.
A girl no longer now, alas,
she's long since flown the nest,
so I replaced her swiftly,
with 2 Greyhounds, I don't jest!
Faye Shannah and Pigalle Blue,
an Irish racing pair,
but you can safely visit me,
unless you are a hare!
You could come for coffee?
and bring a Cake to finish,
actually, I love real ale,
but never, ever, Guinness!
Cheryl Yvonne Darby (Cyd)
by Shaz Cheesman |
on writing and words,
Daughter, Friend, Stranger and Creator
Sister to Vicki, Bronwyn, and Steven
Lover of life, theatre, and mystery
Who feels happiness, independence and fun
Who fears regret, failure and sometimes love
Who would like to see Italy, Ireland and the bottom of the sea
Resident of Gippsland, Victoria
by Shanity Rain |
imagination, ireland, magic, nature, passion, romance, symbolism,
mixing words and rhyme , devote passion designed,
colors and shades blend , my vision I send ,a path
a mystic Irish presence , calming senses ,
whispers in ear to follow stay near, a path
all pain considered wisdom is delivered,
making the changes needed to live yet give, a path
past ,present, future fate, open the gate,
presently undecided the road divided, a path
the long destination refuse to show desperation, a path
my soul on fire my love desired, a path
by Robert Pettit |
love, travelblue, me,
I want to go across the sea to Dublin.
Immediately is when my journey must begin.
There is a pretty Irish lass waiting for me there.
She has cool blue eyes and lovely red hair.
Here in the states, I miss her all the while.
The lady waits for my return to the Emerald Isle.
My woman is really a great beauty to see.
She gets me higher than a shot of Irish whiskey.
I want to book my Aer Lingus flight.
Over the ocean is where I will fly overnight.
I will arrive at Dublin’s airport before sunrise.
I cannot wait to gaze into those blue eyes.
I want to hug and kiss her, and take her by the hand.
Big 747, I am in a hurry to get to Ireland.
by Jimmi Canada |
analogy, cat, courage, death, dedication, deep, dream, drink, fishing, integrity, ireland, irony, joy, light, lonely, love, motivation, muse, myth, woman,
In a story it will unveil,
in courage it will feel,
on the days when you're out on the wheels-
do not look back at the heels,
and don't knock twice when you've got two doors to peel,
focus in,
and you might white out the right steal...
"Hello Artimus! Aren't you that brat that hangs out at the sailing reels?
Don't you do that cat that likes ferns who 'unlike any mother' never gets to be like the guys in turn... with the wheels..?"
by Russell Sivey |
Sensitive, romantic, loving, caring
Son of Russell and Teresa
Lover of poetic arts, loving hearts, and Halloween
Who feels love, hope, and joy
Who fears heartache, pain, and failure
Would like to see England, Australia, and Ireland
Resident of Ohio
Russell Sivey
Entrant into Carol ~Sunshine~ Brown's "Life These Days" contest
by Ed Coet |
happiness, history, inspirational, nostalgia, places, ireland,
Aye Ireland -
king of the ol’ plains,
ye beacon us back to
the land of shamrocks,
wid yer pubs-n-ale,
mates and song,
and Celtic traditions
wid Gaelic delight.
Aye Ireland,
on Saint Patty’s Day
ye awaken us
to yer majestic beauty,
panoramic shores,
tranquil life,
courageous history
and aye,
yer lovely Irish maidens.
Aye Ireland –
through trails
and tribulation
yer sparkle endures.
Ye embrace faith,
play hard,
laugh hardy
feel yer hearts wid joy
and love
wid deliberation
and purpose.
Aye Ireland -
beautiful Ireland,
king of the ol’ plains –
ye beacon us.
bhí dhá labhra budh rí ar seanchlár
by Sarah Moncada |
daughter, family, sister,
Sarah Lee
Outgoing, friendly, funny, weird
Sister to Juan, Jaime, Javier, and Jacob
Lover of Music, Mexican Food, and long walks
Who feels Pain, Compassion, and Love
Who fears clowns, dolls, and being alone
Who would like to see Boston, Ireland, and the U.K
Resident of Crystal City, Texas
by Vee Bdosa |
ireland, onomatopoeia, soulmate,
So like a morning summer rain
and it's thundering
she dances into light and sings
like only she can sing.
She has an Irish sort of smile
and deep forgiving eyes
that steal a heart, in just a while,
before you realize.
So like a faery promising
what only gods can do
she'll have your love and always bring
out all the best in you.
She'll touch your hand and make you feel
as if you're part of her
so all things in your life are real,
like they never were.
© ron wilson aka Vee Bdosa the Doylestown Poet
by Kristen Bruni |
fantasy, humorous,
I'm carrying a Celtic name
Yet never bothered to.
Try to understand leprechauns
And why I collect shoes?
I do not find them near creepy
For I'm as small as them
Mischievous but Precious souls
In dreams they make me grin.
Rainbow's are earth's sacred vision
A miracle of hope
Genius they store big pots of gold
At the end so remote
Some say their an evil spirit
I disagree with pride
Their humorous , very smart
Lucky creatures , green eyes.
Anybody from Ireland
Possesses traits above
If you happen to cross their path
You'll be certain God's love.
by Dorian Petersen Potter |
holiday, ireland, love, usa,
~Very Happy St. Paddy's Day ~
St.Paddys day's here
Now a day to celebrate
Wear all green, laugh, eat, dance
Just have fun
To sound of music
With nice tune
Smile and be happy
Wishing you today great time
Just wear something green or you'll get pinched.
Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000
“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
- Mark Twain
by Sierra Cowan |
Aunt, daughter, friend, student
Sister of Robin, Dustin, Kyle, and Wyatt
Lover of creativity, writing, and reading
Who feels happiness, love, friendship
Who fears death, spiders, and failure
Who would like to see Ireland, Greece, and Italy
Resident of Erin, Ontario
by Anita Lovelace |
for my Irish heart and my Irish love
Ireland, Oh Ireland
Green island for which I yearn
My ancestral home
Calling me forever there
Nevermore will I wander
by Dennis Spilchuk |
cares for
fair Eire
that emerald
isle across the sea?
Upon Cape Breton’s shore
I stand and wish for to be
a Leprechaun with a shamrock
whilst expressing my love for Ireland
whence smiling Irish eyes await for me.
by Sarah Mullan |
I love the rain in the summer
Real snow falls before the sun shines!
Every bit of it I love
Lovely and refreshing
Any day it could pour down
Never ending unpredictable rain
Dublin is a beautiful city to live in even if you're born in rainy Ireland
My first attempt at Acrostic.
by Arthur Vaso |
The old lady made a brew
She called it magic, a potion stew
It made men wise, and made them kind
This little witch wasn’t the evil kind
She lured the wary, into her lair
She cooked up compassion with a flair
For every wrinkle, she had a smile
Her ginger house, was sought for many a mile
Love is magic as anyone knows
Her broom swept away, many a woes
In Ireland she sleeps, long since gone
So witches knickers, in memory, haunt on
by Andrew Jacob Jung |
home, i miss you, ireland, longing, miss you, travel,
I'm overtaken
'Tis nigh season of trav'ling
And I alight again, Love
O how I despair
To wander ancient isles
Alone among the great hordes
How far November
When to our farm, our boys, and
To your arms I return, Love
O sweet Donegal
My home and winter's respite
'Til I alight again, Love
August 18, 2017
by Thomas Wells |
england, ireland, love, marriage, myth, mythology, passion,
Love and loyalty,
You curve about my finger,
A swell of fervor.